"You shouldn't let the media you consume define you." - Jay Bauman

>"You shouldn't let the media you consume define you." - Jay Bauman

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I thought that was hilariously ironic of them to say

amazon prime has a boner for horror b movies

Because they fucking rock, I’d rather watch them than the shit we have coming out nowadays.

This is why Rich > Mike >>>> Jay

>ha ha ha of course I love horror movies! violence is hilarious!
>what do you mean did I catch the latest cartel video on bestgore? I don't watch that shit you sick fuck! What is wrong with you?!

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you know one is real and the other is not?

based retard

It’s cute how you thought you were making a valid point with this post, OP

Are you deliberately trying to be a retard?

Jay barely uses Twitter and when he does, it’s just some random movie related thing. How do you interpret that as media defining who he is as a person? You’re the one endlessly making threads about RLM everyday. Are you fucking retarded?

But they are both the same in that people that see them are sociopaths who want to see suffering, except horror fans are hypocrytal cunts who think enjoying fake gore is totally ok.

If you don’t understand the difference between real gore and fake gore, you may have much deeper and more dangerous problems.

holy, is this a real tweet?

>Uhm well you know....
Doesn't prove her point wrong retards. Violence is violence simulated or not. But even so those cartel videos are total falseflags by the government to make you feel safer in your home country.

Hes right you know

your identity is a hall of mirrors and you're deluded if you think there's some sort of core to the ego you've constructed. also it's kind of hypocritical for a movie critic to talk about not letting media define you, his whole identity is created around his critical assessment of media, it's how he makes his money, it's what gives him status and social clout

Owning a previously unreleased movie is the same thing as your star wars pez collection.

You answered your own question, it’s fake. There is a difference between watching a real person get hacked up and a fake character getting hacked up in a slasher film.

>Jay deliberately avoids posting anything about his personal life on social media
>OP is autistic enough to think that means he has no personal life
Not everyone is wasting their life obsessing over e-celebs like you, OP.

This is why I like masturbating, Id rather simulate having sex than have the real thing

How is him talking about movies he likes the same as someone who lets them define them ?
Should everyone stop talking about movies now ?

>people are not more complex than they present themselves online
If you don't know Jay in person, how would you know how he defines himself? Their job, how they earn their income, is talking about movies. It looks like they're just hanging out, but it's actually a source of revenue for them. That's a lot different than what all us fuckers here are doing.

>it's kind of hypocritical for a movie critic to talk about not letting media define you, his whole identity is created around his critical assessment of media
It's not a critic's identity though. It's an interest and a job. Does your whole life revolve around tacos because you have a shit job working at Taco Bell, wagefag?

>it's what gives him status and social clout
You sound like a fucking moron.

>"film buff"
>only watches shitty horror b movies
why are there so many of these fucking fags

Horror fans like to see fake gore because they like to see people suffering but they say "dude its totally fake" as an excuse, and they are afraid of real gore because they know deep down that they will enjoy it like the sociopaths they are.

Don't try and talk logically to these psychotic RLM fans that pretend to hate RLM. They are obsessed and constantly looking for any excuse to shit talk Mike and Jay because they're ashamed of themselves for unironically using them as a friend simulator.

I just like scary monsters and being nervous tho, like a ghost train

i like horror movies because i like appreciating the craftsmanship that goes into making the effects not for some vicarious thrill
this sounds a lil bit like projecting on your end

That is so fucking stupid

Last time I checked, Jay has never sent anyone death threats via Twitter or gotten personally offended that someone didn't like a shitty b-movie he enjoys.

>Jay advertises a couple of movies that were filmed in his state because he thought it would be nice to show off some things made where he lived
>OP(a fucking retard) thinks he's a media slave because of this

That quote is in the context of fanboys who can't let go someone making criticisms of something they enjoy

I don't know much about jay but I know he likes shitty movies that most people don't like, so that kind of rules him out

>but they say "dude its totally fake" as an excuse
I’m pretty sure they say it’s fake because it’s fake.

