This is quite worrysome. Is this what they are considering when they cast actors?
This is quite worrysome. Is this what they are considering when they cast actors?
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I don't know what can be gone over in this thread that hasn't been gone over in all the others, but the likelihood is that she and her team of women writers and casting directors didn't think that far ahead. They just wanted ethnic minorities in their show because minorities are like their pets who deserve representation for existing no matter the context; there's really no forethought put into it.
I mean they one of the hottest dudes in Hollywood as their protagonist, they're thinking with their hearts and clams, not their heads.
Hahaha what if she shit in the street? Wouldn't that be EMBARRASSING?!
>only Americans are wolf witchers and letho in games
>everyone else ranges from literally all across Europe
>"everyone's American"
OK bro
>We don't hate America, just the government!
>America is a racist country built by white supremacy and all of its history and majority population are complicit in evil
I don't really get why she talks so much about America when the Witcher is Polish/Slavic
Reminder that this woman is a paid writer
I love Witcher and I was really apprehensive about the show but I never imagined it'd get this shitty
If you have something to say about the state of affairs of white people or what have you, do it but not in a preexisting setting that contradicts your ideals
Why are they so hellbent on shitting on fans just to virtue signal? It's disingenuous and morally bankrupt
Is that real?
>explains race changes
It's forced if you need to explain. And it's shit if it feels forced. End of discussion.
>writers and costume designer don't converse
what the actual FUCK
Why do people like this talk like fucking children? Grow the fuck up, you're a professional doing a job many would kill for and you're not writing for kids. Have some dignity
America has literally, and I do mean quite literally, has nothing at all to do with the Witcher. Be it the books, the games, or the previous attempt at a television adaptation. If you have an axe to grind with America, do it with an American fucking story or better yet, make one of your own.
Exactly. Is this not appropriating culture for their own ends? Is this not a much more cuntish thing to do than have be white and have dreadlocks?
>somewhere around a year ago
"Will I go through the book and change people's ethnicity because I feel like it? No! I'm a writer and story comes first!"
"Let me explain why I went through the book and changed people's ethnicity. America made me do it."
>ethnic minorities in their show because minorities are like their pets who deserve representation for existing no matter the context; there's really no forethought put into it.
How else would we be able to congratulate ourselves?
Gerry Mc'rivia true American hero?
>be yurop
>watch GoT from S1 to S4
>it's good and comfy, similar to the books
>I like this european-fantasy
>becomes the most watched show overseas
>my characters, all ruined
>muh feminism
>pandering to the masses: The TV show
now they're doing the same with The Witcher
why Netflix has to ruin everything?
they ruined Black Mirror, that shifted from proper british dystopia to
>lol technology is bad guys, corporations bad
why can't Americans just stop being so self-centered
>books written by a polish male
>tv show written by female americans, not just one, but 5 of them
>pick popular IP
>skin it
>stuff it full of leftists propaganda
>sew it shut
>parade around as the next best thing since sliced bread
>fail at customer satisfaction
>blame racist/sexists
This is the current year American entertainment industry.
see i never just did things just to do them. c'mon what am i gonna do, just all of a sudden just jump up and grind my feet in somebodies couch like its like its you know somethin to do. c'mon i got a little more sense than that. yeah i remember grindin my feet in eddies couch
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there were any slavs on the writing team at all were there?
feel bad for those young actors and actresses.
besides cavill, they probably won't be able to recover from this shit
I unironically feel bad for non-Americans. The US has the biggest entertainment industry in the world and Americans are so entitled that they will loot every other country's art, history, culture, stories, myths, folktalkes etc, buy them, sell them, and generally shit all over them, and then sanctimoniously lecture you about why you must accept it or you're morally wrong, all while congratulating themselves for doing it.
If California or specifically LA and Hollywood sank into the ocean tomorrow and took 95% of the people in the business with it the world would quite frankly be a better place.
The entire thing at this point is just a massive pyramid scheme to all preach the same ideals to the masses and take as much money from em as possible, and if you divulge from from that path you'll be marginalized if not completely blacklisted.
it's not failing. it's not even getting bombed on social media or YouTube like this stuff usually is. it's literally just a bunch of incel gametards mad that their shitty fanfiction is being replaced with other shitty fanfiction.
B but that's fantasy shit from Poland ....
>I asked my Polish Jew friends if Slavs are black and they said sure!
Big Corporate drones want to infantilize the masses so that the dissent looks like transgression.
>we're making this show for 190 countries
Kike lady and her minions live in LA and have six figure salaries while the people who do heavy lifting live in third world and have three figure monthly income.
>I asked around (especially to Black friends): is it OK to say nigger? The answer was resounding: he cute
So the costume people just have Kaye Blancett on costume design? That makes no sense
the sad thing is that a few years ago very interesting stories came out of America, without you needing to go overseas to raid our culture, swallow it and then send it back to us, massacred, destroyed and with 10x more explosions and sex scenes
> western movies
and what will the Native Americans say?
> war movies
the political situation is unstable
> musicals
let's cast the pop star of the moment
> animation movies
it's all done in 3D, only the story counts and it's always done by Pixar
> capeshit
let's do Iron Man again but this time the protagonist is a black alien lesbian
now no longer laughs, America
we are worrying here on the other side of the Atlantic
This is going to bomb so hard.
