Holy shit Don Cheadle is fucking based!

Holy shit Don Cheadle is fucking based!

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What exactly are transit kids?

not to be racist but his nose looks exactly like a gorilla nose

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studies have shown transphobes have an iq average below 75

100% paid shill
t. insider

protect sneed

Protect Mask Kids

All trannies should be isolated in a containment area inside the Gobi Desert. Change my mind.

Did they happen to do this study in Detroit?

I'm in Amsterdam right now and there are government banners hanging from the buildings that say black lives matter and "stop killing trans people"

From whom, their parents?

Why doesn't he have a septum??

They have an average iq of 100 because everyone is transphobic deep down. Trans people are fucking lovecraftian.

Isnt it funny that the cases of munchousen by proxy have decreased proportionally to the rise of trans kids. What a coincidence

negroids sometimes don't have them

yeah, that's because Amsterdam is a tolerant city that doesn't have too many right-wing brainlets.

Wait, protecting trannies is the opposite of based.

He is.

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Transgenderism is a cult with its own initiations rituals and circular logic, preying upon alienated youth. The information corridor in tranny "safespaces" will have kids isolated from opposing views and brainwashed with their dogma. Opposing views are punished with great zeal so few dare to step out of line. I wonder how many kids must be sacrificed before it dawns upon libs and psychiatrists who these people actually are.

Honestly if my son say hes a tranny i diismember him myself and make a new one
>no steven universe for this one

We demand State protection for Sneed and an end to the attacks and insults against this meme in the 4channel imageboard by persons full of envy and afraid of change. In particular, we call on the President of the United Sates, Donald J Trump to assume this same responsibility; to respect the right to freedom of expression; and to offer the necessary guarantees for Sneedposters to do their work without fear of reprisals and aggression for doing so.

STOP the censorship, STOP the repression.

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Trans kids are best protected by taking away their internet access.

Protect sneedposters from moe and mask posters