Series finale is about Cassie getting pregnant

>series finale is about Cassie getting pregnant

that’s so generic for a teen drama. Does anyone even care about this character?

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Only her tatas

>dude pregnancy means nothing
Hey democrat

No. Lexi and Rue are best girls

Nate storyline is stupid but vaguely interesting.

Cal is based, as is drunk & slutty Mrs Howard

Cassie just has big tits, and the directors managed to convince the actress that going topless is arty or necessary for the story or some shit.

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Watch how quickly you change your tune when you remember it'll be black.
Does anyone have the webm of her getting thotpatrolled?

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Daniel dropped some truth bombs at the party

Uh yes? I want more white babies and less black babies. Do you think this is some kind of gotcha?

God I hope it's black

what show?
should I watch it?

My thread was better

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Is that a problem for you, getting black babies when you were hoping for white ones?

Only way it could be a twist is if it's not black. Like she was cheating on her boyfriend or Daniel got date rapey or something

IDGAF about children but I would give a lot to have a girl like Zendaya

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Pretty based

>go back to college at 30
>girls are sluttier than ever
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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>go back to college at 26
>forgot how to talk with other human beings
I don't know if it's too late for my redemption arc.

Well I spent my 20's working awful jobs and I'm somehow the best in my class now and I still look young so I'm finna bang some younger sluts

shes growing on me, I just picture her as the black version of the skinny russian party girl archetype

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It’s interesting because just like real life, the only checks against irresponsible young people fucking and partying 24/7 are pregnancy and STDs. And we know that pregnancy is not a deterrent for many.

open boob

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it'd had been better if she was cheating with mcgay's dad

That's a man

Where you see a man I see nice tits

this and a pretty face for a dude

Literally manboobs

It’s with a black guy who barely likes her, neither character is interesting and the “unwanted teen pregnancy” has already been done countless times on teen shows

Lmao, keep telling yourself that

My dad was a heroin addict so that intro last week was pretty brutal and forced me to care about her character. Euphoria isn't a great show but it wouldn't be half as good if it didn't have these character introductions for each episode.
Also Jules' trip last episode was the best portrayal of psychedelics I've ever seen.

Is Euphoria actually good or is it just the Jannies self-inserting into Hunter what's her face

godspeed user


It's about ten times better than I expected it to be. I just watched it to see Sweeney's tits but then we got that in the first episode and I'm still in. The show is really stylish, and aside from a little too much hip hop and occasional unnecessary "artsy" camera work it looks and sounds great the entire time. The acting is pretty good, and the writing is decent. I love that they explore each character's childhood trauma instead of just having them be fucked up for no apparent reason.


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Drugged Rue Best Rue

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no, there's a small part about cassie getting an abortion but the episode is going to put more focus on fez, nate, rue and jules

I'm gonna be mad if the background intro isn't about Fez

Why the fuck hasn't Lexi had a big part this season?