Post a pic and get a film recommendation

Post a pic and get a film recommendation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That disaster movie about tornadoes.
I don't recall the title.



When I was in Iraq I was on sentry duty one time while we were in a small abandoned village. There was this long earth mound at its borders, behind there were miles and miles of a huge wheat field. We were staying in that village for a few days already, and the first evening, we were shooting tracers into the field, setting it on fire. Shit was burning for two fucking days. Anyways, while I was on guard, there was a small tornado happening on the field, as they sometimes do in that region because there's no trees to catch the wind.
The little tornado was catching the burnt down ashes from the field, whirling them in the air, and it was moving from right to left behind that earth mound. When I saw that shit it was like a fucking jumpscare, shit looked like the exhaust fumes of a BMP or some sort of vehicle built IED that Jihadis were using back then.

Every time I see a tornado it's like I'm taken back to that moment

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i had some kids magazine in the early 90s with this pictre on the cover

I can't upload files so I'll bump the thread

damn it's just a tube in the sky. Must be a surreal experience to see it live.

I don't remember the name but theres a 90's 2000's movie about a group of scientists (?) that destroy a tornado with some balls-particles.

No you didn't.

Yes, I'm sure he just made that up so you think he's cool.

tornado hunting is kino as fuck

Something about this pic reminds me of it

Wait so was it a fire tornado?
Also any tips for taking the asvab?

You want a piece of me tough guy?

I'm not American and no, it was an ashes tornado

Shut the fuck up before I come up there you fucking coward bitch, u don't talk to me like that

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The first Blade Runner

Raging Bull

I thought about saying not to recommend me blade runner in the post but figured no one would actually be dumb enough to recommend it


That would be me then, hello dear

Yes I did, it was a series of them, one was about tornados or storms

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I see, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Blade Runner 2049 then

I know u did that on purpose but I accept your apology

Man of Steel

Abductees (mid90s Paul Vester short)

Detective Pikachu

Peaceful Warrior

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my bad it wasnt the cover but in was in this book. here it is. now stop being a fag

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In Time

Thank you.

The shrooms episode of Workaholics

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Not the same picture! I was right. Unless you post the actual page.

Men in Black

Chinatown 2: Chinatown Strikes Back



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Event Horizon


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I get what you're angling for and I lol'd

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

The Fountain

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I was going to that too, but I don't know why exactly. I guess a combination of 90s colors, possibly asian girl, and a dramatic landscape.

The Wizard of Oz.

GotG unironically

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peppermint soda
midnight cowboy

The French Connection

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Water and Power (2008)

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That one with keanu reaves and the free pizza.

Riddick series

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Come and See

green street

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Man, I love her couch

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>green street
>not football factory
Sorry, but that's pretty plebeian

Les amitiés particulières

The Warriors
The Story of the Weeping Camel
God Told Me To
Snyder should make a Gilgamesh movie

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Dredd 3D

>homeless man
that's a hipster

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Forrest Hump


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Event Horizon.

Judge Dredd

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War of the worlds

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>that airplane ad

what the FUCK??

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Birdman of Alcatraz

Passion of the Christ

>Passion of the Christ
Give me something better lad

I've seen the speech of that short haired soccer dyke, she's actually pretty based.

Das Boot


Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters


Enter the Void


End of Watch

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Boys Don’t Cry

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Ivan's Childhood
Twin Peaks FWWM

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The Wrestler


To the Wonder
The Color of Pomegranates
The Mask
Starship Troopers
The Lighthouse, when it comes out.
A Brighter Summer Day
Twin Peaks
The Spirit of the Beehive
El Topo
Knight of Cups
or Sunshine depending on what you like about the picture

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brazil was the movie i was anticipating. good eye

10000 BC
American Beauty
Black Hawk Down
The Cat In The Hat

>that shadow
it's a cardboard cutout


The Carpathian Sphinx

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Enter the Void


Stay Hungry

>fuck america, fuck white people, open borders now
Yeah, so based.

The Pianist
Black Caesar

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Yeah, based. Where's your problem, Pedro

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

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The Mask

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Lost in Translation?

