Who was this mysterious android?
Who was this mysterious android?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bigger Data
Dodo, brother of Lurre
Extreme toothbrushing.
Dobo....Dobo....bring back Commander Dobo!
You okay picard?
Info (formerly Data)
>When u thrown so far u become another nigga.
>No one suspects a thing
You mean Daata?
Captain's Log, Stardate 230479. We've discovered a stowaway android en route to our shore leave.
Pajeet Sanjay Gurudata
Mysterious strangers thread?
6 of 8
Captain Kork
You've captured their stunt doubles!
8 of 10
lmfao who dis!
>instinctively heard the communicator sound in my head when he pressed it
think he means Daaata
THICC out of 9
More Data.
>those kicks
what the fuck lmao
why is the hand to hand combat in star trek always so fucking bad
It's overly choreographed, like the way the klingons hold their position waiting for the actor to do the next move, awful
Needs more of that palm punch they always do.
that fucking double punch they do in every fight triggers me so fucking bad
I don't get it, did the actor get sick or something and have to leave the set in between shots?
Was Jonathan Frakes, a man in his prime at the time, really too lazy to let himself get campily thrown about, a bit?
Probably something to do with child actors only allowed so many hours on set.
Somebody should make a montage of that
and they've done it since TOS
have you got more of these? lmao
Why doesn't Odo turn himself into a dildo and rape the Klingons?
We made this one up. It never happened.
Hilarious shit
More what?
He had just fucked up his back in real life so he couldn't
what show are those from
Star Drek
Star Trek the Next Generation
I have seen all episodes but I don't remember one with different actors for Data and Picard
>user can't tell when the actors stepped out for a smoke break
use your fucking eyes geordi
user...They are stunt doubles.
Prime Minister of Israel looking mother fucker.
pretty rad
>I don't get it, did the actor get sick or something and have to leave the set in between shots?
They're called "stand-ins" so that if an actor isn't needed in the shot they get someone who looks the same to take their place. Unfortunately the stand-ins get into frame or the Directors a moron who doesn't realize that you can clearly see it's not the real actor!!!FACT!!!
No one double ax handles outside of wrestling and Dragon Ball Z.
How many calories does Lt Riker take in daily on average?
>No video games
How hard did odo hit the first guy to make him fall? I assume odo has insane strength levels, but he hits in the back. Did odo kill that guy?
"Then I realized, I was somebody."
More doubles.
What's Wrong with This Episode II
watch this
Stand in is correct, the show was shot in 16:9 but broadcast in 4:3 for the first few seasons. But they used the 16:9 footage for home video and netflix releases so now the stand in who was going to be mostly cropped out is in the shot. Same with that scene where you can see there are obvious empty seats in the classroom but Malcolm is saying all the seats are taken.
I honestly love it
Only because they stuck with it for DECADES across literally every series thoguh VOY in the 90s. It must be this crazy, scientifically devoloped Federation judo
Do they do it in ENT as well? I never watched it