Star Wars Prequels and RLM

>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos

Do you agree with this sentiment?

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no this is wrong
prequels are genuinely bad, I thought they were gay when I was kid. Put me off from watching the original trilogy until I was in my twenties. Those were Alright. First one kind of sucked but was watchable, second was okay but was gay in some parts, third was really good—Revenge of the Jedi

Agree. Stocklasa made his career by shitting on SW. And new trilogy is almost bad as SpaceCop. Prequels are good movies. Jar Jar sucks.

No? They complied shit from other forums.

Most people I know loved them as a kid and agree that they aren't great movies. The prequel haye definitely spiked before the sequel trilogy tho.

ROTS is kino tho

This dude is a massive fucking dork.



That's a lie.


No i was alive. 1 and 2 were really disliked outside anyine but hardcore fanboys

All early internet culture was awash with how shit the franchise was and how most new stuff was made to sell toys to kids.

Jar Jar was accused of being a racist caricature.

This. 1 felt like a slap in the face compared to the OT, and 2 was a steaming bowl of dogshit that got dumped over our heads after slapping us in the face. It was obvious Lucas went insane between 6 and 1, which is why he went all revisionist history before selling out like a bitch.

No, I hated them. Especially ep2

This. His entire identity is solely based on what children's entertainment he consumes. A massively embarrassing faggot.

>Do you agree with this sentiment?
No, because it's wrong
All RLM did was add more fuel to the fire

Me and my nerd friends hated pretty much everything about the PT that didn't have to do with lightsabers. I went alone to RotS and fell asleep at Kashyyk. I didn't even fall asleep when I went to Starship Troopers following an all-night N64 party.
All RLM did was arrange the more subtle criticisms under a film school hack's eye and based off the insights from the dvd special features.

This is one of the dumbest attempts to retcon film/fan history I've seen in recent years - this whole "the prequels were only disliked because of RLM" in general. I've seen more than a few people say stuff like that over the last five years or so, and it's just plain wrong.

Episodes I and II both got mixed reception from critics and audiences, and EVERYONE who wasn't literally a little kid made fun of the dumb shit in them (Jar-Jar, child actor Anakin and "I don't like sand" were basically memes before memes). III was received better, but still got plenty of flack for stuff like the Anakin/Padme scenes and Vader going "Nooooooo" at the end. And that's not even going into the plentiful more legitimate, thought-out criticisms of them that RLM basically just compiled for their videos and added onto.

Just because the Disney movies are soulless garbage doesn't mean it's time to go back and pretend the prequels were good. I personally find them entertaining and full of unique little anachronistic "Lucas-isms" that make them worthwhile, but they're certainly not high quality film - and it was NEVER the broad cultural consensus that they were good.

When Disney bought Star Wars there was a huge push of pro-prequel propaganda to try and redeem the prequels as being cleverer than what they were.

A lot of people watched them as kids and loved them because it was dumb action and lightsabres and this is the result, people genuinely thinking they were good and that it was only RLM that shit on them.

The Phantom Menace is the dumbest shit ever and each other prequel movie was an attempt at stuffing shit in and course correcting. Hey people like Boba Fett, how about Jango Fett! Or put Chewbacca's planet in and make the film darker!!

Sure, the basic plot sounds clever, a republic falls and one man falls alongside it. But how it was portrayed was bad and dumb. But people like Revenge of the Sith as being deep despite its laziness and CGI. It is literally a fall of Rome storyline. We get it. Doesn't make it super clever if it was portrayed like shit.

Jar Jar made the Empire by supporting the army bill.

>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
You assume too much

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That shit looked like garbage from a mile away and I had just turned 18 when they came out. I never watched all of Phantom Menace in it's entirety and barely made it through the others marathoning them in the Machete Order.

Loved OG trilogy and it's loads of spinoff material as a kid, but anyone with half a brain knew Phantom Menace was going to be bad just from the trailers.

Me and all my friends hated it and I was picked on because of it. For my birthday my dad took me and my friends to watch it in the theater at my request.

