Other urls found in this thread:
Lets see how you look in 50-60 years faggot
Ever heard of ageing you twat
>OP engaging in buffoonery
he's in his 70s
agh subhuman
>being this defensive, tommy is that you?
Whites age like shit
from bland masculine face to human
I cannot stand your buffoonery
post a good looking 70 year old brown person
What was he thinking?
Yep. We sure do. Nothing compared to the superior black specimen.
>you will age in your lifetime
>the "come on now" look on old Tom's face
ITT people get old
just kill yourself
Oh no no no
user the dude is literally over 100 years old in that pic
looking good for 100 years old
>living past 60
cocaine's a helluva drug
How do I live forever I don't want to get old
>that chadneck
I had a boycrush on tommy lee jones when i was a little kid in the mid 90s (like 8-10 years old). Fucking weird seeing as im straight now and hes always been ugly af
kill yourself now and you will never get old
>I had a boycrush on tommy lee jones when i was a little kid in the mid 90s
Everyone did
You don't and you can't. Just enjoy the ride while you can. Your youth is fleeting.
How these people look doesn't really bother me, shit, some old people look cool.
What really scares me about growing old is that your body fucking deteriorates over a certain age. You start having pains all over, you have to moderate your eating, drinking to not fucking die, you have to go through surgeries all the time and I'm too much of a pussy to get a shot of blood drawn, let alone have someone hack me open.
I don't know what I'll do, honestly.
I masturbated to him in Zulu, goddamn, he was beautiful
Nicholson is unironically still one of the biggest Chads ever.
A chad until the end.
He's old enough for kisses
Aged like fine wine. the fuck is wrong with you?
He really looks considerably older than he really is
>looks about 70
>is about 70
>guy's look changes from age 17 to age 72
Really makes you contemplate.
Make sure you wear sunscreen
He just needs to get on TRT.
I would
Why do you mongoloids keep getting surprised that people age? And think that it warrants a thread/discussion? Autism/learning disability? One day you'll look in the mirror and not recognize yourself and have an existential crisis/psychotic episode because you forgot that you age.
>Yea Forums discover the concept of aging
his ears were huge I thought he just had old man ears
>He really looks considerably older than he really is
True, he’s looked 60 for 20 years. Same with Maggie Smith
waiting for the saddest one, hasn’t been posted yet
Danny is like 82
We all grow old eventually.
he's like 65+ or smth, he looks great. and that blonde look was only temporary, it was for a role (Sully)
>"The soize of o' tongerine"
fucking gravity
It took me a while to figure out who she was because I just had the image on the right.
You don't need looks at that age. I plan to get a face tattoo in my 60/70's actually.
he looks no better than tommy
Oldman actually looks great for his age, might be the moustache
You know that guy who hosts Inside The Actor's Studio? Aged more gracefully than all of these schmucks. He's 92 years old. Pic is from 2019.
nice milkies
Nigga was 77 back in '03. He doesn't slur his speech either. Blessed genetics.
W2C that shirt?
racists r us
lmao look at that little fancy lad fag
Seems like a fun guy to grab a beer with
poor johnny. hit the wall so hard he lost his teeth.
He’s looked like shit since he was in his 30s
All things considered, he hit the wall relatively late in his life. It was about time.
seems like a fun guy to dodge the draft with
this is me reminding everyone in this thread they are getting older RIGHT NOW
Tom the type of dude who always looked average, but will age with more grace than most of his peers.
That's what you get for dating an instathot
You can unironically slow down the process with your mind. I just will myself into appearing more youthful and it works.
I'm 24 but someone I met recently thought I was 18.
da hoy hoy hoy
what went wrong?
Still looks good considering his age
He'll look kino even in his 70s. Probably with an Ed Harris kind of vibe.
Women still find CE attractive even at his age now.
He looks like he doesn't give a fuck
Nothing. He looks 30 years younger.
>72 years old
TLJ looks just fine for being that old
You mean Robert Redford.
tommy skin is way less rough and mottled looking danny looks fucked
Unironically more attractive than 90% of American 20 year olds, KEK
>dying for Israel
why is this guy so orange?
I'm going to be fucking devastated when Clint passes.
