In any case you had any doubts of who's really in charge here
In any case you had any doubts of who's really in charge here
>twitter screencap
>/pol/ bait
kill yourself
Riri Williams is smarter than Stark and Banner as well, see now she is holding a screwdriver.
Explains why she wants Bucky's dick so bad.
But she's a NIGGER
Looks like she's about to bypass character development.
Then why didn't she invent a cure for slavery?
she rewired her synapses to work together so her brain is white now
fucking dilate shitposter
This. It's fucking Rey all over again. Can't wait for "Time Travel using Pym Particle? Are you people stupid?" quip at Black Panther 2.
I can't believe normies got conned into making capeshit the king of cinema. lmao
If there was one actual genius black woman in the world the media would have found her and put her on 24/7 display on tv and radio. The fact that this hasn't happened suggests despite how many black people exist there isn't one.
what kind of braindead retarded faggot watches this shit
Banner and Stark are both mentally fucked up and act like retards all the time which you would know if you watched the movies.
reprogram the synapses to work collectively incel
Does she feel in charge?
>it's another movies are getting ruined to appease stupid fucking cunts who don't actually care about movies episode
When does it end bros?
Everyone who isn't a neckbeard
how can I obtain this level of smoothbrain?
>nobody remembers the tinkerer bro
Be black
Looks like you already have it
literally this, if you're a poltard then heres your headcanon
>7 PhDs
Why would he need so many, he must be pretty dumb
negro bitch is a meme pushed for muh diversity, Stark with his AI computers made mother fucking time machine, compared to him other scientists are like kids from elementary school
They don't have the power of DIVERSITY though.
Statistically this is extremely unlikely.
>... because we say so, no we won't say why. Nor will we actually show how she is smarter, just hand her deus ex machinas and quips shitlord.
Fake people