Besides letting all thouse people in the plane die, what exactly are his crimes?
The Boys
Killing his mommy
he's a sociopath
Child murder
Arming terrorists with bio weapons
When did he do any of that?
Episodes 1-8
Human rules dont apply to chadlanders the same as ants cant defy an asteroid.
Don't watch this series. It's actually SJW propaganda. If you watch it, you're literally raping children and supporting ANTIFA and killing white people.
What about the first plane?
did you even watch the series inbetween your bong rips?
they were literally making fun of the metoo movement and how its total bullshit behind the scenes
anti sjws are fucking cancer
>Massacring terrorists
>SJW talking points made by the evil corp
>Narcos are evil
>The nigger hero's power is to run fast and he's a junkie
based desu
>Being so mentally weak that a superhero show turns you into a liberal over 8 hours
Maybe you're this stupid and impressionable but I'll be fine
Based, another "The Boys" thread!
We need at least 3-4 going at all times. Let's show this board who's in charge.
Frenchie was based
everything is propaganda just uhh dont be a retard and get influenced by it you moron
>best show of the year so far
Fuck Billy D. (AKA William Usher from Detroit). He's an attention whoring asshole who got kicked out of Kotaku in Action for being a bitch and he's obsessed with Leftist shit since he got doxxed by Kiwifarms. He also coined the terms "Boner Culture" and "Christian Justice Warrior" and thought that the Halo MCC Collection was gonna be exclusive to the Epic Games Store despite being proven wrong multiple times and had a passionate hates for centrists who he thinks are worse than SJWs. Fuck this poser.
>start of the season
>fuck The Deep and his blackmailing, rapist ass
>end of season
>oh fuck bros, fishdude has hard life
If this shit was SJW propaganda, they wouldn't make people sympathize for him.
>*** ATTENTION Yea ForumsFAGS ***
-From here on out, there will be NO discussion of the comics, NO spoilers, and NO bitching.
-For every comic book reference I see, comic book panel posted, or spoiler given (even blacked out), I will release "Joker" film spoilers.
-Proof I'm not lying: -I will hide "Joker" spoilers within mundane "The Boys" comments in response to anyone who violates the code above. You will NOT see it coming.
-The Jannies couldn't save us, so I have to be the hero. The hero Yea Forums deserves, but not the one it needs.
>Yea ForumsLANDER
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
lol didn't read
An yes, the "Alex Jones" of Vidya, movies, and TV....
the boys are back in town (the boys are back in town)
did you forget Chernobyl aired this year? The Boys is 2nd best
unironically based. those fucking nerds were putting Boys spoilers in titles of threads this morning. just heads up, there's a Hobbs and Shaw leaked script thread too, if the Yea Forums people don't quit it, hit em with that also. thanks bro, ur doing the lord's work.
I honestly thought they were gonna go with the Tokyo Ghoul route and just inject bleach through Translucence's caruncle.
Black Noir kills Homelander and then is killed by Butcher and the military.
Bes casting ever, this guy can really act as an absolute sociopath, the faces he makes and attitude changes are perfect and creppy
Seething centrist SJW enabling Jew sympathizing discord tranny lurking Hilary voting Leftist supporting Feminazi loving Sarkeesian thinking Communist worshipping Marxist allowing Stalin sucking 1984 researching China exporting bunch of limpdick traitorous FAGGOTS!
Can someone explain to me how Queen Maeve was able to break every bone in her arm from stopping a school bus from crashing but can get stop point blank and suffer no damage? Why does getting shot not break her bones?
Real funny how Yea Forumstards latch on to some mediocre show every so often, screaming kino out of their sòy filled mouths.
>OMG its superheros but they're like normal people
Go back
>caring about spoilers
Butchers wife lives and Homelander is the father of her son.
That one clearly isn't going to happen in the show. Instead of Black Noir being a Homelander clone Homelander has a son Vought would have used as the insurance policy had Homelander not discovered him at the end of S1.
>did you forget Chernobyl aired this year?
Oh, the show that had only 2 good episodes?
Get fucking lazer'd.
>Oh well
was IT killing Teddy based?
Bro I bet you're really badass and strong irl, fer sher not a weak flabby faggot
anyone got the kelly preston killing webm?
This, but unironically.