Nah, it was generally agreed that the prequels were bad, but got better with RotS

i blame simon pegg

>yeah I'm original and not an RLM npc
>omg guys a new video is up
fucking redditors imao

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no because it's not true

I remember as a kid my mom not liking them.

saying that gives RLM way too much credit. nobody outside of nerdy fags on internet forums even know who RLM are

Yes, he's correct. Before Plinkett, people didn't really hate the prequels as a whole but rather parts of the prequels. The general consensus was that Jar Jar Binks sucked and the Senate stuff was boring but the movies overall were okay. This is why you saw stuff like The Phantom Edit, where fans "fixed" the prequels by editing them (mostly by removing Jar Jar Binks as much as possible).
After Plinkett, the general consensus shifted to "the prequels are unsalvageable garbage" with a host of reasons as to why given to them by Plinkett. While some of those reasons were good, a lot of them really aren't because they're either way too nitpicky or just flat-out inaccurate.
With the same arguments (many of them bad) being parroted over and over again, it was only a matter of time before people would start questioning them, which led to a renaissance for the prequels. Nowadays, general consensus on the prequels tends to be "don't take Star Wars too seriously" which I feel is a good way to view things. They're just movies, and when you stop holding the original trilogy (which also had its faults) on such a high pedestal, you'll find you're able to enjoy the movies more. You'll find you can sit and watch the prequels and have a laugh and have a good time.

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if you were actually 18+ and not a stupid 8 year old when the prequels came out, you'd remember how much they were disliked. RLM simply was able to distill widely held sentiments into funny videos. i can't stand this milliennial revisionist prequels are good bullshit of the past couple years.

>Do you agree with this sentiment?

Hell no, is he the one making that argument on Yea Forums?

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i was fucking 12 and i remember how shit it was and how hated jar jar was. i loved killing that frog fuck on newgrounds.

Razorfist is a faggot and it's hilarious how much RLM's very existence makes him seethe.

It was immensely satisfying watching him get rekt by those TYT progressives in that one debate.

This is Maddox's review of Revenge of the Sith. I'm pretty fucking sure there was a lot of prequel hate back then before RLM.

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>Nope, you are nitpicking and biased, I win, bye bye!

that's just not correct. The general consensus was that Lucas was off his rocker and that his prequels were hot garbage. He got so much hate that he stopped using the internet.

He says stupid shit to get attention.

>with a host of reasons as to why given to them by Plinkett. While some of those reasons were good, a lot of them really aren't because they're either way too nitpicky or just flat-out inaccurate.
Feel free to post some examples of this.

only one I remember people shit talking when it came out was AotC

Go back and watch the Plinkett reviews. I love them, but they make a lot of really poor arguments. A good example of this is the "describe a character" bit they do. You can describe Padme's character: she's a strong-willed person who doesn't give up easily and cares a lot about others. Having "random" people pretend like these prequel characters are indescribable is just dishonest.

>she's a strong-willed person who doesn't give up easily and cares a lot about others.
You can easily use that to describe every other good guy character.

>He says stupid shit to get attention.

That doesn't disprove that there was no hate toward the prequels before RLM.

"the prequels weren't shit" is just people being contrarian

Is Jar Jar strong willed? Does he care about others?

He's the only one with an actual personality.

Correct. But posting Maddox doesn't prove there was since his whole gimmick was being a contrarian who says outrageous stupid shit for views.

What about Padme is strong willed? She didn't do anything and had zero impact on the story. She could have been replaced by a council of rulers for Naboo, and nothing else would be impacted. She was completely at the mercy of the Trade Federation. She went where the Jedis told her to go.

Not at all.

Not really, no.
I believe a vocal minority made their displeasure known with the prequels on internet forums from the late 90s to the late 00s. Then Those hacks over at RLM added more fuel to the fire with their "video essays".

>What about Padme is strong willed?
She refused to sign the treaty even when she's captured and being sent to a "camp."

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>tazerfish said something retarded

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Ron Howard truly has no shame.

why is Gen X so fucking cringe?

this, people mainly dislike this guy because he doesnt like well recieved things like kojima, burzum, post-bm darkthrone, death metal, post daggerfall ES and BR 2049

Is this the fag that looks like a younger, edgier (way edgier) version of that other fucking loser Spoony? I remember when he was posted a lot everywhere. There's a reason "angry ranty guy" went out of style, save for a few people that are actually good at it.

