THIS WAS THE BEST SCI -FI OF the 2010's since the fifth element, and it stars justin timberlake!!!


Attached: 1560478249151.jpg (960x1440, 228K)

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That's not Looper

looper was pretty good, but in time had a better story.

Time travel movies always fuck up the process

Yeah no, fuck you all. This movie represents society and it's shitty fucking process it's going.


That movie was too stupid for me.


muh gommunism


Time travel movies always fuck up the process

What is
>Ground Hog Day

> Movie about time travel

> [Insert time puns and phrases into the dialogue ad infinitum]

groundhog day was not time travel

lmao are you serious?

that was the only time travel movie that was the closes to functional time travel movie

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Too bad it didn't do well enough to warrant a sequel. Justin Timberlake was tolerable.

exactly. This movie was underrated

Was I supposed to believe this faggot who can't act is a 120yo guy?
I honestly don't know how you go from Gattaca and Lord of War into this shitty movie better left off for a YouTube short.

Attached: vincent_kartheiser-1.jpg (550x266, 107K)

I watched this in the theater. Good movie with a better premise. I think i like this though mostly because of Cillian Murphy. I’ve always liked his acting. Thanks, Red Eye.

someone post the car crash webm

>Cillian Murphy
I remember him driving for like half of the movie conveniently appearing out of fucking nowhere.

that would actually be pic related

Attached: MV5BMTAzODc3NjU1NzNeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDk5NTQ4NTMx._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,677,1000_AL_.jpg (677x1000, 102K)

fuck off Time Cop was a better movie

That's not Inception.

time cop came out 25 years ago and not in the 2010s

I love the /fa/ in this movie so much

Post webm of car crash.

>and it stars justin timberlake!!!

I haven't seen In Time but Timberlake was great in The Social Network and Alpha Dog so I resent your exclamation marks!

arguably the worst movie I have ever seen

Also it had peak Seyfried

Attached: amanda-seyfried-in-time.jpg (1707x2560, 682K)

If I had to choose between the 2, In Time was more interesting.
Looper is only really praised for that one scene.

Which scene in Looper?

>lets just give everyone more money-- I mean: time!
>oh no! that just caused inflation!
>I know, let's just give everyone even more money!
>wont that just cause more inflation?!
>no, it will work this time!
>and it did. For no reason at all.

That doesn't star Justin Timberlake though
but yeah it's pretty great. original story still better though because it doesn't break the logic

JustIn Timeberlake

Fucking baaaaaased i'm alway shilling this and pic related but my threads don't get any replies

Attached: 14c791a479a13371f0dfc0a28b9e4482d515344b (1).jpg (600x300, 50K)

I liked it, very stylish.

Looper and Jumper seemed to have asked the same consultant how they could stretch a thin premise into a 2 hour movie and the dude came up with good guys fighting generic evil agency was the best idea ever for both of them.

Amaizing post user , you articulated exactly my feelings about those movies.

While the movie was fairly silly, it hit all the right spots in regards to my fetishes regarding gloves and the haircut of the lead chick.

Attached: In Time.jpg (396x594, 75K)

user is one step down from In Time which is one step down from Gattaca

Amanda Seyfrey peaked in this movie.

Elysium is also good op. from 1999 matrix good sci fi has been in short supply. I can only think of, Minority report, in time , elsyium that are good

From the people who bought you "more movies should use practical effects" comes "Let's laugh at this movie for using miniatures."

>Thanks, Red Eye.
Awesome film.

But his mom was a forever-young Olivia Wilde, how could he grow up with her in the house and not get his rocks off on an hourly basis?

Communist propaganda.
You should kill yourself camarade

i wish i had standards this low


He went to sleep and went back in time to the same morning over and over again. It is literally time travel you are just having trouble grasping it because the vehicle was sleep.

Pic related is fucking groundhog day meets Independence Day and is one of the best of its genre.