Why didn't Yea Forums like Rose as The Doctor's companion?

Why didn't Yea Forums like Rose as The Doctor's companion?

She got good, interesting stories and her actress was actually surprisingly good (eg. rewatch the catnun-run hospital episode where she's possessed by Cassandra).

Donna had the best stories and writing, while Amy and Clara were the best looking. Rose seemed like a good compromise between those two, so why didn't Yea Forums like her?

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Hmm, something about her was too chav-y. Amy Pond will always be best girl.

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The first season with her was okay. I couldn't get into the other ones much though.

I like the actress in Selfie and Jumanji though.

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billy piper is great but the characters annoying. she was definately RTD's pet creation. The character was great with 9 but with 10 they became a duo of smugness. RTD also couldn't bringing her back.

>Why didn't Yea Forums like Rose as The Doctor's companion?

because we want to
because we want to


This thread should really be about Martha desu

I never had an issue with her. Never understood why people disliked her. Oh I've heard the rants, but it was always just drivel. Rose is far better than any of the modern Who companions. Drastically even.

She's such a cute bunny

I like the actress, but anything beyond her first season gets into all the things going wrong with modern doctor who. Never as bad as it gets later mind you, but still worse than her first season.

I'd rather just see the actress in other parts. She does a good job.

They ruined her like they ruined Capaldi's doctor

i hate donna so fucking much

martha a cute
rose ok
clara top qt


RTD set out to make the 'greatest companion evah' and then Moffat tried to outshine him with Clara and thats why the 50th was Clara/Rose wank

clara and rose are perfectly fine

the real problems are post first season amy pond
donas a terrible companion
bill is easily one of the worst
and all of the the female doctors companions

the minor issues with Rose and Clara are laughable compared to how bad things got.

>i hate donna so fucking much

Fuck Rose. Amy and Rory were the best companions.

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>clara top qt

This. Clara was the cutest, but she really was a bitch to the Doctor, so much so I'm confused why he cared for her so much. She treated him like shit.

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Rory was a cuck and Amy was a slut.

>She treated him like shit.

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Best girl coming through

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>Why didn't Yea Forums like Rose as The Doctor's companion?

Coal burner!!!FACT!!!

when was kaya on doctor who

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RTD could write women much better than Moffatt. Rose, Martha, Donna. Three completely different personalities who all have different relationships with the Doctor

Rose was a slag chav and that never changed throughout her run.

Besides, we know Martha was the best companion of NuWho!!!FACT!!!

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That's not Sarah Jane, reigning Goddess of Companions.

She's the only nu-who companion that has an arc. She grows and changes a ton from her first episode to her last

She was fine. Like just about everything in nuWho, constantly bringing her back got old.

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Zoe is too cute

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fucking loved Rose. Billie Piper a trashy hotty.

School Reunion was kino af

Amy > Clara > Rose > Martha > Donna > the nappy haired negress

Donna > Rose > Amy > Martha = Clara > nappy haired negress

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Spot on apart from Rose being too high on the overall. She's a jealous cunt

>hating Donna
literally the only good companion since the show came back

>nappy haired negress
what was her name?



unironically forget she was even a companion

I feel old.

Based Freemaposter.

But Donna had great tits

I don't get it

I remember literally no episodes involving her. I think there was one decent one but can't recall what it was about

There are Family of Blood/Human Nature but those are more good because of Harry Lloyds acting
Blink is technically in her season but she isnt really in it

>Blink is technically in her season but she isnt really in it
Right, that might've been the one I was thinking of

>they made her daughter black

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