Why do so many roasties watch this trash?

Why do so many roasties watch this trash?

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Other urls found in this thread:


For me, its The Duncan Trussell Family Hour


Is that a podcast hosted by and for those who are transitioning MTF?

I want my gf to call me daddy, but she has a shit relationship with her dad and I don't know if I want to open that can of worms.

>listening to the most omega male podcast you could ever download

This is one of those pictures that makes me feel like I've got chlamydia just from clicking it.

The pictures of that druggie-looking guy from SNL who always tweets about killing himself make me feel the same way.

An argument between these three would be priceless

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all women are whores

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Why do you even know this exists? By the looks of it it's some roastie zoomer garbage, who the fuck cares?


they prefer to be called Bimbo's

dumb bimbo

>>listening to the most omega male podcast you could ever download

women find interpersonal drama and faggot shit like this interesting, it's like if highschool never ended for them. it's also why they watch those faggy reality shows with forced drama, they constantly crave that shit

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I see roasties with it all the time in their tinder bios. I also went to a zoomer party and this girl was wearing merch. Some zoomed was hitting on her saying he listed to that podcast all the time. I cant think of anything more embarrassing than a man listening to something like this

I actually find them pretty funny sometimes. My life is so sexless and polite that it can be refreshing to hear people speak so candidly about sex and their private lives.


>word ends in a vowel, so it needs an apostrophe to pluralize

I bet he's a regular at /r9k/ lmao. Also
>wearing merch of something like this

would love to throatfuck left

why is everyone so surprised that women love vapid bimbo trash?

Why can't Yea Forums stop talking about what women do 24/7 if supposedly everyone here rejects them?

I think Jenna Marbles needs to sue for copyright infringement.

Why do redditors keep making threads about podcasts on Yea Forums?

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>Yea Forums is one person

Nigger, grillz call guys Daddy BECAUSE their relationships with their fathers is shitty.

That slut walk video is fucking great

>goes up to women dressed provocatively
>asks them if they support women being sluts
>gets the typical YASS QUEEN shit
>asks them if they specifically are sluts
>they sense his judgement and begin to walk back their behavior

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women - can't live with them, can't live without them

lmfao you idiot
if she has daddy problems I'm surprised she hasn't called you it already



Yes it is.

>joins tinder when wife is away
>finds wife on there already

Assholes tend to get with other assholes
Kinda like Anthony Burch and his linebacker-shoulder having wife

What do they talk about?

They look like blow-up dolls. If you kill someone with that much plastic in their body, it should be considered littering.


This. Barstool is cringe. I hate yuppies so goddamn much

it's not HIS judgement they sense. It's their own. He simply and non-judgementally forces them to confront the things that they are saying and doing, instead of acting purely mindlessly. When they turn these things over in their head for a single moment, they immediately don't like what they find, and it makes them uncomfortable and defensive.

Exactly this.

1.7 at most

I cant think of anything more embarrassing than going to a zoomer party.

Sucking penises and cucking their bfs

It was really odd I felt so out of place as a 27 year old with these 21 and 22 year olds. Even the music was terrible. Like they were literally listening to a baby rapping over heavy bass

Women are pretty much just a pussy with a brain loosely attached designed specifically to get that pussy fucked by the most sexually appealing male possible and keep him from pulling out. You could say men are just a penis with a brain attached as well, but how that brain attempts to get its penis inside a pussy is the driving force behind why all civilization as we know it exists. Women just have to open up, men have to figure out ways to open them up. The complexity of the problem dictates a more complex solution and to create that complex solution requires a more complex brain. This is why women seem to be little more than base animals. Nature allows them to be, but it doesn't extend the same generosity to most men.