In his rush to get Butcher away from the explosion, Homelander failed to notice that Teddy was impervious to the blast. Ever wonder who his dad is?
>Good goy Homolander, kill for israel!
Its obvious that Homlander is a metaphor for USA and Voight is the Jewish lobby manipulating him
Wow take your pills retard
How does it feel knowing that rent is absolutely literally FREE
i hope we have a fuckton of seasons ahead of us lads
i love it
not lasering those people before they hit the water
>#meetoo'ing deep is literally an evil marketing scam by the corporation to promote starlight (the trailer for her movie with Katy Perry's ROAR playing in the background was hilarious)
right wingers are the new SJWs, triggered by everything.
Looks like capekino is back on the menu Boys
(pronounced like cappuccino but with a hard k)
You're a massive faggot and can't control your own impulses much less co posters.
Wouldn't they have found a shit load of lasered bodies?
I thought there was going to be some type of survivor plot also
I was literally thinking: he should actually kill them himself, if anyone happens to survive the crash, Homelander/Maeve/Vought are fucked
I fucking love homelander
literal jokes on you tho, i don't give a fuck about spoilers.
i do too. maybe up to 5 would be enough
>what exactly are his crimes?
Purposefully shipping a biological weapon to terrorists so that they would create a large enough threat that congress would want superheroes in the military.
Lasering that guy in half who was running away
Covering up his coworkers' crimes
>blows the passengers eardrums with his booming voice out
the comics are just straight up better
why is his donger so big?
>best show of the year so far
Too Old To Die Young
Catch 22
- all much better shows in every way
Everyone knows the fucking whole movie already you pleb.
At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, when nobody knows exactly where the plane went down? Doesn't seem likely.
This show has exceptional writing.
>Too Old To Die Young
>being this proud to be a pleb
just calm down
>being this proud to be a pseud
>kelly preston
What does Kelly Preston have to do with anything?
The show is living proof that Amazon, Netflix et al., is incapable of handling any IP without ruining it with SJW PC woke bullshit. The fucking pink haired snowflakes that wrote the show scrubbed out anything that made any woman character look like a bad person, anything that comes close to insulting gay people, and as a result the series has lost a big part of what made it different.
>M-muh comics!!!!!
Shut the fuck up about your autistic little picturbooks you turbo retard.
Ever wondered why no woman has ever shown interest in you? It's because you're a fucking turbo autist little virgin retard.
I hate you. You're probably white. And intstead of knocking up some slut (probably the only woman suited to you) you just sit on Yea Forums shitting about "BOOOO HOOOO MY LITTLE PICTURE BOOKS ARNE'T 1 FOR 1 PORTRAYED IN MY MILLION DOLLAR SERIES OMG THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER"
Literally have sex, knock up some slut, spread your seed.
can you really just put stuff like that on amazon or netflix unless it's a documentary I mean does anything like that exist
I didn't read your post but I know for a fact you were raped as a child by your Dad and now you are lashing out because you feel guilty for liking the feeling of your Dad's dick in your ass.
The comics were pretty left-wing to begin with, they're clearly mocking the shit out of far-right Republicans at multiple points and the show reflects that. It is sort of crazy how much they whitewashed Maeve though
>comics: Concerned with saving her own skin, literally flies through the passengers turning them to mush on her way out
>show: Concerned mostly with saving the passengers, begs Homelander to help her save them but he says no
>if anyone happens to survive the crash
A plane crash in the middle of the fucking ocean?
Hey, you never know. Like that guy who got lost at sea and survived 438 days in the Pacific Ocean.
Wearing a budget 90s muscle suit.
Unironically based. Death to the Left.
>it's okay for Flopzam
>not okay for actual kino
You DCfags are fuckin BOILING over this show. Face it. DC sucks. The Boys skewered them. Yea Forums loves it. Go back to Yea Forums. PERIOD.
He eats babies
No you're gay
Was just about to ask if the show was going to include the scenes where Homelander buttfucks Captain America or when Captain America pisses himself in combat
Don't confuse fucking a few guys now and then with being gay, okay? Comic even lays it out for you.
But the comics got me laid though
Sadly no they won't because the show was made for soifags that like "slow burn" ECT ECT.
