Now this kind of genderswap I can get into.
Now this kind of genderswap I can get into.
Other urls found in this thread:
>gender swap the villain
oof, big yikes
yes please
I done told you Dr. Strange 2 is gonna be kino. The guy makes cool movies.
i don’t care since she won’t get her big fat tits out in capeshit
Mommy can play any role and I’ll be ok with it.
She's hasn't been in one of these shitty movies yet? When are they gonna run out of actors?
>genderswap the villain
>allowed some intense sexual tension between them that Ragnarok couldn't afford because incest
Completely fine with it.
Can shew show her tits in a marvel movie tho?
>hey look at this fan-made poster
literally nothing
Eva thread I guess
I...i wanna post her nude sin city webms bros
finally some good marvel news
But will Marvel allow her to flash her tits?
of course not, but if she gets a god-tier armor like Mysterio it will be pretty fucking sweet
why? it's all cgi.
Just give her some armor similar to Hela's.
Does Nightmare ever flash his tits in the comics? Cause if not I don't see how Eva would ever possibly consider the roll
why would it be lol, she is always happy to deliver for us
>he doesn't know
Cate Blanchett has sexual tension with everyone she's on screen with.
Tim Burton has power in Disney, who would know
i love this multiverse where skintight bodysuits count as armor
>oof, big yikes
Millennials need to die.
>Dominates Strange
Why not just use Umar? Not that I mind a genderbent Nightmare.
Is she going to fuck kids in the movie?
Would she take the role knowing there won't be any nudity required of her?
Marvel kino is back on the menu boys
it wasn't CGI, she just wore bra for practice shoots. For actual scenes, was naked except for a tiny thong.
So they couldn't convince based joaquin phoenix. Thank god.
Actually okay with this gender swap
I'll allow it
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
Why don't you take your superhero movies and go back to playing fortnite?
Someone named "Nightmare" should honestly be a woman.
Holy shit, she's hot.
>another white woman
she'll leave the project due to "creative differences"
fucking newfag fuck off
I've never never been harder in my fucking life. I'd fucking kill someone to have a woman fuck me like that
I predict she'll replay her character from Dark Shadows and it would be great
>booohoooo he made fun of muh comic book superduper heroes!
LMAO grow the fuck up
you can’t “direct” women of color, that’s oppression
So they're going for the R-rating when she gets her tits out?
What u mean?
Nightmare? More like Wetdream.
>Eva Greenscreen
With enough time, you could turn into an adult.
Release the unrated Eva’s Tits edition of Miss Pedegrine, Tim Burton!
>I will never be whipped senseless by laughing Eva and Cate.
does she have mind powers irl
she's ugly and her tits are too saggy for how small they are
Ya'll need to settle down with your bigotry. What millennial hurt you my dude?
Has Eva ever done a lesbian scene?
It'll be a bit part where she's killed off at the end. As per with all their villains.
Fuck that. She should be Clea
Hell yeah, before Nightmare was spoopy, now I wanna bang the fuck out of Nightmare like it was a Dream.
Underrated post
Endgame means we all stopped watching SJW nonsense...
Why are all capeshiters so pathletic? Eva Green wont turn your capeshit into kino,
it will still be capeshit but with one good actress. All these good actors have joined mcu only to make easy money, and after that they will leave and continue to make actual kino. That's the reason why Cate Blanchett, Mads Mikkelsen and Jake Gyllenhaal played only retarded one-movie villains with basic dialogue and no character development and left
this used up roastie is fucking ugly bros, get some standards
>Eva Green
>tells others to get standards
Thanks for the laugh, I needed that today user.
and the audience, and the chairs the audience is sitting in desu
maybe she's like a 7/10 in America with all the mutts or whatever, but where I'm from I wouldn't even score her 5/10, she's legit unattractive
I like how you didn't mention the used up part
what is she doing to that child
she must have been used by 100 men by this point
For this movie they just pust Eva and a boy together in a room and let the cameras roll
I'm not referring to Eva Green or any of the actors. The director makes kino horror.
Didn't Harvey Weinstein go balls deep in her?
And where are you from user where Eva Green is a fucking 5/10, because I can assure you that isn't the case. Also she is European, not American.