Unsanctioned buffoonery
Is this why Hollywood won't cast him anymore?
time is a cruel mistress
I just hope it doesn't happen to me, Yea Forumsros.
Holy shit didn’t realize he was in the military. Based.
>muscular legs
kirk is fucking melting
Age'll flatten a man, Wendell.
tyler from VNN looks like THAT!?
Wow I can't believe that really old guy is old.
He looks like one of those Dick Tracy villians :/
drinkig is bad guys
weren't liberals all about draft dodging Vietnam?
why do they have such shit hair genetics
Wait a minute.
>helped his buddy Brando stay fat when he was old and didn't give a fuck
>now that he's old, doesn't give a fuck and gets fat
Pure pottery
I always got him and Rip Torn confused
Young Betty White looks like she'd be perfect for femdom JOI vids
Tons of children and divorce
Dude looks like a fucking evil wizard
Same. Him and Mel. I don't give a fuck about celebrities but I basically grew up worshiping these dudes.
Tom has the fakest fucking hairline in the industry.
He probably has his cock in some 17 year old model's mouth in that second pic. He probably rested his hoagie on top of her head.
>TIL age makes you look older
Never getting any major work done helps i imagine
Trejo's face is fucked from acne scars, not from being old.
This is Prince Edward for the yanks.
Age waits for no one
It’s him hitting the wall
Is all the meth
>liberals during Vietnam spit on soldiers returning home fighting in a gruesome war they were forced into
>liberals now mock those that dodged the draft in a bullshit war
liberals are snakes.
>muh liberal boogeyman
I'm 100% sure OP looks worse even now.
your ears never stop growing
his mistake is he didnt shave it all down
>is royalty
worth it
I don't get it? He aged great.
poor kid doesn't stand a chance
Why do white males always seem to hit the wall the second they turn 80?
>actually knowing who this is
betty renegade angel
fuck me lads
>implying the Windows having been injecting beautiful genes for generations to breed out the Windows Lip
Philip was a Chad in his day, so goes it for Diana and Catherine.
this is the only case of bad aging in this thread so far, his ears makes the rest of his face seem like its melting
balding comes from the mothers side. so he is fine
wrf I typed Windsor not Windows
I would
Absolutely BASED, bald-shaming should end ASAP and hair transplants should be paid for by the fucking state since it's one of the worst illnesses of our age
It's not fair bros how do they do it?
hes a stud in rolling thunder too
>Unironically licking boot
You don't have to be a lib to think President T-dog is a retarded boomer.
Get some character you tard.
looks like ted bundy from a right angle
He looks like Arthur Morgan
Black don’t crack.
pure kino
He looks like Biff
>be an AAA-list actor
>ruin your looks with crystal meth, the cheapest and trashiest of white trash drugs
I don't understand.
They both look fucking fantastic
wtf are you on about
>at last I too have become Gary old man
Took the words outta my mouth tbqh.
not to mention skin elasticity. look at some of those turkey necks. i can't imagine what it takes to shave when your skin is has the consistency of pudding
He was hot as fuck up to his late 40s.
then pirates happened and he never has to give a fuck for the rest of his life.
Who here is planning to die in their 40's at the lastest?
Pic related was 40 years old. I'll probably die around 40-43. If you haven't reached your peak by your 30's you're never gonna make it anyways. During your 40's you can still be around your peak if you take care of yourself but you'll still be declining from your prime
This dude is literally a centenarian and probably chain-smoked in the California sun without sunscreen for decades
It's amazing he looks as good as he does
The blood of young virgins helps
Why'd he never get called out for being a pedo?
y.y yeah lol those whites sure look terrible
as long as I can sit around and play video games and travel I'll never off myself. If that ever becomes restrictive or whatever then I'd do it.
It's not as bad as you think
holy shit I hate tabloid papers but that is fucking hilarious
>barely a grey hair
How the fuck
top kek
>everyone is a liberal
kill yourself
It's almost as if he dyes it.
Huh. I'd have fucked prime Betty White. Learn something new every day.
he looks okay for his age lately. he lost that weight.