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Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring

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i love seeing smol girls on tol girls

Manchester By The Sea
Blue is the Warmest Color
Upstream Color

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Eiffel 65

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They are the same height though

Cast Away

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>Twin Peaks
Already watched it, anything else?
No idea, Black Cauldron maybe?
Hard Candy.

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Alice (1988)
Pink Floyd: The Wall
Fearless Vampire Killers
Lolita (1962)

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Pain & gain

>in the direct path of a tornado one night at my parent's house
>literally 10 minutes behind me as I come home
>it's midnight so you can't even see it
>get home, try to wake them
>8 minutes pass and they refuse to get out of bed, say fuck it because they're denying reality and I get into one of our TWO (2) tornado shelters
>they don't even know what category it is because it's rain wrapped and in the dead of night
>they finally get up and slowly turn the tv on, see it's literally 5 blocks from us traveling 50 miles an hour
>they just walk in circles around the house until it narrowly misses us but we still get hit by the straight winds which knock down a bunch of trees around us and even pushed our car into the yard
>they think they kept their cool during it
>house in our same neighborhood caught on fire from a powerline falling through its roof
>this is common behavior in Oklahoma
People are so pacified they can't even tell when something dangerous could kill them, even if its right in front of them. Tornadoes are second to tsunamis in natural disasters that just piss me off when I see people die from them. You know there is this giant tube of death in the sky literally coming right at you and you just think "oh it can't hurt me." Every casualty from a tornado are people ignoring every warning and deciding to themselves that they're invincible and they'll maybe take shelter if it hits the neighbor's house. Drives me insane, especially when they happen at night so you can't even see anything but retards still sit outside during a thunderstorm to see if they can "spot it."

This is why everyone died in Moore. People with no plans. The adults were responsible for those kids that got killed.

Night of the Hunter

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Drunken Master

Spring if that pic is supposed to be comfy. Kairo if not.
Or maybe Paris, Texas. I really like your picture but I can't pin down what kind of "feel" it is
The Thing
or Belladonna of Sadness
Hard to be a God
Apocalypse Now
Stalker, or The Turin Horse

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From Dusk Til Dawn 2

Dario Argento's The Church
A Field In England

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>A Field In England
Is it really as good as people say? It seems like a movie you have to really concentrate on and I'm currently not really in the mood for that

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You don't really need to concentrate very hard on it. The visuals help carry it.

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the tree of life

Deathstalker 2

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fine choice, sir

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It's really good but like VVitch they speak in period so you'd have to pay attention to the dialogue.

Titan A.E. or Samsara

Jungle Fever

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>Felidae (1994)

I already loved kids as a child and there's a nightmare vision scene where dead cats are shoveled around by a bulldozer, that shit fucking haunted me for years. There's the memory of my father hitting my mother and my mother fleeing with me and our cats to her parents 1000km away at night, and then there's the dead cats bulldozer.



The Embrace of the Serpent

Twin Peaks

Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Ghost in the Shell (1995)
This Is England

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Spin Tube: Nature's Revenge

Whip It

>Sabrina the Teenage Witch

I almost forgot to restock my Salem folder, thank you user

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Dick Tracy

Degenerates always ruin these threads

t. election tourist

>Blue is the Warmest Color
no. Try black swan pleb nigger

5cm per second.

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Alita: Battle Angel

Taxi Driver
Pain and Gain
Scary Movie 3
Open Water

>Tokyo apartment architecture mixed with typical American ones

I dont like it


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Looks cool.

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The Cell.

Problem Wind 2

The Fall
The Vvitch

Nice try nonce

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the ritual

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I don't understand

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fucking awesome where is that from?

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Spring,Summer, fall, winter

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Ecstasy (1933)

me on the left except ass is on my face instead of shoulder

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Eyes Wide Shut

The ending shot of Immortals is similar to this
Last Year at Marienbad
Russian Ark


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I WANT TWO -snap-

pls frens

Those 4 are the best movies (that have something incommon) that ive seen past 5 years

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The Matrix.


Donnie Darko.

Pinocchio since you like dishonesty so much

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Sense & Sensibility
The Third Man
Odd Man Out
Touch of Evil

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Dead or Alive (1999)

Voyage of Time

King of New York


Night on the Galactic Railroad

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formerly wheat


Jurassic Park