Why is a polynesian man playing an egyptian man?
Black Adam is egyptian! Or at least of africasian origins if you want to make him black african or arab.
Why is Dwayne Johnson playing the egyptian dc villain Teth Adam?
Why is a polynesian man playing an egyptian man?
Haha the rock has pointy ears how silly
At least he has become The Spock
It doesn't make sense, you can make an argument about him being from Atlantis that's a multi ethnic society. But then he isn't what Teth Adam should be, a simple man gifted with gods powers.
Why don't make him black so he is african? I don't mind a black Black Adam (pun included) but why should a pharaoh of egypt being polynesian?
Why is it that there’s controversy when a non white character changes color, but when a European character changes color it’s celebrated?
No, Spock as less pointy ears, he look like an hobbit
The Rock looks like Black Adam
I am fuckin hype for the Shazam sequels bros
Black Adam is gonna be great.
The Rock can play:
There's probably someone who considers him white too.
It's about the look more than anything. How many swole, pre-conquest Egyptians are Hollywood now?
The Rock is ambiguously brown enough to play anything.
The Rock's dad was black you fucking retards.
egyptian is not black retard pic related are egyptian actor
Well, it's mostly celebrated by underepresented people.
For example in America the minorities are non-whites, so when a fictional character is "racebended" it give to minorites someone to look at as a main character.
Now, don't use us europeans as a race, there are white europeans and european natives.
So, there is also to say that sometimes minority characters aren't interchangeable, for example: chinese people are more represented than inuit people, so changing an inuit for a chinese is pretty bad. Samething changing a ginger, that are underepresented in media, with a black person, that are more represented than gingers (yes, there are black gingers, but then use them).
As for Dwayne, he is one of the most famous if not the most famous actor in hollywood, and he is polynesian.
We saw him many times in movies, he gave to polynesians someone to look at. But egyptian people are less represented than Dwayne, so he shouldn't stole an egyptian person's role. Because Dwayne is neither ethinically egyptian or nationality egyptian.
you are the dumbest motherfucker alive
The Rock's dad is canadian and his mother is from new zealand. look at where they intersect on the map. The Rock is LITERALLY THE MOST APPROPRIATE PERSON TO PLAY AN EGYPTIAN
Highest-IQ post right here.
This only works if the earth is flat retard
Dwayne look like Black Adam? Adam has a fucking huge semitic nose!
5000 iq post
Same reason why a P*lynesian man played fucking Hercules a while back.
Because he hates the poor and famished greek people? We're suffering here!
Don't bastardize and fetishize our ancient culture!
Samething for the egyptians!
Don't cultural appropriate already poor people!
Because fuck white people, basically.
hey it's not about white people, greeks and egyptians natives are underepresented already, but not because they're white.
It's more "fuck underepresented and fetishizeds!"
the line also cross Libya and Portugal
He's broen like the character, you should be asking why is a NIGGER playing a VALKYRIE
Why do you all say Dwayne look like Black Adam? Black Adam is supposed to be a skinny man with a semitic nose. He doesn't look like The Rock
You again? fucking autist.
because I said so
Because he draws way more dimes than any literal who egyptian
Tessa is half white, her mother is white.
So Valkyrie is narrowly white
Because he's BROWN. Now answer me, why is a VALKYRIE black?
>the rock is not a lava monster
Marvel looks cute in this
Ya'll motherfuckers do know that the Rock is half black right? Google his dad you fucking mongs.
its the fucking rock
this is such a troll thread
black adam is the rock because its cool
thats all the thinking the marketers put into the equation
not to mention the millions of people who asked for it
and the rock asked for it
so its here ???
power of social media wow so mysterious
Dwayne is brown, Black Adam is semitic.
The actress that play Valkyrie is half white by her mother side, so Valkyrie is white at last
dude, if that is the case why isn't he black black?
I don't mind a black Black Adam (pun included) but why should Black Adam being polynesian?
>Black Adam is gonna be great.
But he isn't egyptain or semitic or african, how can we forgive that without rioting?
Look, even if we ignore the true fact that Dwayne it's not egyptian or africasian for playing Black Adam, he is the last person that should play him. Adam is supposed to be skinnier that dc's Captain Marvel, and he has to be skinny but muscular, not huge and muscled
But isn't he a black african then?
Egypt is in the africasian continent.
Why isn't the actor either fully black or from africasia?
>black adam is the rock because its cool
So it's a cast more about popularity than talent?!
That's bad
Can't argue with this logic.
yes we can, that logic is made to be argued
t. hollow earther
Why was Heimdal played by a black man? He's a norse god.
