So I just finished The Shield, what did I think of it?

So I just finished The Shield, what did I think of it?

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Well? What did you think?

He made you... piss?

cool show

Why do men doing gay shit give me automatic hard on, but when it comes to woman I gotta jerk it to get hard?

I no longer watch tv shows. Has anyone topped the Shield's pilot episode yet?

The Shield finale

Can someone explain the context of this scene for me?

a gang member made the police captain suck his dick

It left you a little gassy and unsatisfied like Mexican soda.


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some straight men get aroused by the sight of hard cocks being sucked, it's perfectly natural

>gang member

Hardly. It was a couple of meth heads.

You think the One Niners, Byz Lats or even the Los Mags would let these two knuckleheads into their crews?

>mfw a gang snatched Kristen Bell off the street right in front of her rival gang member boyfriend and they ran a train on her and then tattoo'd her face

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yes, as they are subhuman filth

Dutchboi is the most cucked character of all time

Better than breaking bad

SPOOK STREET might let them audition

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He got to cuck Vic, he got his redemption

blessed post

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What's with blacks and hispanics always doing gay shit then bragging about it like they're macho?

no homo lol

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>"Vic, can you get me off the hook? For old times' sake?"

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Well he certainly is now

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>what did I think of it?
That the ending was great, but that the show overall could have benefited from being streamlined a bit. Just guessing.

>aborts your arc after two seasons

The Shield > The Wire

They could've cut out the GUEST ACTOR seasons easily, but they stand on the strength of their performances at least.

man the movie's gonna be lit

>You were suckin' like a vacuum cleaner in there...

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Is there somewhere I can stream the first couple episodes of this to see if I like it before I torrent the whole thing?

Spook Street! Forgot about that one. Coulda sworn that was one of the black gangs, like a startup of young bangers trying to make a name for themselves. Those dudes who "raped" Acaveda were white/latino, I think. Also, how funny was it that after that happened, Acaveda developed rape fantasies. Lol, show was so fucked and so good.


>the One-Niners were in both The Shield and Sons of Anarchy proving that they had a shared universe

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nobody ever confirmed it was a shared universe tho

>"Expect blowback."

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>"Expect blowback."

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Yeah, check out Putloc... I mean, nice try ya fucking NARC.

We got a way of dealing with your kind around here...

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It was a bullshit move to make Aceveda a little bitch. He was the captain and decided to stay alone with no backup, then the cops realized no one knew where their fucking captain was so they decided to look for him, so cops knocked the door. Yes, knock, not slam, knock, then no one answered, not even Aceveda who could have screamed. Cops left, then he was forced to suck that guy off and he didn't even tried to prevent it, he went willingly while the other idiot was disgusted taking a pic, two idiots flee and Aceveda was traumatized and started beating his wife.

Then, surprise, Aceveda doesn't get that guy killed even when he got the chance after he was imprisoned which allowed him to start blackmailing Aceveda. It was so fucking stupid that it ruined it for me

It's actually my favorite show of all time, definitely not the best show i've ever seen but something about the ugly sweaty shaky-cam direction of it is really cool for me, and it had the best ending of any tv show ever.

>"The guilty ones are me and Vic. Vic led, but I kept following. I don't think one's worse than the other, but we made each other into something worse than our individual selves. I wish I never met him."

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is this the peak of the 4:3 format?

Dutchman did nothing wrong.

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>that scene where shane is playing the piano while his son and mara dance

Tell that to the cat

>downloaded cp

Fuck off cunnyposter

>*rubs head* "m'ask you somethin Vic, how come you let that bitch Ronnie into our gang?"

I wanna see Ronnie get killed and be patient zero of the zombie epidemic that rocks The Farm and Vic/Shane have to join forces to survive.

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Livin the good life!

Throw your hands up!


He made him suck

>"I'm sick and tired of feeling like we both got raped in this relationship. So man the fuck up and go out there and show your constituents who runs this city!"

Gotta give props to the Shield for the use of curse words and vulgar language. Before they broke the mold, that shit was a big NO-NO. And now every basic cable show is fucking Ted.

Based Billings, the show's true MVP

Billings was great. I forget how he injures himself? Didn't Claudette fall down the stairs and knock him over?

I think someone gets into a scrap on the floor and he gets knocked over and hits his head trying to separate them

Yeah, hmm... I think it musta been Mackey and Kavanaugh. I know they got in a huge fight when they found Lem. But they also had a miny tussle at the Barn.

>Mackey and Kavanaugh
pretty sure you're right, happened at the Barn for sure, I remember that much

>this is actual rape

>pictured was not


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There was that episode in the last season I think, where some punk goads Claudette into calling him a nigger and she gets into some racism trouble. It's actually very well done with how they approach the subject.

I always thought Dutch was a stooge and didn't like strong black woman Claudette- but I really appreciated their friendship. When she got sick, didn't tell anyone, and he got her a weekly maid and paid for it himself... that's when I said, they may be up their own asses, but they love each other.