Aquachad? More like Aquachunky.
Aquaman? more like fatquaman
He probably looks bettwr than you, still.
Wouldn't surprise me if WB are fucking the cast about with filming times.
Are they saying "Boo!" or "Booman Reigns"?
He really is the Thor of the DC Universe after all
Heard also looks like shit right now.
he's off roids and probably isn't even training retard
Still in better shape than like 95% of people on Yea Forums, including me.
>he doesn't know about bulking
Having a nice time in your basement?
Right is my body type
are americans really so stupid that they don't know how basic diet+training work
what the fuck is wrong with our public schools?
looks even better
keep nutriding him u massive faggot
left is only achievable with daily workouts and a very strict diet. you can't stay in such a good shape indefinitely. it's not practical nor healthy.
Off-season bulking
Momoa doesn't roid
>bulking makes you lose muscle mass
Holy shit lmao
More Muscular, stronger, and has a better body than 95% of the male population
>Fat Thor
DC could at least try something original.
>gets paid millions of dollars to be in shape and he's out of shape
t. Mamoa
he forgot to tren hard and eat clen
Wow Yea Forums destroyed this meme pretty quickly.
Women on suicide watch
lay off the crab legs
literally not the same person OP....
I like em big, I like em chunky
On cycle vs off cycle
Are you a fucking idiot?
Yea Forums burgers who live in moms basement and consume tendies, mountain dew and cheetos while reaching around their guts to fap over anime and traps, mock a real man?
>out of shape
You can't maintain the left indefinitely. You body is constantly going to be in a state of growing or shrinking. If he wanted to he could go from right to left in a month's time.
They're ripping off Fat Thor for Justice League 2
Woah Im seeing double here
FOUR beta males
look at that disgusting fat fuck he doesn't have long to live at this rate
why would you expect him to stay on cycle if he isnt filming?
absolute state of non /fit/izens
That's a fit male with 15-18% bodyfat? That is still way below the average American.
>gain 4% body fat
>get laughed at and called fat
Are people really calling him fat?
How big do you think his dick is?
You do know that weight lifters bulk and cut all of the time?
Right is way hotter for me. Maybe not a movie body. But he's not filming right now so who cares.