Isn't he supposed to be a good guy?

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Are you retarded or just wording your post in a way you know will get you the most replies

Why do you feel the need to follow every trends?

If he doesn't get enough replies by midnight his mother will throw him out of the house

You mean Amazon will fire him.


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It wasn't meant to be good, you literal retard.

Is this some sort of Disney damage control so that this show doesn't gain traction before their streaming service hits?


go to a "the boys" video and read through the comments. its peak room temperature IQ

>A tv show where super hero man actually does bad thing. A daring sneedthesis...

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Fuck the frog but I feel bad for wojak, how did he ended up like this?

that wojak is grotesque

>I’m not the shill, obviously YOURE a COUNTER-shill!!
Nice projection. Shill.

imagine unironically rooting for any american megacorp


Imagine not being able to see why The Boys > 99% of capeshit

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cringe as fuck

Imagine being this obvious a shill.

Butcher is cringe and his speech was meant to be cringe.

>Is this some sort of Disney damage control so that this show doesn't gain traction before their streaming service hits?
The 7 are direct parodies of the Justice League, though.

wouldnt someone on that plane have been livestreaming that shit on some site as everything apparently gets filmed or captured one way or another these days?

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I liked the show but the shilling is getting out of control

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The terrorists shut off the planes communications.

>tv discussing whats new and popular
>reeeeee shills

When will Yea Forums leave


wtf i hate capitalism now

The show is satire of all capeshit. The fuck does it matter if it's Marvel or DC, capeshit is capeshit.


They would be called super evils then.


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>It's bad because I say it's bad! No, I haven't seen it.

There are more than one kind of Christians user. The show says fuck you to the shithead televangelist that bleed people of their money using faith.

The Illiad was capeshit. Beowulf was capeshit.

Capeshit has always been and always will be.

i dont have to put shit in my mouth to know it tastes like shit


So, you're saying you can't afford an Prime subscription, gotcha.

>I don't have to know what I am talking about, because I a always right!

I wish I had laser eyes

>not being able to find basically any show for free in Current Year

How fucking zoomer can you get?

It's more


i have prime you faggot, prime originals fucking suck for the most part

Seriously though, imagine being Disney about to dive into phase 4 with a bunch of MCU TV shows on your new streaming service with billions of dollars hinging on this, and a trending show is completely lampooning all superheroes.

That's a big yikes.

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It really wasn't tho

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Pirating leaves you with x amount of money (I don't know what Amazon prime costs, it never even occured to me to pay for something that I could have for free since I'm not a corporate cuck) more.

No wonder we can control pay cattle like you so easily.
>buy it because uh?
Poor stupid goy.

I really don't think they care.

So you're saying there are Yea Forums posters who are legitimately attracted to Brie Larson and aren't just NPCs?

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I used to pirate all the time, then I got a job. It's more convenient to just sit at my couch and start watching, and the cost is pennies to me.
Imagine admitting and being proud of worrying about $12 over some bullshit anti-corporation sentiment. If you're really anti-corp, why are you on the internet moron?

imagine not being able to see that everything that isn't capeshit is better than 100% of capeshit for the sole fact that it isn't capeshit

>It's more convenient to just sit at my couch and start watching
As opposed to doing the same but for free? You're a stupid person, that's all there is to it, user.

>worrying about $12
This isn't about worry and more about basic financial understanding, which you lack.

Woah that's a cute girl

if they are only showing christians, any group of christians, in a bad light then yes it is. you don't get to play the "well it's only this group they are going after" card if other groups aren't being represented at all. That's called being disingenuous and it makes you a huge cockchugging faggot

>Why yes I do enjoy deconstructions of the genre.

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>If you criticize one thing, you have to criticize EVERYTHING to be fair.
Imagine being emotionally invested in Jewish fanfiction.

Christ you wojak poster cumbrains never have anything to contribute. Something being a deconstruction isn't a measure of good nor bad. Starship troopers is a deconstruction and it's fucking based. Galaxy quest on the other hand is not.

>financial understanding
>over $12
Holy shit you're stupid.

I liked it, but it's literally Watchmen for plebs. Nothing groundbreaking.

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kek this one is good, ahegao wojak lmao

The amount is irrelevant, user. You're just confirming what I said about you.

Does it have anything to do with him being a fag?

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About as good as the dragon bitch from GOT
What if your mom sucked on my dick?

I don't even know what this is from.


My god you are retarded. We're talking about the cost of an amazon subscription, and you bring up "financial understanding" like we're buying stock or property. It's a streaming service, not a heart transplant, god you must be so poor.

Sometimes shit gets so asinine in here that I pray for a cunny wave to wash the board clean so that threads can start over.

>he still doesn't get it

I am poor and should get it for free. Get ready for reparations.