I will call her daddy

and tell him his daughter is slutting it up and telling everyone about it

and that he should come get her please


Podcasts are Yea Forums grandpa

Here's a fresh steaming pile

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i bet he was whining about a fortnite match gone wrong and the zoomies in the room were huddled over feeling it like that music meant something; like some spiritual shit to them. lol fuck zoom zooms

Can anyone suggest any podcasts to listen to if I'm interested in paranormal shit, conspiracy theories, history, and science/nature?

there's at least one bot per major studio as well

your dad taking it up the ass. its called UH OH SPAGETTI-OHS

Honestly, I enjoy this podcast. I've never had sex, and I think these girls are really disgusting, but their lives are just so different from mine I think it's interesting to hear them talk. Gluck gluck.

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Wtf when did Andrew Dice Clay start posting on Yea Forums

>not 3.6
come on

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I suppose it would be interesting in the same way a freak show is interesting but user in might not be good for you to listen to this garbage it could give you a severely unrealistic view of women.

I assume gluck gluck is bj noises

That's probably why she's dating you.

Well these women aren't the sort of woman I'm interested in. It's just that the world they live in is so different from mine, the situations are ones I've never been in, so I like to hear about the time one of them cheated on her boyfriend and let him fuck her ass to make up for it and then passed out from the pain. Wouldn't touch these girls with a 10 foot pole, but I hold no animosity towards them. I listen to them every Wednesday at work, and I guess you could call me a fan.

Why isnt there a Sneedcast?

What happened to Barstools Sports? Does Dave doesn't give a shit anymore?

Does boomers runs that site?

Yeah I think women often cheat for the confrontation. They thrive on it. If you want a loyal woman you have to be irritating. Webm related, she's probably wet in the moment.

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I'm not clear on what Barstool Sports even is.

Why do men watch that Dick Show garbage? Same reason.

It used to be a dudebro website till it got filled with this shit

I like watching his content but his voice is so weird and it's hard to understand what he is saying. Why does he speak the way he does?


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I think he's slightly retarded.

i've never heard or seen anything about this shit but just from that picture i can tell they're complete idiots that only talk about sex

most women talk about sex more than men

so dudebro that got cucked with sjw feminism shit? just like unilad

Call Her Daddy isn't an SJW feminist show, it's very simply a couple of sluts who enjoy having sex. There's as much telling women how to please men as there is, "You bitch boys need to learn how to eat pussy."

>I assume gluck gluck is bj noises
Gluck gluck is what soiboiys say when they talk about consuming soi drinks.

Women don’t listen to podcasts.

>has to ask to be called daddy
Daddyfags everyone, cringe.

Last Podcast on the Left
Mysterious Universe
Bigfoot Collectors Club

Perfect, thank you

with us or against us

jesus talk about catfish

I think it’s kinda like when you’re watching a movie with a dog in it and your dog runs in and starts staring at the screen.

there is nothing more horrific than normie culture

>oh my fucking god they're so hot just look all that smooth paint they have on their faces

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so your gf is white, and you are a minority

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rich kid normie school athletes. Not even chads though, the fucking geek types

Jokes? yea, I've heard of them. Jokes are pretty clutch


The girl I dated who had a shit relationship with her father called me daddy. In fact, she told me she had dreams where we were having sex then I turned into her dad.

Probably should have seen the warning signs but I was young and dumb.

Also chicks calling you daddy *is* super hot.


>have a legit baby boomer mom
>she's cutting the cable because she only wants 4 channels or so, plus the cable costing $120
>constantly reminisces about the time when there were only 3 channels, so the programming quality had to be a great deal higher, along with TV being free
If more boomers found out about news stations being streamable, TV would die out in a couple of years. Man, no one wants to be paying $120 a month for shit ass cable. Especially this digital cable crap, where the feed is garbage most of the time. Who can seriously justify that shit? No one. And this is just the basic cable package, not including PPV and HBO.

Ugh I remember when Barstool was funny.

Now it sucks.

>Also chicks calling you daddy *is* super hot.
gross, no, that's fucking gross dude

They're both in the wrong but they will each blame the other. Never marry some random slut you met on tinder is the lesson to be learned here. Or hell, just never marry.