I didn't say homelander was gay though, I'm talking about the seething joker fag
This is honestly what should happen to white knights
They cut a scene that would have been pure kino
[Spoiler]“After being dressed down by Stilwell… [Homelander] was standing on one of the Chrysler building Eagles,” Kripke explains. “He pulled his pants down and started jerking off, mumbling ‘I can do whatever I want’ over and over again until he climaxed all over New York City.”[/spoiler]
>on TV and in full sigh of a massive crowd, casually flies off with and murders a family of three for no reason
why'd he do it anons?
Literally because he can. Who would stop him?
I'm a little confused about how he got away with it. Obviously nobody saw him actually drop them, and maybe he flew over the ocean or some mountains or something so nobody ever found the bodies, but 4 people just vanished...
I seriously don't get why they made the deep look like an average dude bro guy. His comic costume was hilarious dumb
He was already very close to performing a coup d'etat
Based Chadlander
Not actually Homelander
>ep3 when the girl takes the drug and doms the guy
Someone call Butcher, I got something hard enough to pierce Transparent right here
I know it's Black Noir but showfags don't need to know that
I wonder if they're still going for that twist in the show. Just guessing from how they're handling Becca and the kid, along with Homelander already being a total psycho, I guess the kid is going to be taking that role.
Probably since Seth Rogen is a fucking piece of shit that can't write anything good
And we won't be getting KINO butcher getting revenge on the dude that killed terror even though that whole part was fucking kino
No way we getting any of that in the show. Especially since they made him into some kind of ninja with his knife throwing and that Zen Buddhist commercial
That's not a crime.
That’s black Noir
> evil
> is blonde and blue eyed
what did they mean by this?
He's a fucking hwhite male
Why is people forgetting that in the very first episode he lasers a plane carrying a Governor, his young son and the crew?
The whole point of the show is it's a subversion of tropes
You've are mind controlled. Ideological subversion is garbage. Demoralized plancton.
>THE BOYS’ Homelander Represents the Worst of America
>Writer Garth Ennis and artist Darick Robertson’s The Boys comic is a dark, biting satire of American politics and society as a whole. We meet many bad “supers” in The Boys, but Ennis’ most terrifying creation by far is Homelander, an inverted mix of Superman and Captain America. Homelander is a commentary about the dangers of extreme nationalism and hate, and in Eric Kripke’s Amazon adaptation, the analogy to Trump and his most vitriolic supporters couldn’t be clearer or more relevant.
>The Boys is in many ways a morality tale, and Homelander has always been a not-so-subtle allusion to the toxicity of white supremacy mixed with patriotism.
>The nerdist
Ok The Deep
Child murder and rape are not in his record. Butcher's wife was a thot who opened her legs at her own will, and I doubt that the child of her agent would survive the explosion in the house even if he was upstairs.
"Not doing anything" is not a crime, unless you are legally required to do it, like a cop. In countries with superior civil law, at least.
I pirated, so it's OK.
The comics were written right in the middle of the Bush Administration, it's not exactly subtle about what it's criticizing.
Have sex
I think it's because they wanted to have her moral turn be more than just "lmao I read ur book" between her and Starlight. Rather than have her objectively just be a drunken shitbag, she's a drunk that is also kind of a shitbag. This allows the audience to empathize with her much more quickly than over the course of the comics. Presumably they are doing this because there's no fuckin' way this show has more than three seasons.
Thanks for the heads up bro, I'll head over there now. Sorry if we spoiled anything (we're not all sad pathetic assholes fyi).
>Chadlander have no problem in saying nigger
Why is he so perfect?
Seethe more joker fag
>Literally have sex, knock up some slut, spread your seed.
Not finished the series yet, but anons do Deep really rape Starlight, or was the rape just the fact he was jerking off in front of her? I wasn't fully focused at some parts of the episode and maybe I missed.
She blew him because she though he was numero dos He wasn't
Imagine seething this hard over an internet comment
damm, I really skipped over that, I only remember him jerked off in front of her.
It's "rape" by coercion, and really more trickery than anything else. In the comics, Homelander is the one who drops his pants, and then she runs into A-Train/Noir and tells them and they do the same. At that point it sort of is a "because of the implication" situation, since any one of them could easily murder her if she doesn't blow them.
This was a little too dark for Amazon, so they just had Aquaman pull some casting couch shit on her and she fell for it.
