Why in the fuck did he have to mention he was Jewish in Justice League?

Why in the fuck did he have to mention he was Jewish in Justice League?

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Whedon brought in Raimi when developing some of the dialogue

Does the Speedforce also lend itself when he sucks cock too? How fast exactly would a blowjob be??

Why is it only incels on Yea Forums obsessed with Jews? No one else in general seems to have a problem with it.

Kicked out of 109 countries before 1945, and yet you claim no on else has a problem with (((Schlomo Shekelsteinberg)))? Fucking lol dude. Hating kikes has been a thing since Jews first existed.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

>not blond
>not a chad
>not white
literally the worst Barry Allen

Don't you think they have been kicked out by these country because the countries were both racist and anti-semitics?
Sincerely yours a person from an european country that expelled jewish people because we were racists and anti-semitics

Why not?
Arthur Curry talked about him being polynesian in Aquaman

Try like 360.

Hahaha, this poster is Jewish
>It was everyone else's fault, not ours, you antisemitic goy!

literally the majority of people on the planet dont like jews. Thats why in most european countries they have laws forbidding you to talk shit about them

To trigger incels

polynesians are bros.

Obsessed tranny

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I’m from Korea and I never think about Jews, seem fine. Only ones that obsess over them are fat nerds or Muslims

Who cares if he’s not any of those things, he still looks good
There’s more to a good superhero than being blonde and white

miserabile idiota, smetti di fare lo stronzo per 5 secondi e rifletti su quello che ti dico, noi siamo razzisti.
Sottospecie di vermiciattolo

>I'm from Korea
don't you circumcise your kids because korean women sucked a lot of circumcised american jew cock during the korean war?

Russian holiday. They'll be back September 1.

Jews were behind the communist revolution that split your country in two.

Mao was Jewish? Lol

Even if it were true who cares it was 80 years ago and I lost my virginity at 16

he cute

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have sex and dilate you seething cringe cope nigger

>racist and anti-semitics
it's not racist to hate Jews, and Anti-Semitism is their autistic special snowflake term for uberracism against their childmolesting loxism society. Fuck jews.

I don’t even remember that because of me mentally wiping out the entire movie, what was the actual dialogue?

>what is countertrolling by AI and ABCs
It’s like you want to be stupid.

Stop typing in spaghetti and fettuciso some somalians...in minecraft

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Yeah all those countries woke up one day and decided Jews were a problem for no reason at all.

t. Private Kevin Rodriguez

You have to go back.

Or because Jews were the ones allowed to give out loans, so driving them out was a convenient way to get rid of debt. Or a country needed a scapegoat for whatever reason and Jews were an easy target in Christian countries.

There isnt 360 countries in the world you fat burgar

>only jews can lend money
literally what the fuck is wrong with your retarded cumbrain? People hated jews for scalping gentiles on any service and consistently siding with each other on every conflict while fucking over nonJews. It still happens to this day. It's part of their fucking religion and they don't even try to hide it. Fuck kikes. Fuck yids. Fuck jews. and FUCK NIGGERS

Goddamn ugly faggot

>Superman is a half Jew
>Wonder Woman is IDF lankett
>Flash is a tranny Jew
>Lex Luther is a Facebook kike

How long until WB turns Batman into a Jew?

He looks fucking awful you retarded faggot

How can Superman even be religious?

>it's not racist to hate Jews, and Anti-Semitism is their autistic special snowflake term for uberracism against their childmolesting loxism society. Fuck jews.
You idiot, anti-semitism is a term created by a german white supremacist to describe the hate to jewish people, we made, it you idiot

It's a stupid example. An example is that you have been kicked out by the strip club because that strip club doesn't want you only because your ethnic origin

Are you stupid or just idiot?
These country wanted a scapegoat for their problems of sickness and poverty.
So they took the only honest people that were rich because they were honest workers better than them

Batman is jewish, Bruce's father's brother married a jewish woman, so by a strange rule I don't remember the name he is jewish

In what world does he look awful? The actor is very handsome.

yep it only because of their ethnic origin, not the rampant usury and other parasitic practices...


The Flash and almost all superheroes are inherently Jewish. The "Light" is a Jewish concept. Any time you hear things like "the light in her eyes" or "I saw the light" or other related BS it's typically originates in Jewish thought.

FACTS. Also know who hates Jews the most? Other Jews. It's a fact. They love to argue and they get so fucking worked up over religious offenses.

>Oy vey you ate WHAT food with your beverage? Shanda dur die Goyim! Shanda!

Why is it only rip-roaring faggots on social media obsessed with "incels"?

It's across history shlomo

Usury is something church forced them to do because money was a sin for christians, so jewish people didn't followed that rule, their practices were harmless, they just had their house and they lived happily ever after before we stupid pinkos went like stupid assholes

Oh no, the latest wave of spamming redditors is drowning out the truthposting a little. That totally never happens and doesn't lead to more people getting redpilled.

They were kicked out of England for hundreds of cases of child kidnapping and murder. They were also clipping coins.

Why does Ezra make you seethe so hard? Is it because he's gay and incredibly good-looking while having sex with whoever he wants despite being weird? While you're just a weird loser who can't get laid.

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>The Flash and almost all superheroes are inherently Jewish. The "Light" is a Jewish concept. Any time you hear things like "the light in her eyes" or "I saw the light" or other related BS it's typically originates in Jewish thought.
Hey look, jews taking credit for everything again

Shut the fuck up

No you stupid idiot, they never did that, they were accused of kidnaping children when they were just trying to perform conversion, and the children refused and jewish people said "okay".
Clipping coins in England? Wow! There is like 0 english people that did that and accused jewish people! Right?!

