/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Jess
Veto: TBD
Noms: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


pretty boys vs six shooters
who wins?

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reminder that pngfag is the autist OP


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>mistie fag can't into spoilers

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>the virgin pretty literal whos vs the Chad 666 Shooters

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HoH loses a fair bit of power like this not gonna lie. And it's already a shit position to be in post-veto ceremony. Ony way I see this working is if the HoH gets to pick a rep for the competition.

Whos the best villian of all time?

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cliffs safety is up
just saying


what do you mean? paul was never a bad guy

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and that's the tea!

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based hoh is RUNNING this house today

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wait... so jack and ana were discussing regretting siding with christie and suspect her and tommy before the feeds cut?

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so how bad is CBS gonna edit the fights Sunday?

considering they have to show the HoH comp + noms and have multiple hours to footage to cram into like 10-15 mins, probably pretty bad

ooooh, so NOW she's not white.
jack finally feels cucked by her, because she didn't suck his dick after he betrayed his bro for her, but he was defending tommy, because he loves him.
anal was getting over the dyke for few days and doesn't trust tommy anymore, because she recognizes he's too much up her butt all the time

jack is upset with himself for siding with christie. he is saying he did that because he didnt want to lose tommy. anal is sketched out by christie now too and doesnt know how to act around her. anal likes tommy as well but cant understand why he keeps defending her so hard.

why aren't you guys watching puyo puyo champions tournament at evo right now?

Im too old for that shit
t. Danny Glover

did jackson do enough to blow up christie's spot and keep himself safe? Will the bee live? FIND OUT TONIGHT ON BUG BROTHER

They need to bring back the "How Much Do You Want It" veto comp.

I'm not gay

fuck you cbs.
nobody had time to even try to exorcise the gays fud from the fattsos mind.
both of them were telling their shit for like 2 hours and not one of the cliffords had time to tell her she's a retard for putting up jack's son

the one they did in bb8 was brutal

those dog gums

she cute

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putting up jackson and jack is big jess's best play isnt it? if noms stay the same. jack goes home. jack wins veto, anal/tommy go up, they go home. jackson is 1 hundo p safe this week unless christie wants to use her power and fuck shit up.

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People are too pussy to do that comp nowadays. Can you imagine Anal shaving her head or Tommy giving away a large amount of money to win?

Bogface and Bimbo will be our F2

>unless christie wants to use her power and fuck shit up.

it's the last week, she is 100% using it if someone she trusts wins it

>jack wins veto, anal/tommy go up, they go home.
this is where you're wrong.

why is christie anti-jack now?

and i'm here for it.
the only outcome i'm ok with.
snackson may be there too, because fuck the bb 'community'

cliffs angels + holly have the votes to keep jackson over anyone. not seeing it

unless one of them on the block

they could do it the way they did in bb14


they are not keeping him over tommy, because that would be too problematic.

christy is also going to bring her little doggy jack to her command in a few hours by snapping her fingers and will probably use her power after she hears (and she will hear) that jess debated putting up tommy.

where is the voting shit on the cbs site? i know im pretty retarded but i dont see it

hence the caveat of christie using her power and fucking shit up.



victimhood complex interview

imagine it was Bug Brother

>Ovi nearly making Taran cry

i wanted to watch it but the room ovi's in has a really big echo and its basically unlistenable

who did jess tell she was putting up tommy? i thought she only mentioned this to cliffs angels?
and i honestly believe they would boot tommy over jackson. thats what they discussed last night

I haven't seen 14 as yet, what kinda stuff did they do?

thanks... why is there no link from the big brother page... fucking cbs

>haven't seen 14

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50% of the interview is him talking about "implicit bias" and then he finally just starts saying muh racism and muh misogyny


bimbo already told that to holly and it was just in few hours. the whole house will soon know.
nicole is literally rockwall jr. she is not voting out a gay over a whitey

Alright /bb/ let's put our heads together and solve a problem that's killing Big Brother.

How do we stop bitter juries?

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would you suck your own dick if you could?

he already CURRENT YEARS

cast better
make it a 7 person jury
less twists (especially early game)

there i saved big brother

why would holly spill that info to christie and risk jackson going? quarky would vote out tommy over jackson. her and cliff just rated the people they trust in the house a couple hours ago.


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cast more Pauls
cast less Codys

A bitter jury just means that you played like shit, but yeah they need to cut down on how many people make up the jury.

>why would holly spill that info to christie and risk jackson going?
because the whole house is below 200 iq and most of that are ants
i'm also not saying it's her that's going to tell. fattie is probably going to do it herself, because she wants to play an honest game etc etc.