>Episode 1 literally ends with him killing a child & a bunch of adults for money
hmm i wonder
>analogies to Trump
Okay. You can't read a review of a cookbook without some idiot saying that this just goes to remind that Emanuel Goldtrump is bad. Then they suggest reading 1984, thereby proving that they haven't.
>in the comics
Stopped right there. You guys seriously need to stay on your fucking containment board (nobody wants you here).
What's wrong with talking about the difference between the source material and the adaptation? If someone mentions the LOTR books in a thread about the movies on Yea Forums, you don't tell them go back to Yea Forums.
anti-SJW's are worse than SJW's
Showfags are just seething because they only got shit compared to the massive kino that was the comics Homelander was kino in the show though I'll give em that, but he would have been even better if he did the car scene or the wakin it ontop of New York scene also the deep was good too but they really fucked him
The ChadLander did NOTHING wrong.
>mfw will have hug Queen Maeve, Empress of the Otherworld in my arms
>will never be used as a living weapon for her and turn into mush
Showchads give zero fucks about your pop up books, kid. Thanks blacking out a potential spoiler tho.
>image of Stranger Things
If you hadn't noticed... ST is yesterday's news. Yea Forums is a "The Boys" board now. So you better post Boyfus or go back to Yea Forums.
Why is his smile so intoxicating?
>So you better post Boyfus
Apologises, I love my Robin but plenty of people are posting my Homelander. I ain't got nothing of Maeve or Deep though.
>Homelander is a commentary about the dangers of extreme nationalism and hate, and in Eric Kripke’s Amazon adaptation, the analogy to Trump and his most vitriolic supporters couldn’t be clearer or more relevant.
Reads like a sermon preaching the dangers of Satan as told by a guy who Sees All The Signs. Haven't seen this much reaching since I heard Jordan Peterson raving for an hour about the profound, borderline incomprehensible wisdom found in just one of many mind-shattering sentences in the bible.
Dude must check for Trump under his bed to be able to sleep at night if this shit is genuine. I'm not sure if it's more charitable to assume that he's being genuine or that he's faking it.
>imagine being so pathetic that you can't enjoy anything because your schizo brain connects everything to jews.
what a miserable fuck.
Oh fuck that whole vengeance part was fucking KINO WWN see that in the show and that makes me suicidal
>what exactly are his crimes?
Imagine being so dumb you think reading a comic is hard.
My dear brainlet, could you even read a book? Unlike comics, they have no images.
I can only laugh at people who call themselves atheist, but them start to use politics as a replacement for religion in the setting of moral parameters for their lives. They are not atheist, they are theists but with political crap as their religion.
They will never be a true overman.
Its why Butcher SNAPPED in hte book. it was the final fucking straw.
Based and redpilled.
That storyline's in the comics you dumb aut-righter.
This guy is obviously hyperbolic and silly, however I would make the argument that anti-sjw extremists should exist in an effort to pull back the overton window.
Leftists don't reign in their SJW extremists and that's why the overton window shifted so much that all centrists are now considered alt-right nazis.
Nobody said reading a comic book was hard you fucking retard! That's why kids do it.
Grown adult sexless 18+ year old faggots like you should NOT be reading picture books. The fact that you cannot tell the difference between an adult like you reading comics and playing with toys and a disabled kid looking at comics amazes me. Seek help and don't make me destroy you again Yea Forumsfag.
>imma invincible god I can do anything and no one can stop me
>gets beaten to death with bats and crowbars
heroes get their shit pushed in all the time in the setting. unironically his strongest protection is just the corporate sponsorship he has. its not like guys who win a world's strongest competition suddenly think they are God and casually murder twins in public with their hands
>let people die in a plane
>tried to save them and the dirty shit skins ruined it. Couldn't do anything and politically kept their deaths from being in vein
I think he did save them user. I think he did.
user, if you are the kind of person who thinks an entire medium is specific for a certain demographic, instead of the specific content for that medium, them you should just leave the internet, because you are on retarded boomer ways of thinking. You are like people who think animation is exclusive to kids.
The comic book was aimed for an adult demographic from the get go, all the political commentary would fly over the head of a kid or teen reading this, and they would just cling on the gore and sex. If you don't want to hear people talking about comics... Maybe you shouldn't discuss series that are adaptations from comics. Maybe you should abandon capeshit all together, really, because this is straight up Yea Forums department.
