Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
The Fountainhead is her only filmable novel, and that will never get made because the main female protagonist has daddy issues and a rape fetish, and that will never fly in the #MeToo era.
yes, some parts read like erotica for old ladies
I remember 9th grade
99% of libertarians turned fash in like 3 fucking seconds so no
These people deserve no respect
>brainlet's idea of a smart person
what's next a movie about jordan peterson lol
hack snyder is supposed to be making a fountain head movie btw
makes sense because he is a brainlet and so are his fans
>Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie?
no, it's impossible to make a good movie about anything you're a fan of
and the current political climate doesn't allow you to disagree with someone and still respect them
and you can't make a good movie about anything you don't respect either.
Kill yourself faggot scum
It was already made, and it was the best comedy ever.
>Objectivism is god-tier ideology
>These people who wanted to be left alone are forming self-interest groups to defend themselves because we wouldn’t leave them alone.
kill yourself leftist scum
>that will never get made
King Vidor directed an adaptation back in the 40s. One google search (or just having knowledge on film) could have prevented you from looking like an idiot.
>still spamming this thread
Jesus christ get some new material you boring faggot.
>it's impossible to make a good movie about anything you're a fan of
Get your head out of your ass autismo.
I know it was already made you dumbfucks. OP was asking if we would get an Ayn Rand movie, and I answered that.
Lolbertarians are fucking laughable, I'm sorry.
Reminder that Ayn Rand died living off of welfare in a halfway house.
asd was perro caca
>These people who nursed their superiority complex will create boogymen to defend themselves against to justify their authoritarian methodology
>ad hominem logical fallacy
Daily reminder that if you have to attack the person it's because you have no good arguments against the idea itself :)
She literally wrote the book on objectivism, but literally needed charity from the state to survive.
She is her own counter-argument to her own ideology.
>The Fountainhead is her only filmable novel, and that will never get made
I always find Randian objectivism really fascinating. Not because I abide by it, but the concepts surrounding it and the life of Rand herself lend to really evocative ideas. It's the most interesting "what if" ideology to me, even if I know it's pragmatically unfeasible.
OP was asking if Ayn Rand movies will get filmed. Again, you are a moron and are trying to prove that you knew the old version existed and I didn't. I get it.
how dare she criticize the system she lives in!?
Because, at heart, it's not a bad idea.
Exceptional individuals *SHOULD* be celebrated, and *SHOULD* inherently add value to society. In a perfect world, the truely exceptional in ability among us would rightfully own the universe.
Rand's problem, as is the problem with most who ascribe to Objectivism, is making the assumption that exceptional individuals are born innately exceptional.
It's a very attractive idea to people who believe themselves exceptional compared to their peers, which happens to be 99% of everyone, ever. Literally everyone has, at some point, believed themselves better than everyone else, and everyone around them is holding them back.
Nothing wrong with criticizing the system.
That's not what she did, though. She (and those who follow her) describe Objectivism as some fundamental force of the universe.
Surely, if that was the case, and if she knew enough about it to write *several* novels on the subject, she'd know how not to end her life in a position directly subserviant to the very people she referred to as inferior.
You simply do not know what you’re talking about, goodbye
All of her stories were fanfics about big strong billionaires
There's no need to prove it, you already admitted it yourself.
Bootlicker altert
Doesn't Zack Snyder want to make that one?
Sounds like leftists to me.
>Objectivism is god-tier ideology
i want to think that you're just saying this for the you:s, but i fear that you're serious