Because B-movies have merit too. I’m more of a patrician than you, buddy. Whilst you’re watching Last Year in Marienbad, just know I’m being a chad whilst watching Unearthly Stranger.

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you have a limited amount of energy and you can trust that someone whose income relies on having opinions about movies will devote most of his mental capacity towards that endeavour. he is defined by the media he consumes in the most literal sense, I don't see what's hard to understand about it
>Does your whole life revolve around tacos because you have a shit job working at Taco Bell
I would do it if I liked doing it

>i like appreciating the craftsmanship that goes into making the effects

nobody who says this seriously believes it, that's like saying you enjoy porn for the craftsmanship that goes into making a bukkake, don't lie to yourself.

Goddamn RLM threads attract the most retarded fucking losers imaginable.

Yet Jay assumes everyone he sees enjoying mainstream movies "too much" is making it their identity. He's a dummy

there's nothing wrong with enjoying b movies but jay ONLY enjoys b movies and hollywood shit

You’re really desperate for (you)s I guess.

thats why you're here huh

that's a complete false equivalency but if that's what helps you cope then god bless

I’ve never seen anything from RLM. I’m just here to talk about b movies

It's fake but you "enjoy it" the more "real" it looks, what does that say about you?

>your identity is a hall of mirrors and you're deluded if you think there's some sort of core to the ego you've constructed
every image in a hall of mirrors has an initial point, the mirrors cant reflect anything if nothing is there to begin with.

No, OP you don't get it. He meant capeshit and popular media. If you define yourself by what obscure horror and B-movies you like that's fine, because then you're a special snowflake that's different from everyone.

You can’t possibly be this dense can you? Are you just really bored and looking for a little attention?

Just look at those 100+ page "rebuttals" of Plinkett reviews. Non-schizo, non-autists just can't climb cringe mountains like that blissfully unaware.

What's the difference between someone being a marvelfag and Jay being a contrarian b-moviefag? His entire online persona is being "le epic sex pervert movie fan," yet he shits on other people for doing the same with mainstream movies

Being able to understand other people's points of view is a sign of intelligence.

No I’m pretty sure he thinks people that make shit like Star Wars their identity are making shit like Star Wars their identity.

this post is a great microcosm of Yea Forums, you can't tell if this poster is being ironic and having fun or is genuinely retarded.

>no argument
RLM define themselves by movies but shit on other people for doing the same thing.

And being able to understand their point of view is wrong is also a sign of intelligence.

>There are people who still can't distinguish between fantasy and reality

The reason why horror is ok is because we know that no one was actually hurt. It's why I watch Lord of the rings and not freak our everytime I put on a ring

I'm pretty sure that's hypocritical
Jay was excited to own a fucking Gremlin arm but NOOO STOP LIKING STAR WARS

It will never not be hilarious how much you fags claim to hate RLM but hang on every word they say. Mike and Jay have been living rent free in your heads for years and it drives you crazy that they’ll never be your real friends. Seek help.

>you're wrong about your own opinions

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This is the main reason I have prime desu, every month you get at least a days worth of movies to watch

>owning a screen used film prop is the same thing as blindly supporting every piece of media and merchandise from a franchise

It's funny how RLM says they hate the prequels but watched them a bunch for their reviews

Are RLM actually any good?

In what way does one tweet about wanting to see a movie you like on blu ray contradict that statement?

>Violence is violence simulated or not.
Fuck no, learn to separate fiction from reality like the rest of the adults. An incapabality to do this is what leads to censorship, because of retards like you.

the initial image is god's light that shines through all living beings. but it's only a reflection and there's nothing here but mirrors

>wasting money on unnecessary items is okay if its more expensive

I think I now understand why you’re so butthurt: you’re literally too retarded to even understand what he was saying.

