What's a timberman want with being a wickie?

Tell me, user

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How can I dislike the trailer without sounding like the onions autist?

Looks great.

spill yer beans

eldritch horror confirmed

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tentacles! that means lovecraftian!

What's the plot? Is Dafoe secretly insane/an alien?

Just trying to earn a living, like any man.

You want to know what this movie is about? They are gay. That's the subtext. The "spill your beans" line is about one of them revealing their homo lust for the other and conflict ensues. They are gay and can't come to terms with it because it's le old timey manly man setting. They are trapped alone together and go insane because they are gay but won't admit it. That's the movie. It's A24. What did you expect?

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Here he is

Triggered like a clockwork

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It's Cthuloo! He has tentacles! I have a Cthuloo plushie under my pile of Rose Tico Funko Pops! I bet he'll appreciate in value! Time for a selfie with Cthuloo!

>Here he is

>Triggered like a clockwork

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The lighthouse is actually Dafoe's cock




just say it wasn't for you

October 18


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Y did yea spill yer beans user?

sirens n sheit

This, absolutely it is fair to identify something as something that you personally may not care for.

Why do they both have to be white?

because it's authentic 1900 Scotland

there were no shitskins there

They could have made Twilight a black guy on the run from London

No one would take a nigger on this job.

A lonely well meaning lighthouse keeper who belives in second chances might

is it available to torrent, or what?

It looked great apart from the aspect ratio. It feels derivative after The Witch.

it also takes place in New England to a back drop of mental decline
So yeah it is Lovecraftian

>know it is bad for you
>but objectively tastes like a good milkshake

This sucks. I hate protein shakes.

What's derivative about it?