how is he this based?
How is he this based?
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He took the bluepill.
>does visual impressions on radio
Mark is pretty based except for his politics.
His wife is some feminist professor.
somehow, he manages to be incredibly based and pussy-whipped at the same time. his wife has him real tight by the balls, you can't even mention her on the programme
Why can't you?
He seethes over stuff like marvel and michael bay but has to accept that's what normies lap up.
It's hilarious watching his stages of grief to acceptance when he has to watch capeshit.
i've started listening to him only recently, but i feel like whenever the subject of his wife comes up he shuts down the discussion real quick
he doesn't really seethe at marvel though, bay is the one he hates with a passion. in fact, up until recently, he'd been quite supportive of all the normie stuff, but apparently the disney collar is starting to chafe at him. he
>i keep screaming, but god won't answer
I only listen to his reciews so i don't really know what's happening throughout the whole programme. Somebody here said that it's not worth listening to the whole show.
He's very entertaining and likeable except when anything related to politics comes up, where he becomes a giant cringy faggot
>Loved Boyhood
into the trash cuckmode goes
all youtubers are faggots
Sex and the City and Entourage is porn for the WASP lifestyle. Both were drivel. Both deservedly got a classic Kermodian rant.
Kermode, Accursed Farms, History Buffs, ArsenalFanTV, 100 Percent Chelsea and MandaloreGaming are my go to channels.
>Kermode, Accursed Farms, History Buffs, ArsenalFanTV, 100 Percent Chelsea and MandaloreGaming are my go to channels
>I only listen to people who agree 100% with me
Kermode is great. I don't agree with him in everything. He's a sucker for pretentious arthouse stuff, and occasionally goes mad for some summer kids movie, but I respect his opinion a lot. You should watch his Secrets of Cinema show if you haven't already yet, gives a really entertaining breakdown of how different genres work.
Hey c'mon dude it took 12 years to make!
This. He thinks Exorcist is the best movie ever made but I still respect his opinion and even when I disagree with him I can see where he's coming from. His politics are sometimes whack (he brought up 2049's treatment of women even if he said the complaints were dumb) and he can be a bit snobbish but he's wellspoken and entertaining and he knows his cinema.
You can see him slowly seethe more and more with every live action Disney remake.
How do you manage to dress yourself in the morning, being this retarded?
Kermode is a terrible critic though, even Ebert was better.
Armond White and Richard Brody are the only one I give a fuck about
>loved TFA, TLJ, and all marvel flicks
>Ken Loach film comes up
based tory virtue signaling user
I'm pretty sure Mark Kermode's particular intellectual snobbery's such he'd hold any user of words like "based" in contempt.
virtue signaling is when you say left wing things
no lmao
wrong again lol
what moment was it?
you can stop posting at any time, teen
pure unfiltered onions
i fucking hate that smug anti-intellectual piece of shit
why are there so many posts lately by retards who can't crop
they just found the picture on google almost none of them crop anything themselves
What's anti intellectual about him?
t. Danny Dyer
that's why he's based
oh no..
the end credits
>that time when he merely suggested that penguins homing ability seemed like proof of a higher power
He got months of angry emails
>Mark Kermode
>Intellectual Snobbery
Man's favourite film is Mary Poppins and I don't think I've ever seen him ever give a single cartoon a bad review.
probably the scene where the moon cricket kisses the chubby zipperhead
pond of wood
he can't engage with a film's ideas unless they're super easy to digest or blatantly obvious. I remember him shitting on Synecodche, New York and Anomalisa just because he found the writing too "complex" or not "accessible" enough. He also dismissed Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr Fox as "a perfect example of a kid's movie made by adults for adults - sort of looking down their noses at kids and by people who don't actually know anything about kids at all" and then went on to call "Inside Out" the best film of 2015. Also remember him saying how Birdman was oscar bait and Boyhood should've won best picture and that Boyhood "will stand the test of time and be remembered as a genuinely great piece of cinema... as for Birdman, I think it will become the answer to 'what won the oscar for best picture the year Boyhood didnt?' "
And also his general self-satisfied attitude where he thinks everything he says is completely definitive is irritating as well.
