Don’t know why but I always come back to Farscape

don’t know why but I always come back to Farscape
can watch episodes I’ve ever seen multiple times, yet rewatching episodes of shows like SG-1 seems like a chore

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What makes it so good?

>yet rewatching episodes of shows like SG-1 seems like a chore
Same feel. I rewatch Farscape every year, usually in january. Yet I've never rewatched SG1.

one of the things Farscape does well is that every episode has character development and minor changes in relationships between the characters
Then the vast majority of episodes aren’t so obviously formulaic, like with SG-1 you already know what’s going to happen a few minutes into the episode
The aesthetic is weird and neat and has edged well with most of the sets looking relatively high quality for the budget
just loads of things really

Can't wait for the inevitable remake.

Lexx for slightly more well-adjusted people

Hopefully it will happen after this sjw era.

I doubt we'll have a remake, though. Not normalfaggy enough.

I’d watch it but the millennium art style and Australian accents just make it and I can’t imagine a derivation from that OR artificially trying to mimic that
The series would do well in the current streaming market because there’s less demand for one-off episodes and Farscape really excelled with two or three-part episode arcs

>after this sjw era
what era is that?

Watching John Crichton slowly turn absolutely insane is extremely satisfying. Also has possible the best sci fi villain of all time in Scorpius. Also


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It's only going to get worse bro

>ywn be a class 4 security guard

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Are there season-long story arcs in the show, or is it mostly episodic? Wikipedia says it was canceled, does that mean there isn't a conclusion?
Gimme a rundown on this show too, it looks interesting but I'm getting a real sex pervert vibe from it.

Help me out bros, I need a nice long sci-fi series to watch.

If you want a new series to get into, Babylon 5.

I don't believe that. It can't get much worse than it already is. Eventually people will get tired of this bullshit, or the funding going to the companies pushing this shit will dry up, or something is going to happen that will shift the focus and attention of the people to something that really matters, and this will fade as fast as it was born.

That's what I believe, at least.

I've already seen it, it's great and I want something similar. Also considering DS9, but I'm kind of burned out on Star Trek.

It got a mini series after it was cancelled to conclude the story. It kinda sucked in execution mostly because it was originally intended to be an entire 5th season but still concludes the story well enough. It comes off looking a bit cheap and crappy but the finale itself is still glorious.
There is a lot of enclosed episodes but while they don't always contribute to the overal season arc they usually further the dynamics between the characters really well.

>John Crichton slowly turn absolutely insane
this is kinda what makes it hard for me to watch.
like yeah there are cool moments and it totally makes sense he'd go crazy. But there is just this absence of real interaction with him that makes watching him annoying.

sort of, there’s a few multi episode arcs and usually most episodes are related to each other with only a few completely standalone episodes in a season
like I said the standalone episodes still relate to the characters over the season with grudges being held or relationships changing, there’s no status quo they return to after the conclusion
The show was supposed to have five seasons but was cancelled after season 4, which ended in a cliffhanger. There was a major fan campaign and a miniseries that covered the basics of the season 5 plot concluded the show
Though as a result of this the Farscape fan base has been obsessed with a return or continuation for years though the miniseries concluded it satisfactorily

I thought this on my first watch through years ago and just saw him as pop culture spouting everyman insert rather than a character
On subsequent watches I’ve realized this isn’t the case at all and while it’s easy to focus on that part it’s really just a coping mechanism of the character dealing with such an alien life

>sex pervert vibe
That only really applies to three of the four main characters.

>ywn have pizza and margarita shooters with Harvey

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I find it more visually appealing

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>Freeze! You're under arrest. You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney! If you cannot afford one, tough noogies! You can make one phone call! I recommend Trixie: 976-Triple 5-LOVE. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?! Well do you, punk?!
What did she (male) mean by this?

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one thing were there ever a remake is I’d like to see more alien aliens to really push the humans looking like Sebacean idea and maybe go down a route with a different canon on the origin of


A remake would ruin it, though, with all the bad CG instead of the superior puppets.

Farscape a shit.

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Get frelled pally

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Jool best girl.

It's too bad Sikozu had such a shitty personality. She could have been second or third best girl. As she was she was barely a step above Chiana.

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It might be because the cast and crew just wanted to have fun in a science fiction setting.

Don’t you have some grove to fight for?

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don't know why, I can't into Farscape.

I didn’t like Jool at first but she is decent unlike the S4 added characters
Saw a post here explaining how her character fills in the role that Crichton loses after he goes insane which is pointing out and reacting to how bizarre everything is

you probably just don’t like it then
people say S1 is slow but honestly I think if you’re not hooked from e1 you aren’t interested in the premise

>[current year] Farscape
>show ends after the first episode where Joan Crichton found a way to come back to Earth