Rorschac was the only one with the balls to die for his beliefs

Rorschac was the only one with the balls to die for his beliefs
the Comedian broke down
Ozy commited mass murder

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Agreed. Rorschach is a bro.

Daniel whined a bunch to Adrien.

That kind of counts.

>Daniel (((Dreiberg)))
What an interesting choice for a partner for the capeshit version of /pol/

Ozy did nothing wrong you small minded vermin.

We literally know that cold war wouldnt have led to nuclear holocaust just by being in the future

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How did Snyder manage to make such boring Superhero film?

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We literally didn't have the nuclear deterrent of Dr. Manhattan in our timeline, you mong.

>the balls to die
His death didn't accomplish anything. He should have kept his mouth shut and waited for his journal to hit the papers if he really wanted to stick up for his beliefs.

nixon was still the president, it was an alternate timeline

What about Pagliacci? did he die?

>everyone with a Germanic surname is a jew
Big brain over here.

low i.q. detected. the director's cut is one of the only good capeshit films.

He's all of us

The whole point of the black freighter subplot was Moore’s way of saying Russia was never going to attack to begin with.

You misspelled kino

who gives a fuck about this tired old shit.
this is the past and Yea Forums now belongs to...


now, so shut the fuck up and get on board
before we eye laser every one of your assses!

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These were his “friends”. It’s like the DONT JOIN THE DARK SIDE ANAKIN moment. He’s practically begging John not to do this, it’s wrong and it goes against who they are. Gives him the ultimatum, foolishly of course, since John is no longer human


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Ennis is an edgelord faggot and this is just more of his watered down faggotry

Nixon ended Vietnam and opened up China IRL, nuclear war would have been out of the question with him.

His dad was a banker iirc.


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Normally if you get in a fight with your friends you don't dare them to kill you. Rorshach knew what would happen and said what he said because he was too weak to live.

Director's Cut does make a big difference

Rorschach is a real human being and a real hero


My anime girls don't have noses

I only watched the director's cut, what's the big difference?

Nah he was just too stupid to lie.

>implying Moore isn't an edgier edgelord

More scenes, pacing's better IIRC. It's just better if you can sit through a really long capeshit kino.

Kino. Yeah, once the new Watchmen series airs, complete with a nigger Rosarch, the meme that it's good will finally be dead, and The Boys will reign supreme.

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ozy was ready to die too. there was no telling what manhattan would do.

you don't want to know. trust me.

Heh... Well, remember how Watchmen was created and written as a self-contained story?

....Yes....? I'm scared

Fuck Those faggots. When are we getting an adaptation of these faggots?

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So basically DC realized that they could milk the property a bit more, so Dr. Manhattan warps himself to the main DC universe, and brings along some other Watchmen characters, so fanboys can squeal as Batman fights Rawshark, Constantine and all the other DC magicians fight Manhattan, etc.

Oh, and new Rorschach is a black dude because he was inspired by Kovaks? I dunno, I never read the new stuff.

Buhh wuhhh??? Huh?
That sounds beyond retarded

Wasn't the point sort of that Watchmen is what superheroes would really be like; apathetic gods, pervy wimps and maladjusted sociopathic people?

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I'm all for it as long as Ellis gets to write the script.

he was right
why else did you think they had him killed

Why are they all doing that thing with their teeth? And why does everything look like it's covered in vaseline?

Have you ever tried to fight crime WITHOUT being covered in vaseline?

Good point.

I didn't particularly felt upset by Rorschach's death but a man with unwavering conviction getting the short end of the stick always has me thinking for a moment.
What a shit world we are living in.

>Wasn't the point sort of that Watchmen is what superheroes would really be like; apathetic gods, pervy wimps and maladjusted sociopathic people?
That sounds gay and retarded, user. Watchmen is a DC Comics title and thus must be endlessly recycled in a series of comic titles where the characters punch other characters and make quips.

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Is this from the DVD

just imagine this crazy gremlin breaks into your house, eats your beans and complains on and on about degenerates then goes and beats up people with you
what a life

>this nigga is eatin' beans!

