Unpopular Positive Opinion Challenge

Hard modes:
Not a comedy
Not a franchise with multiple films
Not a modern adaptation or remake

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's easy: Blackhat. Based Michael Mann. I checked rottentomatoes and its at 33%

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Speed Racer youtu.be/DTXFknz4J88


Holmes and Sherlock
Those guys are naturally funny and their quirkyness in that movie had my sides in orbit


Rocky 3 is best Rocky
Lost in translation sucks
Will Ferrell is literally horseshit
Brad Pitt isn't a great actor. Rather an excellent character actor

>start trailer

Only God Forgives

Midsommar was good
Avengers 1 sucks
Batman v Superman wasn't awful in the extended cut

Street Kings


How is this hard when its on a website dedicated to contrarianism?

There are hundreds of people on this shithole that unironically think Batman vs Superman (28% on RT) was an amazing film.

All the resident kino movies

Oh shit didn't read the pic
I'll stick with Batman v Superman, 28% on RT

I wouldn't say its an amazing film, just that it has a lot of redeeming qualities and isn't a terrible film

Man on Fire, one of my favorite Denzel/Tony Scott movies and has a 39% on RT


Bruiser by George A. Romero

I like it too

Because liking things is for faggots.

If you go the other way around, and ask for movies with more than 80% RT that you hated and think are trash, this thread would have 100000 replies already.

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Circle (2015)

Though, I only watched it once when it came out and I was high a fuck.

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Beer taste delicious you must be underaged or a complete faggot

you must have been a inch near OD

Was going to try and find a film that fits all of this criteria. Then I realized that I'm not in a competition with anybody and said, "Fuck it." Like what you like. Hate what you hate. Who gives a shit? I think it was the RT score that pushed me over the edge. That site is shit.

The Baywatch movie

Where can I subscribe?

It's pretty-looking... but it esentially takes a story that should combine girls being constantly raped and coping with it through violent escapist fantasies and they try to make it PG13... rape is not even implicit, and there's not a drop of blood or gore.
I wish one day the original vision will be filmed-

As Above, So Below

Call me crazy but I think Son of the Mask deserves a reevaluation.

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It was cheese par excellence.

NOT "so bad it's good" retard. Can't you fucking read?

King Arthur

People didn't like this movie?

hellboy (2019)

No he can't. Almost everyone who posted here broke the rules

I really enjoyed Battleship and John Carter.

I saw someone list this as their favorite kino.

I've always disliked the Toy Story movies.

I really love Wild Wild West. XKCD is a bunch of shit, and this movie gets too much shit when it's just a perfectly fine Will Smith vehicle. Plus I love Kevin Kline, I grew up on A Fish Named Wanda.

I unironically love the song.

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>That you genuinely like (Not “So Bad It’s Good”)
Is Randall talking about awful AAA blockbusters that need Rifftrax commentary to be watchable, or is he too stupid to know cheesy movies are fun? Because Geostorm is so fucking contrived and cliche it’s like a modern B movie, and I love it.

>if a movie has a bad RT score it must be bad
So pleb I want to vomit and laugh at the same time.

Salma certainly helps out too

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Batman v Superman is one of my favourite movies. As a DC fanboy all the little nods to future arcs was captivating. It's a shame we'll never get resolution.

Pic related has 6% on rotten tomatoes and I liked it.

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>comic says "a movie everybody hates"

I really enjoyed that until it went full retard in the third act. It’s an extremely common problem in horror movies, but up until that point it’s solid.
Similarly, the Descent was good up until it was garbage. The claustrophobia and concerns over being in the wrong cave, with just a hint of creature presence were excellent. The minute creatures start popping out and jumping on people all that was good goes out the window.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
>Not “So Bad It’s Good” user
It’s not bad. The premise is really fucking weird, but it’s a great movie otherwise. Like someone tried to remake Kill Bill with a former President and picked Lincoln at random.

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Funny games remake and original

zack schneider movies weren't bad. they just weren't bland as shit like marvelcucks want

Every criticism listed by RT is why I think it's so great. These people wanted some Guy Ritchie tier shit and we got an incredibly merciless and well-written tragedy.

