
EMH edition

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first for profit

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Why do you need a human assistant to hand you things. Why can't you just morph your holographic hands into whatever tool you need?

so close to having a holographic Bashir in every ship/station across the galaxy.

what would do with yours?

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He's gunna be in fucking Picard season 2.

I'm going to say it...

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say it to my face Potato Sucker

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So I'm at S2 TNG and I'm so fucking bored
Should I keep going or jump on DS9

Star Trek? More like Star DRECK, am I right?

You should fucking kill yourself.

Our ship is broken, can you make it go

*tink tink* ahem

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Akoocheemoya on this Friday we are far from the normies Akoocheemoya

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based friday akoochemoya poster

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First for prophets

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New from HBO, The Young Kai


S2 is when it gets good

S2 is when TNG starts to pick up. If you jump to DS9, you'll just be lost because DS9 is essentially a direct sequel to TNG.

Star Trek's gay famalam.

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What the FUCK happened to /trek/. I was posting here like 6 months ago and it was always busy

It got overrun by tripfags and trannies

Is it, though?

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When STD is airing, we get overrun by posters who don't actually care about Star Trek and are drawn to the threads by politics. When STD isn't airing, it's just us regulars again.

/trek/ has been pic related since November 2017.

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You mean it's been like warm piss running down your leg.

Over run by paid shills and discord trannies.

>muh shill/tranny boogeyman

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No, /trek/ was literally and unironically fucked by a discord tranny.

VF and BF are annoying as fuck but neither is a tranny

no one blew it out

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I guess? Are you channeling that piss and shit guy?

BF is absolutely an mtf trannie. Adams Apples don't lie.

I piss and shit on Discovery

BF is confirmed biofem but VF is ftm and is always adding lesbians, faggots, niggers, and trannys who don't even like Star Trek to the discord.
/trek/ turned into a tripfag circlejerk and shitpost general after VF made the discord and we're finally getting back to actual discussion about Star Trek.
Fuck off and kill yourself, VF. I know you're going to see this.

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Interesting, VF just looks like a dude to me (is the ugly Asian guy people post and say is VF actually VF?). I didn't participate in the discord so I wouldn't know, but I agree that all the discord drama ruined these threads.

>Since the early 2000s*