New Rorschach doesn’t even kill people either. They also introduced the watchmen version of Harley Quinn and her hispanic boyfriend who also has superpowers (unlike literally everyone else but Manhattan)

Maybe stick to your Transformers and Fast Furious movies then kiddo

I don't know sorry, all I know is that it lowers my blood pressure looking at it move

It’s from the motion comic on youtube

>Picked a hell of a time to be unfaithful to John. Just get tired of being patriotic, or someone put you up to it?

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found better gif

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.....rorschach doesn't kill?......

No, Black Rorschach doesn’t. He’s also working alongside Veidt to “save the world” after White Rorschach caused WW3 and Americans broke down Trump’s border wall to escape the fallout and get to Mexico. I’m making none of this up.

please... PLEASE tell me are exaggerating this or lying...

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All in the first issue bro. Watchmen harley and her boyfriend aswell.

>people actually took Rorschach's leaked story to the New Frontiersman seriously? That would be like Alex Jones starting WW3.

There shouldn’t have been a war to begin with, but apparently the whole black freighter nonsense means nothing against selling Watchmen Babies: V for Vacation

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Watchmen is such a fucking joke now.


that would be hilarious
imagine if Alex Jones was a violent vigilante

>”Hillary Clinton is an evil, intergalactic demon!”
>Russia nukes America until it glows in hopes of stopping the satanic menace

would read unironically

Don't forget that he smells like shit because he's essentially homeless.

pre Roche kidnapping he was probably OK.. but yeah after that he undoubtedly smells like MUSK, SWEAT and BLOOD

i'm fucking scared of the HBO watchmen series, in the trailer there were nothing but niggers. i'm gonna be mad if they race swap the main characters or even one of them. i'm so fucking tired of this nigger agenda those showrunner jews are pushing.

they're what..? 20-25% of the population in the US? there's way more hispanics then them yet they're in everything and everywhere. it feels so forced.

I don't know man. How often do you think he cleans those clothes? Keep in mind how unkempt his beard growth is, purely out of lack of care and not as some style statement.

despite being 13% of the population...

You're both wrong, he was undergoing internal conflict because he realized that him revealing the truth would likely undo the peace and only create more suffering, but his uncompromising code demanded that he go on with it. He accepted death as the alternative.
The graphic novel expounds a bit on this; when he was a kid, he wrote a report defending the US dropping nukes on Japan, which is the equivalent to what Ozy did.

wait WTF... the total black population of the US is ~13.6%

that's seems way low from how often they're in the media


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>character who is supposed to be a parody of right wing fascists is the only one with true conviction and willingness to die for his beliefs
Uh I’m thinking Allen Moore is based af?

>it feels so forced
yup, exactly this. i wouldn't mind some random black dudes appearing, or some character being black who was all along black, but when they have there interracial relationships, raceswaps or some niggdudes that just feels out of place used purely as pawns for mr big noses agenda pushing it becomes very annoying and distracting.

>Dans cajoles and pleads with him. "PLEASE use my shower, take as long as you want, no I won't look at you, oh god please take a shower and don't wear your mask while you do so!"

he's retarded. liberals always think they dab on their target but always end up elevating it.
>see Hilldawg's strategy during 2016, did she laugh at Trump supporters? call them pathetic? no, she made them sound powerful and actually evil

genuinely KINO scene

possibly the best scene in all cape movies. That moment where Mason first catches the punch and rises with a smile while the music plays is beautiful.

They cut that from the normal version? fuckin iditios, good thing I only watched the ultimate cut

Another good example is Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. He was created to shit on Libertarians but ended up being the fan favorite.

I bet there's a million characters just like that.

he also pushed hard for detente with the soviets

the idea he was some mad warmonger is liberal nonsense

That sounds pretty consistent. Especially when he himself used brutality to stop crime.


Pretty hilarious that the writers tried to make Rorschach out to be some lunatic for the fans to hate but it turned out that many fans agreed with him

At this point they should just hand the IP over to Harry Partridge and let him make vid related into an actual cartoon.