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The Matrix: Reloaded

Dark Tower
15% Tomatometer

It was alright. Watched it twice already

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It's just male fantasy jerkoff fuel like the Underworld movies isn't it

Yeah I would say BvS>Aquaman - and also better than half of the MCU films.

Mortal Engines. I found the notion of London rolling around BTFOing Europe in a post apocalyptic world to be fucking hilarious, and Hugo Weaving is just great in everything he does.

I don't know what it's RT score is but Alien 3 is great, if it was just some standalone sci-fi horror movie it would be considered a solid 7/7.5 with dated effects, but because it has Alien and Aliens sized boots to fill it was pretty much impossible for it not to be a letdown

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Kek what a faggot.

Good beer is delicious. Nothing beats a nice cold Blond Leffe after a hard day of work.

Sucker Punch was literally a series of pointless action scenes strung together by a weak framing device.

Didn’t like it but even I have to admit that ending scene was kino.

It was 7/10. Hard to believe it got made, though, such a weird movie.

This, that film is a massive pleb filter and one of Scott's best. I haven't seen this feeling of constant menace in any other film.

Chappie is a legitimate scifi about bank robbers who find a cyborg and raise it like a child, making mistakes along the way. Bullshit that it's at like 35% only because critics couldn't look past the bank robbers being played by Die Antwoord.

my ultimate nigga

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the mummy 2017

TECHNICALLY Grave Encounters, the critical score is 64% but the audience score is 49. There's a sequel but no one cares about it.

I feel like no one else watched or liked this movie
it's a tight little psycho thriller that takes place solely in the main character's house but whenever people bring it up it's just all "Lynch is better"

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Chappie was kino

Kingdom of Heaven has a 39% score.

It must be the theatrical cut which I haven't watched in years so can't quite remember, but the directors cut is one of my favourite movies. Absolutely love it.
I know what the historical inaccuracies are, I am aware of Orlando Bloom's acting and I can see the portrayal of religion in it and I think all of these are Good and I'm happy they happened the way they did.


Comfy saw/home invasion flick.

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Immediate thought, Euro trip, except it's a comedy. Second thought, Suicide Kings except it came out in 1997.

Atlantis: the lost empire. One of my favorites of all time and that shit is sitting comfortably at 49% on RT.

Death To Smoochy was a great little dark comedy from Danny Devito where Edward Norton and Robin William's feud over who's the better kids TV host. Bombed out quick too because no one got what it was going for.

This was decent. Nice pair of titties on that Madeline Zima ho. The sequel sucked though.

As soon as I posted I immediately thought of two great examples: The Perfect Host, and Bright.

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Agree with all points. Hopefully the vibe of the first film will be present in the third one.

One of those odd movies I remember occasionally, mostly by recalling the Irish mob exists, and them being total bros in it.

>18% on RT

Army dudes in a trench kino

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I like kevin smith

Literally EVERYBODY loves Eurotrip. Its a fucking 90s teen movie that still completely holds up today. How many movies of that genre can you say that about? (Not many) It's genuinely a great comedy movie. Well written, well acted. Just straight up good. Way better than it has any right to be.


I think that's how it goes anyway I haven't seen the movie in close to 10 years

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I watched the host because it was recc'd here. Great movie, same with the first collector.

I don't like it. I also think some of the best comedies are from the 70s to 90s.

Pretty decent Sawkino, saw it out of complete boredom and was pleasantly surprised

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>15% on RT
i unironically enjoyed this movie, adventure kino with good waifus

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I'm so grateful to hear that. It was a staple movie of LAN parties for years, until at some point half my friends decided they were too embarrassed to admit having enjoyed it. Getting older is fucking weird when social media gets involved.

no one hates that though
damn your a champ

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chappie bad

The Happening. It is a genuinely entertaining movie to watch, and I do not understand the unwarranted hate it gets.

Did one of your most influential friends start a 'eurotrip is bad' meme?

Maybe they were just tired of watching it multiple times? I think it's good but not 'watch multiple times a year' good.

These. I also want to add Hollow Man for some horror fun.

>tfw this movie showed me the fact that Rah fights some inter galactic space horror every night to protect the planet by shooting giant fucking sun beams at it

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I've never met a human being that doesn't love this movie

I like all M.night Shabidydo movies except Split (his one popular film since 6th sense).

