Why is the film industry centred in California?

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basedest and prettiest state

Tax breaks.

Because its the furthest you could get away from the East coast and Thomas Edison and his patents.

California is like old egypt. You got the slaves and the elites, they both live segregated from eachother. The elite rules adamantly with a god belief, in this case the god is liberalism and free stuff and the calicucks gobble it up due to 20 years of brainwashing and gibsmedats minorities.

Mississippi is third world?

Ummmm bros?

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>California is highest
Maybe if you take the elite bay area, the other areas are literally 3rd world, why is it that the dudes who make these charts always have liberal leaning?

This metric was made by the United Nations, specifically by a paki who had nothing to do with the us. It's used to assess the development of countries globally. Cope

As to why California scores highly, I think it's blatantly obvious if you've ever lived there. The only issue is it's pretty brutal if you're a brainlet.

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>The only issue is it's pretty brutal if you're a brainlet.
Cool story bro, I study Machine learning.
The irony here is that you give me a HDI chart based on averages in which the average being in cali has to pay retarded amounts of rent while being a poverty, yet results on highest levels.
>paki, UN
this should say enough.

>Because its the furthest you could get away from the East coast and Thomas Edison and his patents.
This is the correct answer.

good all year weather

Because it is, and always will be, the most relevant state

Housing costs are high cause everyone wants to live there, largely cause it's where the best jobs are. Same with every important city in the world.

the white and light blue states will be the future ethnostate for our people

It's still a chart based on averages. The best jobs are upper class / elite tier. When you got massive amounts of homeless on the street the HDI is naturally lower. The elite doesn't represent the average, thus this chart is misinforming for state by state basis.

Oh my god keep making up crap without any evidence. This is why the rep states are so fucking poor cause they won't accept statistics over feefees.

If you're a dumbass, yes it is brutal due to the extreme competition. If you're not, e.g. basic bachelor's then it's the best place to live sure to jobs, which is why house prices are so high. If drumpfville suddenly got some relevant companies they'd have the same issues with inequality, homelessness etc but when the only jobs are Walmart or ditch digger this isn't an issue

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>crap without any evidence
>doesn't understand gaussian statistics and babbles about muh california has the best jobs

Is it something with liberals to strawman everything and go drumpf bad posting?

Yeah you've got no evidence. I graduated valedictorian followed by a 4.0 at Berkeley, cope some more.

because movies are made there

In what major? Gender studies? Because it looks like you understand nothing about statistics, gaussian functions or lorenz curves in which these statistics are based upon and thus the averages can't mathematically be at that tier. Also, keep projecting, lmao.

>Oh my god keep making up crap without any evidence.
He isn't. You are and you haven't refuted anything he said. You are just throwing insults and crying about muh evil racist republicans while misinterpreting data and refusing to see things objectively. Literally sjw-tier. I was following the exchange and you're a fucking retard who has no idea what yuo're talking about. And why are you so obsessed with Donald Trump, you fucking schizo?

Thomas Edison?

They found gold there

Legit cringing, it was physics. Not that it matters, I know you weren't val or even close to it.

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>I graduated valedictorian followed by a 4.0 at Berkeley
Please tell us what in so we can laugh at your inability to understand numbers, you fat retarded spic.

California is unironically the greatest state in the country. People always bitch about the high cost of living but it’s M like that because you fuckers are always trying to move here

>valedictorian in physics
>doesn't know what a gaussian distribution is
you're a lying libcuck who sucks at math and science, hide behind your epic reaction images, faggot.

Why would it even matter? If it was gender studies (it was physics) I'd have still been valedictorian which is the more impressive achievement.

>throwing rocks at people who call out your faggotry doesn't count as majoring physics. Well maybe at Berkley lol

its a shithole, i would much rather live in any other state. the people are mentally ill, theres a bunch of dirty beaners and pychotic leftists who think theyre gonna be moviestars despite being in their late 20s and working at a restaurant.

>non white states not even once

>studies physics
>doesn't know anything about mathematical statistics in which physics has a part of, e.g chaos theory.

It's pretty easy to see how your bullshitting or your some paki spic that got the degree freely for being a minority.

>best state
>Spanish is the first language
>everything costs 10xs what it would cost anywhere else
>no apartments below $2,000 a month
>lung stifling smog
>greenhouse effect heat in the triple digits
>fake ass people literally everywhere
>traffic will uptake up 80% of your day

I've lived here over 30 years and want nothing more than to leave.

I know what one is, I'm a valediction. What you're describing is skewed bimodal anyway lol.

Move the fuck out of LA or the Sans.

There are some good parts scattered around but they're all red. All the major cities are Indonesia tier shitholes.

Of the places I lived Miami, Virginia, Texas, Carolina and Colorado are all far superior.

