Hi I'm the worst lord of the rings film out of the trilogy
Hi I'm the worst lord of the rings film out of the trilogy
all of them are bad so who cares
It wouldn't take much to fix it, main issue with me is the warg battle in the beginning and Aragorn's fake death.
It's the most based. Watching Two Towers whenever it's on tv is great. There's no burden of an ending or set up. It's just kino.
Nice bait
>not watching the extended cut
extended cut is only worth it for the boromir scene
Based and redpilled
return of the king is the worst
It should be seen as one 11 hour film and to separate them is fucking stupid.
Aragorn is 87 years old. He has superhuman vitality you nigger.
Return of the king was the worst yet it won all the awards
Marathoned all the extended editions again last week and I can confirm that RotK is the weakest link and Fellowship is the best
extended editions aren't that good except two towers
They gave the awards to the entire trilogy, any of these movies would sweep the oscars if they were released nowadays. They gave oscars to Black Panther, not much lower you can go from that
>11 hour movie with a 2 year intermission
The Jews have gone too far...
*ruins the movie with misplaced comedic relief*
Wrong image friendo
for me, it's 1>2>3, but that's not saying much because they're all great
>extended Bilbo birthday party
>frodo and sam watching the elves in the woods
>Gandalf speaking the tongue of Mordor at the council
I could go on and on
1 > 3 >2 here
Pleb filter
>>frodo and sam watching the elves in the woods
it doesn't add anything
>ruins the hoom with hoom hoom hoom
FotR theatrical edition is one of the most flawless films ever made. literally the only scene they could have left in from the EE was Aragorn at his mother's grave and that's like a minute long.
wrong. There's good Faramir/Boromir/Denethor stuff in TTT:EE. Another is a scene where Aragorn discusses his age with Eowyn. He's 87, given advanced age on account of his Numenorian ancestry. That's something the theatricals just don't discuss but means a lot to book fans.
IMO - notwithstanding BotFA EE, which I haven't seen - while they certainly work for LotR, they're out-and-out better cuts of the Hobbit films, too. There's a lovely, bittersweet scene with Thorin's father & Gandalf in the 2nd Hobbit film - straight from Tolkien's RotK appendices, IIRC - that makes you wonder "Why was this cut?" Maybe it confused general audiences.
There is a scene in BotFA that was cut from the theatrical cut concerning Thorin at the end of the movie which annoyed the crap out of me. Its in the extended editions and wraps the story up much better.
Yeah I agree.
The first is almost a perfect fantasy, adventure movie. A single narrative, an epic quest, fast paced, the shortest one, just an incredible movie.
The third is a perfect ending, non stop action, satisfying conclusions to every character and story, epic moments, sad moments, I even like the extending endings fuck it, it's the greatest 3rd movie of all time imo.
The 2nd is just... kinda there. It's obviously great, but it's a bit slow at times and the Treebeard scenes are sooooo boring. Helm's Deep wasn't as good as I thought it was on a re-watch, still great, but seems a bit shorter than I remember. Still a great movie, but it's easily the weakest of the trilogy.
>the Treebeard scenes are sooooo boring
Was TTT the genesis of the stronk independent womyn meme?
Warg battle is based stfu
>any of these movies would sweep the oscars if they were released nowadays
oscars are now a political award, these white ass movies wouldn't get any of the big ones
haha so contrarian lol!!!!!!!!
He's right though
They definitely fucked that scene up. They made it look like the WitchKing dies because he was only immortal to a specific pronoun, or yeah that gurrl power beat the one of the most powerful beings in middle earth cause women are just badass don’t need no man. What really happened was that the WitchKing was made mortal when he was stabbed by Merry who had a Westernesse blade which was given to him by Tom Bombadil in book 1. Eowyn was able to kill him after that. They cut Bombadil from the movies so they had no way to explain why strong female character was able to kill the WitchKing, therefore it just looks odd and forced
The point that it was a cheap trick and shoddy script writing, it's obvious he wouldn't die and some of the tension was cut from the build up to the main battle.
Let lard of the black laand come fart
Aint saying much. Its still one of the best movies ever made.
It really is the weakest but Brad Dourif as Wormtongue is pure kino.
no you're just a retard.
Both cuts of Fellowship are better than either cut of the other 2.