>I like garbage, look how unique and brave I am

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Fuck you, i liked it

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tranny kino - seen it multiple times because Starz had it on loop in the 00s.

I agree with that. It's not something you can watch every year.

I just remembered seeing this movie on TV uncensored with my dad and being scared of getting a boner during the Jacuzzi scene.

>Lady in the Water, After Earth and The Last Airbender are better than Split

Come on now

Shut the fuck up. They objectively taste bad to the human tongue unless you drown yourself in them until your body adapts and tricks your brain into interpreting the stimuli as delicious.

The Village was a great movie and you literally can't convince me otherwise.

I'll show you what an edgelord I can be; don't test me.

I posted this here before but I went to a very strict boarding school with no internet. I was 13 and only had a PSP with the Hollow Man UMD. I probably masturbated to the rape scene in that movie hundreds of times.

>implying scores are distributed evenly

I thought Marven Munroe was smart?

>the exact moment he committed career suicide

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It was always set up in a separate room, and only played when enough people were either gone or asleep, such that we couldn't get a game together. It's much more a 'I'm trying to stay out of trouble with my girlfriend/woke friends' sort of deal. Beer Fest was the movie we all got tired of collectively.

I think lots of people enjoy beer because they've been conditioned to like it due to drinking it since their teenage years.

But hot wings are yum yum yum, right fellow basedboy?

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So post 2000, not so bad it's good and less than 50% on rotten tomatoes?
Saw 1 is 49% so that I guess.

GG E-z.
Film is easily in my top 20 all time favourites.

That's because Hollywood is pushing out one soulless cash grab after another
>be bombarded with aggressive advertisement for shitty movies every day
>act surprised when people have more opinions about those then they do for obscure gems
Randall is a faggot.

>career suicide
>oh no some fags on /pol/ who had no interest at all in my work badmouthed me online!
The real embarrassing stuff is the beer comic

Outlander, a good scifi/viking movie that is rated 37% on Rotten Tomatoes

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What is supposed to be going on in this picture? Why all the people doing random shit?

I never understood this argument. Why do people think it’s impossible to genuinely like the taste of beer but liking pickles, garlic, onions, salt and vinegar chips, etc is totally plausible? Why do people insist liking beer is peer pressure but don’t make the same argument for mushroom, cheeses, ginger, mustard...

Star Wars prequels. At least it tries to do something with the setting unlike TFA/TLJ

It's his 'showing you the door' comic that makes me wish painful hemorrhoids upon him, personally.

You're on Yea Forums dude, tastes don't get much worse.

You are without any hyperbole a straight up manchild and should be deeply ashamed.

You are this: youtu.be/8wcwn5Hakc4?t=831

It's all things they did instead of vote for Hillary. Frankly I welcome such apathy, having spoken with a fair few Hillary supporters, then again not living in a swing state it didn't matter regardless.

>this is the exact attitude that lost you 2016, and this is why you will lose 2020

and btw I followed him for 3 years before that, bought his book etc.

Not him but I genuinely like eating bitter foods and drinking bitter drinks. Why are you so upset by this?

It's good. Not great, but good.

The Postman

first one is pretty good sequel fucked up though they did the final better than endgame for sure

Is the bottom right shot real? That legitimately looks like something that could be from an acclaimed 20s arthouse film

could you please develop on my attitude? please bring proof he lost traffic over his Hillary support

Also I might have been on /pol/ longer than you are
You /pol/drones boomers always assume that people emitting moderate arguments are liberals as a way to deflect argument it's pretty dishonest discourse

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire hunter. Not a bad film if you're after vampire action. Which I was at the time

Speaking of Max Landis, I liked Mr Right and American Ultra.

Punisher Warzone

laughter such a homosexual

Beer tastes like shit under 2 circumstances.
1: It's warm
2: it's blue moon.

I refuse to believe

he's correct

3: Comes from Spain.

>alcohol is yucky!

Howabout a hot 18 year old he knows take the challenge of deepthroating my cock then I'll think about taking his challenge on.