Adam West should have played that character

And people wonder why there is such screeching for the Snyder cut of the superman film

I laughed at this comment.

1. Comedian gets in trouble for trying to play a practical joke on Silk Spectre, Hooded Justice teaches him the importance of respecting peoples boundaries.

2. Rorschach goes to summer camp and is bullied by the kids there, and after Rorschach bullies a child with oily skin he and the other kids learn the importance of not bullying

3. John and Eddy travel to Vietnam and play capture the flag. Eddy makes a new friend and they learn to value other cultures

4. favourite episode was when Ozzy gave Moloch, little Janey and Wally cooties but blamed it on Dr Manhattan causing him to run away from home

>Rorschach died for his beliefs
>the Comedian broke down
>Ozy commited mass murder
>Ryan is an entrepreneur and an alpha

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It's called Doomsday Clock. It's fun.

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>they're what..? 20-25% of the population in the US?
Blacks are about 12.5% of the US population.

>there's way more hispanics then them yet they're in everything and everywhere. it feels so forced.
Hispanics are only about 20% of the US population, incel. Obviously there should be lots of blacks in media and almost no Hispanics.

>bullies a child with oily skin
What's this a reference to?

no too much t in either of those movies, he needs actual capeshit like the mcu

oil like blots on his mask I think

>possibly the best scene in all cape movies. That moment where Mason first catches the punch and rises with a smile while the music plays is beautiful.
First time I'm seeing this. Holy smokes, that was great.

uhhhhhhhh that's so weird
also where are the asians or native americans?

wow really? that came out 10 years ago


I love The Boys, but it's like Watchmen for dumbasses.

about over 20 minutes of footage.
May not sound like much but it makes a huge difference to the pacing.
Also it adds in a few more redpills that i guess triggered Sheckleberg and didn't want that in the theatrical cut.
Like on one of the signs it says "It's gotta be.. Right Wing"
And when Owl man and Silk Spectre rescue the apartment complex, and the little girl ask if the man flying the ship is jesus, that's also cut out of the theatrical cut.
Also when Rorshac in disguise is approaching the newsstand the guy says "Why do you care about that Right wing garbage!? You know they don't care about you." Which is the ultimate redpill, because leftist pretend to care about everybody while being the most selfish, and the right wants you to fend for yourself to be the best you, that you can possibly be. Very odd that they wanted those out of the theatrical cut.
Also can you imagine the movie without the scene of the original Owlman's death. That scene was pure kino and it doesn't make the theatrical cut

amateurish observations

Rorschach was the character who believed in the lesser evil

Rorschach wanted to be killed because he realized despite outward differences Ozymandias had the same view of the world as he did- and that because of his ego he had doomed the world to replay the whole political drama

Ozymandias is an direct reference to the poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, in the poem the works of a great pharoe are undone by time and the pharo is forgotten
we see this referenced visually by the attire and setting

in the same way, the hero Ozymandias makes a great achievement but because of Rorschach the conflict in the world will continue because of human ego

The final of this analysis is that ego was represented not by Ozymandias, but by Rorschach.
Ozymandias used fame as a means to an ends, kept his work secret and never dealt with the other heroes arrogantly.
It was in fact Rorschach's need to be hated, relevant and to expose others, Rorschach was driven continually by self-righteousness and ego projection- in the end destroying the great work of ozymandias

It is the god among them who kills rorchache because he recognizes that their demise is inevitable, this revelation is revealed visually when the crystal structure on the moon collapses

Blacks have a monopoly on oppression

Damn, Alex should make a comic series and narrate them.
He would have the best surreal comic stories made to date.

He didn't want his journal to his the papers, but couldn't overcome his ego by destroying his work- the guilt of this drives him to demand an execution

that's the ultimate cut actually.
It includes the transitions from the black kid reading the comics

Only a matter of time depending on how The Boys actually did for Amazon.

now you know why snyderbros exist and why the title capeshit didn't exist till the mcu was spawned

that or he realized he fucked up. he sent in his journal as insurance because he was already pretty sure he was going to die in Antarctica but he didn't truly know for sure the situation going on. he wasn't anticipating not being to stop Veidt. then it was all too late.
he thought he was going to be able to stop him, die in the process, the end.

