All men are looks obsessed retards. Prove me wrong.
>more men would literally eat rights shit than go on a date with left
How about ignore both and watch anime instead
Yea Forums - Television & Film
most men of Yea Forums would pick right over left
they have small brains and low IQs
If left lost a few pounds she would probably be cute
if left had a big ass and tits, i would ratehr go out with left than right
No shit, all humans are superficial hypocrites
>women say they want non toxic men(aka betas) but get fucked by masculine chads
>men say they want loyal wives but go after sluts all the time
This. Amber is flat as fuck
The problem isnt that women fuck attractive men you stupid roastie, the problem is women consider 80% of men unattractive
if i were a faggot i would be OP
Amber's a cunt though. I'd take my chances with the leftie. Prove me wrong.
Yeah that's how romance works. If you're ugly nobody is attracted to you.
The girl on the left is 100x more likely to have a shitty personality. The girl on the right may be a trashy slut, but they’re fun to be with and let you do anything in bed
>Prove me wrong.
i can't because it's true.
>implying that makes you any less shallow
At least we have the decency to admit it.
is right a dude? its a dude right?
Nah Give me the gropnik on the left. Not that I deny the attractiveness of right
High IQ post
no, you can see her vagina on google images.
whats the name?
>Alice is a slav
It’s true though, most men are ugly. You’re more likely to see an attractive woman than you are to see an attractive man. A big reason why women don’t appear don’t appear to be as horny and sex craved as men isn’t just biological differences, there just aren’t that many men to get worked up on. Go look at how women react when they see or are in contact with a real sexually attractive man, they act even more crazy than men. That behavior is rare because handsome men make up a small minority
read the watermark dum-dum
You say that as if eating Amber's shit is something I have any issues with, I'd gladly do it
Women are uglier but they wear makeup to hide it
more woman would prefer to be anally raped by right than have a five minute conversation with left.
most people are ugly
>All men are looks obsessed retards.
Not really, only the dumb ones, generally when you start to see beyond the looks, and realize that we are all walking disgusting sacks of flesh, blood and puss, it doesn't matter whose shit you eat, as long as it's a healthy individual who takes care of him/herself, i.e not a fat sack of shit.
Also left has massive potential, if she just dropped the fucking weight so you can actually see her face and got her mug photographed by a professional, like right.
Pic related, it's a man who has hair extensions, shaves and waxes his thick body hair, has implants, fat transfers and cosmetic surgeries performed on various areas of his body, and takes hormones and wears make up to look more feminine, would you eat his/her shit? I would.
Redpilled. Women just have more coping tools.
>All men are looks obsessed
it's women who are obsessed with looks
men will fuck women no matter what they look like
it's women who think any guy below 8/10 is worthless
>Not really, only the dumb ones, generally when you start to see beyond the looks, and realize that we are all walking disgusting sacks of flesh, blood and puss, it doesn't matter whose shit you eat, as long as it's a healthy individual who takes care of him/herself, i.e not a fat sack of shit.
Everyone in this thread needs to
>would you eat
no you can tell its a man by the hips. Id probably play with his tits if I had nothing better to do.
100% true but same could be said about women if rolls were reversed
>actually taking the bait
>It’s true though, most men are ugly.
women find most men ugly. That's different.
Not taking care of your appearance is a red flag
>having the decency to admit being a piece of shit
who's pushing the scat agenda? it went from ass eating to fart inhaling, and now we're progressing to shit eating.
This is a joke right?
Think how much the male body improves from exercise Vs the female body. Although of course ignoring this, men can make themselves waaay more attractive with money/education/prestigious job/confidence, women can't.
Women are the ones who do this, not men
Men find most women attractive, if the girl on the left lost weight and got some better looking glasses she would have men all over her
Why would I date Amber Heard when I could date the best Depp girl
My cousin is far uglier than the left one and has managed to find herself a man and even has kids.
>nazi tattoo
>”are you an alt right member”
ANY girl can be pretty with makeup. A 10/10 girl is doing it on purpose and won't fuck you unless they make bank. Normie girls will go 10/10 in the bedroom if they love you.
Also, gay men are attracted to different body types. Whereas 90% of women want the ideal chad and the other 10% tolerate twinks and manlets.
I fetishize ugly girls
Finna prey on them
>Gymcel cope
No most men are ugly, there’s a reason why there’s so much shit designated torward men such as
>here are ways to make you look more attractive even though you’re not
>it’s okay that you’re ugly, just be charismatic by using these pick up skills
At least 60% men still fall for shit like this. Plus many still need to get girls drunk or high just to have them into having sex because they know they wouldn’t be able to get with girls when they’re sober
instagram ""influencers"" devise almost all of their sexual power from their ass. same with celebs like Nicki Minaj and the Kardashians. their orbiters and worshipers become obsessed with their asses and naturally that progresses to eating their ass, smelling their braps, and fully debasing themselves by fantasizing about eating shit
Great argument user, please feel free to reply again with another reaction image or maymay catchphrase.
Carol is actually one of the very passable mainstream tgirls, and the thighs on her are amazing, most of her shit is nsfw so can't really post any.
Thread will get 200+replies unless the fucking jannies do their job.
Literally all those things are hard as fuck, you're a retard
Meanwhile all women have to do is wear makeup and not be fat, and a lot don't even need to do that.
Yeah and most w*men would rather die than go on a date with pic related, despite the fact that he's fairly attractive