Why is Hollywood casting average women to play heroines but they still cast ultra handsome men to play heros?
Why is Hollywood casting average women to play heroines but they still cast ultra handsome men to play heros?
Male power fantasy still exists because males don't give a shit, but apparently fat/ugly women want to be shown they are powerful too, which results in said topic.
Women are so self-centered that they cant help but sperg out when they see a prettier women than them
Thats why movies aimed at women need to feature bland, unintimidating women with man jaws so women can watch them without having a mental breakdown
Yes, it's almost as if there was a specific group of people, known to be overrepresented in show business, who didn't enjoy (or disliked) female beauty, but loved good looking men.
Because boys who watch superhero movies are too young or too low test to care about attractive females anyways. Girls on the otherhand are attracted to the handsome men earlier on, and they atleast have an excuse to watch capeshit when they're older (they're females)
>OP pretends to ask a question but allready knows what kind of answer he will get
When will this meme end?
women are literally biologically programmed to be insecure. men don't care if they're watching some turbo chad fuck shit up for 2 hours, we can be entertained, but women feel threatened by a more beautiful woman
Women wont watch a movie with unattractive male main characters.
Below average
>Why is Hollywood casting average women to play heroines but they still cast ultra handsome men to play heros?
Women pay full price for movie tickets.
Men pirate their media.
Because attractive women are sexist. They don't want men to be attracted to women, they're only allowed to be attracted to other men because this creates more vibrant diversity. If you're opposed to this, you are a bigot.
why does it trigger you?
gay jews and discord tranny jews?
They go down a notch without makeup so
thompsons looks average for a nigress so she would be just plain ugly without makeup and brie larson is probably a 6. Still it's obvious they were casted because of their moderate looks which is interesting.
I dont want society to keep the same expectations for men while it keeps lowering them for women.
Tessa is ugly af, but don’t talk trash about Brie. She’s beautiful
So you mean little kids and adults with brain defects who actually watch superhero movies? Do you think children having reasonable expectations is natural?
Tom Holland and RDJ aren't exactly chads
these lame hero movies are for men who will watch anything and women
left one looks like a lesbian I used to fuck some years ago
>implyng this isnt a joint effort between hollywood, the press and the politicians to push an agenda.
Capeshit is just the best way to get to an specific public which is prety wide anyway despite what you imply.
>I don't want little girls to make fun of me because I dont have a six pack!
strawmans only make you look dumb user
why do women have power or say in anything at all whatosever throughout time in any universe?
Is it because they just bitch endlessly and threaten to take away their pussy holes if they don't get their way?
I'm checking em
there's a thread cap with the explanation goes like..
>man sees a handsome successful man and he wants to be like that man. he wants to be james bond. he sees the mountain top
>woman sees a pretty successful woman and she is jealous and wants to tear them down, they're not a real woman, how dare someone portray that. they complain there is a mountain top and then declare where they are should be the mountain top
They want the female audience, casting too attractive actresses is a no no.
Pandering to an audience that barely exists
this is sadly the real answer. Dudes need to get comfortable going to the kinoplex together. Go on discount tuesdays, you lazy neets! Or nothing will get better.
Yeah this makes total sense considering the largest demographic of Capeshit fans are little boys.
Men take charge, decide things, build society, and disregard what they think is wrong to do what they think is right. It's how things (even bad or wrong things) get done. It's how we have this nice internet, and technology to post cute anime girls, and why cute anime girls got drawn in the first place.
Women couldn't do any of that, they can only come in after the fact and say "okay you're done doing all the work let me be in charge now". Then they still don't know how to be in charge, everything is a democracy with them (democracy isn't automatically bad but they apply it to everything in life) so they need a consensus before something is done, and there would never be a consensus, so no action would be taken.
The only actual power they wield are sexual, it's cruel to both genders that they're raised to believe girls are innocent and caring and the better sex, because they're not.
I saw it as men pay full price twice, his ticket and hers. I've never heard of a girl going to see a movie by herself that wasn't harry potter.
why are underage twitter niggers so afraid to write fuck
flat ass
bad legs
disfigured harpy talons for feet
shit personality
terrible opinions
she's such a disgusting whore that when she hits on black ironman in an intervierw his response is I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME
shes such an utter pile of subhuman garbage that even black men wont sink that low
and black men will fuck almost anything white no matter how ugly
says a lot about brie
Boys hit puberty later than girls. In any case they would probably fantasize about captain marvel because they have no standards.
based black iron man.
no he's just gay
No woman is average. Each is excellent in her own way. Each beautiful, each extraordinary in her own way.
i see you don't know what average means. i too put pussy on a pedestal in attempts to get (you)s
that nigga gay
>disfigured harpy talons for feet
I lost it so hard here
>putting that dog Tessa next to Brie
hefty cringe