Interesting take, but I don't think Ozymandias really had the same worldview as Rorschach.
Rorschach ultimately was more human and compassionate than he would like to admit. He didn't turn in Moloch for illegal drugs and he spared the landlady when he saw how scared her children were. He was brutal and uncompromising because he thought the world as a whole was a shithole that deserved to burn, but when it came to individuals he was capable of mercy and empathy.
Ozy is the opposite: in his quest for the greater good, to save the entire world, individual lives mattered little to him. From his point of view, to save humanity he had to basically sell his own soul and perform great evil.

>wow really? that came out 10 years ago
I watched it once in the theater and didn't watch it again after that.

he left the journal because he didn't expect to return, that much is clear

but when he has the choice to return, he chose instead to die.
why would he do that?
certainly it was some kind of internal revelation that he had, and I would argue he realized it was in fact his own ego which had caused so much carnage in the world

if Ozymandias "lesser evil" was wrong, Rorschach's whole life of brutal killings had been as well

If what Ozymandias did was right, he knew the journal he left behind would have ultimately undid that work

by being executed, he neither supports Ozymandias or has to attack him- he lets his journal speak for itself and dies in the same morally ambiguous way he lived

>uhhhhhhhh that's so weird
>also where are the asians or native americans?
Unnecessary. We have blacks to play all non-white roles.

Rorschach is not really a lesser evil kind of guy though (apart from when he was a kid and approved of nuking Hiroshima). His whole worldview is very black and white - either it's all good, or it's completely evil. He doesn't see himself and his brutality as a lesser evil, he sees it as good, at least in comparison to the corrupt world he's fighting. It's more of a deontological approach than Ozy's utilitarian one. Mainly because, as revealed in the asylum chapter, he doesn't believe in any objective meaning or morality, but, like Nietzsche's ubermensch, chooses instead to create his own and live by it to the end.

>drop bomb on nation that attacked your nation first = R thinks this is good
>drop squid bomb on own nation's people to fool everyone into fearful peace = R thinks this is bad
there it's not rocket surgery

both are two sides of the same coin
Both saw humanity as deeply flawed
Both sought to interfere, Ozymandias in a godlike long term sense, Rorschach in a temporary human sense.

Both thought the people around them were foolish and shortsighted, Rorschach had to wear a mask even when dealing with his friends because we see later that he is simply unable to contain his facial expressions.
Ozymandias in a nicely played visual irony hides his true self unlike the heroes- but is the only one without a mask.

the difference is how they acted, rorchache though human suffering was inevitable- he just didn't want to be responsible
Ozymandias sought a grandiose end to human suffering, only to learn it was inevitable (as his name taken from a poem suggests).
It is in fact Rorschach that teaches him this, undoing him by leaving the journal and demanding to be executed

I think you miusunderstood what I mean about the "lesser evil"

you're right that Rorschach sees himself as absolutely in the right, he justifies all his violence as being the means to an ends

I think he struggles right through the film with classic morality- which I don't think he abandons at any time at all.

He sees himself as entirely moral, and is deeply angry he has to hide because the world is shocked.

Following the progression of events as they occur in the graphic novel so rigidly. He didn’t want to piss off the cult followers, but there’s a reason they give out awards for ‘Best Adapted Screenplay.’

> thinks this is bad
and that's when the penny drops for him at the end and he demands to be killed

>This city is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.

>And I'm supposed to think this is the gibberish of a madman or a fool
Oh Alan Moore you so funny, we now have child drag queens, mass shootings and blossoming civil unrest

>This city is afraid of me...I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Regan. Decent men who believed in a day's work for a day's pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn't realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don't tell me they didn't have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers... and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.

>child drag queens
Moore would either think those are good or be too cowardly to say otherwise. He's a shithead

not surprised desu

He had the courage to endanger the entire would just because he couldn't compromise. What a hero.

