I bet you can't name me an action movie as quality as these two.
I bet you can't name me an action movie as quality as these two
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The films of John Woo
I liked District B13
Shit bro sorry to hear.RIP.
John who?
The Last Jedi
The Road Warrior
>action is super shakuy
umjmm no thanks
The Raid 3 a.k.a Dredd
I thought The Raid 2 sucked. I wouldn't mind it if the story wasn't so fucking dull and predictable, on top of spending so much time on it. The first one was just a straight forward borderline non-stop action film.
Flash Point
Terminator 2
checkmate atheist
The story wasn't so bad. It gave some of the fights more contexts IMO, and the entire last 45 minutes were a huge payoff.
It was a shit-tier mob story but it kept me engaged.
>It was a shit-tier
you said it
the runtime was padded to all hell, all the slow long scenes simply did not have the quality to merit the pace
The Protector
I liked the little storyline with the mob son, and his twisted relationship with the MC.
I cant take this guy seriously. Especially in Triple Threat. The guy looks too much like a regular poo it brings me out of the movie.
The Raid and The Raid 2 are legitimately the best action films of the 2010s--and possibly of the 21st century so far.
The Night Comes For Us
I genuinely dislike the first movie. Feels like fucking video game shit, complete with fodder, sub-bosses and final bosses and are rook same.
Sequel is a cool action movie, one of the better ones I've seen.