his all-time favourite is The Exorcist, everyone knows that. but yeah, otherwise i agree, there is no snobbery when it comes to film-making, reviews anime films and serious dramas with the same amount of integrity and dedication
>And also his general self-satisfied attitude where he thinks everything he says is completely definitive is irritating as well.
that's just his review style/persona, dude references and makes of that constantly
>I remember him shitting on Synecodche, New York and Anomalisa
idk about Synecdoche, but i remember him being pretty positive about Anomalisa
kermode is terrible
absolute filth
Birdman is pretty cringe tho
film 4 literally has an anime slot. it makes sense to review things millions of people watch you clot.
not the guy above, but i really like the birdman. i don't even try to get into the themes it attempts to explore, just by itself, this one-take, dialogue driven film is extremely entertaining to me. also keaton was fucking robbed that year, who did they give the oscar to, i forget. if nothing else, it should've won best actor and cinematography (which it thankfully did)
Hey Mr Kermode, didn't know you post here
Have you ever felt the need to rewatch it though? I feel like it was entertaining and enjoyable, but very forgettable and not really interesting or worth looking into.
Boyhood has more "boring" story I guess, since it's just a coming of age, but it's really rewatchable. I feel like people who don't like it just don't like coming-of-age films, which is fair. But Boyhood is really fucking good and should've won the oscar really.
Boyhood got bad rep only because of the fucking RLM memers
Eddie Redmayne won. The film is decent but the one take gimmick is quite bad. It's an extreme crutch. Inarritu always does this shit, some kind of gimmick that he uses as a crutch to make his movies better and more showy but it ends up being worse. The direction is MOMMY LOOK AT ME I'M DIRECTING, LOOK AT ME. Also Norton was the best part of the film. Great performance.
i cant re-watch anything, i have a photographic memory, its horrible, lots of alcohol can suppress it though
literally everything he said is right though Kid's don't care about Fantastic Mr. Fox but they did love Inside Out and Synecdoche, Anomalisa and Birdman are all pretentious Oscar bait
i found it to be very rewatchable. i've watched it about 3 times now and i got more out of it each time. just the aesthetic style of the film is great and everything feels very organic. on subsequent viewings you pick up more about the themes and underlying messages etc.
Didn't that talentless weird looking English guy from the Fantastic Beasts movies win the Oscar instead because he played Stephen Hawking? The Academy Awards are a fucking joke, I wouldn't care about people getting snubbed if they weren't the awards weren't put on such an arbitrarily and self-congratulatory pedestal.
I loved Birdman when I saw it but I can honestly really agree with these posts. It's not really worthy of a re-watch and the actors absolutely carry the movie. The one-take cinematography is nothing more than a gimmick there to do nothing but evoke the feeling of watching a play, which is something that has been done way better in a ton of other movies.
It's definitely an oscar-bait movie, but not in the traditional sense. I'm kind of retarded so I can't really explain what I mean lmao
how is a certain style of cinematography more of a gimmick than deciding to shoot the film over 12 years with the same actors? with Birdman, the cinematography was an important part of the film's aesthetic where as Linklater could have just hired different actors. I'm sure Linklater attracted way more publicity than Inarritu got (or even intended to get)
I'm the first guy you quoted, I haven't even seen Boyhood and wasn't trying to discuss it. My post was just about how Birdman's quality kind of cracks the more you think about the movie
Second guy here and i'm talking about Birdman, i haven't seen Boyhood.
>being angry is a personality
based kermode
more like mark commode
the plebĀ“s choice when it comes to movie critics
Listening to movie critics is inherently pleb
true but at least there are hidden gems like Armond White
he was always a bit of a drip but an entertaining drip. would he make commentary about a female actors appearance these days? he seemed to start reigning himself in a few years ago and became a bit of a bore.