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Is it kino?

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yo did this chinese mf jus ask me to hold 20 dollars?

You get $1000 a month in return

This is really cringy.

Is this guy what the soi voterbase consists of? Bernie has the free weed lmao voters, this guy has the soi cuck voters, Biden has the boomer liberal cuck voters.

The question is, if you fuse the entire liberal voterbase together would it collapse into a pile of dogshit? Because that's how the democratic primary and infighting consists of right now

>I'll give you 1000 dollars once I'm president dude
>trust me

The proper chinese pronunciation of "Yang" sounds like "Yong"

I simultaneously like this dude and also feel sorry for him because he's a total dweeb with no chance of winning

>don't trust yang's promises, which will actually help you
>but trust (((trump))) goy! helping the wealthy helps you too!

Unironically he's one of the better democratic candidates, If not the best. I'd still vote Trump but this guy isn't that bad. The rest of the nominees are disasters though.

I want my $1,000 per month. Now.

I'm a racist rightwing nationalist and since I was swindled by Zion Don I might as well get $1,000 per month.

Get the bag faggots.

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Where is that $1000 coming from?

Why is more dependence on the govt. for a person's betterment?

He's proposing a vat tax

yes star wars is epic

More taxes? Sign me the fuck up bro

No user, place your faith in Based Tulso, who cocks snooks at Saudis and Jews

he's explained all of this multiple times.
the money encourages those with drive who lack means to innovate and create businesses, where the government welfare leeches will still just be government welfare leeches.
win win.

>vat tax
>value added tax tax

Fair Tax candidate fucking when?

holy shit
I thought it was gonna be some original edit but it's from him, and his actual campaign. Are democrats now the out of touch millenial boomer party? The ones who cry while watching the new Lion King. These men exist and are far more sad than uninformed israel loving boomers

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>the money encourages those with drive who lack means to innovate and create businesses, where the government welfare leeches will still just be government welfare leeches.
Wouldn't work, otherwise communism would've worked. Free money leads to a depressive leeching lifestyle. Niggers will always leech no matter what conditions though.

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>Free money leads to a depressive leeching lifestyle. Niggers will always leech no matter what conditions though
source: dude trust me

>regressive on high income
so, not an actual fair tax then?

oh sorry, I didn't cite the 200 CNN sources saying weed and communism good. There's literally history behind welfare states and why they fucking fail. Don't start with Scandinavia, I'm Swedish myself and the welfare state doesn't work, we've been on a down trend for 80 years.

>just increase taxes and redistribute the wealth

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no, people with actual ideas would have means. people who already sit around on gubmintbux will still be doing that.

ring the yong gong

>no, people with actual ideas would have means.
It doesn't matter because the reward would decrease, why the fuck does every welfare state fail do you think? Or why does every smart guy from a welfare country immigrate to a capitalistic society? The US has literally brain drained the entire world just because of capitalism.

>Asked for sources
>Goes on a tirade about CNN, communism, and "those damned libs"

I'm Australian, works for me faggot. Try not being a 100% cucked country maybe

1st one maybe true
2nd one definitely true

and you think not..?

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it's not a welfare state.
>It doesn't matter because the reward would decrease
what are you basing this claim on?

>office pic
jesus christ

>Jeff Bezos should continue paying 0 in tax

I work full time and I have plenty of money for my fiancee, our child, and myself, but I still like Andrew Yang a lot and I'd happily vote for him. UBI is an idea worth trying and even though I wouldn't stand to gain as much as others overall, I think it could work. Sanders is still my preferred candidate, but Biden will almost certainly get the nom and he'll be who I vote for next year in the general.

The argument is that UBI is meant to allow former workers in industries that have been taken over by automation and AI to reinvest in their local communities via small business and consumption. Leeches who are already on social programs will have to choose between just UBI or their preexisting benefits which will probably be higher than what UBI will give them.

In what way does it work faggot? Explain what is welfare founded by the gov.
>History is a lie, CNN is good.
the fact that every smart dude immigrates to the US? Do you think Elon musk would've moved to the US from South Africa if it was gibsmedats taxes?

Yeah, I voted Trump last time, but I'm unironically considering Yang if he gets far enough where I can here his policy suggestions more in depth. Nobody else seems to be talking about the danger of rapid automation. Everybody else is talking about muh climate change and muh pay gap bullshit that aren't actually problems. Not to mention half of them are sheer hypocrites.

>the fact that every smart dude immigrates to the US?

>voting for a CCP ally, Biden.

Christ, enjoy getting changed for 8 years if he wins.

>the fact that every smart dude immigrates to the US? Do you think Elon musk would've moved to the US from South Africa if it was gibsmedats taxes?
jamie pull up those IQ stats per country

Lol, I live in Sweden and all the big corps and smart dudes flees this country and settles in some other country. See Ikea, Spotify, the fucking minecraft dude, etc.

It's not working, you better kill yourself if your a dweeb who whines about gibs me dats instead of improving urself.

Oh yeah jeff will take it up the ass just for you, the American """"people""""

This guy's main support comes from discord and Yea Forums "trolls" paid by silicone valley. Much like Trump's early followers

>Jeff Bezos should continue paying 0 in tax
jeff bezos =! amazon

imagine the United State having a chinksect president.

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also this has nothing to do with 3rd world immigration, those fuckers don't contribute shit, i'm talking about the guys that drive the country forward, do you think 20IQ niggers are the ones who keeps this country great or dudes like Elon? letting subhumans immigrate shouldn't be allowed, it's why your argument is retarded since entire democratic voterbase wants open borders, even Yang.

Yang also isn't playing identity politics and ignoring midwestern whites so that's a plus too

/pol/fag back at it again with a strawman. You keep talking about this history that supports your views but refuse to go into any more detail. I wonder why.