The brunette is hot, the blonde is busted

>fucking girl
>"Oh yeah daddy who's pussy is this"
>"This is daddy's pussy, fuck me daddy"
>picture both her father and my father
>boner deflates like the Hindenburg

Roasties need to fucking stop with this shit

What are their podcast about?

>But that's not even the real issue I have with not having cable. The real issue is that it's wildly inconvenient. You have to solve a fucking puzzle just to watch a show- you have to know what time your show is on, what channel it's on, figure out if you have a login for said channel, stream it to your TV, and then hope the internet doesn't shit out so you can watch in real time. Oh and by 'real time' I mean two to three minutes behind the rest of the world because there's a 'processing delay.' Better stay off twitter!

>Then you have the whole issue of having people over. Which I don't do often, but you want to be able to come home and flip something relevant on to have in the background to break up the silence. Imagine walking into your place with five people, sitting down, then grabbing your computer to watch a streamed version of whatever it is you have a log in for? That's embarrassing. Want to watch the Pats game? Better hope the stream works! What about the Presidential debates that I missed the other night because an episode of The Bachelorette was buffering for twenty minutes? Better hope the stream works! Oh and you can't switch backend fourth between the two because that'll give your TV an aneurysm. But hey, we're saving fifty bucks a month!

>The solution is simple: get cable. PAY FOR THE CONVENIENCE. I understand that some people legitimately can't afford it and that's fine. But for most of us, all it takes is on less night out a month and your costs are covered.
>people actually spend $50 a night on a night out every weekend

what is adam levine doing here?

>figure out if you have a login for said channel, stream it to your TV, and then hope the internet doesn't shit out so you can watch in real time
The fuck kind of cable tv service is this soibug using

>Never marry some random slut you met on tinder is the lesson to be learned here
never use tinder or anything like it

Why do women refer to their partners as 'daddy' and why is it so common?

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same reason every gf you've ever had is exactly like your mom

Simply put, daddy issues

Either their fathers were too absent or overbearing and they havent made peace with that yet so they project it on to their lover

being whores

It's authority and taboo. Same reason people are into femdom and say mommy

They're basically on a constant quest to replace him.

you're a little bitch

Never marry a zoomette. Biggest slobs on the planet. Dont even know how to pick up after themselves or do any basic household chores

>women find interpersonal drama and faggot shit like this interesting, it's like if highschool never ended for them.
this is me to be quite honest with you my family member

congratulations on being a healthy well adjusted male. This pseudo incest shit is disgusting

Can women like this truly love and be loved?

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This guy has the best live call ins

do you diagnose people who refer to their partner as "baby" as well?


Furries be like:
That dinasous gives me BONER

The Higherside Chats
Astonishing Legends
Ground Zero Media
Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know
Our Strange Skies

there are tons

Because to them, 'daddy' symbolizes stability and care. They've all their lives felt safe with daddy, been spoiled by daddy, gotten as much money as they want from daddy, and let daddy make all the hard decisions. Basically them calling another male a 'daddy' is as if they were saying 'I trust you and want you to lead me and provide for me'

Hardcore History
The Dollop
History on Fire

99% Invisible
Stuff You Should Know

the wall will not be kind to girls like this

>"you're all shluts"

wtf you are right.
what do i do with this information?

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Nah, banging some strange is a good time. You need to stick your dick in crazy a couple times just so you have the experience.

>banging some strange
This is how you treat the language of the bard?

I don't browse and post on twitter while I watch a show since I am, you know, watching the fucking show. I also don't have friends over for some show viewing party because I can just chat with them the following day or next time we hang out and get the same experience. This whole article could be summed up by saying "get cable if you have this very particular lifestyle"

I did a Google search, their latest episode is "Girls Get Horny On Their Period". No shit sherlock! It's called hormones and we learned that in 5th grade Health class.

Seriously, who are these dumb fucking cunts? Lemme guess the topic of their next ep: "Guys Need To Do More Foreplay". Holy fucking shit?! Did these dumb whores just buy Dr. Ruth's book from Borders?

