How much of this shit did you drink today and what? Be honest you selfhating alchie piece of shit

How much of this shit did you drink today and what? Be honest you selfhating alchie piece of shit

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Nothing yet, but now that you mention it I'm about to crack open a beer. Thanks.

a full bottle of whisky. currently starting my next and opening some white wine later on but probably will fall asleep on the floor before that.

Smoked some weed earlier. Now I have made a White Russian.

none. I'm an alchie but I'm only down to a few pints binge a week now

Is there any alternative to the alcohol pill besides suicide? I don't know how else to deal with 9-5 wage slavery.

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Tonight I'm not going to drink because I am in control

nothing yet, 15 beers yesterday

weed maybe? you can evidently buy it online so even neets can get high

What are some movies that prominently feature alcohol? Also Brandy > the rest of that shit.

7 plain room-temperature seltzers

Its not even 5oclock you degenerates. Most of us are still at work.

None, I was never really a drinker except one time I drank with a QT from college. We did shots of vodka until she got drunk and pushed me on the bed and more or less took what she wanted.

Was kino as fuck.

About to finish the handle of cheap vodka I started on Wednesday. It's ok though, I took a day off.

You say that now but give it a few hours and you will give in.

I dumped out all of my beer yesterday morning so that I'd stop drinking. I'll probably only make it a few days, but it's worth a try.

0.7 Gin with Schweppes Mojito soda, pretty much the best cheap drink I know of

>Take a shower
>Realize just today that I'm covered in bruises and cuts from stumbling into doors and breaking furniture

I- I think it's getting kind of bad

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Had three beers last night. Probably the same today

i wish i could get drunk without getting hungover as fuck every day
being drunk is so fun for like 3 hours but the buildup and comedown just fucking suck and i hate that delirious fever feeling i get when im really hungover and only slept for an hour
alcohol fucking sucks i wish dudeweedlmao was legal

I hope not, I've actually been exercising the last few days and I want to keep my health in good condition

A liter of wine. I watch Angel and pretend I'm drinking blood along with him.

Four Roses Small Batch
Idk, what else should I buy instead of this?

Just cracked open my second bottle of port

nothing, I've been sober for one year now
I'd love to get fucked up again but I know it'll result in another bender so I don't

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Leviathan (2014)
The Lost Weekend

Is enjoying alcohol alone the behaviour of an alcoholic? Should alcohol ONLY be used for socialising?

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Four Roses Single Barrel

Gin with Campari

The key to not having horrid hangovers is to drink MAD water when you drink. After every swig drink some water. Trust me. You'll thank me in the morning.

>Is enjoying alcohol alone the behaviour of an alcoholic?
Absolutely not. What defines an alcoholic is lack of control. If you cannot control yourself either by yourself or in a social setting, you are an alcoholic. It's quite easy and possible to control yourself alone, such as when you have heavy thoughts in your head you'd like to mull over a glass.