Is there a White Adam? Or would that just be regular Adam?
real fucking lawyers aren't allowed on this board
big brain post
Who gives a shit, he's acting. Are you also upset he's not actually a being with god like powers obsessed with a corpse wife and just a regular human?
no one complained the first few times
Would you rather have a buff Ben Kingsley?
because jews
>you can't play a pre-op FtM transsexual unless you're really a pre-op FtM transsexual
>but you CAN play a being with god like powers obsessed with a corpse wife even if you're not really a being with god like powers obsessed with a corpse wife
scorpion king rules and I can only hope that Shazam 2 is as cool
Should have cast Fares Fares
According to Hollywood race swapping is okay if it's a black man playing anybody else
>Hey Rami, I know you just won an Oscar for playing Freddy Mercury, but we really don't want to anger 60 whiny arab faggots on Twitter by casting a non-Egyptian as this fictional comic book character, and seeing as you're the only Egyptian actor working right now, can you just go ahead and drop everything to be the villain in this DC capeshit movie?
>Oh, and The Rock was originally supposed to play this part so we're gonna need you to go ahead and pack on 200 lbs of solid muscle real quick.
>Thanks, Rami, you're the best
He already played the Scorpion King, so he passed the test
Literally it's a character, just get whoever is a decent actor to fill the role, you can larp that the rock is playing a fucking chinese guy if you really want becauseit's a character and not a real person, stop bitching about stupid shit
The norse gods in mcu are just ancient astronauts, they aren't white either
Black Adam jr is white
Black Adam is supposed to be a skinny but muscular man, not a huge man
Her mom is mexican
Tessa's mother is half white and latina, so Tessa is white at last
It's a fictional character that belong to a real life race, it's an argument say that an inhuman alien can be played by everyone, but Black Adam lived as a skinny middle eastern man and he will die as such
No, Fares Fares has to be a norse god, he is the only swedish actor in the world
Scorpion King was never good, it was an expensive B movie, and using it as an excuse it's like to say that Robert Downey Jr has to play Marthin Luther King because one he made a black face
>super "hero"
Oh, that Black Adam murdered a cop.
He is a criminal, and Cap Marvel realized he needed to be put down
>labrador sea
lmao they named a sea after doges
Something about the rock looks too friendly to be intimidating. He would fuck my shit up for sure but I wouldnt be scared in the slightest until it was literally happening.
Heroes don't kill tho
>Heroes don't kill tho
This Cap Marvel is from the golden age, before were corrected for kids. The heroes of golden age were just people that murdered nazis and crooks. Think at the Spectre, he was a killing criminals porn.
But that's not what Black Adam should be, he should look like someone regal but ready to kill
Well they should
Billy he right
How come he could have them power when they did not exist yet ???
Meant for
Uhm????? You know who Black Adam is?
>Why is a polynesian man playing an egyptian man?
As opposed to a white man?
oy vey calm it with the antisemitism
The Rock is half black
It's not anti semitism, and I don't know why you think it is. It's just a fact, Adam has a nose very common in the people of semitic origins
And so? Black Adam can be either fully black or arab, but Dwayne it's not black black
What does this means?
No, Dwayne is neither africasian or fully blooded black, so he can't pass for egyptian
>The Rock is half black
Well Teth Adam is not
Holy fucking based. Never seen that before.
I'm a Punk stan but based af.
This is possibly the most autistic thread I’ve ever seen literally who cares the movie was bad the comic was bad the actor is bad if you want your people represented make art and stop bitching about other people’s art they aren’t obligated to represent anything
He seems to have got lighter over the years. Either that or it's the lighting.
>Heroes don't kill tho
confirmed retard
>confirmed retard
About that...
literally cannot argue this level of high brained autistic logic.
Dude, literally they're changing the race of an estabilished character they created for us. We have all the rights to be mad
Reminds me why Batman killing Joke ris making Joker win?
No I don't or else I wouldn't be asking this question
The only thing I know about cpt marvel is the movie that I watched three days ago
Better than any marvel movie fo sure
The Rock has made a career trying to be Arnold and falling short. This will be a movie 10 year olds forget immediately after watching.
Oh sorry then. Well Black Adam got his powers by these gods Plus I think if you liked the movie you should try to read the Golden Age Cap Marvel, everything is awesome! Plus the Golden Age Sivana is more crazy and more willing to kill with science
But he is one of the most paid actors
>Reminds me why Batman killing Joke ris making Joker win?
Call 911 immediately; they can trace your location even if you can't articulate it.
Hard to argue with your data.
I would very much like to suckle from those juicy teats.
Yes! Joker must die now!
Don't they taste of steroids?
In 20 years few will remember his name. Very few will remember what movies he was in. In 50 years Arnold Schwarzenegger will still be recognized by his body shape alone, and his movies will still be talked about.
And why Dwayne not?
He will be remembered by memes and Fast and Furious 57
Did Dwayne really took steroids? I keep saying he did, but nobody link to a source or a proof
*50% African-Panamanian
*25% Mexican
*25% mix of English, German, Scottish, and Irish
It's a damn shame they can bastardize all the white cultures into 1 but it's ok to make sure the Panamanian is shone a light on.
The wisdom of solomon right here
Hey, Tessa is still part european native, she is allowed to play Valkyrie
He is a 50 something year old man who gobbles 5,000 calories a day and has low bodyfat. That asshole is on tren.