>Eva Green Nightmare
Apparently he tried to make out with her during a business meeting and she pushed him off and left.
into the mommyverse
she lied. he did go balls deep in her.
this video is from 2014, years after supposed molesting happened
That is around the same time all of that happened, so doubtful.
Normally I am STRONGLY AGAINST genderswapping characters, but putting best mommy in the role now has me intrigued.
nah, video is from May 2014, the supposed molestation happened in 2011-12. Imagine an actress hanging out alone with harvey after any bad experience.
Nah the molestation/meeting happened around the time of Penny Dreadful, which was 2014.
Iceland, here's my gf and her fat milkers and perfect smile, stay mad incel
Not hotter than Eva Green at all.
>putting nudity in capeshit
Disney are getting desperate, they know they're fucked now that endgame closed off all ties anyone had to the franchise
what's her religion irl, according to Wikipedia?
>not kikes
almost, user. also kikes are meant to burn. nothing more. nothing less.
eva green is hotter lol
>I've never never been harder in my fucking life. I'd fucking kill someone to have a woman fuck me like that
Thanks for sharing your weird boner with us? Christ, it's easy to forget the mentally stunted people that browse this board
a simple google search will tell you her mother said it happened between 2011-12. I think Eva kept quiet about it even after MeeToo surfaced as she submitted to harvey weinstein and did not want that to come out in open. Bad luck her mother knew only half story and spoke to media.
That's a 4/10 in America, looks like one of those band geeks everyone passes over.
We've had mild nudity in Netflix MCU already, let alone torture and gore.
eva is mommy tier and i love her so i'm happy and hope she gets the part
Eva Green > Iceland
Also those are not milkers, those are average as fuck.
based cope posters
stay lonely faggots lmaooooooooooo
>having to reply to everyone and defend your ugly gf
Wew I can feel the seethe from here.
you know buddy, your gf is cute but she doesn´t have the sex appeal Eva Green has, maybe you think your gf is hotter because you´re a filthy shitskin, heck i see blonde girls prettier than your girl for that matter
Eh she's cute, but Eva Green is definitely more attractive. She's like average cute, I pass by hotter girls daily, hotter than Eva Green and I live in the US.
Props on having an average cute girl though.
>netflix mcu
>as if anyone gives a shit about them
May as well mention that Blade had them dropping f-bombs too while you're at it
Daredevil was ok, Punisher was good during DD S2.
The point is that Disney isn't all that afraid to show partial nudity, gore, and cuss.
>eva green and not some literal who diversity hire
this is permissible
a tranny is prettier than your gf
They look pretty similar actually, maybe user is actually dating a tranny.
>visible herpes
those were never part of the real MCU
that's why disney told netflix to cancel them all one by one
No, the reason they were canceled is because Disney wanted them moved to Disney+ so they would have the entire MCU all in one place, Netflix denied it, so Disney pulled the plug on them one by one.
Disney has already been in talks with Netflix lawyers over the rights and getting the shows back up and running, which is gonna take another 2-3 years due to the way the contracts were structured.
The Netflix have all but been disowned by Kevin Feige. Come 2021 when they're allowed to use the characters again they'll reboot everyone.
Will this be the first Marvel movie to show tits? Eva Green seems to suffer from a chronic disdain for clothing in whatever she's in.
see this:
Not saying they won't be rebooted, but they were originally part of the MCU before Disney and Netflix got into it.
I will say they should reuse some of the actors for them, I did enjoy Punisher's actor at least.
No, I was disappointed when she didn't get her tits out in Dumbo.
>+20 movie
>Not a single good female villain
>The only thing to remember off of them is how hot they looked
Disney truly is progressive
Well they used to have Maleficent if that counts for anything.
>good villain
that's a paradox sweetie
>incels thinks this is hot
fucking disgusting
You know that's not really his girlfriend, right?
pure raw sex appeal
She looks so much better without no/minimal makeup. I wish top mommies would give up on that meme.
with no/minimal makeup*
She looks like a fucking meth head
is she Jewish?
seriously asking
Oh god she was so hot in that movie. I know she'll be perfect for this role.
gib eva green gf