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I hope this is not a real poster
oh ... my ... GOD THAT IS BLOWING MY MIND!!!!
NOLAN IS A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's real bro, and it's beautiful
It same upside down
TEN3L have to CLICK it
reminder Nolan will never reach this level of kino again
forgot pic
A 40 second trailer was supposedly shown before the Hobbs and Shaw movie but Nolan is refusing to put it online
Based Nolan getting more people to see littykino
Look interesting
Gives a lot of credence to the rumor that the plot will be palindromic in structure
>yes, yes, yes
Based user masturbating at the kinoplex
working title was "Merry-go-round" apparently
he probably loves BBC
It's funny how convinced Nolan is that he's a genius.
>make people think it's an inception sequel
>it's actually a spiritual sequel to memento
It's true. Past working titles for his movies haven't meant much but "Merry-Go-Round" plus the title stylisation plus the spinning on the official teaser site equals a definite possibility of palindromic time travel kino.
So he's remaking memento
Memento is overrated gimmicky crap
next year is the 20th anniversary...
>read "Tarrant"
>it's actually "Tenet"
I psyched myself up and now I'm bored
That was literally nothing, how the fuck did they get the "inception with time travel" thing from this?
Filming in Estonia involved co-ordinated masses of cars driven by extras driving backwards in sync while the vehicles the main characters are in drive forwards. People thought it might just be a method of making a car chase look faster on playback at first, but the cars are going backwards in both lanes so it wouldn't work if that was the case. Has to be some element of time manipulation. And given Nolan's love of caper movies, something broadly in the vein of Inception mixed with the practical-heavy, bigger-and-shinier- style of Dunkirk wouldn't be totally unlikely.
Oh, and all the characters in the vehicles moving forwards were wearing oxygen masks. Most likely a plot device used to make dialogue possible in IMAX sequences given the noise of the cameras, like Tom Hardy keeping his pilot's mask on in Dunkirk or the space helmets in Interstellar.
>IT'S ANOTHER REALITY MMANIPULATION MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111
>that's my birthday
I clapped