This. Complete the fetish with plenty of spanking and cuddling. Be her disciplinarian, but also her protector. Truly a patrician lifestyle you have stumbled into.

They get horny when ovulating which is before their period

Same reason men watch stupid shit like Joe Rogan.

He had a cleft palate that wasn't fixed until he was in his teens so it sounds like he has a retainer in

>we learned that in 5th
city slicker

On that episode they talk about what you should do if you're having your period but you really want to have sex. Should you tell the guy first?

They settle on saying, "Baby, I'm so fucking horny and I need your dick so bad, but I'm on my period. Can we put a towel down so you can fuck me?"

They get horny on both.

Ovulation happens approximately halfway between the start of periods. there's a +/- there, but for healthy women, it's relatively stable.

Both ovulation and menstruation are mediated to an extent by Testosterone. Though much of the testosterone in the female body gets converted, some doesn't and it leads to increased libido.

He looks like he did plastic surgery and in the process fuck up his nose. He’s also retarded as fuck so that also plays a huge factor.

Only your mother.

Gluck you say?

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>every gf you've ever had
Haha yeah so weird how that happens haha

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What happens to these kind of girls when their looks start to fade?

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reform *this*, fag

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That's valid I suppose

Pic related is the only podcast I listen to anymore now that Burr is fully cucked.

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Waitress at Denny's

I think its because sexuality is rooted in the unconscious where the lines between parental role and sexual role are all overlapping each other. If she calls you daddy she's in essence speaking on behalf of the baby you're planting in her belly. This is why sex needs to be kept within the confines of marriage and for the primary purpose of procreation or else everything goes haywire

Marry a balding manlet with a good career

they self destruct until some beta marries them

you've really got to bring girls up properly if you want them to be capable of that. they're really very different from boys

We don’t know entirely yet. This is the first generation that choose to forgo developing marketable job skills opting instead to pursue careers in social media and entertainment en mass,

The ones that make it should have enough to live on passive income, but most will have no skills that qualify them for employment beyond menial labor.

It’s a clowny world out there.

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But its utterly crazy, when they call me daddy im out. Im normal


What's your problem with Gluck, Felix?

Is that the equivalent of a söy face?

divorce husband and take half of the stuff I guess. Although without the leverage of kids things won't be so in their favour

>muh drama
it's music + spectacle
deal with it

I was at multiple zoomer party
It's true that they have shit taste in music
Most of them didn't even know legend like 2pac.
Other than their shit taste and their peculiar language they were quite funny to hang out with and I even got to fuck one of them and get multiple handjob from another one
All in all it was a big win

>They look like blow-up dolls. If you kill someone with that much plastic in their body, it should be considered littering.

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You just know


roman is an erectile disinfection pill company

if you have ever kissed a girl or had a girl interested in you, you're a normalfag who should go back

Same reasons guys want to call women mommy, women are just so sexually entitled that we don't

isn't the solution to this to suggest a threesome?

Are those the same women? If so the artist that retouched that first pic should be in the Louvre.

How should one raise a daughter user?

>I even got to fuck one of them and get multiple handjob from another one

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>isn't the solution to this to suggest a threesome?
its a lie. he said when he swiped right on her 'they matched', implying she had swiped right on him already, so she already knew he was on tinder before he knew she was on tinder, and chances are, if his wife was on tinder and saw him on tinder, she wouldnt swipe right, but delete her account before he would notice her, not swipe right on him.

