Is this the most overrated show ever made? I don't think I've ever seen a show this unfunny for which the public opinion is the complete opposite.
Is this the most overrated show ever made...
Pleb status: filtered
Its good
>seasons 1-3
GOAT sitcom, but you actually have to sit and pay attention to the jokes. If you’re using it as background you won’t understand a thing, gain some ability to focus or fuck off
>Netflix seasons
Unironically unwatchable garbage
Your post actually makes you look like a fucking idiot because you've outed yourself as lacking the brainpower to understand these reddit jokes without intently focusing on them. Seems like the opposite outcome of what you intended.
It was unironically a different time. One of the first comedy shows with a continuous plot and rich in running jokes, and everyone played their parts very well. Netflix seasons are garbage, though, just like the revival of Trailer Park Boys.
>jokes are subtle, people I’ve spoken to say they watch it at the gym or just on in the background and don’t enjoy it, I tell them to actually pay attention and they like it afterwards
>LOL U HAVE TO ACTUALLY WATCH A SHOW TO LAUGH AT ITS JOKES?! That’s so weird bro and AD isn’t funny it’s reddit
Maeby's tits though.
it was never funny. it was just bitter and people like seeing people on tv bitch about stuff
Yep, you can't even green text properly. You're definitely a redditor.
OP is a brain dead pleb. Also i didn't know it was popular. I did get cancelled because normalfags don't get it. It was brought back because of fan outrage.
Just so you know in the future: responding to someone who doesn't like what you do with an insult right off the bat pretty much guarantees that you're insecure about your own opinion and are actually a little pussy ass bitch.
i thought it was funny
sorry if you didn't enjoy it
shut up cunt faggot retard
>calls me insecure for using an insulting term
>calls me a pussy as bitch
OP is confirmed fag. Move on, gents.
That's ok I've enjoyed plenty of other shows
Uh that's a no-go chief
>calls me insecure for using an insulting term
That's not what I said, but nice try.
>responding to someone who doesn't like what you do with an insult right off the bat pretty much guarantees that you're insecure
Imagine being as dumb as OP. I cannot.
Season 4-5 had a couple decent bits: ciao bella and I don't want these being my favorites
Just becaue someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you can call them a pussyass bitch. Get it together and stop being so hateful and insecure.
Keep trying
There is no try only do. You contradict yourself.
It's already getting memoryholed due to the constant tranny jokes
I love how it's both filled a lot of raunchy innuendos and dark, cynical undertones but it's also so colorful and uses very innocent gags and light comedy tone, slapstick, puns, misunderstandings, very tight and neat punchlines. Then there's all the recurring motifs, subtle throwbacks and Easter eggs. And all the different comedy styles are so cohesive and intertwined to build up crazy narratives.
The only other tv comedies I can stomach are Seinfeld, Curb and Always Sunny and they're only mean spirited, you can get tired of them quickly. Meanwhile lighter, more colorful or quirky sitcoms just piss me off because they're too normie focused, trying to make the characters endearing, and the gags aren't mean enough. AD is the best comedy ever because of this masterful mix and balance between both extremes.