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It's 1 > 3 > 2 and you can just stop pretending otherwise from now on.

terrible ranking faggo



the correct order is 1>2>3 you moronic retards...
why should I watch the 3rd movie before the second one?

1>2>small power gap>3


This movies were great. The only problem was that they set an extremely high bar for trilogies which no film series has ever been able to match.

1 > 2 > 3.

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>adventure feeling
1 > 2 > 3

>grand battles
2 > 3 > 1

>emotional speeches
3 > 2 > 1

>being abdolute trash shit
The Hobbit trilogy reigns supreme.

Absolutely amazing in a consistent manner.
They raped the BD release, the movie climaxes at the Moria and then ends with a 45 minutes long fart.
One half of long build up that kinda drags, one half of fantastic payoff.

Just coming to state that putting 3 first is absolute cringe, and 100% guaranteed to be a The Hobbit™ movies fanboy. Also OP is right in the spot, the rohan arc is the best in the movies no discussion, plus the ent battle was heartwarming as a teen and still is today

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Was it kino

i will always put it 1>3>2, because the comfy levels in 1 and 3 are better than in 2

Like im gonna sit still for 10 hours to watch some old ass film
Gtfo of here

why wasnt sauron invisible while wearing the ring?

Rohan is the comfiest what the fuck

have sex

Put it at 2x speed

He was too much of a big guy for the ring to render invisible

Because he was the actual master of it and could control its power. Others were simply drawn into the Shadow Realm.

I also remember some ecplanation about the Ring amplifying your traits, and because Hobbits are pretty elusive their sneak level gets boosted to invis. Question is why Isildur turned invis as well. Maybe because he was a massive coward and so the ring boosted his stealth as well. Maybe he only turned invis in the movies abd not the books. I can't remember.

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They're all amazing and I see no reason to rank them

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Return of the King is such an emotional payoff and really a triumph of trilogy franchises in general considering how many fail in the last leg due to whatever reason (budgeting , lack of ideas, etc) .
Aragorn > Boromir > Theoden > Faramir > power gap > Elrond > shit

Because it's not an invisibility ring

never seen sean astin look hot before, wtf is this?

zoom zoom

this, it’s so aggravating when people The the rings only ability is to make someone invisible... the ring magnifies the power of the wearer.. the hobbits turn invisible when they wear it because they already have good stealth ability

Return of the King is my favorite even though I think Fellowship and Two Towers are objectively better movies, if that makes any sense.

Sauron can actually control the ring, instead of the other way around. Practically anyone else using the ring just gets pushed into that "shadow dimension" that makes you invisible to everyone except for Sauron/the Nazgul (and of course makes it easier for him to find you). I'm curious about what would happen if Gandalf or Saruman put it on though.

Didn't Isildur turn invis?

>yfw sauron was just a punk ass kiddo compared to Melkor/Morgoth
>yfw you will never see cinematic representation of Utumno or Angband

why even live

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Isildur also turns invisible, though. I think this, along with the Nazgul being invisible (they wear the hoods/cloaks to give themselves a shape), implies that mortals who put the ring on turn invisible.

like them however you like them, they're all great and watchable in their own right independent of having seen the others

They partially go into a different realm or some shit, it's not quite invisibility

OP is correct and confirmed based

If this was The Hobbit then you’d be right.

>pippin's hairline

2>1>3 but there's no real power gaps
Two Towers is even better when you're watching the theatrical version too

>Isildur was a big sneak
Brought to you by Elrond gang

>They partially go into a different realm
Technically yes, but for all intents and purposes isn't that the same thing as invisibility? Nobody can see them except themselves, Sauron, Frodo, and (presumably) other ring-bearers.

Lard of the black laand come fart

Sure, but it's a massive understatement
It's like saying that stopping time for a while and walking around is the same as teleporting

Chad taste

Fellowship is CLEARLY the best. The other two are good but don't reach the same level of perfection.

Low IQ viewers will see Moria as the climax, but the actual climax is Frodo's encounter with Boromir, Boromir's sacrifice and redemption, and Sam choosing to go with Frodo to Mordor.