Also, now that I know tv only casuals get so upset over spoilers and comparisons, I will put more effort into doing it repeatedly in threads about series and movies based on comics.
kek. my buddy collects comics and has stores hold issues for him. dude hasn't gotten laid in over a decade and last time I brought chicks to his condo, we laughed at him. by design, if you post on Yea Forums and read comics, you are over 18. which means ALL Yea Forums posters are literally in their 20-30s reading shit meant for little children. that's why Yea Forums doesn't give them one ounce of respect. they're creepy AF, are stunted in growth, and probably molest little children.
The poor wretch has had his brain inundated with /pol/goofery for so long
I know and it was pure fucking kino
Lads, what are some good recommendations to get into comics? I've read The Boys and I've thoroughly enjoyed it.
This can include DC n Marvel.
Only thing hateful that came from Homelander applied to the whole human race. If they let him say nigger once, then they might gave gotten somewhere but Amazon is far too cowardly to do any of that even if it's from the lips of what is ,for all intents and purposes, the villian of the series
Boku no pico.
Nah, for real, try Invincible.
>Yea Forums pretending to be Yea Forums
>"Hey co-chads!! Comics sound really awesome and makes you look cool. Can you please tell me more about them?!"
Why do Yea Forumsfags LARP this in every single Yea Forums thread where they're getting BTFO?
Sure. Everyone always pushes for more of whatever direction they're going in. Like a fat person slowly getting fatter, as they pack on the pounds with no effort to restrain or counteract their behaviour, they eventually kill themselves. This seems something like a tragic flaw of ideologues and activists of every flavour. Whatever the cause might be, ultimately what keeps us from ending up in some Harrison Bergeron-tier nightmare is going to have to be people pushing back against it, whatever form those people end up taking. Of course, they'll ultimately pull towards some other flavor of dystopian nightmare if they're left unopposed as well. Thus, the system of checks and balances where ideally everyone keeps each other in check and we end up with some form of healthy moderation where people can avoid both having to kill each other and killing themselves.
Though even that breaks down when the people making up the system diverge too radically from each other to the point where the middle-ground between the groups makes nobody happy.
That requires different solutions.
you're confusing /mlp/ with Yea Forums bait-kun. Yea Forums looks like tumblr. Just like Yea Forums looks like reddit :)
Dealing compound V to terrorist organisations
Killing the sniper guy (something like unwarranted use of force of whatever)
Killing mommyfu
SJWs are getting qualified people fired, ruining good products, shooting people, punching people, and destroying towns and universities. Anti-SJWs want existing laws to be enforced and human trafficking to be cracked down upon. There's no parallel.
Kick-Ass. Unironically. It is also a case study on capeshit and it's demographic, but it is done in a more personal level, way more serious than that shitshow that is the movie.
Speaking about it, god damn, the movies are garbage. Nothing that have a total 360 on tone is a good adaptation.
If you want more Ennis' work that's hardcore but not completely off the rails, read Preacher and Punisher Max
>disemboweling a superhero
>it ain't me starts playing
Fellow Comic Book Bros,
It is clear that Yea Forums does not want us here discussing comics when we have our own board to do so.
So I went ahead and created a "The Boys Comic Thread" over on Yea Forums where we will be safe from the abuse and can post safely.
Please join us :)
American Vampire. Watchmen.
My God... are you really that scared of possible spoilers?
Just- just don't read The Boys threads if it bothers you that much, man. You're being pathetic, to be honest.
Dude pretends to be gay to spend more time with the girl he likes, eventually he tell her he wasn't gay and was just lying.
>kick-ass movie
Girl falls on his dick.
>kick-ass comic
Girl gets obviously angry, and calls Tyrone to beat him. Afterwards she takes a selfie of herself sucking the nigger dick and send him via SMS. Kick-ass cries and later masturbates to the picture.
Batman wannabe fights against crime with his daughter which he trained.
>kick-ass movie
He was a cop, her mother was dead. When he died, she went to live with his friend cop.
>kick-ass comic
He was a nobody addicted to comic books. He kidnapped her from her mother (which is alive) and trained her and himself in combat using the money he made by selling his collection. After he told the truth and died his daughter went to live with her mother, but afterwards she ran away, refusing to believe the truth even if her father himself told her, preferring to live in her fantasy reality of cape crusader.
