>Rey and Kylo have a big fight on the desert planet of Pasaana. From what I know they search the wayfinder device which unlocks Vader's legacy. The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half, the ship crashes and Kylo gets out of it. He ignites his lightsaber and attacks Rey. Then something happens, its called force flash fight, The background changes as they fight like the bond they had in TLJ. They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight in Lars's home). They end up back on Pasaana and then stop because the Sith Fleet arrived. That's all I saw from this fight. There is another one to the end. This fight was around 8-9 minute long, the background changed like it changed in Rey's vision from TFA.
Rise of Skywalker SPOILERS
Other urls found in this thread:
>The last fight is on the ruins of the second death star,there they fight the Knights of Ren and The Dark Acolyte played by Matt Smith, Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren.
>He opens a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star.
>The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. First Order aparently joins the fight too. We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command.
>Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
>In the end Rey and Kylo kill all the KoR and they fight Palpatine. Kylo kills the host but Palpatine posseses him and they get outside as Death Star 2 rises from water, posseses Kylo fights Rey but he has moment where he gets control back and begs Rey to kill him. Kylo dies and Palpatine too. Ben is dying but Luke force ghost appears and he saves his life.
What?? The Emperor? No way. How?
tldr I'll wait for the Star Wars Theory video thx
He never died
No one's ever really gone
Fuck off Disney no one cares
FUCK off prequelfag
I hope this is true, this sounds retarded as fuck
"Every generation has a legend"? Please tell me this isn't an official poster.
How did the emperor who is basically a demigod end up in a treasure chest? Oh boy I’m laughing
Ask JJ
>Force Realm
fucking lol
>t. Mouseshill
Stop shilling this shit, it's just exactly what RLM predicted except there's no explicit mention of time travel
Nobody cares about nu-wars leaks.
RLM copied Makingstarwars.net leaks.
RLM are hacks. Kys shill
You meant to say he ended up in a mystery box.
We Harry Potter now