>he thinks paul wouldn't have been a bitter juror
oh no no n o no no no

reduce the jury back to 7. the first juror spends more time in jury house than in the BB house. missing half the season is not ok to then vote

start with a cast with little to no emotions. this we all love each other to the end bullshit has to stop. its what makes people bitter when they are no longer loved. we need people who give zero fucks and will do anything for the half million.

we know that wont happen so lets start with letting the jury stay in the house like camp comeback or let them watch the feeds from the jury house. they become so disconnected being so far removed so its all about emotion. i think being able to see and hear what someone did to get you in jury and how they play after would help make people vote better

This user's got a pretty good idea, the person that got evicted won't always know every single background detail, so when they relay stuff to the jury there will be some biased information spreading.

>best alliance of all time versus christie and a bunch of her mindless followers



fuck off grod.
how is this fuking fair?
she didn't talk to half the fuckin house.....


you're a moron. they didn't talk to her.

desu jury house streaming is good and fair. jury house staying in the BB house will just end up with slow, boring gameplay where people put off making big moves a la 21 pre-jury. watching streams is so passive that people will still be willing to make big moves while jurors will stop being SALTY FUCKING BITCHES LIKE SCOTTY "PERMAVIRGIN" SALTON

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fucking when? she was doing her own thing at night and people were going to hoh room one after another. gays were there for 2 hours blocking everything.

is jackson in the hoh bathroom?

no, cuz then I’d never stop


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jack confirmed for mansplaining

>Jack said he has a plan
>if it turns out to be this and work out, it may be one of the biggest weeks in history
>He needs to win the veto
>Then convince Christie to use her power
>Then blindside Christie at the Veto Ceremony apologizing to Jackson and nomming Christie

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all the girls are sync'd up this week

the jackson show has begun

kat immediately ran up to jesse to find out why analyse was crying and wanted so hard to start shit talking her again lol obsessed

that would be the bomb but jackson would probably go home then


all you simpletons.. christie is just gonna use her dpov then nicole will go home

nah. cliffs angels would protect jackson over christie this week. christie has been exposed to the whole house. if they have the option to boot her this week. it would happen.

mistie isnt this stupid
if she uses the dpov, she'd put up holly or cliff

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lmao, dyke says that holly wouldn't have pulled down snackson if she won veto. and she thinks it would be a good move.
this is who you lay with???????
>start shit talking her again lol obsessed
yes you are

it's a split vote and they might not have control of veto

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so whos going home?

did he actually say this

jackson unless he wins HoH

Is mistie reading that jess wants jackson to stay like at all?


Depends entirely on veto

nope. she thinks the whole house wants jackson gone.

aylmao, hippochristie is truly a mastermind


>saves the season
nothing personnel, kid

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remember when you thought that about hogg?

good noms wtf did i tell you mufuggas?

sorry, wrong pic

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have a you, just so people know how stupid you are

he deleted it lmao, everyone laugh at this retard

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died a hero. rest in peace samuel. rest in peace.

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goodbye jackie poo ;^)

very qute

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jess going full hoh-itis

whos renom if one of them win the veto?

kat volunteered again

analyse unless she wins the veto which wont happen


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even after their little heart to heart?

>has cliff angels in her backpocket
>has cliff in her backpocket
>has bimbo in her backpocket
>has jackson in her backpocket
its over she won

kat will convince her.

it's an older meme sir, but it checks out

too bad bimbo is cutting her at F3 for Jess

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at least tommy and christie are going on the field trip at this rate

based bog

>i want girl to win
this is all so tiresome

jess is the only person I am rooting for this season

hehehe I’ve never posted anything stupid in /bb/ what kind of a goof would ever do such a thing hehehehehehe

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how many people vote in cbs big brother votes?

do they ever release the real number of votes


any jews this season?

i think its best for jack to get evicted
>jury becomes the jack show
>bimbo gets exposed by the jack vote and holly game goes in danger
>anal, christie, tommy and nick become an alliance
theres potential

only in OTT

that's a 2 for 1 deal

used to do afp%s

oh boy another nick vs dyke cam. I can't stand the dyke the homo or nick

imagine actually listening to these morons.

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are we aloud to want jackson to win? I know we are supposed to be against him but I want jack to go home. >_

bog lookin good


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honestly if i saw bog walking down the street i'd be kinda scared

h8ful and churlish

showfags far outnumber twitter/redditfags when it comes to those votes

>I gotta get in shape now. Too much sittin' is ruinin' my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on, it will be fifty push-ups each morning, fifty pull-ups. There'll be no more pills, there'll be no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on, it will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.