And that without touching the subject of Kick-ass character itself. IRL he was a loser to the full extent, and when he finally get some balls he abandon the profession, just coming back when it was necessary. His "kick-ass" persona was just a way for him to deal with the fact his life was a joke, after he got his shit together and became manly that was no longer necessary. The movies are crap.
>waaa waaa stop giving me spoilers
My kawaii disciple, read the comic or stop visiting the threads. You are not the first on this, people on Yea Forums already know that they shouldn't visit threads on animes based on ongoing mangas if they don't want to get spoiled.
Nobody will stop doing anything just because it offends some retarded faggot.
what the fuck are you talking about? he didn't even mention anything about spoilers.
obviously he's a fellow Yea Forumsfag, you should go join him in your containment thread, simp.
>trying hard to fit in
>reddit spacing
you need to go back
Yeah, "he" didn't mention anything. Totally not you. There's lots of pathetic spoilerfags in here, Totally.
>kino kino kino
Can you not talk like a fucking retard
>Another superhero thing
>Best of anything
>reddit spacing
What does this even mean?
I thought he did a good job.
The Boys gamethreads have gone to absolute shit since the comics board invaded, so I support any of our own autists who also want them to leave so we can get back to discussing kino. Also, Starlighter is now claimed.
A troll told autists that if someone puts a blank line between paragraphs that means they came from reddit. The autists can't tell when they're being trolled so they believed it.
Invincible, WANTED (you can all suck my cock, and SWIRL your tongue around the head if you think its shit because of that fucking TRASH movie. the comic was FUCKING KINO), and of course IRREDEEMABLE/INCORRUPTIBLE, Manifest Destiny, SCALPED, Transmetropolitan, HELLBLAZER (the OG one, Hard Time was a great storyline), Batman Year One, and ironically The Walking Dead comics.
Can't wait for this scene to be on the show.
That's Black Noir, you casual faggot.
So Butcher being cucked to oblivion is the reason he'll go nuclear right? Since he clearly isn't a natural born killer like in the comics.
you have to space two times to start a new paragraph
The screenwriter of this show must literally be fedora man excited about his first atheist arguments with Bush Jr. hatred issues.
The premise of this show is terrific. The dialogue is fucking AWFUL
Batman has tons of great shit
Are people forgetting that he and A Train distributed Compoud V across the world to make Super Villains?
I already know that and I already said that I know that retard
Did people forget he deliberately downed a plane at the beginning - kid and all?
Who cares, they were brown.
I agree with you. Only pirate Hollywood SJW shit.
the plebs and soiboi SJWs have. I'm waiting on BASED LOVE SAUSAGE showing up.
>He thinks they'll add that arc to the show
Oh user...
That dolphin scene was the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while. My girlfriend thinks I’m losing it because I laughed like a hyena for 5 minutes.
>homelander is fucked
what are they gonna do, send the police to arrest him? he could literally take out all 200 other supes if they all came at him at once
A man can dream. they made the fucking show, anything is possible.
>Starlight is the heroine
>she can do no wrong
>when she does it's because it was the only logical thing to do, see the Deep, even though she wanted to fuck him anyway
>believes in God as christian but not his teachings because indians and fags
>shags Hughie, brags about the hotel but it's ok 'cause her daddy didn't really love her
>still comes out to help Hughie after he blatantly used her
>she's the logical one about saving A-Train when Hughie was the one who killed translucent for no fucking reason
>"I'm a fucking superhero"
>somehow they managed to make Maeve even more of a martyr than her
I liked the show, Homelander was great, as good if not better than the edgelord counterpart, Deep is gold, Butcher,Frenchie and the Female still feel like themselves, MM is a simp, Hughie feels schizophrenic and the terrorist angle is great, it has good things going forward for the next season.
But fucking hell, the femminist shit is just unbearable, discount Brie Larson really drags the show.
Why are all comicfags whiny bitches? Seriously. We get it. All capeshit that is not exactly like the comic sucks.
Jesus. You wonder why nobody wants you crybaby faggots on Yea Forums.
The Boys as based. #DealWithIt
>Hughie feels schizophrenic
I don't know if that's the term I'd use but I was put off by the writers inconsistently alternating him between a ptsd stricken mess and relatively normal functioning. He literally had 2 people explode all over him and is haunted by his girlfriend but only seems affected when it's convenient for the plot.