I don't understand the hate

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Those are all actual frames taken from Son of the Mask yeah

> poster is literally the orange/blue meme

I understand the hate completely.

I'm still sure history will be kind to Jupiter Ascending. The world is great, very similar how I imagine the problems of immortal entities
>my favourite pastime is conspiring
>sometimes I get up just to lie
>guy only looking for his lost mother

I mean, when you have all the money and all the time, what makes you tick? Do you just go and an hero? Be a positive force? Sit back and enjoy orgies? Imo most people can't even entertain the idea of staring at the void of their own humanity, day to day suffering is their bread and butter

The waifus in this were top tier

>American Ultra.
Kino. It gave me Hotline: Miami vibes.

>I followed him for 3 years before that, bought his book etc
go back

Cloud Atlas

>everyone's pretending
I don't like beer either but he's objectively a faggot

Riddick is rated in the low 50s IIRC

To be fair, it would have been a lot better if they had been played by anyone besides Die Antwoord.

I like the 2014 Noah Film.
I thought it was visually interesting, I thought the world was neat, I like abrahamic mythology in the first place, and I thought it had some pretty spiffy scenes and dialogue? Like when all the unique and interesting cgi animals were boarding the ark, when Tubal-cain was giving his speech to his men about how God was an asshole and they were gonna take that fucking Ark, and when they did not in fact take the Ark and there was a whole fucking day of people screaming and drowning.

I liked the comic better- also thought it was a weird choice for a film adaptation, but I liked it either way.

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I really would kill for a sequel

I enjoyed Chappie too.

>Kingdom of Heaven has a 39% score.
Honestly why do film critics exist? Does anybody take those clowns seriously?

I dunno what exactly it is about that scene but Chappie repeating "easel" is the cutest fucking thing

Saw Fassbender and immediately knew it was shit. I was excited as shit when I heard there was gonna be an Assassin's Creed film but was utterly disappointed when I head Fassbender was gonna be the lead.


I actually made a imdb list a few weeks ago with sub 7 rated movies that i still think is worth watching. I bet it can fuel your hate

>I was excited as shit when I heard there was gonna be an Assassin's Creed film

I thought It Follows was well-received, huh

Growing up eating everything i genuinely enjoy everything. Beer is great.

It's not terrible, but at several points Landis goes his usual full retard, particularly the ending.

Why are we all pretending we don't undertstand the concept of a "joke".

My man. It's action kino. Anyone who liked Dredd should see it.

it's a pretty poor joke, all it does is project his own insecurities on absolutely everyone who ever drinks beer

That's just retarded. Sure it wasn't a great movie or anything, but it was still alright.

The thing is that rotten tomatoes is inaccurate as fuck for rating a movie. Doing this challenge with IMDB score would be much harder.

You should add The Witch. 6.8/10 on IMDB

Oh, all XKCD jokes suck.
That's not the point. The point is that it's a character saying something retarded in a comic, not the author's freaking personal diary.

if you want to believe that, sure
most of his comics are self-inserted preaching though

I didn't mind it but it didn't know what it wanted to be. It wasn't biblical, because it was too fantasy-action, and it wasn't action, because there were too many stretches where literally nothing fucking happens, and then it turns into the story of one man's regret and suicidal self-hatred in a world abandoned by God and it becomes even fucking weirder.

>blade 2 is actually at 57%


In that case: Let's go to Prison

12% RT, i think its just disliked because its not the typical prison comedy

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Pandorum is one of the best scifi movies, I never got why it's rated so low.

No. Most of his comics are "Black hat is eeevil" "White hat is duuuuum" "Girl hat is smaaaaart".

You are dumb. All coal stuff tastes bitter and I love them. They're like 30% of my diet. How can you possibly have grown up so coddled that you think a basic taste like bitter is objectively "bad' and that anyone that likes anything bitter is "just pretending". Beers aren't even that bitter.

You are literally a basedboy. I can only imagine how horrible and childish your diet must be. You probably eat sugary cornflakes for breakfast, tendies with ketchup for dinner and marshmallows in your 5000 callory """coffee""" and shit.

That’s true. Will do it now

I still don't see why everyone hates X-Men 3 and PotC4 with a passion.
Don't get me wrong they were worse than the previous movies, but I still don't get the hate.