Glad Jackson is finally understanding he needs to watch his fitness.

cute bog

punished jackson

based taxi driver mode snackson
dyke assassination when

can my thousands of fake accounts outnumber showfags?

they didnt say the total, just the difference

id say next week after she gets a gut punch this week when jackson stays.

based junglegookfag



for every one of us feeders, there's a thousand showfags. you're gonna need a lot of accounts

stay mad

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and that's the only time they've mentioned numbers of votes

southern boomers rule the vote

yeah not since season 16

i wish analyse were smarter and more of a snake.

she should hide in the SR cabinet like she scares people but just stay in there when people are talking game like christie and tommy just now. they would be so exposed

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jesus christ this hoh room is insufferable. how dare people play the game


thanks to the ep showing tommy's homo antics he now thinks people want to see the homo's attics. he's now singing about cooking

kat is literally retarded... why did we backdoor everyone?!!!

because people won the veto?


>I overheard Christie say she used to date Tommys ant. But a person can't date an ant theyre really small right?

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ya, she loves nicole so much because she reminds her of her retard school teacher and shortbus driver

he's done that all season though, this is nothing new

pandafag pls go


kek based sistrashposter

it's only doing it more now

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a very wet mole

looks like the autist showed up the filtered posts are starting to pile up

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very dumb mole

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based filtered poster

>analyse: i wish i could read

lol i think she means that literally

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nobody would believe it few days ago that cliffs angels will be running the house

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is kat worried her spot is going to get blown up why is she looking holly like that

lovin it.

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a very cute 2 head

god aura is so great in rhap

based afraid of words poster
you’re a true hero

just spammed images

based afraid of pictures poster
you’re a true hero

do you eat trash? why not?

rachelfag molefag nicolefag pandafag other nicolefag and aurafag implying they're not the same person are great posters that contribute a lot

pandafag deserves a gas chamber

because my stomach can’t digest it. seeing a word or picture on a screen is not the same and you know it.

turned off these boring feeds I'm watching boreball. I am constantly reminded why CBB and OTT don't work because I'd rather watch sports but I'm now watching sports instead of regular BB

not forcing yourself to eat awful foods is the same as not forcing yourself to see awful posts. they never actually talk about anything they're just spam or up or down votes

no i think you're just being stupid
digest that

This thread is too slow. what's a better community to join? Twitter or reddit?

Jess nominated Jack & Jackson? I have no choice but to stan!

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I’m sure all of your posts are extremely high quality and your opinion is very important.

stay here but post like you’re on either of those sites

Jess Gheesling

glad making you disappear makes you so angry

none of the posts were mine
I just think it’s a bitch move

>and your opinion is very important

why does the austim always come out on the weekends

what's the boot order predictions? my go is Jack Show, Jackson, Mistie, Faggot, Nick, Anal, BOSS HOGG III, Nicole, Big Jess, with a Bimbo/Holly final 2

dont mind me. just posting a cap.

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good for you

>no more pills

Uh oh

Tommy before the dance off:
Tommy gayness after:

I'm such a bitch for missing out on this

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How do you get a job as a camera guy on this show?

nick and jess appreciating the greatness of a jack show

twitch memes WeirdChamp

and you get triggered by pictures on a screen
>no no filter pls save me!!!
it doesn’t matter anyway, I haven’t posted a picture since this morning

you are, yes, unironically so.
a stupid bitch at that.

oh no! it was posted 4 whole times this season! how can we live!

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you're being dramatic. i think you need to go outside and get some attention.

what posts should I regret not seeing?

I’m gonna go back to what I was working on. I went out last night, thanks for the concern though.

you’ll never know cuz you have your head in the sand

why are you being so dramatic?

oh god please tell me about you going out and what you're working on I need a good laugh

Guys, is he gonna be okay this week?

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hell yeah

I just like making fun of filterfags for being babies who simultaneously think they’re better than everyone else.

no thanks. maybe if you didn’t phrase it like that, I would’ve been more likely to divulge. but like the stupid bitch you are, you blew it.

lol jess thinks that holly would vote jackson out against cliff

everything rides on the veto

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I hope you reread your posts tomorrow and laugh at how dumb you are

god forbid someone not care to hear the same thing you talk about over and over again


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you don’t know what the posters are saying because you don’t see their posts, so your opinion doesn’t mean shit.