Dwayne is fading into obscurity now.
Why would they be black? The only time Blacks ruled egypt is when they back in and conquered it. They were never native egyptians of any sort.
OP, I don't have a problem with The Rock being cast. Not a fan but I think he's right for the role. Loved Shazam and looking forward to the sequel!!!FACT!!!
Yes, but at least they're african and is more believable than a polynesian as a pharaoh.
No he isn't right for the role, Black Adam should be a skinny but muscular man Plus Dwayne is stoling too much roles, first for greeks when played Hercules, then for disabled people in Skyscraper and egyptian role.....again!
>The only time Blacks ruled egypt is when they back in and conquered it
Blacks never ruled Egypt despite what SJW propaganda says otherwise!!!FACT!!!
white folks see him as black
But Black Adam should be either africasian or even black or arab
Just fuck off comic fag. It doesn't need to be a 1:1 translation of the comic. They need a built dude who looks threatening and The Rock could pull that off. Like I said, not a fan of the scowling meathead but in this case I think he's right for it!!!FACT!!!
>In 20 years few will remember his name. Very few will remember what movies he was in. In 50 years Arnold Schwarzenegger will still be recognized by his body shape alone, and his movies will still be talked about.
This is 100% correct. The Rock doesn't have a single iconic movie while he always comes off like a scowling meathead.
Maybe I'm wrong. I thought the same thing about Jason Statham until I saw Crank 1&2 and Jason Mamoa in Aquaman.
Could be that The Rock just hasn't had that ONE ROLE that showed off his prowess.
The other thing about Arnold and Stallone was that, although they were muscular, they both had a goofy affable charm to them while also possessing megawatt charisma.
The Rock just doesn't have that. He's someone who is always trying to come off like a badass tough guy and it's a bit cringe!!!FACT!!!
>Why is a polynesian man playing an egyptian man?
Fucking relax. It's a movie!!
Egyptian were never niggers you cuck
Because casting based on color is okay since they can pretend to be of that race. That's why Jews often play white people.
do you smell burning toast
Minorities, especially Jews, want the elimination of the white race. Anything that even looks like that goal is celebrated to them.
But Black Adam is africasian, and at least a black Black Adam is more believable than a polynesian as Black Adam.
Why they should?
Black Adam is semitic, they loose if they make him polynesian
He's not playing a Polynesian. He's ACTING like an Egyptian.
>Black Adam is semitic, they loose if they make him polynesian
Of course...
Look at his big semitic nose
Dwayne is appropriating a role made for egyptians
>Dwayne is appropriating a role made for egyptians
Please stop with this pc nonsense. You are destroying what's left of cinema.
It's okay since he looks like one.
Cause if you kill him you’ll be just like him, or something.
>Minorities, especially Jews, want the elimination of the white race. Anything that even looks like that goal is celebrated to them.
This is unironically correct!!!FACT!!!
But Black Adam is semitic, not white, he is semitic like them, what do they gain from this?
Dude, later comics paint Black Adam as a huge buff man. The one from these comics is a one dimensional evil Shazam that no one cared about until post-crisis. Rock looks like him and he' been on the role for years. Fuck off.
He's half black.
Why do everyone says Dawyne look like Black Adam when Black Adam is a skinny man?
And so? He isn't fully blooded black enought to be Black Adam
Sorry, but the fetishization of greek and egyptian cultures without giving a shit about the natives of these culture is not a nonsense
There are various versions of Black Adam drawn by various artists.
A movie about a fictional character that should represent real life people, this is real life
Why are you posting 40's Black Adam instead of the current one?
this part was perfect for a black MTF weightlifter and The Rock stole it from them!!!
>no one mentioned he was in the fucking mummy yet
Frankly, I'm with the boomer - Black Adam was better back then, when he was, you know... a supervillain!
I get it, characters aren't so one dimensional nowadays (you can identify with Magneto or Thanos for example). But fucking DC has fallen so behind in popularity, that any supervillain with a fan base gets automatically turned into a hero. It's fucking retarded.
Does DC even have any bad guys left? Not after the DCEU is through with them. Those fucktards traded in Batman and Superman for fucking Harley Quinn and Black Adam.
What a fucking joke DC is!
Without the Golden Age Black Adam there can't be Black Adam. In the golden age he had the powers of egyptian gods, and was almost invincible.
The Golden Age Cap Marvel is the one the movies should learn from, not Geoff Johns spit on the Cap Marvel comics
So make Black Adam africasian or we riot!
>"shhh... you're gonna make the DCfags cry..."
Why do we use this movie as a prove of something? It was bad, and the cast was bad too.
Based and totally agree with you!
I wish we could have villains that are still villains and heroes that are still heroes!
I wish the new Suicide Squad will make us have that vibe of beyond redemption or anti-hero or 2 dimensionals.
And should we talk about how they want to make Black Adam an hero? He is an anti-hero and a borderline supervillain
Thank you