I've always enjoyed this little touch about Rorschach. Because of what he's been through in life he's withdrawn and socially awkward. He can't even bring himself to speak in full sentences anymore, not even to a friend like Dan. But on the inside he's actually really poetic, emotional and eloquent, no matter what kind of violent, cynical mask he tries to hide it with.

I don't think Moore actually hated Rorschach, the guy's just really conscious about his public image. He actually replaced Ronald Reagan with Nixon in the comic because he was afraid it would draw too much backlash. Same here with Rorschach. Moore's smart enough to write a balanced portrayal of good and bad in him, but once he sees how much controversy it stirs he divorces himself from the character to save face.

>the virgin rorschach
>the chad dr manhattan

so what you're saying is even long before the modern day internet SJW "cancel" culture/doxing shit dis nigga was too much of a coward to stand by his actual message?

even the anti censorship Brits can't help but censor themselves

He wanted to make a caricature but not be really obvious. In the pursuit for accuracy, he has to actually contemplate the positions of the opposing side and as a result, he made a well rounded character with big flaws but a caring heart at his core.

excuse you, he's virtuous and if he's not it's because he banged Dan like a screendoor in a windstorm

who tf is he supposed to be a caricature of? Dan is obviously a "what if Batman was actually real" character.

who is R supposed to be riffing off of?

Nite Owl II = Batman
Comedian = Captain America

everyone else???


>who is R supposed to be riffing off of?
Ditko's Question. All of the characters are based on Charlton Comics superheroes, in fact Moore originally wrote the script based on them but DC thought it was a too risky story to use characters they'd just acquired a while ago so Moore came up with new characters that are basically the same except with different names
>Peacemaker became Comedian
>Question became Rorschach
>Captain Atom became Doctor Manhattan
>Nightshade became Silk Spectre
>Thunderbolt became Ozymandias
>Blue Beetle became Nite Owl
The Question was pretty much the personification of Ditko's personal objectivist leanings that Moore wanted to take a massive shit on, so he wrote Rorschach to be a repulsive, mentally ill hypocrite. Moore considers the fact that Rorschach is very relatable and became a fan favorite a failure on his part.

No one fucking cares Ryan, you fat fuck.

yiddish and medieval german are basically the same language.

he's arguably very consistent right up until SQUID

maybe Moore himself is the failure not his character?

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>Truth is... the game was KIKED from the start.

Why did Rorschach have such a hard on for The Comedian? You'd think he would hate someone like him.

How the hell have i never noticed that Carla Gugino played Silk Spectre? She's so ducking hot.

DUTY to country above all, no matter how corrupt the country or the man

his hooker mommy told him his dad was in the military, not sure if she was truthful but he latched onto that

daddy issues

let's be real here YOU JUST KNOW

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Best capeshit film

Were the public right to hate the watchmen/ minutemen? Why did they hate vigilantes so much? I get Rorschach because he would kill people on sight but what about the others?

lots of people get their panties in a bunch over vigilantism for all kinds of reasons. with how fucking stupid a lot of people can be I kinda get it.
>OMG this guy hurt a puppy? literally burn him on a pile of tires!

Not saying they were right but the reasons were there. They caused the police to go on strike because Rorschach & Nite Owl would interfere in police business on things like the Underboss cases and actually assault them to avoid arrest. Comedian was publicly ousted as a rapist but forgiven because he'd become America's mascot superhero, Manhattan tended to freak people out and most minutemen ended up getting themselves killed when they tried to fight actual criminals with guns instead of costumed masochists.

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Not in the comics. He just goes off to fuck Jupiter

Sorry to inform you, but Rorcharch was irrelevant. He was a guy who killed some criminals. Big deal.

Do you think the world of watchmen needs vigilantes? Or do you think they are just a relic of the past that should be forgotten?

Does the director's cut reveal who that Osterman guy is?

He personifies the growing changes that arose out of the the 20th century

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Nope. It only shows a boring comic book.


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You should go watch endgame again for the 12th time to keep it at #1 at the box office

Fucking Snyderfag movie casuals.