Based Smaug


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holy shit chils,the fellowship was perfection

FOTR was the best because it stayed closer to the books

It's easily the best book to film adaptation I've ever seen, and maybe the best one ever made. Perfectly captured the tone and spirit of the book while cutting out a lot of of the stuff that wouldn't translate well to film (Tom Bombadil, the incessant singing, etc.). My only gripe with it is:
1. Making Arwen way more important than she was in the book
2. Not immediately reforging Narsil
Although I understand that you can't just have Galadriel as the only relevant woman in the story, and saving Anduril for later adds to the drama for ROTK.

Ents and rohirrim ftw

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Batman Returns > Batman > Batman Forever

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Why do the hobbit actors look so fucking weird when you see them regular sized?

>Using the Extended Cut
Faggot, theatrical is superior and doesn't have the piss filtering

Because it's obvious that the movies were using insane camera tricks to make them look shorter. It's even more disconcerting when you look at the top left. See that guy? The tallest man in the entire fucking photo? That's Gimli.

Do you have any behind the scenes of those camera tricks? I've only seen the one of that table scene

Also, I know they were using camera tricks but something about them just doesn't look right when they're at their regular height.

They were mostly sing midgets when sowing them nextto each other. Note thst you rarely see the faces of the hobbits/Gimli when they stand nextto regular sized people. The actual actors faces were used when the camera did lots of cuts. This is not to say they didn't use optical tricks as well (as already mentioned the table optic illusion trick). But this was necessary because the faces were relevant during those scenes.

2 was battle kino.
1 was adventure kinom
3 was a great finale but held back by a lot of bickering drama between sam and frodo plus the ghost army was a bit much.

god damnit, that D&D-tier answer of yours is even more aggravating

what the ring does is carry you in the spirit realm or something, but people like Sauron, Nazgul, Gandalf (and Tom Bombadil, surely an ainur) already exist in both, so you don't notice anything when they wear it.

>Tom Bombadill
>surely an ainur
Dude no, stop it. He was deliberately left an enigma, we know nothing of him.

the only correct answer is:

1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anybody that disagrees is of the utmost faggotassed condition

these guys get it, 3 is the worst

>He was deliberately left an enigma, we know nothing of him.
Tom Bombadil confirmed for killing Tony at the ending of The Sopranos.

I rewatched them all recently and 1>2>3. Also the extended editions are all awful, you have to watch the theatrical cuts.

The Fellowship extended cut was an improvement, but after that yeah you're right. I recently rewatched the whole trilogy and was amazed at how much the extra scenes in 2 & 3 felt out of place.

weird how they all look like regular dudes here

The Hobbit movies were better anyway.

hella damn this looks good


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The extended cuts improve them all around but 1 becomes an almost perfect movie with amazing pacing.

The extended material is mixed for 2 and 3 but still much better overall.

Even the production team admits in the commentary that some extended scenes had issues.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Attached: Middle-earth Tier.png (1086x1124, 695K)

>after first viewing
3 > 2 >1
>after a few viewings
2 > 3 > 1
>after multiple viewings.
1 > 2 > 3

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It's all a continuation of the shooting of 1 movie. so it's

early 2000s fashion looks so strange now

because the ring amplifies your powers. It doesnt turn you invisible.

It only turned frodo, bilbo, and sam invisible because they are hobbits that were established as sneaky

I like 1's emotional moments too although they are more subtle.

Best of the trilogy is Two Towers, and I don't think there's any real debate about that now from anyone who knows anything about movies. Fellowship second, RotK 3rd by miles.

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because as a maiar sauron exists both int he physical realm as in the spirit realm so it doesnt have that effect on him, mortals who wear it get dragged into the spirit realm

if gandalf or saruman put it on they wouldnt turn invisible either because theyre the same as sauron
nazgul only exist in the shadow realm, thats why theyre invisible tardo

The New Testament > The Old Testament > POWERGAP > The Quran

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kudos to you gentlemen very good taste indeed

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Orlando looks like a methhead lanklet how the fuck does he get so much tail

imagine not thinking fellowship is the best, you would have to be an absolute fucking plebian

The Koran is at least 50% just Jew bashing so there's not much content


Samwise looks like The Winter Soldier

They could never do The Silmarillion justice, the battles in that age had millions of troops on each side

The same could be said for /pol/, desu.