>See Ikea
the one closing it's only us factory?

Yang not being at the top of the polls is just proof of how fucking stupid Americans really are

He's offering you fucks 1000 dollars a month no strings attached. That's a 12K/yr income for doing nothing but being a burger. Instead you retards are going to elect either a cucked centrist boomer or a communist boomer

Asians are usually straight shooters. Just get to the point type of people. It's no wonder why among the various minority groups they're the most successful in general. I think I'd be willing to give him a chance, but like I said, I gotta here more of what he's proposing. Sounds good now, but we need details.

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American politics make me think the ridiculously corrupt politicians in my own country aren't so bad in comparison

why stop at $1000?
he'd win for sure if he gave $10000 a month

haha epic meme my friend! mind if i save it?

I can't tell if your incapable of economics or simple logic. The Ikea dude didn't even move to US, because you guys are already self-cucking yourselves. He moved to Liechtenstein and basically told sweden to fuck off.

And who says 1000 is the maximum amount? As we correctly embrace automation to it's fullest potential under president Yang that dividend will only grow.

YANG 2020


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>talking about people going to america
>brings up someone who didn't even go to america

Go work around L.A. the amount of people who dont give a shit and rather live in squalor is amazing. Give these people a free $1000 and see if they actually use it to invest

there aren't going to be any low skill jobs pretty soon. the blue collar people republicans pretend to care about will be replaced by robots. without a basic income, there's going to be no way to make a living. there's only so many lawyer/doctor/academia jobs out there.

If your just gonna strawman why even enter the discussion? Reddit is just two clicks away, faggot.

I remember him stating in a post-debate interview where he wanted to avoid disincentivizing work and thus is keeping the amount given just under the poverty line

He would if the U.S. had VAT.

How much tax did Amazon pay?

stop being mean he's trying his best!

I would never vote for a non white or a woman. They’re way less trustworthy than a white man, sorry that’s just how it is.


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no strawmanning occured

>who says 1000 is the maximum amount?
>Andrew would implement the Freedom Dividend, a universal basic income of $1,000/month, $12,000 a year
if he really wanted to win he'd raise it higher

is Star Wars the most onions thing on existence?

>aussie population approx 25 million
>us population 320 million

It's one of the most soulless franchises that normies latch on to.

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people are already calling it unrealistic, if it were higher he'd have even less of a chance.

Aussies don't even have welfare, they got free healthcare, in exchange they pay like 45% effective tax rate. It doesn't work as well unless ur a neet/dweeb, wagecuck or someone who keeps whining on reddit instead of improving themselves.

It's a $1000 more than any other candidate is offering. Plus it is working, he's gone from a bottom tier candidate with zero name recognition to upper-middle tier in just weeks.

Expect him to enter the top-tier in the 3rd debates when all the extra trash is cleared off the stage and he can really tear into retards like Biden and Bernie.

>Chink uses a Star Wars reference to beg for $20

Even certain aspects of law and medicine can be automated away. There's R&D going on right now to supplant human radiologists with AI that can read scans and pick out tumors far more accurately than a human can. Lots of white collars jobs involving repetitive cognitive work like Accounting can also be automated away gradually.

>why yes, I do watch The Kyle Kulinski Show with Kyle Kulinski on Secular Talk YouTube channel, how did you know?

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>Amazon said it made income-tax payments totaling $1.2 billion during that year, more than from 2011 through 2016 combined.
1.2 billion
keep believing bernie though

Can't he get sued for this?
>failed in Finland
>failed in canadacuck
>doesnt boost employment
>has been attempted with a similar (but not even the same as UBI) known as negative income tax
>10 seconds on google

>people are already calling it unrealistic, if it were higher he'd have even less of a chance.
how could it be unrealistic? especially if it were higher? explain

>Trump taxes (((them))) more than Obama ever did
>Liberals keep shouting orange man for rich people only
>(((they))) spend massive amounts of donations to the democrats, the party of the people...
>Trump recieves far more donations from the middle-class, aka not elites

Imagine being so much of a fool to vote for (((them))).

If they buy stuff with their $1000/month then that is literally investing in the economy you brainlet

Only the films, ironically

>look it up
>it's actually true
Neato. It's all public record, just FYI to those who doubt.

>Operating Expenses > Income Tax > $1,197,000,000

It doesn't matter if you explain in detail, they're either neets, retards who blame society instead of improving themselves or brainwashed retards from reddit. This entire thread has been strawmanned by Yang / liberal cucks.

>investing in the economy
Is this code for niggers buying Jordans and purple drank?

He had an initial surge in popularity from former Trump supporters on right wing Twitter who started supporting him ironically. Then the meme was co-opted by Redditors and now they're the ones pushing him.

What does this have to do with Yang? You were talking about Bernie and the myth that Corporations don't pay taxes.


His breakfast club interview covers a lot

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It's coming from Jeff Bezos' pocket get cucked twice first by your wife and then by the United States of America.

Why would you choose to associate your campaign with the word gang with boomers still alive?

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people in this thread are using that myth as a source for the $1000

An asian (most hated minority) manlet who doesn't mindlessly spout soundbites has no chance in any American election.

The irony is that I can see the white voterbase and the asian voterbase voting from him. But the hispanics or the niggers? ayylmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao

He's not going to win so he might as well just make his campaign a massive shitpost.

Yes retard, because buying jordans and purple drank makes companies money and creates jobs. What do you think happens to a company when no one buys their service or product?

bait or 20IQ, there's no way you can be this retarded unless the average american IQ has fallen from moon landing to shitting on the streets

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>What do you think happens to a company when no one buys their service or product
yang will give the companies 1000 too so they can survive. then they will spend that money and the economy will be stronger