How many times have you guys watched it so far? minus the last 5 minutes of episode 8
3 times for me
That speech that Frenchie gives Hugie about he was so touched by such a pointless and futile gesture was hilarious.
The boys doesn't even have one
it has 8 great episodes
>implying anyone else in the same situation would be different
probably should've gone with inconsistent character, but in real life I'd call him a schizo: he fucks the ghost of his ex gf away, knows how to spy in someones house better than the rest of the boys, knows how to stop one of the seven but can't figure out that a glass of water close to the electronics that seal the cage of said asshole is a no-no, kills him because he doesn't want to be hunted and doesn't kill the guy who started the whole thing and who's actively hunting him, two times is a fucking row!
> trump eats babies
Are liberals literally retarded?
>the baby clawed it's way out of the womb
I wasn't the only one that wanted to see this recreated, right?
If you're an edge lord
Fucking awful writing
Modern American liberals use politics as their religion, except for the females, who use both politics and astrology.
Which comic # is the one where Homelander sees these pictures for himself?
Seeing as how I've met several libs irl who genuinely, inironically believe Trump is an actual murderer and child rapist, it isn't that far off.
I feel so bad for him
isnt there a /GOTg/ for you to whine in?
Fuck I don't remember, I'm sorry user
I can imagine that giving foreign countries access to potentially massively destructive superpowers fucks up all kinds of international treaties.
At the absolute least, he's looking at war profiteering.
>t. SJW
Yes fellow normal person, I totally agree.
>MM is a simp
Butcher's the simp.
it took me 3 episodes to realize i was watching Dredd
I get all the ">one angry gamer" posts, but this show was full of a lot of dumb pandering bullshit and you're either oblivious or part of that crowd if you disagree
JUST finished this.
Why am I absolutely GUTTED about Butcher's wife reveal bros? She was just whoring around and lied about being raped? Why hide the son from homelander?
GOT was shit last few seasons but at least it was honest shit, just good intentions with bad wrapups. Still shit.
This is just pandering slop fed to anyone that wants to feel edgy about capeshit. You should be embarrassed.
im going to read the comic after this the other other show that made me read anything was berserk
Cause the dude irreversibly fucked his life up cause his wife is a dishonest whore. Nigga got cucked by his biggest enemy and now the only way to redeem himself is to cave her skull in, assuming she cheated on him for real.
Decided to look online to see if she was raped or not to calm myself but turns out many people would cheat on their spouse with a celebrity from what I saw in the discussions so Im probably gonna die alone knowing this is the case. Butcher better kill this bitch.
For the record, I don't think they completely ruled out the possibility that Homelander raped Becca but it does look like in this timeline she cheated instead.
Which is a hell of a gutpunch, but a ballsy one.
Trusting Amazon
in the security footage it looked like she consented at the start but at some point got cold feet and homelander kept her there and kept having his way with her. She does look genuinely traumatized after she leaves desu
>s2 will have the reveal of Black Noir being Homelander clone
Isn't it possible for people to have multiple interests?
t. literally have never bought a comic book
Anti-sjws are autists who took the logical thing too far. SJWs are just the convenient tool of corporate america
I like that the mutt girlfriend gets vaporized and replaced with an aryan qt
>shows naked man ass in multiple scenes
>no scenes with naked girl ass
what did amazon mean by this?
>The Deep is the subject of #metoo
>make him one of the best characters
what did amazon mean by this?
>all these cheap shots at christians
is this the 90s? is there anyone who hasn't grown out of their atheist phase?
he's gonna come out as a faggot next season after he got gill raped by that girl desu just wait
based "i believe in magic and fairy tales" poster
nah, its just cringe as fuck and feels really dated
So uh so far I've watched episode 1 and homelander is blatantly psychotic. It's not sociopathic if you enjoy the murder and suffering you're causing, which he does, based on that first plane he zapped. He even does a little salute to the kid.
Is this just another case of 4channel saying a bad guy did nothing wrong because they are handsome and charismatic? I guess he seems less shitty than the comic version though.
but that's based and redpilled?
you'd be a psycho too if you were raised in a lab by corporate suits and lab coats
Half the posts in this thread are about the comic books. Don't you see why anons would be annoyed to come on to the tv forum to talk about tv and have to waddle through a bunch of comic book shit they don't know or care about?
