Hey Bart let me tell you a story about my youth; this crazy wild time called the 1990s.
Hey Bart let me tell you a story about my youth; this crazy wild time called the 1990s
I pulled up to a Seed and Feed store
Awww, you gonna cry about getting BTFO yesterday little bitch?
there are 5 posters in this thread (now 6) noones samefagging seething mask virgin
also sneed
Dead meme
formerly 1970s
Why is anyone surprised this happens? Haven't you been here for the past 10 years and seen the crap we went through with abatap? God saying that aloud really makes my soul curdle but the point still stands, autists have always ruled this place and some stupid shit to try and push memes
what happend?
Now this is epic
Specifically November 7th, 1999.
I raped Kevin Nash in the blistering Summer of 92
cringe phoneposter
Formerly the 20th century
>i had mostly consensual gay sex and regretted it
same story from prisoners.
Based & Groovypilled
That wasn't me. That was the one-armed man (formerly the two-armed boy).
That's a pretty good joke