I fucking blame the stupid title.

this. 17% on rotten tomatoes. fun movie and didn't shit all over the source material like most current reboots

its intresting doesn't he fall in love with the black guy?

maybe 5 years ago but not so much anymore



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That's a great list

Do people hate Lets Go To Prison? I thought I was the only person who knew that movie. It's not amazing or anything but it has it's moments. I definitely wouldn't call it "bad".

I know for a fact that anyone with these opinions has never walked into a liquor store and bought one of every beer, and has never tried more than a few different coffees. Literally even cheap as fuck coffee like Café Bustello tastes like cocoa with no visible bitterness if you make it in an Aeropress. The reason people have the opposite opinion you do is -because- they expanded their horizons and looked for what was good to them.

It's fucking shit.

Yeah the black guy makes him his prison bitch but he ends up realising he's gay and the black dude is his soulmate

The entire thing is the dude on the left trying to make arnett's character's prison experience a living hell but inadvertently making it better

goddamn are people on this board fucking drama queens

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Hardmode: post 2010

He didn't say it's so bad it's good. The Room is so bad it's good. Battleship is just a watchable film.


Easy Mode:
Attack of the Clones, the best SW movie

Hard Mode:
A Good Year

movie 43. I think people are off-put by dick and shit jokes but this is genuinely very good movie (most of the segments). Take for example the basketball segment. Shit is funny as fuck and also smart.

Of the top of my head, I laughed at
>so what are we supposed to do?
>This is it. We're doing it.
>you know how people refer to a situation that is extremely confining as "like being in a prison"? This is what they were referring to.
I also laughed at the Yoko Ono Yes No statue. And some part of the black rapist was funny too but I forget what it was.

The Saul Goodman parts were not that funny. The ending was shit.

Meh, ok movie imo. Just a generic shitty American comedy like Big Stan. Not really funny, but ok for a kid to watch and laugh I suppose.

Based yet cromge

>how to spot an amerimutt.

Tons of great/acclaimed movies have a 6.x on IMDb.

you know there's a reason they pick that color scheme, right?


That's way too low. I thought Jumper was a decent film, and could maybe see a 50% rating, but usually films rated less than 20% are in the tier of absolute dogshit.

I can't really think of a film I genuinely like below 50% on RT, but I think this would be the closest to the criteria because if someone had asked me
>hey should I go watch this movie?
and they were just looking for a decent action film, I would answer with a pretty easy yes.

this, along with the incredibles, is my favorite childhood movie

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Based, I loved this as a kid too.


I was unaware this had a bad rep

>Saw Fassbender and immediately knew it was shit
>I was excited for a video game movie
Imagine being this much of a zoomer mongoloid.

Babylon AD

Me too. Pretty much every female friend I've had have been absolute obsessed with the movie to the point where it's almost made me hate it even though I've never seen it.

I'm not going to bother looking up the score but Battle Los Angeles probably fits the bill.

im a sucker for ridiculous disasters

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Blond laffe not bad.

Van Helsing. Yea Forums here likes it, but nobody else seems to.

fuck off normalfag

I think that at the time it was marketed as more serious, scary and dark than the enjoyable action adventure kino it actually was.
I think that a good chunk of movies unfairly rated come from bad marketing creating wrong expectations.

Reddit is the one shitting on it, skinwalker.

>Only God Forgives
Literally one of my favorite films and my best friend as well.
I knew his taste in movies was excellent.

Nigga, I'm a kissless virgin who's been a NEET for 5 years.

Yea that was fine action flick

Huh, that was such a great movie. Underrated it is.

Freddy Got Fingered has a mere 10% of RT so I'm going with that.

this kino right here

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why don't you go cry to your female friends about it, normie

you're underage

Your Highness.

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> Evolution 43 %
It's like critics hate fun

>and my best friend as well

Jesus. I'd forgotten this movie even existed.

Because I no longer have any female friends, seeing as I'm no longer in school, and haven't been for 5 years.

Wow I completely forgot about that movie, watched that with my dad on TV 17 years ago
Time to rewatch!

What? 17 years ago? That's impossible, it was released just- just-


I thought it was funny. Chappie was a real sweetie; the musicians were sometimes annoying but weird in a way that I enjoyed. The special effects were great as always, of course.

