ITT: scenes women will never understand

ITT: scenes women will never understand

Attached: Excal5.jpg (844x475, 369K)

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>why didnt he just agree to peace and throw away a thousand years of culture?

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fucking kek
i remember seeing this in the kinoplex with my family
my sister literally said "what the fuck" at a high enough decibel for everyone around us to hear

>throws away a 1000 years of culture anyway by fighting an unwinnable war and losing

show us your tits

is the west truly fucked?

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>fighting an unwinnable war and losing
they won the war, you stupid bitch.

Femoid detected

An all female remake of 300 would be fine as long as they wear the same outfits

Holy shit did the stuntman get trampled by the horse?

This scene is so fucking kino.

Yep. And Leonidas' wife is replaced with a twink who gets bullied and raped by the councilwoman who's working for the Persians.

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Does the pope shit in the woods?

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Their actions won the war, faggot!


Seems like he’s being ironic

Has to be bait. Not even women are this stupid.

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fucking based

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the effect this scene has on men >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what women see

magua did nothing wrong

none of them did anything wrong, that's part of what women don't get, they see baddies and goodies

>literally killing the messenger
wypipo actually idolize this pederastic "civilization"

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>Throwing skulls on the ground and demanding all of your resources
The negro messenger had it coming and Leonidas sent his own message


Attached: Excalibur-3.webm (700x394, 2.95M)

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>d Leonidas' wife is replaced with a twink who gets bullied and raped by the councilwoman who's working for the Persians.

the life and works of Yukio Mishima

Attached: mishima patriotism poster.jpg (718x1080, 119K)

anything from excaliber except the cheating scene between lancelot and guinevere

Attached: master and commander lesser of two weevils-.webm (850x354, 2.83M)


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he's going to cut his finger crotch

that was just the movie lardbrain
the movie isn't accurate at all and is just a flashy money grabber
of course low test, lardbrains like yourself don't know anything about classical history


>tfw you read Wolfram von Eschenbach and Chretien de Troyes and realize how much of their shit was clearly satire for how fucking retarded the french and german high courts were

I was always told Arthurian stuff was about idealized pasts, not brutal parody of the leaders of the time.

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Non nobis domine from the movie Henry V

what are they, Iranian?


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white people idolize the movie version, not the actual ancient greeks they know fucking nothing about.