Reminder that all diversity hires are done for corporate reasons. Just as you white people love seeing white people on-screen, black people enjoy seeing black people on-screen, asians enjoy watching asians etc. And because ethnic minorities are growing in population size, the potential audiences for these production companies is growing in size as well - and thus they see it fit to cast actors of certain ethnicities to attract this potential audience. However, you'll never see these companies outright say "yeah, we hired this black guy for because it'll increase our ratings and get us more money," because that would be bad publicity.
Instead, every time a decision to black wash a "white" role is taken, PR will throw up a veneer of altruism and say that it was done for ideological reasons, which everyone, whether they lean left or right politically, seems to buy hook, line and sinker - because it fits perfectly with their preconceived worldview. Those on the left will see it as a step forward in the fight for a temporalised egalitarian utopia, whereas the right will see it as evidence of some overarching conspiracy to undermine the white race.
This is just wrong. If I’m watching a movie in China I don’t want to see random minorities sprinkled in here and there. Ip-man was enjoyable for that particular reason
>inb4 british were in one of the films
It was done in a clean way and based in actual history
>And because ethnic minorities are growing in population size
Only the spic population is growing retard. If the chair room wanted a wider audience, they would be spicwashing or possibly chinkwashing for foreign sales.
I don't buy it, ut I still don't want it to happen. If they do this for PR, it means the enemy has more control over public consciousness.
The PR department should confiscate her phone. No, really. This is some of the dumbest shit and most weaksauce reasoning I've read this year. She should just come out and say "Yeah, I fucking blackwashed it. And you can't do a single fucking thing about it" then at least she'd get a tiny little respect for not doing the usual bullshit mental gymnastics
That statement doesn't explain it though, it's the dumbest most handwavingest statement, and everyone's using it as justification for these changes. I cringe inside the moment that "long history of marginalization" bullshit talking point would just die already. It may be true but it shouldn't have any bearing on anything. Guess what, individuals have a long and checkered history of enslaving, abusing, and deriding people who aren't themselves.
>Polish culture isn't white
This dumb kike I swear. Nice hairline lmao
well her actually rebuttal makes sense i guess but she had to go full sweetie mode first
Can Netflix gag this woman already? Like Gearbox clearly told Randy Pitchford to shut the fuck up after he was fighting with consumers over stupid shit netflix needs to do that here
>ask poles of polish culture is "only skin colour"
>poles, realizing this would mean other, dirty non-polish whites could claim polish culture and heritage, say no
>retard interprets this as them saying it's inclusive when actually they're saying it's far more exclusive than just "white"
I guess all those studies showing liberals have nigger-tier verbal IQ compared to conservatives are true
That's not how you're supposed to use the word "checkered".
If the part that makes it make sense is actually true then that means they're even MORE retarded than they are in user's fanfiction. Imagine the writers and costume designers not communicating. Like, c'mon...
heh... nothin personal goys
She is extremely full of herself
Its such a disingenuous thing to say, no-one thinks their culture can be reduced to JUST skin colour, that does not mean skin colour is irrelevant.
It's all about virtue signaling, nothing else.
Now, remake the Roots with a white lead.
>it's about species, not skin color. It's about height, ear shape, etc
Did nobody inform her that skin color was the least useful way of differentiating human races? It's much easier to tell by nose shape, eye shape, jaw structure, forehead, etc. Also all of the characters she tarred had different color eyes and hair too, not just skin
They only hear what they want to hear. They are living in their own little reality bubble and the world around them gets rationalized to fit. It has all the psychological hallmarks of a religious cult.
And what does any of that have to do with fantasy medieval Europe?
Doesn't the book describe the characters in detail? They were described in ways that could only fit white skin tones.
Is it still worth watching for our guy Cavill?
I hope so because i really like the witcher lore.
But one must have hopes down after this many news about the casting and writers. The trailer wasn't nothing special neither.
>It's not about being liberal
>but here is a line that sounds like it came straight from a democratic candidate to use for headlines
>Slavic spirit
name people more racist than Slavs, I'll be here all day
Black Americans.
They're racists what do you expect.
You just know they're gonna put him on a boat at some point, and then make an entire season dedicated around Yen, Triss, or Ciri.
Witcher is:
1. Not American
2. Not history
Holy fucking shit, nobody cares.
>muhh blaahh peepo bad
>muhh accuracy
Nigger they are using their own money, making their own shit, paying that polish cuck millions of dollars, so everyone is happy. Your opinion is irrelevant and millions of people will still watch it. Stop "worrying" about jew entertainment...
>Only the spic population is growing retard
America is 10% Asian, 15% Black, and 20% hispanic.
If you think those people don't want to see themselves in movies, you're literally insane. There are 130 million non-Whites in the United States alone. That's a lot of wallets.
The first tweet is typical sjw/lib nonsense, but desu I don’t have a problem with the rest of what she said. This is assuming she’s being truthful about picking the actors purely based on who will give the best performance, though, which she probably isn’t.
>millions of people will still watch it
Why did Americans invent slavery? Why did they do it?
Remind me how Captain Marvel did again?
>If you think those people don't want to see themselves in movies, you're literally insane. There are 130 million non-Whites in the United States alone. That's a lot of wallets.
How about they make their own goddamn shows / IPs full of non-whites and leave the poor fucking horseslavs alone. Nothing you've said justifies ruining established fantasy worlds for cocktail party points and "increased profits" of which there is zero evidence that including more non-whites makes a movie more "good" or profitable.