I doubt there's much cell phone coverage in the middle of the atlantic

by grabthar's hammer, I'll find your your zoomer ass and fuck it for that blasphemy.

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Gonna cry?
Gonna piss your pants, maybe?
Maybe SHIT and CUM?

How come author of the comic, Garth Ennis, have hateboner for every superhero but respect only Superman and yet he shits on him anyway. Why?

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Homelander is beyond a hero. He is above the concept of good and evil.

>a 10 year old boy finds out he has super powers and that nobody can stop him
what are the chances that he will grow up to be good guy?

>wah there are bad people in other groups too
You are as dumb as SJW

Watch the tv show before asking asinine question and wasting the website's bandwidth.

What would you do if you one day woke up and had his powers and looked like a god as well?

Wojaks should be an autoban site wide.

It's one and the same.

Garth Ennis is an attention whore, that's why. He's like a 12 yr old edgy redditor that never got over the "fedora atheism" phase.

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>the solution to Superman is a stronger Superman!
What childish writing.

Your post is stupid. This show is realistic in terms of how super"heroes" would actually act, unlike all the other capeshit movies. It's the same reason why Watchmen is a great movie too.

Unlike you, I'm not broke after spending $12

>cunny wave
i woulnd't mind desu~

Zero. Less than zero if he's non-white.

>Oy, forget your cultural identity, join the melting pot!!!
What did (((he))) mean by this?

It's pretty sad that you have to assume stuff about my financial well being when I'm just adressing stuff you yourself admit.

In the end, I'm going to have 12$ more than I'd have if I'd follow your retarded ways. That's what it boils down to.

>don't spend $12 on shitty Amazon because I can get it for free
>now have $12 more than I would have otherwise

This isn't rocket science. I know being a shill must be pretty draining but it's really not that complicated.

So is there ever any fallout from this in the comics? Kinda feel that if I was only the plane and knew I'd die but had 30 or so minutes before it happened I'd spend as much time writing notes about how he's a piece of shit as I could and putting them in containers and sealed bags so that some of them survive the crash.

my dumb ass thought in the first few episodes when Hughie is punching walls and shit i thought it was going to eventually have a twist where he punches a wall hard enough it breaks and he becomes a supervillain and you're like "this villain is actually a hero and all heroes are villains"
im pretty sure plane crashed like 30s afterwards, and most people don't think about demasking superheroes in their last seconds

No the show pretty explicitly says that you can be a christian but it's bad if you believe in anything the bible teaches.

In the show its a MUCH bigger fuck up and Maeve and Homelander kill most of the passangers before they abandon the rescue.

in the comic I mean.

based chads shitting on capeshitters

I get it, I just didn't think anyone with internet and presumably a computer/cell phone would be so stingy they refuse decent content for a few dollars. And since you can get it for free you're even more of a dumbass, especially since you're on a thread about a show you refuse to watch. morons.

When did I say I didn't watch it? It was free. If I don't give $12 to Amazon thats $12 I can spend at a local business. Fuck Amazon.

Maeve killed one person. One.

Amazon is one of the biggest worst companies in the world, stealing from them is objectivly good

man this post really touched a nerve

It's even better how mad he makes the NPCs

Cape heroes is a retarded concept trying to make them real and serious is idiotic.

Homolander isn't a hero, he's just a guy with too much power
He does whatever he wants to do because he knows there's noone who can stop him

I've not seen anyone mad about Homelander. Try harder shill.

Homelander is amazing, i never seen a single character steal a show as hard as him

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They bring in analogues to Marvel characters later though. Disney is trying to kill the show before they get around to it.

All capeshit and other media aimed at manchildren must burn and all manchildren forcibly reeducated into growing up. No exceptions.

that guy only knows how to play crazy as fuck anti-heroes though

u mad

He spent years on Banshee playing a bad guy pretending to be a good guy so he knows how to capture the duality

You have to be blind then, there's plenty in this thread alone. Also are you retarded? I said he's based and then you act like I'm mad about him. Holy shit you can't be this stupid user

Actually he doesn’t hate Superman just his parodies

This guy is fucking amazing. Every scene - pure kino. It's refreshing to see some real acting for a change after watching Hollywood fags shitting it up all the time in the past decade or so. Mr. Goldenberg really needs to give this guy some major roles after this.

no webm? how pitiful

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his eyes were so fucking cool
the vfx did a good job

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>what are the chances that he will grow up to be good guy?
Depends on what he grows up reading. Video very related as it's the closest we have seen to an example.

I realised how much strength and patience it takes to be Superman. Watching Homelander showed me that.

God your so cringe, lmao.

won't the black box have recorded his conversation? won't the cockpit be noticeably damaged by his lasers

>imagine unironically rooting for any american megacorp

Bro why are you not supporting Bezobots sending us to Mars?