Star Wars:The Rise of Skywalker Plot Leak

>Rey and Kylo have a big fight on the desert planet of Pasaana. From what I know they search the wayfinder device which unlocks Vader's legacy. The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half, the ship crashes and Kylo gets out of it. He ignites his lightsaber and attacks Rey. Then something happens, its called force flash fight, The background changes as they fight like the bond they had in TLJ. They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight în Lars's home). They end up back on Pasaana and then stop because the Sith Fleet arrived. That's all I saw from this fight. There is another one to the end. This fight was around 8-9 minute long, the background changed like it changed in Rey's vision from TFA.

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basedler alert: I leave the theater 20 mins in to take a shit and to go home and drink like I did for last jedi

I used to read clone wars Era comics and role play in jedi academy. Now that we have 3 new actual movies star wars don't feel like star wars anymore

The last fight is on the ruins of the second death star,there they fight the Knights of Ren and The Dark Acolyte played by Matt Smith, Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren. He opens a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star. The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. First Order aparently joins the fight too. We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command. Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
In the end Rey and Kylo kill all the KoR and they fight Palpatine. Kylo kills the host but Palpatine posseses him and they get outside as Death Star 2 rises from water, posseses Kylo fights Rey but he has moment where he gets control back and begs Rey to kill him. Kylo dies and Palpatine too. Ben is dying but Luke force ghost appears and he saves his life.

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Why couldn't the confederacy of independent systems win so all this shit coudve been avoided

What does Finn and that hispanic guy do in the movie?

is this confirmed? what's the source?


It's all so boring.

Who the fuck cares? I have no reason to care anymore....

>Luke and Han are dead
>Guaranteed recoloured AT-ATs
>Guaranteed recoloured Tie Fighers
>Guaranteed recoloured Storm Troopers
>Rey and Ren fight again
>Nothing new

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Holy shit this is trash
>snoke huge let down
>let's resurrect palpatine
>first order a dud
>sith fleet this time
>muh deathstar

Seems like Disney went low risk this time and it's of course too late. Just throw in the old villain and old mega weapon, too bad it's old hat now.

>including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar,
More fake bullshit like the last thousand 'plot leaks'. They're not going to be dropping prequel stuff in.

>death star
Yeah, will be great. Amazing. Super. Yes.

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>wayfinder device
>unlocks vader's legacy
what the fuck does that even mean
>force flash fight
sure, why not, it's magic i aint gotta explain shit
>They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight în Lars's home).
"they can't possibly criticize this movie because it's got all the best scenes from the old movies!"

probably a LARP, but if true, this movie makes no sense as part of a 9-movie series or even as a stand-alone film. The sad part is, it will be eaten up by the masses and defended by brainless disney npc's

just put a bullet in me, i really can't believe Star Wars has come to this.

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One of the first things JJ said was that 9 would connect the PT, OT, and ST.

ITS actually happening. They need the prequel fanbase back
Kys OTfag

Its legit

I cant believe...
There're a LITERAL infinitive of universes...
And I'm in the one where women fucking ruined everything


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Why are you even showing up


He kisses Rey and dies

We gotta beat Avatar

If he dies I will bomb Disney. Cap this.

Might see this movie just to enjoy how desperate this franchise has become but I don’t want to give Disney my money either. Camrip it is

He gets resurected by Luke force ghost

I'm sold. Gangbang when?


He created Rey to be his host because females are the FORCE itself and all life. He wanted to create the strongest force wielder ever.


That doesn’t seem logical, as shit as the plot is it would be neat to see Luke help him ascend to be a force ghost in Kylo’s last moments since teaching is necessary (Yoda discovering it from Qui-Gon)

Why didnt Qui Gon ever talk to Obi wan if hes a force ghost?

Well I've seen that part yeah. That's why I said Ben not Kylo. I need to know the very end now.

who gives a fuck about single deathstar being resurrected when the first order already built a bigger fucking death star and blew up an entire solar system in the first movie and nobody even cared? who is writing this shit?

What does this all mean for the park reys?

