He still watches anime with subs even though he can't understand Japanese and misses seeing the art because he's...

>he still watches anime with subs even though he can't understand Japanese and misses seeing the art because he's reading all the time. On top of that, he misses out on many totally competent dubs for almost all worthwhile anime shows

>he watches international movies with a dub, despite the dub almost always being a shit and the words not actually matching up to the lips

There's literally no way for you to refute this.

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>watching anime

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take it to a weebshit board, anime discussion is not aloud on Yea Forums

I am watching subs so that I can audio check when western cocksuckers sneak in something about BLM, socialism or Drumpf.

Dubfags seem incapable of understanding that it's possible for people to comprehend Japanese and to read subtitles competently.


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Anime by definition isn't weeb, and nobody has ever been able to cite a rule or state a principle according to which anime can't be talked about on Yea Forums.

>he cant read and observe visuals quick enough
You gotta turn on your brain first

It's not anime's fault that your society is falling apart.

Why watch with subs if you can comprehend Japanese, faggot?

>he thinks anime is some elevated media when in facts its one of the most brainless fun that exists

>Omq my gook cartoons are art!! You don't get it!

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weebs are pathetic

>competent dubs


Does anyone actually have this problem? I read the sentence in literally half a second then register what they are about to say and fit it into the context of the sentence I read.

Noone is this slow at reading right?

There are degrees of comprehension.

This is projection.

If anime isn't art then neither is live action.

>He can't read fast enough to understand what's happening and look at the pictures at the same time
No user you are the retard

Protip: cartoons and movies aren't art

I didn't say anything about cartoons, but if you don't think live action is art then what is the use of attacking anime for not being art?


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>opting to read words when you quite literally have a pair of ears to listen to a language you have been communicating in as a child, keeping you more engaged in the media
>no no, listening to gobbledigook I have no understanding of makes ME the superior one

Subfags eternally mad

the OP talks about cartoons user

The original voice acting is part of the work like everything else in it. You are not seeing the work as it was originally created and intended if you watch with a dub.

There are degrees of Kevin Bacon but I bet none of you faggots can link him to an anime character.

OP is talking about anime.

Are you trying to claim that comprehension of a language is binary, and that you either don't understand it at all or understand it fully?

Anime is a cartoon

Anime and cartoons are different from each other and nobody has ever been able to argue to the contrary.

>OP is talking about anime.
Exactly. Cartoons.

>a motion picture using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
They are cartoons user.

See That definition describes animation, not cartoons or anime.

Real-life shows/movies tend to be a lot better subbed because obviously they're not the actors you see, the lips move differently and it's not the same. Subfags in them are totally respectable to the point where they can legit look down on dubs. Subbing anime on the other hand is just neckbeards who can't resist the temptation to be a subfag looking down on dubs again... even when you take away the entire point of subbing in the first place since the characters are drawn you fucking retards.

Anime is the result of a broken society.

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Learn to pronounce
a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
synonyms: caricature, parody, lampoon, satire, travesty; More
a motion picture using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects.
synonyms: animated film, animated cartoon, animation; anime
"they watched the Saturday morning cartoons on television"

>Are you trying to claim that comprehension of a language is binary, and that you either don't understand it at all or understand it fully?
No you pseudo intellectual faggot I'm saying you can't link Kevin Bacon to an anime.

>That definition describes animation
No, it quite literally describes cartoons

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People look down on anime dubs because they are objectively inferior.

This is projection. The West is broken.

Definition #2 is incorrect. It's describing animation, not cartoons. Cartoons are a specific kind of animation.

What are you talking about?

See above.

>Yea Forums is leaking
wow, didn't know this place could get any worse.

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I mean you can disagree with the dictionary but unless you can back it up with an actual argument you may as well fuck off

Did a third worlder write this? Nobody watches live-action films dubbed in the Anglosphere.

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>What are you talking about?
I knew you couldnt do it fag.

>Cartoons are a specific kind of animation.
source for this claim my ESL friend?

The only people I ever knew obsessed with subs over dubs were fat useless losers.

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon. Popeye is a cartoon. Tom & Jerry is a cartoon. Flintstones is a cartoon. Those are completely different from anime.

Again, what are you talking about?

See above.

Subs are the objectively correct and normal way of watching anime.

That's not a source user.