>Bruce hands the surveillance photo from BvS to Barry
>"This is a person who looks exactly like me but is definitely not me...very attractive Jewish boy"
That's literally it. They make no other mention of it for the entirety of the film.

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Rent free

Thread theme:

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Is there anything more cringe than an Ezra Miller hater? The dude has sex with anyone (male or female) or everyone he wants and looks good while doing it. With that jaw he is un-JUSTable.

You need to be reminded who owns you and why it's good for you(tm). Greatest ally, masterrace, etc.

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Well, Barry never eat pork meat, so he is jewish by default

>seen this exact copy pasta spammed over and over again
JIDF is not sending their best

happy hanukka

>Ay Tone, if I got kicked out of 109 pubs, do ya think I would blame the pubs?

based and red pilled

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Big Mouth is a fucking adult show, it's like to say that Drawn Together is jewish propaganda because it was made by 2 jewish men but the episodes are pretty anti-semitic

>>Ay Tone, if I got kicked out of 109 pubs, do ya think I would blame the pubs?
Ay Tone, if I got kicked out of 109 pubs because they literally said that the ones of my race weren't allowed to be there, do ya think I should say that they were racist?

>incredibly good looking
Holy shit you fags are fucking miserable

Jealous because he is sexy and has more pussies than you?

Ive seen this same post 10 times already

Can't get over the fact that they made this gay face faggot Flash. Warner Bros is blind with stupidity.

Read Ben Afflecks bio. He is probably Jewish on his mothers side.

GIGA cope

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So Batman would know he was circumcised.

Gee whiz, Jews didn’t do anything, 108 separate cultures were just LE RACISMS!!1

You’re on the wrong site.

>huurrhh duur he's so handsome and sexy he's such a chad and everyone likes him
>in every single post
Your words are betraying you, if he is really all that then you won't need to keep saying this again and again.
No one has to keep saying how DiCaprio is handsome in every post, same for Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt

LMAO, oh (Jew) :^)

Eliot Rodger is still alive?

Usury=/=loaning out money

Io sono italiano specie di idiota, e come italiano bianco so quanto gli europei siano razzisti e indegni di esistere

>, they were accused of kidnaping children when they were just trying to perform conversion
that damage control. reminds me when (((they))) shut down Ariel Toaff for his work and Bloody Passover


Reminds me of that ugly chink from the asian masculinity reddit sub

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Not an argument and historically false. Also: Jews lead Communist revolution, including oppression of the host population and atrocities in countries where they were fully emancipated. Which included Germany and Hungary.

>Gee whiz, Jews didn’t do anything, 108 separate cultures were just LE RACISMS!!1
Well, yes.
They wanted an escapegoat, and jewish people were the only that weren't part of the ethno native comunity because jewish people were just not doing nothing, and so when the stupid whitey saw that jewish people were innocent and happy decided to be racists against them

(((italiano))) fangulo lmao. Forza Salivini!

Can you stop to put (()) it doesn't make any sense to use them, you should use the quadre bracket if you want.
But Ariel Toaff was anti semitic, he was unworthy to live because he was anti-semitic

Literally the only time I have ever seen people copepost about Ezra is on Yea Forums, every where else it's obvious how people know he's a homo chad

Pretty accurate

The Ezra Miller faggots are some of the worst posters on this board. That reminds me of a while ago when there was a poster who would be making the same thread of him every single night at the same hour. People like that creep me out.

Smetti di essere un bimbominkia e vatti a scopare una bella ebrea con un naso degno di Cesare

Maybe an inbred version of him, Miller is way more handsome.

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You fucking idiot, the majority of communists were either germans or slavic, jewish people in russia were more communist russians than jewish communists.
And no, if there were countries oppressed by jewish people is because these countries deserved to be oppressed


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>Ariel Toaff was anti semitic, he was unworthy to live because he was anti-semitic
Not only do I need ((())) for (((you))) there is not even enough spaces in a reply necessary for an appropriate number of ((())) for this kind of shit you reply.

It's literally the same guy.
Did you expect we got more than one of those jewish cretin worshippers on here?

So far you have replied nothing but lies, which doesn't surprise me. Nevermind Communism was created, financed, lead and supplied by Jews. But for a guy like you, you would find a way to claim that Yagoda, Kurt Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Trotzki, Lenin and Ilya Ehreburg were German and Slavic.

I have it, people like [[[[[you]]]]]]] (nazis) are worthless just like your leaders that killed themselves

His outfit was so cute that day.

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There's at least two of us, these are my only posts:

Whedon was brought in and that line was probably an extra half million from his handlers

Wow you’re pretty mad bro

Trotzki was ukranian
Kurt Eisner was german
Ilya Ehreburg was lithuanian
Rosa Luxemburg was polish
Learn your facts right.
They're slavic, AND jewish.
But then why don't you link me a source where prove that the jewish bolkevish was really financed and supplied and lead by jewish people? Or you just like to tipping nonsense?

think they have already
Thing is, that it can be shot down instantly
Just gotta say that jews are incapable of having a physique like comic batman.
Also they are incapable of being as selfless as he is.
So him being jewish makes no sense, whatsoever

Yeah I love that e-boy look :3

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this is some good pasta trolling
even if it held up, that last sentence completely falls apart

How do you do, fellow white people?

That jawline is insane

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>Just gotta say that jews are incapable of having a physique like comic batman.
Bill Goldberg and Jonathan Agassi are jewish

true but it's on netflix so we already know it's pozzed like hell
As for drawn together, it was on Comedy central before the full swing of the obama administration so it was pretty much all of what the creators wanted out there.
It was cancelled not due to ratings but due to swing in change of how humor and everything was going.

Because you can't face the truth?