First leak of the ornithopter design from Dune's 2nd unit.
K and I'm supposed to know what these words mean?
i hope they added wings to that later.
I'm curious to see how the Spacing Guild ships come out looking
No one cares virgin
no, you aren't expected to know anything. you are expected to be bright enough to type the word into a fucking search engine, though.
> man that's too much work
and that is why you will always be small.
dishonest design
"the spacing guild are very secretive about their ships. no-one has ever seen one from the outside."
"that sounds like a load of horseshit, father."
>ornithopter design from Dune's 2nd unit
noone has actually read Dune only know of it through osmosis in general science fiction culture
Why do they use ornithopters when they have repulsor technology?
i read dune and wish there was less muslim-themed religious/pseudo-philosophic bs in there; in our current age of BLACKED moviemaking, i expect the film to be filled with diversity hijabis
but the ecology themes were nice
>i read dune and wish there was less muslim-themed religious/pseudo-philosophic bs in there
Then it wouldn't be Dune. 3/5 of the overall plot is about a human-worm-hybrid waging a "galactic jihad" for thousands of years
looks like Halo lmao
is this going to be generic sci fi stuff?
Why does the ornithopter say Prangl on the side? Is that a new character?
I'm not a faggot nerd like you.
if it looked like halo it would have 1000x as many hard edges and be an even bigger ripoff of the sulaco from aliens gun in space. Halo is 2nd rate sci-fi
You can skip Dune and catch the new Kirk Cameron movie on DVD, pol-cel
muslims are the only group fighting faggot shit worldwide, cumguzzler
worms hate shields
Go dilate
I was really hoping they were gonna go for a more extravagent/organic design philosophy than just a Avatar/Aliens military sci fi look
A little sensitive about being an idiot, huh? Life must be hard for you lacking basic skills.
Halo was good pre-343.
Could this be the logo they use in promos from now on?
Doesn't look that interesting. I thought they would aim for a more deliberately alien and feudal look.