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Sorry you're a fan of the same stale jokes and singers with their heads up their asses

maybe she was swiping right without properly looking, i do that sometimes

I'm a fan of music.

yeah but a) you're a dude so you don't read profiles before swiping on qts b) you aren't fucking married
are you telling me she wouldn't recognize her husband no matter how "properly" she looks at the pic?

play an active role in moderating what they're exposed to, make sure you educate them in academic stuff but also in morality and decency, be present as a father in order to give them a positive role model. If they come through highschool age without a positive model of the opposite sex its all over

Well that just confuses me more.
Like, the name suggests something having to do with pegging, they both seem like they could be trappy, and then Roman selling what it does seems like it'd all like up to be a podcast about pre-op MTF culture specifically revolving around their exploits fucking the asses of others, but that seems more Pornhub and less Barstool.

how do i get my wife to suck my dick again it's been 1 year

Should just be listening to chicklets maybe ZB30

have an affair

Get a job

God the one on the right is super cute

>My life is so sexless and polite
Do you find that it broadens your comfort with the idea of what you'd be willing to engage in sexually were you to have the opportunity to do so?
Like cards on the table, people tell me I'm handsome, and I make the effort to be polite and friendly to others but I have a micropenis, and as such, the idea of someone being excited, until they see the hardware, and get disappointed really dissuades me from seeking out casual sex. I'm very transparent with my friends and tell them what I've done and what I haven't and they've really tried telling me to do more butt stuff, which is something I might be willing to do if I thought there was a shot in hell I had the length to get in, stay in, and not need to reinsert every time I was pulling back. Like the prospect of that in my mind just makes me cringe and my dick shrink more than I thought it could, but more than anything else, makes me feel like if I were able to find companionship with someone, I'd need to find it with someone who didn't rank sexual pleasure very high on reasons they wanted to be with someone, because I doubt that I'd be physically able to provide that. Unfortunately, I also would want someone who could get along with my friends, because they are a huge part of my life, and ideally, I'd like to be with someone who could get along with them and be friends with them like I and other friend's who have brought in significant others have been able to do. I wish I felt the incentive to fuck anyone that was willing to let me, and not give a shit about making sure they finished after I did, but that seems one-sided and unfair, and that would probably just make me not be able to finish. I'm not into cuckholdry because that isn't my style, which has left me embracing solitude as the most reasonable midpoint with respect to compassion, dignity, and pragmatism, but goddamn would it be nice to feel there was still the right 1/Trillion person out there.

What I'm listening to right now?

My mom and my dad have literally not had sex since I was born and they fucking hate each other now lmao

Ironically younger girls calling me "daddy" when I was younger was cool, but as I got older it feels cringy when younger girls do this.

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Abort it

>Why do so many roasties watch this trash?
Why did you waste a thread for this?

ching chong

The blonde is married to Noah Syndergaard

Is that supposed to mean something to us you fucking faggot

Ever heard of wine aunts?

You wouldn't know by talking to you

Sorry your dad hates you and you have a testosterone deficiency


zoomer girls ofc

Women aren't human, prove me wrong I dare you.

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But just use your hand and mouth to get them off then do your dirty deeds
I'm sure most women would be ok with that.
Even better if they are older as they crave less sex
I hope you'll make it brother, I really do

I'd raw dog this slut

The one buying that stuff are subhumans too

>that faint smiro at the camera

lol... I only bought it ironically dumbass

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Idk never happend to me


This is absolute truth though which is frightening. Women are biologically designed to rear young an do matter how much the 'I love science' crown deny that it is the truth.

enjoy the STI

Try sounding, could help with micropenis issue.

The ford T model will take care of the problem needing women to make babies

>it's a women do a book/talkshow/podcast and it invariably is just dating advice and talking about their weeping vaginas

Every time, its almost as if they're dumb as rocks

h-hey thats me

fuck that

pay her

Or get abs and make your dick fun to look at and not sad

WHAT THE FUCK lol they literally photoshopped 5 inches off each side of the brunette's quasimodo head

I need this with sound. Can I haz leek plz?

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Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?

To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I start drinking
Makin' my mind slow,
That's why I don't fuck wit any cunn-po
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me needs more semen

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

>tinder to marriage
jesus christ

shut the fuck up you faggot

>still won't sleep with user
what did he mean by this?


