Post female antagonists

Post female antagonists

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my wife

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I sometimes get the urge to vote for them just to see this country collapse and unleashing a civil/race war.

what did she do

>Vote for the enemy
Not voting against them until thier backs are against the wall to see how far they will go

The country can't be saved though, just a decade or two and minorities have taken over, their voting patterns have been the same and gibs me dats so it's just a matter of time, why not quickstart the collapse that will fuel a race war just like what happened to germany?

she made me make her a co-owner of my fantasy football team and then drafted my whole team without taking any of my input

this is my league from high school with my oldest friends, we’ve been doing it for almost 15 years now, and she just completely stole it from me

She drafted Tom Brady in the first round

i'm sorry man

Most big european cities have fallen, even some smaller ones on the outskirts have too.
Ireland, Poland, Scotland, Canada, and America are the last hope

she also won’t have sex with me anymore unless it’s my birthday

EU isn't as bad as US, although EU is heading there pretty quick even though it can be saved. US has no chance of being saved by now, lol.

Democrats will only continue getting more radical while gaining more votes because the minority voterbase keeps getting bigger, this means they eventually can go full hitler without repercussions because minorities are dumb idiots with subhuman IQ that will vote D no matter what.

>EU isn't as bad as US
You can legally defend yourself in the US, Recently some arab wiht a lot of priors killed someone in broad daylight infront of thier 11 year old daughter

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EU is in denial stance, they're trying to censor as much as they can and avoid prosecuting refugees in order to not create a "racial divide" and try to enlighten the "good refugees" which is like less than 5%. It's not working because nigs are gonna nig, eventually EU will turn into what US is today with major racial divide and voting patterns. The refugees already have started voting as a block in the EU so it's not far off.

>that episode where she and her sister keep having to kiss each other to exchange the demon
They knew what they were doing

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I wish the show was better, They have really serious moments with comedic characters and dialogue they doesn't mesh

I'm so glad boomers are gonna die soon

>thinking i'm a boomer.

If you want to live with nigs stealing your shit every day, be my guest and vote for your gibs me dats, it'll on accelerate the divide and eventually it will tip over, you better be begging you'd be living in africa by then.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Move on.

yo, fuck this bitch