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this fever dream rollercoaster. it's pretentious and knows it and maybe even brags about how pretentious it is.

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Wew came here to post this.

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trouble every day BITCH
i ticks every category, including all hard modes

that's not how that works
this isn't like action movies that "know they're just dumb action and lean into it"
you can't flaunt your pretentiousness cause then you don't show any pretension anymore

Equilibrium, yeah i know.

>not a comedy
there were simply rules stipulated, pls read OP next time

>yeah i know
No need to say that, redditor. Everyone on this board loves that movie

it's exactly how it works, aronofsky knew what he was doing

Those were only the optional hard mode rules, pls read OP next time

Why does it matter that you need to get used to something If once gotten used to it gives you More pleasure than things you don't need to get used to?

Punisher : War Zone

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it doesn't say optional you fucking faggot, you weren't supposed to post a comedy fuckwit

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Im literally the first one to mention it...

Hard modes implies it's optional, otherwise there wouldn't be a various assortment of hard modes, it would just be the default mode.

If you walked into a movie theater that only had a single drink size you wouldn't order by saying "I'll have the large soda please". You would go "I'll have a soda please".

Man of Steel

SJWs are good.

>No, see, all you have to do is only use a handmade, artisan French press with gold lining; harvest your beans personally on the southern peaks of the Andes; and make sure your kitchen is kept to a constant 24.928 C with no more or less than 8% humidity.
Basically, if you want to enjoy coffee or beer, you either need to
1. drown yourself in it until you develop Stockholm Syndrome, or
2. literally spend all your time and money on getting the best products
Yeah, fuck that. I'd rather just drink ice water or juice.

>the most generic of Belgian beers
I mean, it's good, but there's quite a bunch of brews that beat it after a hard day of work.

Could be because it doesn't fulfill the requirements. The comic in OP talked about unpopular opinion, and Equilibirium has a way higher audience score than 50%
inb4 muh critics
Lurk moar

why do I have to like something that's shit?

Tokyo Drift

Fucking easy

Yeah, and if your husband beats you long enough, you'll start to realize you deserve it.

I can't be the only one who liked this movie right? It's pure apocalyptic kino.
>first half build up
>sentinel prime
>washington invasion scene
>autobots leaving earth
>second half chaos
>peak jablonsky soundtrack
All in all, a really good time, to be honest bros. Definitely the best bayformers sequel. Also, remember how fucking kino the trailer was?

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>Stop liking what I don't like

no I'm sure there's other 14 year olds on this board as well

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I mean there is this point in life where men buy cheap beer and are walking memes trying to build an identity based around (in yurop at least) football, cars and beer
at that point I was also wondering why people cant just say that the clubbing/drnking cheap shit/grilling drowned meat is horrible and repetitive

then I realized people are indeed that shallow
I also found, that I like rich dark beers because I am an addict for everything sweet
I also cut ties with basic retards and now I dont have any friends

Literally my favorite movie of all time. Not even joking.

this is the same people who prefer a fast food over another one becauae """""""quality"""""""

The only thing that let it down was the main character, and the ending a bit.

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I am easily entertained by even very mediocre films so I don't recall having seen a movie i genuinely hated in the last 10 years, maybe ever. Idk, I guess I was very unimpressed by suicide squad


I am genuinely suprised about Pandorum

I mean what does it even mean it has a bloated plot? it has just two plotlines and six characters

I mean looking at Event Horizon only having 28% critics score as well seems like critics have a problem with these types of movies
I still dont get the audience score though

it is very weak on a second watch
I think it would make a great book, but especially the ending falls short

fuck yeah

fuck you nigger

Pacific Rim 2
I just really like mecha

Still don't get why everyone hates it so much.

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The Entourage Movie was actually fun to watch. The only problem is the redneck investors storyline.

Really doesn't

No fucking shit you complete retard

Hmm... it's from '98, but Soldier with Kurt Russel is one of my favorite action movies. It's at 12% on RT.

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This user gets it. I was going with Miami Vice, but Blackhat works, too.