I view these as one single ten hour adventure.

2 > 1 > 3

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>Tfw saw this in theaters on opening day

lurk moar newfag

Even Tolkien made pre First Age stuff fuzzy. It's too fantastical.

Like im gonna sit still for 10 hours to watch some film with only one kind of ppl in it
Gtfo of here

I just re-watched Fellowship of the Ring yesterday and I felt like the pacing was really fucked for a good portion of the movie. I have not read the books yet, but you can feel the level of detail there is in each area and the amount of lore that is skimped. I mean the movie is already 3 fucking hours, but it still felt like the movie was spread thin in some places. I don't watch a lot of movies anymore, and this is probably just an inherent flaw of them, but still made me feel weird.

an inherent flaw of adapted movies I mean

>Retards have to pretend 1 wasn't boring setup garbage flick simply because it was the "first" even though they filmed the movies together

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>holy shit chils,the fellowship was perfection

Attached: did you just.gif (452x371, 59K)

Actually it is 1 > 2 > 3

>orlando bloom looking absolutely /fa/ as fuck
the buzz cut looks fucking great on him

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>t. zoomer
That's only on the the bluray, dvd and streaming extended editions don't have that filter

I came here to post this.

Someone who actually knows what he's talking about incoming (or should I say Tolkien about.)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Hobbit (1977)
The Lord of the Rings (1978)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Hobitit (1993)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Skazochnoye puteshestviye mistera Bilbo Begginsa Khobbita (1985)
The Return of the King (1980)
The Hobbit (1966)

Attached: 1562043326312.jpg (612x406, 46K)

Incredibly based and unisonpilled


Is this a meme made specifically to piss off people who have actually read the book? THE RING MADE ISILDUR INVISIBLE. And this isn't a fucking video game, Hobbits don't get a racial passive buff. Fuck you all.

1 had plenty of action
>all the nazgul scenes
>gandalf fighting saruman
>avalanche scene
>kraken thing
>moria tomb fight
>fight on the river

>Leonard Nimoy’s Bilbo Baggins music video
>The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
>The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
>The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
>The Hobbit (1977)
>The Lord of the Rings (1978)
>The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
>The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
>Hobitit (1993)
>The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
>Skazochnoye puteshestviye mistera Bilbo Begginsa Khobbita (1985)
>The Return of the King (1980)
>The Hobbit (1966)


Just like dark souls


Fuck off.

I dont understand why people hate on darksouls 2 so much. DS1 was only good for the first half and 3 just felt like a lackluster rehash.

They unfortunately trivialise the Journey of Frodo, Sam, Peregrin and Meriadoc's journey to Bree. I thought that shit was cool in the books.

The only adaptation with Tom Bombadil is a fucking illegally made Finnish TV show. It's a goddamn crime how much everyone shafts poor Tom.

Sean Bean (Seen Bean) is easily the most chad person in the line-up
"gandalf" is the most disappointing

>The New Testament > The Old Testament > POWERGAP > The Quran
Iliad > *

>Why yes, The Lord of the Rings™ is my favourite movie franchise. How could you tell?

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Fixed this for you bud

Attached: corrected.png (1086x1124, 692K)

What a cancerous reddit opinion.
The cartoon Hobbit is easily a masterpiece compared to Jackson's embarrassment of a trilogy.

Shut up nostalgiafag



PUT ON THE RING?!????!?!?

anyone else feel like these movies aged badly?

Because for every cool experiment and addition they made (and they did indeed implement cool stuff, of which much sadly didn't get reused in ds3 for some reason), they ruined a core element. World design is absolutely incoherent, linear garbage that isn't physically connected at all, made even worse by teleporting from the start. The controls suck and the weapons feel like they're made of cardboard. The art style, textures, music and animations are bland and boring. Many enemies are designed stupidly, just artificial difficulty (eg. enemies standing on two feet spinning on the spot when you walk behind them) just to be "hard" rather than fun. And so on and so on...

They're all great why are we even arguing about this.

because they are?

>Question is why Isildur turned invis as well.
jackson fanfiction

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