Ive said worse. and also I’ll never re-read any threads from this season. that would be an even bigger waste of time than arguing you.

what opinion are you talking about?


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I don't care what avatarfags say because they don't say anything. you're a retard

what do you think frank does when the titties aren't sittin right?

the opinion that the people who post whatever picture you have filtered are always saying the same shit and always saying shit that you don’t want to hear.
you have no valid opinion on that because you don’t see their posts so you cannot make that determination

here’s your (You).

All I know is...I miss him.

ok maybe stop spamming the same images from years past and maybe someone will read your posts

I haven’t posted a picture all day, you’ve read all my posts

if ian got backdoored week one would these threads even exist?

I don't care

Quirky's are sittin right.

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no u

Is being a based retard a strategy?

2+/21 win rate is better than average

worked for our man A-Baller

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Derrick was a fat ass in 2009.

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I miss them, bros. What are the odds that they will ever return?

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Probably the most powerful strategy in modern BB. Mastermind gamers get fucked by the Jury every season now, so positioning yourself as a house pariah early and then latching onto the biggest tryhard in the house as a turbo goat is the clearest path to victory. All the better if you secretly undermine your master like Josh did with his GBM's. Jessica winning this HoH was a huge mistake. She was in that position this season, there was no scenario where she got booted before F5 at the earliest, and a very high possibility of being taken to F2 if all the couples are eliminated by that point.

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>bogg does not approve of the vintage

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>positioning yourself as a house pariah
quarky is walking to the F2

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isn’t she a “””sommelier”””?

Very good chance of that now that Jess made herself a target again. She has now proven to be very difficult to beat on memory comps, which makes her a huge threat in late game and a likely candidate candidate for eviction once the war of the six is finished, or even sooner if one of them wants to puss out and have a "bloodless" week.

That's 90% of how Josh won BB19, the other 10% being his goodbye messages.

josh wasn’t based, he was just a retard

he was pretending to be retarded
he said it in his speech

yes. but would you say he is a based retard?
>insert josh cracking his skull in the waveroom.webm

didn't dane reveal he was an engineer after playing up the hockey bro shit
was that even a factor, I didn't watch feeds

i'll be honest, he was 100% retarded in the beginning and most of the late game but once jury started there were times he really seemed to be playing it up on purpose.

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I don’t actually care about discussing josh but just think if I had included a picture from that season that’s been used more than once, you probably wouldn’t have seen that post.

good night ladies.

hes a civil technician

I wonder if it'd be a good strategy to legit pretend you were retarded. You'd probably be hated by America but there's a good chance no one would vote you out.

like downs retarded?

night babes

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Maybe not that far, but handicapped. Like severe Asperger's or something. Would get you to jury at least.

Sitting right

dunno, ovi got fucked

I wouldn't want to watch someone pretend to be retarded but I would love watching someone pretend they barely speak English

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>I've been fake in this game for thirty days, thirty five days, forty days, however long it's been
does he even know you need to know dates for endgame comps? as if his shit memory wasn't enough to get fucked

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he doens't know

based jackson's parents cutting the feeds. Does this mean he's going to win?

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why does she look so old? how old is she really? like 50?

yo what's up bb who's got the biggest dick in here?

we're all girls here...




that's the answer i was looking for yall go back to posting

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thanks ian

Does anyone have the link to the fight leak?

i didnt save the link. sorry.

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Is she misting them to vote jackson? will it work?

I think Jackson and Paras would be great friends, they both had sad childhoods

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can't mist me

what happened to jackson


go to the previous thread and cntrl+f "mega"

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>giving David a pep talk
I though he was racist?

I hope jackson wins, has anyone else ever said they don't fuck with niggers on the feeds before?

Cody implied it often

haha based poltard!

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As much as I want to make fun of Jess eating it just kind of seems hollow so long as Snackson is still around

how much big brother does jcm watch?

bimbo is trying to figure out a way for her to vote jackson out to save face with christie and tommie and anal. cliff and jessica arent picking it up

the mega is down, here's an reupload


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thanks Mike Wahl

i'm about halfway through the fight. what exactly are christie and michie angry at each other about?

You're are welcome

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new thread memphis

jackson found out that chistie was throwing his name around to all the outsiders and painting him as a target.

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qute quarkies

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did she deny it?

i would assume so. it being christie. they didnt show inside the boatroom during the fight on the leaks.

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based grodner securing the die hard eyeballs this sunday on cbs

very qute

holly fuckin up
you hate to see it

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>that lotion placement


new thread

kek. thats like a bob ross happy little accident.

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I kek’d

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