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if it takes you more than a tenth of a second to lower your eyes a bit, read the subs and return the view back to the center frame, you are doing it wrong. or have serious reading issues.

The word cartoon comes from newspaper caricatures and comics. The word was applied to animation that was very similar in nature, e.g. Mickey Mouse. That's the kind of animation the word refers to.

Japs are generally way better at voice-acting than westerners, to be honest. The level of quality in anime voice acting is way higher than in American cartoons. There are a few stand out western voice actors that can bring the heat but they're also a bit of a dying breed as more big-name actors get into video games and voice overs.

Still, I think the Japs just do it better. If I have to miss a few frames of art to read subtitles so that I can hear the original voice work, I'd say that's the best trade you can make and the closest you can get (as someone who doesn't know Japanese) to experiencing something in its purest form.

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You fail not only in your sense of time but in basic arithmetic. If you read one word in a tenth of a second you'd be reading 600 words a minute, which would make you a very fast reader, nevermind 20 times faster than that you dumbass.

>not still patriarchal
Nice larp faggot redditor
Now go the fuck back

American animation has a very stunted range of stories and a long tradition of comedy and infantilism, so it's no wonder it has inferior voice acting. Games don't have this problem and many of them have great voice acting. And the dubbing industry for anime is more or less the bottom of the barrel.

Where is your source?

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None of what you're saying refutes my point, though. The Jap voice acting, being superior, is still what you should want to go with watching anime even if it costs you a few frames of art.

Even though English dubs have improved significantly, there's still a world of difference in quality.

You don't want to or can't engage with the topic, so you hide behind "source????" instead. If I did have a source you'd just try to attack the validity of the source and continue to not engage with the topic.

I didn't say or imply that anime should be watched dubbed:
>And the dubbing industry for anime is more or less the bottom of the barrel.

As if "patriarchal" means anything. Go back to Yea Forumsmblr, tranny

>I didn't say or imply that anime should be watched dubbed:
I guess you're not the OP, then.

> If I did have a source you'd just try to attack the validity of the source
What makes you say that? I've already provided a dictionary definition for you which you refuse to accept. If you have some alternative source I would like to see it.

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Imagine being as autistic as the weeb in this thread.

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I don't accept the definition because the definition is incorrect. It defines animation, not cartoons.

Imagine being so afraid of confronting whoever it is that you are talking about that you make this kind of post.

>I don't accept the definition because the definition is incorrect.
So the people at Webster's are all wrong but user on Yea Forums with no other supporting evidence is right? Is English your first language? Genuinely curious.

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Ey, Ton, you wanna watch some of them gook toons?

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>whoever it is that you are talking about
clearly you autismo, and you knew it

Nismo vsi Mutti z ADHD prijatelj. V Sloveniji je podnaslovljeno, risanke so ze 10 let sinhronizirane. Imam rajsi originalne glasove z podnapisi.

Dictionaries are written by people, not god. They make mistakes and don't know everything. The definition doesn't even match how most people use the word in real life.

>but user on Yea Forums with no other supporting evidence is right?
See >Is English your first language?
You are asking this only because I don't blindly worship dictionaries as infallible?

I don't have autism and I'm not a weeb, so you couldn't have been talking about me.

>Dictionaries are written by people
By lots of people that are able to form a coherent argument, unlike you.
So you think quoting yourself is a source? You're not helping your argument at all champ.

I did form a coherent argument. Why are you lying?

>So you think quoting yourself is a source?
So you think everything just comes down to sources written by other people, and no original thinking and research is permitted (except by those other people)? Why are you even here? You seem to have no interest in the topic at all.

>The West is broken
>t. anime fan

What's your point?

>no original thinking and research is permitted
If you did research surely you would be able to provide some sort of sources that support your argument. I'm curious why this is so hard for you, and why this very concept seems so alien to you. I have a feeling you're being disingenuous.

Do you think there just always happen to be convinient sources laying around for every possible thing anyone could ever say? Like I said, you don't want to or can't engage with the topic, so you try to make it a Battle of the Sources instead.

>Do you think there just always happen to be convinient sources laying around for every possible thing anyone could ever say?
For something like the definition of cartoons? There should be. I found one myself, called the dictionary. Maybe you've heard of it.

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>this thread
They have a hard enough life as it is.

Again, your dictionary definition is wrong. Again, it is describing animation and not specifically cartoons.


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Who is?