

There should be a new filmmaking movement called DOGME 2020 which outright bans:

1.) Greenscreens in any way, shape or form
2.) Any hint at identity politics, even the slightest one
3.) Films with less than 120min running time
4.) Films that do not(!) engage/overburden the average viewer intellectually
5.) Films with less than one million or more than ten million USD budget
6.) Films with any amount of cynicism or bitter(!) irony

Camera equipment would need to be analog, aspect ratio would need to be Ultra Panavision 70 exclusively.

Directors eligible for being part of Dogme 2020 would have to prove a 20y+ marriage (first any only marriage, except when former partner died in a nonsuspicious way) with deep FBI-tier background checks with family and neighbors about health and exclusivity of the marriage.

Sound of Dogme 2020 films must be brutally compressed: The dynamic range must be small enough that the same film with the same sound mix can be watched in a large cinema as well as at home at night in an apartment building with thin walls and intolerant neighbors.

Cinemas being allowed to play Dogme 2020 films must serve ONLY the things an opera house serves during breaks (Champagne, salmon bagels etc.). There is a strict, total, brutally heavily fined "no food, no drinks" policy in the screen room itself. Food and drinks are consumed during the breaks only. The beginning and end of a break is introduced with a brass bell. A Dogme 2020 is mandated to have at least 1 break.

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Advertisement for Dogme 2020 films is allowed in (renowned) newspapers only. The format of said advertisments is a full-page, text-only ad consisting of a 500 word treatment of the film's premise and some(!) of the artistic deliberations of the director. Specifically, trailers/teasers are outright forbidden.

Each Dogme 2020 film is required to spend at least 20 consecutive minutes of the running time meditating over the conditio humana in general or the role of the West in a globalized, multipolar society in particular. It is allowed to do this by focusing on smaller aspects of recent history.

Dogme 2020 films must feature at least a 20 word text (dialoge or otherwise) in Latin: The text must be original; it thus must not be a googleable proverb. It must be flawless in style (omissions, e.g. ablativus absolutus or gerundivum) and grammar. It also must convey a nontrivial thought.

People desiring admission to Dogme 2020 films must pledge to never watch "Hollywood Blockbuster" movies at any occasion. They must sign a contract allowing for stiff pecunary penalties, should they be witnessed breaking that pledge.

Dogme 2020 have an absolutely strict "no sex" policy, with the only exception being sophisticated innuendo. A jury of peers decides whether such an innuendo is sophisticated or not.

Dogme 2020 directors are required to throw invitations to the Academy Awards into the trash, unopened.

Yeah, so how do you earn money doing this. It's not so easy to have +1 million USD budget. You can't do an anti-system art movement without actually destroying the (((system))), brainlet. It's not a matter of film aesthetics, it's a matter of societal ideology.

>Yeah, so how do you earn money doing this.
Patrons. Rich people with ivy league degrees who will give a part of their wealth to the cause.
While being allowed to be profitable, profitability for Dogme 2020 films is not necessary and should even be discouraged as to prevent screenwriters to introduce ideas that montetize easily instead of ideas with intellectual value.


As I said: brainlet.
(((Rich people))) with ivy league degrees are the ones who have lead our society to moral collapse through modern entertainment media, thus leading to the degeneration and almost disappearance of cinema as an art form. It's not cinema that's corrupted, it's the whole thing. You wanna change artistic aesthetics, you must change moral aesthetics first.
You live in a Mammon-worshipping world with monetary needs. Unless you find a loophole to satisfy them, you literally cannot make a film in the terms you describe. Unless you radically invert the political mentality of the masses, nothing like a renaissance of kino can happen.

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>(((Rich people))) with ivy league degrees are the ones who have lead our society to moral collapse
Sorry, I stopped reading there because I concluded that you are not cognitively or intellectually equipped to hold yourself in a debate with me and I feel that no insight is to be gained by listening to your ramblings. On a personal note, you might find more approval over at /pol/. All the best to you in the future.

How much does 70mm film cost per hour? I am willing to factor that in, with an explicit appropriation of the money for film rolls.

>I want to make the most uninteresting movie possible while guaranteeing it will fail

what a dumb idea.

>I want to make the most uninteresting movie possible while guaranteeing it will fail

Interesting that you should find intellectually stimulating/engaging films "uniteresting". Maybe your attention span cannot bear it?

>while guaranteeing it will fail

Also quite telling that by "fail" you obviously mean "fail in terms of revenue generated", which, in my opinion is indicative of a very sad and worthy of pity ideology.

Maybe stick to your superhero movies and munch popcorn while at it, while we grown-ups talk?