But man, if he didn't meet Amber he'd still look like he did back In 2013. She obviously made him give up drink and drugs for a year, plus whitey bulger weight and it fucked him.
>Still has a tree trunk for a neck from his football days
Dude has hundreds of illegitimate children left in the wake of everywhere hes traveled I GUARANTEE it. TLJ was quite literally Gigachad.
What's the point of this thread? Old people look old?
That's some shit music right there.
>be nam vet
>ur a horrible person
>probably shot innocents lmao
>get hated by everyone back home
>dont go to nam
>draft dodger lol
>why didnt u serve? reeee
So which is it?
>hairline recedes
>becomes normal hairline
tiny forehead genes are the way forward.
lol ya but not me
Draft dodger in chief
No u first
That's because brown and niggers are ugly since young
Then why are Phillip, Edward and William all bald in the same way
>illegally leave the country
>deport people illegally entering the country
What did he mean by this?
Based life plan
Trump looks pretty good for a 73 year old though. I bet he makes a lot of left wing women secretly wet
>that hairline
look at this chump ass cosplay
he's 63 years old, he does not look good for someone that age. if he was just a random guy on the street you'd say he's around 70 in that image
Does he do anything other than Japanese tea/coffee commercials nowadays?
i'd fuck her at her current age for the glory
Money is so fucking amazing
yeah the same way jeffrey epstein was in harvard
Ok im getting my beauty sleep. From now on imma get 8 hours instead of 6
if you just posted his face i'd say he's aged quite well
Fuck off loser.
Will is only 50 here. Brad Pitt is older and looks better than him
Looked great with hair, but still looks pretty good without it. When you have a decent face you can get away with a JUST, for the most part.
>mad whiteboy lmao
Yeah it's been really rough for like 10 years now.
>tfw hair starts growing on your ears and out your nose
wtf is that kstew?
Funny how it's never a guy in his 40s saying this
Meth is fun and the cheapest drug you can buy
Gives you confidence to be an alpha plus if you dont over do it women find tweakers ssexy af. At least in my experience they do
Takes a true boss to leave that nasty fluff up there instead of just shaving it.
How could he not sanction Jim when Tommy Lee himself was more of a buffoon in that movie?????????
he was alright in the SAW movies
This, I can't possibly contemplate being like that in my future. The fact that living up to be 80 or 90 years old and being to decrepit to actually do anything is the best case scenario for your life makes me understand why suicide happens.
Why? Did you know him personally?
Man, FUCK cancer. Being a Chad and loosing it all hurts more than never being all that good looking in the first place.
How do they do it?
Suck it up, we're all atoms and molecules at the end of the day. I'm 25 and I've had several surgeries and still live a physically active lifestyle. It's not so scary. The scary part comes when you're past 60, but I assume most of us have lived sedentary lives, so I think we'll be fine.
I personally plan to devout myself entirely to my hobbies at that age, and will probably just shitpost even more.
cute shota
based betty
Woah his son looks like leo.
Even currently there are certain cosmetic procedures that can help you with that, but by the time we're old enough to have turkey necks, the field will probably be developed enough to negate a lot of these effects.
>mfw future generations will probably have a cure for aging
We were born too early.
Hopefully the Transhumanism movement takes off somewhere in the 2020's or 2030's.
at least he had a prime
you literally start running on alcohol when you've gone as long as they have
You’re going to die.
Imagine the poor schmuck who offs himself the day before the cure for aging becomes massively available.
hes not gonna fuck you bro
On the plus side, you literally won't know once you're dead, so there's technically nothing to worry about that much. You won't even have a choice.
Or maybe there is an afterlife and it's more interesting than this one, so it's really not that horrible.
debunked that myth in 1976 senpai
They've looked like wrinkled leather since their 40s.
>hating on based Kirk who is literally 102 fucking years old
He's 6'3 so his height saves him.
its LMS, Looks, Money, Status
or atleast Looks, the key component of which is Face, Race and Height
They hardly look any different from the 1980s.
It generally comes from the mother's side, but if you're father's bald, chances are you're going to be bald at some point too.
Alternatively, every man in your family can have a full head of hair in their 90's and you can still get bald which is the shittiest.