At least we get to shitpost about it on Literally the only redeeming thing

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Chris Teerio(BvS) and J. J. Abrams

Do it, so that some lefty news rag will use it to promote more feminism and multicultural bullshit which leads to even more people getting pissed off which leads to even more sperg violence which leads to even more chaosh

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What's this about a sith monkey man?

Is he gonna be like a giant evil yoda or something?

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What? There is a monkey Alien that rebuilds Kylo's mask. Thats it.

I know that but what is his purpose, what's his meaning , and what does he stand for


user, he is just there to rebuilds Kylo's mask. Thats it!

What was the point of pic related?

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but what's this special power his mask possesses

does it have a sith ghost sealed inside it

and whose ghost if it does?

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Not to mention there's another trilogy coming right after this one

Nothing, The Oracle tells him the mask is part of his Journey to find Vader's legacy

“He who learns to conquer death will through his greatest student live again”

A prophecy that Dooku was studying while he was still a Jedi, from Master and Apprentice.

I’m finally getting through M&A and just like many prophecies including the chosen one’s, Dooku and Qui-Gon studied this one. From young Qui-Gon’s perspective in a flashback, his master, Dooku, was fixated on this prophecy to the point of Qui-Gon worrying it was drawing his master to the dark side. Is it possible he and Palpatine were aware of this prophecy, thus explaining why the Emperor was happy to allow Anakin to kill Dooku, to test whether he could conquer death?

Either way it’s safe to say that Palpatine has conquered death and this prophecy is coming true. The only other question is who is his greatest student?



Matt Smith confirmed?

Couldn't this prophecy just as easily be referring to Luke and Ben? Luke going on as a force ghost and still influencing events beyond the grave through Ben is conquering death and living again, from a certain point of view. I guess by that logic, it could be Rey too, but I think Luke even referred to Ben as his most powerful student



she kinda looks like mini on that one, so I approve


An evil trans character would be problematic though

He didn't become a Force ghost. Qui Gon was only able to experiment with the Force and discovered that you can become a ghost, or something like that iirc, but didn't manage to become a ghost himself.


>EU shit
have sex


Dumb name

I wouldn't mind this if the rumors are true and Thrawn returns, but leading that Sith fleet.

Disney SW movies made me realize I never was huge SW fan in the first place.

nobody cares

>explained in ep 3

link to scene


>Yoda says that Qui-Gon figured out how to communicate although he's dead and he's going to teach Obi-Wan
>Obi-Wan becomes a force ghost

>muh headcanon


it's at the part where obiwan yoda and the organa dude decide the babies' fate


>force flash fight
Nostalgia baiting
>>Palpatine is back
>Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to resurrect himself
What was the point of Snoke as a character if they were never going to explain or give hints to who he was or where he came from, not have him do very much, kill him off in the middle of the trilogy and then just reveal Palpatine was behind it all?
Oh right they didn’t plan any of this out
>rebuilds the second Death Star
Clearly this film is going to the end all be all of originality and creativity


She's cuter than the real deal


If all this is true how does any of this fit the Rise of Skywalker title?
None of the new people are Skywalkers and from this the only thing ghost Luke does is save Kylo's worthless ass.

Rey create a new Order called skywalker

No more Jedi or Sith. Rey is going to make a new group called the Skywalkers.

>If all this is true how does any of this fit the Rise of Skywalker title?
Thrawn's people call the force sensitive women who guide their starships sky-walkers. Ezra, Ahsoka, Sabine, and Thrawn will swoop in to save the day at the last second. Rey will join the sky-walkers, while Ben will become a Skywalker sky-walker stud, like Ezra.

The Acolyte (played by Matt Smith)

Would Lukeshitters finally shut the fuck up if he ends up saving Ben's life?

Rey is only for Kylo, stay cucked.

You want Luke to help him fucking die when he could help him live? Stop being retarded.

It should be Ben, but it's probably going to be Rey because Mary Sue has to have everything.

>Rey killing Kylo for any reason

Completely kills Reylo for me. Good job, Disney. You make Reylo canon and STILL manage to fuck it up somehow.

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Because it's not, it's capeshit with lightsabers. Even the dialogue is that shitty ironic one-liners and quips that plague every other major action movie

>He opens a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit

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It would make sense if Daisy Ridley was actually cute