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>yfw they hit 45 with no family of their own and commit sudoku
will be a tasty moment

>Guy with bipolar starts sneedposting
>mania phase ends
>quotes all of his own posts with a picture of moe and "cringe"
rinse and repeat


Because women naturally only want BBC. Just look at Maitland Ward. There is seriously no hope for non-Chads.

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run over to Freud's grave and congratulate him on being right

t. George

They don’t

This shit only happens in muttmerica btw, these fat fuck niggers are all mentally ill. No wonder their soulless shell of a society is slowly but steadily imploding

Does anyone have that image comparing this to joe rogan as what is popular among men vs popular among women?

retarded incels keep sperging out at this chick when she makes it very obvious that she's fully aware of how ridiculous it is that any men would be so pathetic as to give her money
belle delphine is an online shittest, and if you get worked up into a frothy rage over her instead of laughing at all the numale beta cucks that worship her you're failing the test and you deserve to be alone

Ahhh, Amerimutt posting hours, always fascinating.

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Are you denying that women don't prefer BBC? Maitland's husband clearly couldn't satisfy her. That's why she's taking BBC.

that was back before it became a household term even, wonder much more inflated those numbers are now. please drop a few nukes on us, we need it. Thanks.

honestly you should cut your wrists open

Yes, that's just your inherent Am*rimuttness speaking.

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What's wrong with their lips?

I have totally lost all desire for intimacy and companionship in the last two years. Most women I meet are vulgar idiots who will invariably lie about their number of past sexual partners and would just as soon lie about having a venerial disease or pulling a #metoo for money and sympathy, ruining you in the process. Why should I put in the effort to consort with vermin like that?

based american

They pump botox into them.

Bet you're fun at parties. Lighten up and have sex incel.

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Who wouldn’t wanna listen and learn how to give the Gluck Gluck 9000

that sounds so terrible

I hope you get to meet beter women from now on

Women are a collective consciousness and they're also more a part of nature than man is. They follow different rules than man does. They are like a hurricane, an earthquake, a disease, a forest fire, etc. Nature is always trying to reclaim man and make him into fertilizer. Nature is always trying to destroy man's creations and topple his civilizations and return them to the dirt. Man's struggle is his eternal conquest over nature. Women are a part of this nature that is constantly scratching at the gates man has built. Women are more in tune with the "will" of nature because they're an outgrowth of it. They seek to return man and everything he has built to the dirt. They seek to topple civilization. They seek to spread chaos and disorder. It is man's duty to control and conquer woman just as he has conquered nature. If he doesn't women will do to man and civilization what building thatch huts and standing in the middle of a hurricane would do to him.


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this reads like stockholm syndrome


Same but my parents still love each other though.

Huh there's literally no indication on either of their insta to suggest them being together ?


gang gang

blacked.com for racists

>my wife
>we met on Tinder
Stopped reading there.

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the brunette looks pretty hot in a pseudo-Ricci kind of way in OP's photo but in their vids she looks like every other roastie, how disappointing

>incel shrieking general gets 300 replies

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@all the incels in this thread
have sex

are the cum town guys incels?

guys who listen to cum town? yes.

calm down cumbrain

They look like the belong in a blacked raw video.

holy photoshop

>pacific islander females mostly find white men attractive
that's weird, I almost always see them with each other


reminder that this how an average podcast for women looks like

>sex talk
that's literally all this kind of Whores think about. Mind you there are plenty of girls out there that are wholesome af. Ignore the whores.

It's ok for men to do it because men are better. Women are dumb whores so they can't do it.

Interesting tell me more please

yea uh, cumtown's pretty clutch

enlightened opinion.

Makes sense. Women were a resource that men fought over for like hunting grounds, cave dens, clean drinking water, medicinal plants and fruits etc...

Is a girl saying she likes/watches this podcast a red flag?

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First time I have ever agreed with black people on something,


why do virgins care so much about how many people a woman has slept with? is it because you're insecure about being compared to past guys?
