Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop the sneed, mask and soijak spammers on this board...

Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop the sneed, mask and soijak spammers on this board? This place is becoming a breeding ground for bigoted polcels and underage Yea Forumsan.

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Other urls found in this thread:

become a janny or go to reddit

you learn how to use the filter, redditard.

Only one pure meme can save us from this nightmare

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Yea Forums and /pol/ are always going to be interlinked because they are the last bastions of free speech. This ain't YouTube or whatever downvoting/censorship platform you're used to.


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Its one of the best parts of this board though

soijak spammers are doing a great job though, capeshitters need to be bullied.

We crash this board

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>the glownigger says while shitting up a thread with soijack

OP it’s glowniggers. Not necessarily CIA, but possibly ... or possibly China’s 50 cent army, Mossad, a small group of dedicated Freemasons, whatever ... but it’s clear that they are foreign to the board, operate by a playbook, and possibly use bots.

Stay frosty. And notice the response this post will get.

stop pretending to be me I only greenpost and I dont post from an iPhone, larping faggot

i love his expressive, vulnerable visage

Just report off topic shit. Spammers will get range banned after a while hopefully. Also don't reply or bump any shit threads, as well as hide and filter threads. Problem solved.

Mask is just a flavor of the month meme and will naturally die in due time. Soijack will be replaced by the next fresh Pepe or Wojak edit. As for Sneed, it’s absolutely based and there’s no reason to get rid of it.

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sneeding ground

Thanks /pol/ for bringing all those redditors in. Sure turned out just the way you thought huh?

Didn't you get humiliated enough yesterday?

It was unintentional
Also Yea Forums isn't a secret club, retard

>Didn't you get humiliated enough yesterday?

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>It was unintentional
They invited them over.

Don't even give him attention. Just report for spamming and move on.

I'm tired of getting banned for replying to off topic garbage

Will there be survivors?

i know. getting global banned for posting on /tb/ means i just shitpost from my phone, but i don't have the energy to type out long helpful posts on my on-topic small board from my phone. it's a net negative impact.

Why is this meme considered organic and natural as opposed to Sneed

it's ctr

Honest question. Why do some people need to complain about /pol/ constantly even when the tread has nothing to do with it? It's obnoxious.

Bane is about how bad the plane sequence is, Sneed is just about Sneed

They expect all of us in wreckage brother.

Because it has spawned an infinite amount of clever and funny offshoots and variaions. All Sneed has created is the word sneed being spammed over and over.

Because it's mainly /pol/'s fault that this place is infested with Gen Z Pepe memelords

Blanket bans are fucking retarded, also checked


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Crash Team Racing?
What’s ctr

If only.

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>Yea Forums isn’t a secret club
>therefore let’s turn it into a haven for trannies, stormfags and election refugees

Both Sneed and Bane are organic and natural. Mask doesn’t have any coherent origin story, it’s just random spamming.

But Sneed is Based and Based is Sneed. Ya dig?

Because /pol/ is the entry level board that brings redditors and zoomers to this website you dumbfuck.

All of these faggots started on /pol/. No surprise that they've migrated to other boards since then.

Pay attention to the patterns, and the effects certain memes/shitposting styles have. Organic memes like bane posting have power, and someone is upset about that.

Αm pretty sure it's an AI bot,I see it on many other boards

Sneed is pure AIDS.

Bane started on day 1 when the trailer came out

No one cared about Sneed until it was spammed repeatedly

>this meme I don’t like is perpetrated by an agency of the US Government

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whats the origin of Sneed then

So you intend to fix that by being a whiny bitch about it every day?

I need to get off this website

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Instead of just shutting up and letting Zoomer shitposters cum down your throat every day?

Yes. Fuck off zoomershit.

lol gay

>it's another leftypol pro-censorship thread
It's all so tiresome. Go back, commies.

>Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop the sneed, mask and soijak spammers on this board? This place is becoming a breeding ground for bigoted polcels and underage Yea Forumsan.

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Oh no! Not racism!

It's simple
we bring in actual /pol/ posters and not the meme ones that just make pretend threads

>all the retards ITT acting like /pol/ is reddit when Yea Forums is the most reddit board and the fastest blue board

>Thanks /pol/ for bringing all those redditors in
Still less than what bane, star wars 7 spoilers and game of thrones brought into Yea Forums
But lets be real, you're part of the invasion from one of the three

Sorry to disappoint you election tourist.

>Oh no! Not a darkie on my screen!
This is literally half the threads on Yea Forums because of /pol/shits.

>dude just filter it!
>why is my on-topic thread on page 5 after 2 minutes?

Theads about not getting the more adult jokes in the simpsons

what happened to this page anyway?

>Not a darkie on my screen!
This but unironically
kys cuck/shitsking

>election tourist
Here's your average poster that goes on about election tourists:
Almost ALWAYS they're as new as the election. Why is that?

Theres no bigger "look at me i drink sóylent" than hating /pol/
Undercover redditors are allergic to untrendy politics and bitch about the site randomly everytime they witness something edgy that would be bannable offense on their site of origin.

I just want to laugh, discuss movies and occasionally see huge tits on mature women.

/pol/ actively invited redditors here during the election though

How are simpsons threads not considered spam?

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>How do we stop the sneed, mask and soijak spammers on this board?

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This one is so fucking great haha

>he who smelled it dealt it logic

Everyone who complains about bane, star wars 7 spoilers and got redditors is actually a redditor himself.

No you fucking retard they started on Yea Forums on Yea Forums

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Sneed was specifically made to annoy and derail threads. Bane is just a funny thing born from finding humor in a ridiculous scene. Sneed is parasitic and feeds off of contempt. You don’t see bane being spammed to derail a thread because it doesn’t need to be, it will occur naturally when someone sees a way they can reference it. It’s not forced and reactionary like sneed.

They hate it because they want to discuss the cheese people show and are mad that it gets derailed.

They are now thanks to sneed

It's usually Yea Forumseddit posters blaming /pol/
Look at the type of off-topic threads for example
>cast _
It's fine until it's something "/pol/"
>friend simulator shit
It's fine until it's something "/pol/"
>what are some films about _
It's fine until it's something /pol/
Every single year since Yea Forums got big with bane too this board slows down to it's old speed when E3 happens. All the low IQ shitposting vanishes for however long the show is and comes back as soon as it's over(the board gets fast again too)

It's usually gen z redditors getting mad at someone blaming /pol/.

>guys just hate /peel/ they are the redditors cmon guys

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Yes. Post more Zoomer memes, Zoomer.


Redditors are the ones who visit both sites, and use Yea Forums as their dumping ground to bitch about opinions they have that get downvoted on reddit.

The picture you replied to was clearly lefty memes though I'm not saying /pol/ isn't full of r/thedonald shitters

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I'll concede that /pol/ definitely crossposts here, but everyone should keep in mind that the discord tranny meme is very real and is obsessed with changing the political tide of Yea Forums

Its why this chart will never be outdated.

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Because most of them are redditors that came to Yea Forums because of it in 2014 and later
I can guarantee you that 90% of banefags weren't on Yea Forums when TDKR came out and almost all of them heard about it because of the tom hardy reddit raid.

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