>If it was gender studies (it was physics) I'd have still been valedictorian which is the more impressive achievement.
You didn't study physics though, if you studied physics you wouldn't be such an incompetent fucking joke when it comes to basic stats. You've yet t prove that you have even a high school level understanding of physics. I would bet money on you not even being in college, much less in a rigourous stem program

You also weren't valedictorian and you didn't go to berkley, you're a mentally ill discord shill who sits inside all day spamming pictures of trump because you think you're fighting nazis or whatever. its fucking pathetic that you try lying about being valedictorian at berkley physics, you're too stupid to pass first year calc in community college.

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Bro I moved to the Inland Empire 3 years ago just to get away from all this shit and it's all coming out here too. In 10 years Chino will cost what Los Angeles costs now and Los Angeles will be astronomically overpriced.

Impressive testament to your ability to suck and fuck multiple old leftist "professors" at the same for sure time

>i-if i throw around some math language maybe ill trick them into thinking im not retarded
thanks for the laugh, you don't even have a degree, much less go to berkely, you pathetic fucking commie shill

>the absolute state of poltards

cope, incel

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This , you can film outdoors all year long. And you can live in a house in the hills with a big pool and snort cocaine off of failed actresses fake tits all year long.

Jews got chased off the east coast by based Thomas Edison and the goyim who ran the stageplay industry.
So they went all the way to California and invested all-in on their own screen production conglomerates. There were a few competitors along the way like Disney but eventually they were all bought out. Then it expanded to holding entire media companies that shape popular narrative and affect consensus. Strange how that happened.

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>Berkley Physics valedictorian here
>fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl btw

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So to escape all the problems that come with living in a huge sprawling city, you moved just outside of it into a only slightly smaller sprawling city?

Going to Oxford next year, hate to break it to you but he's right. What you're describing (90 percent in poverty the rest ultra wealthy) is a skewed bimodal distribution. How you could even think it is Gaussian is beyond me...

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no you didn’t

USAtoday literally ranks it the worst state in the country.

Maybe research what HDI is based on, It's a lorenz curve (inequality) added on top of a gaussian curve of GDP and education.

HDI itself is flawed. It doesn't factor in things like e.g what education skews to more "educated"?

California can't reach that high levels of HDI because the lorenz curve is far off. It ain't bimodal.

Isn't this kind of starting to fade, since the cost of doing business in CA is so incredibly high?

> tfw never lived below .85
Feels good

>Thomas Edison?
Back in the day, movie cameras were proprietary equipment, so you had to pay a cut of your earnings to the guy who "owned" the camera.

Jews figured out that by making movies on the opposite side of the continent, they could get away with not paying.

I'm specifically talking about the fantasy of most the state being poor with a few ultra wealthy dragging it up.

They let retards in now?

>basedest and prettiest state
This. There's a reason it's ranked #1.

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Universities have valedictorians? Mine didn’t.


Do you really think the average person in California is homeless? Fucking retard.

took me 3sec.
Again, research how HDI is constructed, if inequality is high the lorenz curve will drag the score down.
Also your paper means shit, Oxford isn't what it used to be.

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>Going to Oxford next year
Funny how everyone on Yea Forums is valedictorian at berkley, going to oxford, or is a millionaire before 25.
As for the stats you are still fucking wrong, you are almost certainly the same assblasted retard just replying to yourself. pathetic. you're such a fucking idiot, please don't talk about math or physics, you're underage.

oy vey, diversity is inherently a good thing goy

because in the 1920's land there was dirt cheap and the weather is perfect year round for shooting.

I was engineering physics valedictorian at harvard and yall are racist af and homophobic

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>Close proximity to the ocean.
>Close proximity to the desert.
>Close proximity to woodland.
>Close proximity to city scapes.
>Close proximity to smaller towns.
>Very reliable weather all year round.

Thats about it.

stanford quantum mechanics phd here with my graduation class, fuck racism and libertarian fascists

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You guys don't know shit about economics so your opinion is invalid.

>this level of seething and strawmanning.

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Why are Californians so fragile when anyone talks shit about their state? Just accept it's a shell of what it used to be and laugh.

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Considering the calicuck doesn't even know gaussian distribution or calculus, this chart sums it up pretty well.

why are libtards so bad at stem?

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cali is full of jews and nogs so its not their fault the avg iq is low

fuck you false flagging nazi. we rule this board now.

>not their
the state is practically a elite class of jews and a few whites the rest are nogs and spics who are slaves

>California having highest HDI

lmao, you just know this is skewed in liberal favour, why does liberals like to fuck up and lie about statistics?

Sunshine for filming since natural lighting was required at the time Hollywood was founded. Also variety in possible locations, California has any setting you could ask for. You can travel an hour in one direction and reach a desert or an hour in another and find a forest, or the ocean, or mountains, and so on for whatever you need. In the east you'd have to fake a lot of it or travel far and make things more expensive than they needed to be

Because it was cheap back in the day

>tfw idahochad

Why do these people act as if having 70000 genders is a superpower? Jesus christ.

fuck you fascist ass

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stay in your state and fix it