Oh, I saw that when I was a kid and loved it.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Loved this movie, actually somewhat shocked its rated that low

How is In Time on the tomato mester I enjoyed that.


among normalfags/veddit the vvitch is reviled so I'd say that

I'm baffled as well, especially by the "derivative" line. That would imply that there are tonnes of sci-fi films out there about lone survivors fighting off cannibalistic humanoids in a seemingly abandoned space ship. I can only name the one.

not by fans it isn't I wonder what critics didn't like

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also, Mr Right

The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor wasn't really all that bad. I thought it was better than Returns.

I don't know about the critics, but the fact that she gets revenge over the people who killed her family -off camera- pissed me off no end.

also this

I unironically loved 2012, but I was 14 when it came out. So I guess it doesn't really count. I haven't watched a single new movie since I was 18 so that makes it kind of hard.

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Jupiter Ascending is going to be a cult film in 20 years, mark my words.

The pink panther remake

Also the Resident Evil movies are absolute kino

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sure this is a reddit thing to point out, but it's technically a Blade Runner spin-off, too

maybe cloud atlas but no way Jupiter does

think critics though Man on Fire was needlessly brutal; probably racist against latinos, too
and critics always hated Tony Scott movies
sure that didn't help when he was deciding whether to kill himself or not

Jupiter has strong gay appeal (which is all it took for a whole shitload of existing cult classics), and also people who love ridiculously bad movies love it; I'm siding with the user saying it'll make the cult cult, even though I found it damn near impossible to sit through

Fucking based user

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Son of the Mask looks good in still shots but horrible in motion. Mostly because Le Masque has absolutely none of Jim Carrey's body language so he just looks like a weirdo with a green head while Jim Carrey's Masque was more like an alien.

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This comic makes me sad because when I was a kid my family would let me have just a little sip of beer or wine at gatherings, like a drop or two, and I really disliked the taste. And people would always tell me "oh you don't like it now, but you'll like it when you're older".
Now I'm 25 and I still don't like it. Granted I only have a glass of cider on my birthdays, but that's it. Are you supposed to learn how to enjoy it over time? Doesn't that make alcohol the stockholm syndrome of drinks then?

if you don't like the taste of alcohol, just don't drink it
no need to create a fucking philosophy around it

It's an acquired taste, user, that's really all there is to it. I didn't like it after drinking it for years until just recently. It also quenches a thirst and makes you feel way better after a hard day of physical work due to all the carbs giving you a burst of energy and the alcohol slightly numbing you, so it's especially good for that.

I'm 24 and I still hate beer and most wine so I understand your dilemma
try this out if you can find it locally

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Apollo 18
rewatched at least three times

Have you read the books? Not judging, just curious.

>constant menace

Watch The Killing of a Sacred Deer. The final 10 minutes made me hyperventilate with a mixture of extreme anxiety and dark laughter that I've not experienced since.


>The Proposal (2009)
I finally found one. This is genuinely one of my favourite comedies. It has a 44%.

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Egyptian mythology is pretty cool.

It's my favorite behind Greco-Roman and Norse. Shinto and Babylonian myth are also good runner ups.

ew imagine if that old ahg was your boss and she wanted you to marry her

I like GitS and Total Recall remakes and Elysium and Chappie. I like cool looking sci-fi, I don't give a shit if it makes sense or has characters

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Day After Tomorrow

Swordfish, it has some great scenes and John Travolta just really leans into his role.


>the good shepherd is 54% on RT
dang, that's unbased

>bladerunner easter egg means it canonically in the bladerunner universe
no. just like E.T. isnt connected to star wars just because they appear in the prequels, its just a reference. nothing more

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Tens of thousands if you include all the Indian shitposters.

>ET species shows up in Star Wars
>t-that means they don't exist in that universe haha xD


Carpenter may have gone downhill but I still enjoy his supposedly terrible films. Vampires is a damn fun movie and I have no shame in saying I love it.

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thief and the cobbler was kino. only recobbled cut though

oops. didn't see "post-2000"

Fucking manchild. An Aeropress costs 20 bucks and is the quickest way of making coffee.

>apes from ape escape exist in MGS
>t-that means that ape escape and MGS don't take place in the same universe xD

>Yea Forums nigger
fuck off