>All races are equally intelligent?
>No, our writers made that one up
All races are equally intelligent?
these threads are funny but they never get any replies because wtf do you even respond to?
You add to it, like the Ms. Bond threads.
>these threads are funny but they never get any replies because wtf do you even respond to?
what happened to your queer party friends?
>these threads are funny
Not really though
>A religion of people who worship a warlord and pedophile?
>Hard to believe, but this one's true.
found the nigger
>1.7% of the population but 85% of Hollywood producers. Believe it or not, it's not true. Our producer has crunched the numbers and it's a lie
Why do people struggle with the concept of hereditarianism so much? How can you be such a fedora tipper about evolution, and then completely cuck out and scream "pseudoscience" when it comes to acknowledging that Abos probably won't be astronauts, anytime soon?
It takes away the sense of accomplishment that comes with intelligence. When everyone knows that intelligence isn't about studying but who conceived you the people lose their reverence for it. No one tells a tall person they did a great job growing they know it's all genetics
>Millions killed with a delousing agent and then cremated at impossibly fast speeds? This one's a complete fabrication.
>Successful implementations of communism?
>Never happened
>Why do people struggle with the concept of hereditarianism so much?
they're afraid of the slippery slope. they think that if it's accepted that niggers have an average IQ of 80 then we'll be lynching them in a week. but being honest would help us better structure society and not try to force niggers to go to college and into white collar jobs that they dont have the mental capacity to succeed. the reality is most niggers should be garbage men and ditch diggers.
Depends on your definition of success user.
>so the one of OP being a loser incel?
>all true, it allways happened
>300 points have been added to your social credit score
>Captain Marvel box office numbers?
>We made it up.
>The female orgasm? Total fabrication.
ths and they're afraid of the implication that modern democracy is not the best form of government for niggers.
Low IQ human beings just use democracy as a gib me dat vehicle, taking what they can until it's destroyed, a huge cargo cult.
For low IQ niggers the best form of rue would be to find that few outlier high IQ nigger freaks and make them the aristocracy that decides everything for the nigger nation in an absolute way.
>Depends on your definition of success user.
if you think modern day china is "communists" you are beyond fucking retarded LMAO. its a capitalistic slave state that pays fake lip service to "communism" to keep its slave caste enslaved. the elite of china are some of the most ruthless capitalists in the world. absolute brainlet tier bait.
>Have you ever cum to trap porn?
I came to bailey jay peeing
>Gas chambers with wooden doors? Is this one true... or are we just blowing smoke?
I also suppose it depends on your definition of communism. If by communism you mean capitalism backed up by an authoritarian one party state, than you're on the right track.
>they never get any replies
pure fiction
>right wing comedy is funny?
>false, never happened
yeah no