No you stupid faggot, he's talking about people who take personal offense when someone says they didn't like a movie they did, just stfu you idiot, your clearly as retarded as the people he was directing that argument to

It doesn’t. Don’t bother wasting your time on these morons.

It's unironically true. The people that hate Josh hate him because they interrupt Mike making a funny so that they might laugh and clap their hands because the drunk man made a silly voice

>dude ur retarded lmao
Is this the only argument you faggots have?

>The reason why horror is ok is because we know that no one was actually hurt

But you enjoy seeing people get hurt in sadistic ways, you think someone who enjoys watching rape hentai is a sane person just because it's fake?

He takes personal offense when people shit on movies he likes, he calls them subhuman retards for not appreciating art like he does lmao
Hell, they take personal offense when people LIKE movies they don't like

OP is right. for people that watch shit movies it's practically a part of their identity. like they're real snooty about it too. they think they're fucking geniuses because they're the only ones that can see how something everyone thinks is shit is actually good. it's a very liberal mindset. this guy probably thinks niggers are amazing too.

There’s been plenty of arguments made in this thread alone but you seem to be too stupid to follow.

>your clearly as retarded

And videogames makes you violent too don't forget that

Please provide an example


>dude censorship is bad because it wont let me watch people dismembered!

Nah, you just can't prove me wrong lmao Jay defines himself by movies yet shits on others for doing the same thing

>advocating for film restoration makes you a mindless fanboy
You can’t possibly be this stupid, OP

Annihilation, The VVitch
They got butthurt over people liking Independence Day

Realism is only one element of what makes horror violence enjoyable and entertaining; it also has to be A E S T H E T I C, which is something that irl gore almost never is. Watching atrocities like father's day, funky town, 3guys1hammer, etc. is an endurance test; there's nothing artistically engaging or cathartic about that visual poison. You're a disingenuous piece of shit if you disagree.
Which part of the chariot is the chariot?

Yea Forums literally says the same goddamn thing as he did about bugman every single day. Jesus fuck.

>lose argument
>"d-dude why do you care so much?"

Honestly, the pickiest of beer drinkers I know will only drink whatever macro brand they like. Even beer "snobs" that like different things will still go "I'm at a party, it's free beer, it's still decent"

it's sort of the same with movies

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Ah yes they are mindless fanboys for The Witch and Annihilation because they enjoy and recommend them. That makes perfect sense. And their whole lives revolve around hating Independence Day. I guess I forgot.

Again, their not saying people can't enjoy those movies.
They're pointing out the fact that the majority of disney productions are mediocre pieces of shit, which most are with the occasional exception


Why are any of you even bothering to argue with OP? He’s either too stupid to understand your points or he’s just looking for attention by intentionally making an autistic argument that makes no sense. Either way, close this thread and ignore him.

I know you're just here for (you)s but are there any actual direct quotes of him getting upset that people don't like those movies

it's good and masculine to prime yourself for violence and to keep these images alive. sanctifying these images (in beautiful displays of violence) makes them more palatable and keeps violence in the most useful place: in the world of forms, accessible to the tempered mind
sexual violence is a way to defile the feminine and it's ultimately not conducive to human flourishing

Not until I get my up(you)s and Yea Forums gold, sir!

>enjoyable and entertaining
The very fact you enjoy it means you are a sociopath, your only excuse for not enjoying real gore it's because "its not artistic" AKA you'll probably enjoy if the person who shot the video said he did it "for the sake of art"

cringe, trying too hard

Hit a nerve didn't I?

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Based schlocky slasher flick poster

real gore is much like anything else that is too real: it's too painful. some pains are necessary and bearable but it's impossible to burden yourself with all the pain out there.

the important part about violent movies is the action, the ability to inflict damage. it's healthy and good to sanctify the action because it's sometimes necessary to use violent force. it's useful to aestheticize gore. real gore will at best desensitize you but what good is violence without sentiment

I don't know which framework he was working from but you could probably make a case that eyes aren't real

Wow I should sign up for Amazon Prime too!
So much better than pirating!