>post-bm darkthrone
unironically their best stuff. only lasted for like 8 years though

Because they were tryhard faggots, but instead of trying hard at being good at something in their lives (and maybe picking up some useful skills), they instead tried really hard to pretend like they didn't care to the point of actually hurting themselves. A great example of this is how gen-x used to wear their backstraps with one strap because that was "cool" even though it fucks up your back and just makes carrying whatever shit is in your backpack that much harder. Simultaneously, while pretending not to care, they actually cared about really stupid shit like Star Wars, and created this trend where they hyper-analyzed shit like Star Wars that's not really much more than an elaborate toy commercial (remember: Lucas made DAMN SURE he had the toy rights before Star Wars ever came out, because it was always all about selling fucking toys).
People love blaming baby boomers for everything, and while yes they also did fuck up the earth, gen-x is also to blame for how shit things are right now, and how shit things will continue to be.

>That video about Fallout 4 where his biggest criticism is no heavy metal radio station
Literal fucking autism

The prequels were universally hated until the new movies came out. After watching the new movies, now I like the prequels.

Is this some rewrite of history? Say what you will about the prequels as a whole, but I remember people disliking the hell out of Attack of the Clones. The only thing the other kids seemed to like at the time were "the fight scenes". It's telling about how the public views them if people still say Revenge of the Sith is the only good one from them. I even 'kinda' like 1, and 3, but there's no fucking defense for Attack of the Clones, that movie deserves to be shat on.

Only an idiot millennial would ever believe this. There was instant blowback against the prequels they second they were released

>there's no fucking defense for Attack of the Clones
I raise you a Natalie Portmans midriff

>>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
No because he's full of shit. The Simpsons even took the piss out of the prequels for being shitty

>A great example of this is how gen-x used to wear their backstraps with one strap because that was "cool" even though it fucks up your back and just makes carrying whatever shit is in your backpack that much harder.
What the fuck is this?

This is only really true with Revenge of the Sith. Everyone hated Episode 1 when it came out, and Attack of the Clones was hated even more. Some people even outright refused to watch Episode III because of it. Ask anyone about Episode I or II and they'll respond with "Jar Jar is an annoying shit". That was the most memorable thing about these movies.

And the fireplace scene.

I'll accept this one, very sensual defense.

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You're fucking kidding, right?
Everyone hated the prequels except nerds that defended the third one, for stupid fanboy reasons like "it's super dark".
RLM just articulated an in depth review that just about everyone was collectively thinking/saying, to a large audience.
Stay mad and continue to try meme'ing this turd trilogy as ironically good.

Why are people so fucking stupid? I gave up Star Wars after episode 2 and only watch the original series. This was long before any Plinkett review (especially as I didn't watch those reviews till much later)

he's right desu he's also right about all the Kojimatards that suck kojimas dick no matter what kind of shit game he makes, (MGS4-V Death Stranding)

Gen-x used to wear their backpacks to school with a single strap, forgoing the second strap. If you used two straps, you were a loser because you, like, cared enough to put on the second strap. Seriously, all their fashion looked slovenly, like they were homeless, just to show how little they fucking cared. If you didn't look like you just rolled out of bed, you were uncool.
Another example: they're the generation that forgot how to wear belts and made sagging a thing.
This shit all peaked in the 2000s when late gen-x decided it'd be really cool to walk around in pajama pants. After that shit, people started reeling it back in. Damage was done, though.

>This shit all peaked in the 2000s when late gen-x decided it'd be really cool to walk around in pajama pants.
I feel bad whenever I go somewhere in track pants. To the gym whatever, but if I have to run somewhere real quick, I'll make sure I'm not caught dead in them.

This plus the arena fight at the end and the battle the follows it.

>well-received things like Burzum
Loving every laff

That shit was overdone garbage, especially the lightsaber fight. The best lightsaber fight in the prequels is still the one with Darth Maul, the rest are boring, weightless crap.

Oh yeah, track pants were also super fashionable for a time even though the people wearing them would never run anywhere.

i dont necessarily think it was that good, but its definitely worth listening to solely because you can tell fenriz and nc were very passionate about making it, when other bm bands were just going through the motions. also, you get absolute kino like graveyard slut and leave no cross unturned.