William has fathered 3 children and for a time was a search and rescue pilot saving silly cunts from drowning. He's alright.
Literally all he needs is a hair transplant/hair system or to buzz cut it more so that it's Statham tier. In any case he has a better looking face than most average men.
If I were him I'd just shave it all of, Lex Luthor style.
As long as you're in good shape, being bald isn't that much of a curse. It even looks better on some people, but it's rare.
Time is a cruel mistress for some
Long live King George VII, hair or no hair.
This nigga brad can pull of literally any kind of look, it ain't fair.
I'm in the exact same situation currently. Hair is a nw2 and it's shedding quickly. Considering finasteride but I'm not sure with all the potential side effects.
based william not giving a fuck.
Whos the biggest just in kino history?
Mickey, always.
He should've stopped tampering with his looks during the time of Iron Man 2. He still looked decent back then. I'm thinking he has some kind of psychological issue like dysmorphia or some shit.
I hurt myself today
No one is safe from the Wall, brother! Not even men.
Ringo stopped aging once he turned 40
When 900 years old you are, look so great you will not.
Mickeys transformation is probably a top 5 Just.
How's that the exact same situation? Fuckin tard, read before posting.
They all look good today though.
That's what happens when you quit drinking and doing drugs. It ages you faster but if you give it up you become frozen in time.
Wow, Leto is looking rough. I thought he'd never hit the wall.
he bought?
Pictured: 82 year old Warren Beatty melting into his own fucking neck.
Royals are gone within a few generations. Book it.
*cough* how are you doing dad
"My bad."
Tom looks like shit in that picture.
Banderas looks awkward also. Looks much better a bit heavier.
gross nipples
>nigs die before 70
>lol whites age like milk!
This thread has almost inspired me to go out to a bar tonight and talk to women as I'm still relatively young (28) compared to what's being posted here
Almost inspired me....I'm still a spineless faggot with trauma that has resulted me spending most of my free time online and hoping a Tinder match decides they want to meet which happens 4-5 times a month which sounds nice but when it's what you try to do EVERY NIGHT that's 26+ nights a month of doing nothing
user, I... TLJ is only 50 years old in that picture.
You’re comparing a 50 year old to a bunch of 60-80 year olds
>not liking puffies
homosexuality is a sin, user
He looks better.
Left is average looking guy. Right is Tommy Lee Jones.
Imagine saying "JUST" for this.
Caesar does not age, he matures! His hair doesn't turn white, it alights!
>Left is average looking guy. Right is Tommy Lee Jones.
it probably has a lot to do with what films you first saw him in
I've got a feeling most of Yea Forums first saw him in the 90s when he was well settled into his old man look.
It was fun, was a goofy movie and people enjoyed it when it came out?
Like yeah in retrospect it’s kind of a shit movie but it was aiming to entertain kids and adults alike and he had a good time. What’s the problem?
He'll always be a chad
Danny always looked like shit though
He was looking okayish in the time he did The Wrestler, the body frame was perfect for his look, but then he lost all the fat and went full eccentric gay look
German royalty. Thanks to inbreeding, the shitty genes never got diluted once they entered the gene pool.
don't worry he'll soon be 'peach(ed)
Quintessential German boy.
Tweaker women find tweaker men sexy, sure. No one else does.
>What, therefore, is my God? What, I ask, but the Lord God? “For who is Lord but the Lord himself, or who is God besides our God?” Most high, most excellent, most potent, most omnipotent; most merciful and most just; most secret and most truly present; most beautiful and most strong; stable, yet not supported; unchangeable, yet changing all things; never new, never old; making all things new, yet bringing old age upon the proud, and they know it not
Amazing what losing some weight and a little bit of grooming will do.
>tfw I look a lot like young Mike
bros please tell me I'm not gonna age like that
Imagine looking this good with 90
Spf is life.
So, did he just age or has he gotten work done?
>turn 29 in 5 months
>still feel like I'm under 25
Looks better now.
It hurts thinking about what kind of films we could've gotten out of him had he not become addicted to disfiguring himself
Literally the most handsome man ever in Rumble Fish.
fuck off spastic
yeah bill actually looks awful
how do royals dress so shittily