Nah stick to pirating, that's just not an option for me personally

>Which part of the chariot is the chariot?
the most chariot-ish part

What's your point? He likes what he likes. He doesn't cry when someone doesn't like something he likes.

The fuck? I enjoy fake effects like you don't even know

but he does cry when people like marvel movies

He doesn’t though.

nah the better comparison would be
>I love gore but when there's a nip slip I freak out.

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>But they are both the same in that people that see them are sociopaths


The best part about RLM threads is the amount of people defending everything they do. Literally nobody does this to anyone here. Not even directors or actors here get that special treatment here. RLM fanbase is scary and cult-like. If RLM told them to start murdering people they would do that.

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I don't get why Yea Forums loves this guy he reeks of SJW.

Take one of the recent episode of BotW where they watch a Black Spine tape about nudist camping. He says all the men are perverts while all the women are just there to experience the nudist natural lifestyle. The guy has 0 insight on female sexuality and he thinks them incapable of perverse behavior.

>OMG this guy made a joke in a comedy video! What an SJW!!!

probably because a lot of people here identify with this sissy faggot

he's such a beta

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watchepeopledie taught me to be more cautious

Men are 50% of the population yet they commit 97% of all sex crimes

>the Jay obsessed faggot that keeps saying Jay hates nudity finally showed up

>when he does, it’s some random movie related thing

Young Jay looks like a faggot ass punk

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And you’re the faggot scouring the internet for old photos of a minor e-celeb

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>mike hanging around chinks


That joke was literally 90s stand up-tier and you’re raging about SJWs. I’ll fucking murder you, you aspie.

>I’ll fucking murder you, you aspie.
yikes. jayfags are really mental. they will defend this fag boy from literally anything

literally autistic

stats are rigged, women get away with sex crimes or they go unreported


Kill yourself reddit

That's why I have no problem watching BLACKED with my wife and letting her roleplay with a bull online. It's only fantasy.

He's not an SJW, he laughs at and makes non-PC jokes in half in the bag. One or two flaws you notice (americans are weird about nudity? Wow!) doesn't define a person.

He's likely more centrist, you know like how everyone NORMAL is closer to centrist than these annoying extremes that you will see on twitter or /pol/.

speak for your fucking self

imagine shoehorning blacked into that, literally obsessed

>blood harvest came out last year

>opinions can't be wrong

>my opinions are wrong but I will still hold them


Jay is just a sterile boomer, let him have his fun.

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fucking this. everyone on this board is a complete retard


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>our show documented the death of cinema
>anyway i really like marvel movie#15, it was a load of fun

what did he mean by this?

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>this guy probably thinks niggers are amazing too.

he only watched Solo: Star Wars Story because of donald glover

How do you faggots not understand when they’re talking about movies and when they’re talking about the industry as a whole?

the virgin centrist vs the chad APOLITICAL

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Mike is the worse example. At least Jay wil occasionally watch an indie film or a foreign film or a non-Disney/Marvel blockbuster.

Mike only cares about Star Trek and Ghost Adventures.

What's the take-away from this tweet? I'm a brainlet. Is it because he mentioned Wisconsin?

>Mike only cares about Star Trek and Ghost Adventures.

and he´s proud to make a meme out of his personal interest, what a retard stoklasa is, then he goes on feeling superior to the guys at collider, two sides of the same coin

Can you name some good ones. I mooch off my roomates prime

Don't expect petulant retards to cope with reality. These are the same faggots that look me in the eye and ask if their family member/ friend is "gonna be alright" when 9 pints of blood are on the pavement or half their brain is a grease spot. Media consumption created millions of arrested development mongs just drifting through life who can't handle trauma.

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Insert this directly into Jay's face

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Being an elitist about gore is a good bit, kek