Lemme put it this way, if you went to Ladies Night at a singles club expecting to get laid and about a hundred faggots showed up scaring the girls away so that there's no one left to talk to; that'd make you upset right?
It's not a hard concept to grasp. Yea Forums boards are seperated for a reason.
Wish the girl was me desu.
He killed mudslimes in doing so, so in this case it was collateral damage. Based as fuck.
Love Sausage better be in season 2
nobody knows, nobody cares
Does Starlight get a sluttier costume in the show? Bimbofication makes me diamonds
she gets a one piece but resents it and barely ever wears it anyway
What episode? Got a pic?
she had to blow everyone in the fucking comics what alteration?
it happens pretty early on but i cant remember when
im not sure if theres even a full shot of it in the whole show
She wears it on the Believe con and a little girl wanted to take a picture together w/ her but Starlight was kinda embarassed because her costume was too revealing and not aligned with her conservative upbringing and some incels showed up and and shouted "show us your tits Starlight" and the moms of those kid fans kinda got mad and Starlight got angery and hungery and ashamed of her bimbofication
Jesus fucking christ how the fuck did that hideous ghoul of a woman that plays the marketing director? (red hair with gremlin face) get cast? She's so repulsive to look at it hurts
Wondered the same thing. It's like someone said, get me Judy Greer but uglier.
I hate
that's the point you retard they're 2 sides of the same coin
I still remember her as the incestuous neighbour in Jessica Jones.
Butcher sucks in the show. Butcher sucks in the books. Karl Urban got outacted by the guys who played Homelander--a literal who.
>that's the point you retard they're 2 sides of the same coin
it's fucking spelled out for you by their super obvious us vs them mentality they both share that the centrist cuck from the electronics store gets stuck in the middle of you turbobrainlet
Also I just got to the part where the speed nigger is hooking up with the white woman man this show is freakin BASED!!!!!
"the boys"
Best part is, they cant even take their IR relationship public, cause the world wouldn't approve. Hell, he's even hiding it from Homelander, cause if he found out, he'd kill them both! This show is based to based to the max!
I was really hoping that The Boys would basically grow into a role as the world's first "Supervillains."
Like, I wanted Hughie's arc to be that he would gradually become, one way or another, the Lex Luthor expy of this universe.
My man.
I don't know why he is so underappreciated on Yea Forums
Based idea user.
hes a manlet and they never learn
>that gibberish
>being that ass blusted
ya blew it son
I don't get it. I watched it and became more right wing.
back to reading comprehension class my child
It would have been a better political move to save the plane
Frenchie's assistant is CUTE! And she has CUTE FEET!
She's Joan Cusack's daughter that's why
Who is the virgin?
Yeah, the show is redpilled AF.
I think DCfags are just hating on it cause DC is liberal AF. Don't worry, once Watchmen comes out, they'll APOLOGIZE.
too old to de young is exceptionally retarded, even for you.
>i-it's not m-me who can't right right, i-it's y-you w-who can't understand my overbloated gibberish
back to r e d d i t fatso
100 hours in sai?
>tfw only I am watching The loudest voice and City on a hill
Actually I'd say that the depiction of A-Train and Popclaw was unironically based. It's the only black guy white woman couple on the show and:
>black guy uses her place to stash his drugs and is blatantly a piece of shit about the relationship
>white girl into blacks is a drug addict who would cheat on him with a goofy-looking loser landlord
>black guy ends up flipping out at the white girl because of issues related to his drug stash at her place, and murders her
I fucking guarantee Netflix would never portray a black man white woman relationship like this, and would consider it borderline Nazi propaganda
It has the opposite effect. Like Trump, Chadlander is everyone's favorite character because he may be crazy, but he gets shit done.
They made Queen Maeve a fucking dyke for Twitter points, fucking gross.
Plus Mother's Milk is a based black who doesn't like getting involved with "white" shit and is actually more racist than even Butcher making him both a realistic and stereotypical black. Netflix would be mad if a character like this was on Luke Cage.
This is why if you go after SJWs, you don't talk about it, and you finish the job.
But Butcher did fuck his CIA boss in the past.
>to calm myself
Imagine getting this upset about edgy capeshit.