>post daggerfall ES
How the FUCK does this nigger faggot who wears eyeliner think Daggerfall is in any way better than Morrowind? It's got interesting and neat concepts, but the design of that game is so fucked.

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I thought the point of his Daggerfall video was to point out people who complain about Oblivion and Skyrim taking things out don't apply the same criticism to Morrowind

I have to strongly disagree. The finale of the film is really good, and easily its best part. I'd say the only negative is there is the Yoda lightsaber bit, but even that doesn't bother me that much (Yoda is a Jedi, of course he uses a lightsaber, the "weapon of a Jedi," it's not that big a deal).

yes and yes

>RLM just articulated an in depth review that just about everyone was collectively thinking/saying.
their review was in 2009, nobody in the mainstream was thinking or talking about star wars at that point at all

>RLM just articulated an in depth review that just about everyone was collectively thinking/saying, to a large audience.
You're literally parroting a line from the reviews. Do you have a single original thought in your head?

gravity didn't exist until an apple fell on Newton's head

Not even that, only the final confrontation between Obi-Wan and Maul is any good.

The OT itself is trash for fucks sake

>watch prequels with dad at cinema
>just happy to spend time with him
>walk out of ep 3 silent
>dad says nothing
>embarrassed he had to sit through that shit with me

I don’t remember one good thing about the prequels.

That’s blatantly untrue, Plinkett just gave everyone talking points as to why they sucked outside “muh Jar Jar” and “muh annoying Anakin”.

It was funny how my dad later revealed to me when I was much older over how much he disliked going to the prequels.

Razorfist is reddit made manifested.
His first video was about FF7 and it can be summes up as such: cloud looks like a faggot!!

His intellectual investigations tend to be that if something has a dissagreeing opinion then his that he finds an event that agrees with his opinion and then states that this was fact. Good example is his ramblings on anime. He states that anime ripped of frenchy comic books but the fact that the fucking lourve has an exibition to hiroyuki "nip made manifest" araki, or frenchy fucks obsession with saint seiya might color a different opinion, or that he states that heavy metal influenced the ultra violence in manga when one of the fathers of ultra manga violence, lone wolf and cub, was one of the main insperations to frank millers goddamn daredevil, a comic franchise he proclaims to be a avid fanboy of!? I'm not even that much of a weaboo but even I know this much!

His opinions on star wars is the same. Nothing to pay any mind to.

Yeah, I'm sure your dad disliked having to do anything with you.

1 I felt was ok because I was young, but watching it again a few years ago before I even knew rlm existed it was a slog. mostly due to the log ass podrace bit. 2 is universally panned and aside from a few hilariously bad lines, it's pretty terrible and forgettable. 3 is decent, but the end fight drags on a bit, but is still superior to anything disney has put out so far.
most of the fond memories have of the prequels either comes from the cartoons or the outstanding video games they generated I feel.

It's bizarre revisionism to make the people who watched, and liked, the prequels as kids feel better.
I don't know why, just admit you like the due to childhood nostalgia, instead of trying to come up with retarded "circle" theories and other gay shit.

>but is still superior to anything disney has put out so far
I think both the prequels and sequels are soulless, boring garbage. They're on par in their unique shades of shit.

>It's bizarre revisionism to make the people who watched, and liked, the prequels as kids feel better.
Razorfist was probably around 18 when TPM came out.

imagine saying something this wrong
razorfist is very unbased

I researched the movies recently and warmed up more to ep1 which was the only one I straight up didn't enjoy. I just think the gungan vs Droid battle is lame aside from them deploying and kid Anakin is kinda annoying. Ep2 was good aside from Anakin's tween angsty dialogue to padme when they fell in love. Always loved the hell out of ep3.

that's a fair opinion to have in all honesty.

Are you telling me that this nigga is almost fucking 40?

I was in high school when The Phantom Menace came out. I didn't like it when it came out. It was "too kiddie." I didn't like the other two because they didn't live up to the original trilogy in my opinion. I've grown to like the prequels, though. I stopped taking Star Wars so seriously, and stopped acting like they were masterpieces or whatever. But yeah, I hated the prequels pre-Plinkett.

Nah, he was in 7th grade.

I looked it up and he's 33, so he would have been 14 at the time (so not a kid but rather a teenager).