Why is this so fucking good?

Why is this so fucking good?

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>Australian man attempts to be an archeologist

It's just fucking great even though I really don't think it's scary. The spider stair walk in the new version is kinda scary, but that's it. 10/10 movie still


Shit was a cultural phenomenon in 1973. People were literally fainting and/or leaving the theater because it was so shocking.

Different time, I guess.

Not as good as pic related

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Talented director
Talented cast
Great script
Great score

It's got a good balance of comedy and tragedy, and it doesn't spoil itself with unneeded exposition.

>People were literally fainting and/or leaving the theater because it was so shocking. Different time, I guess
This is a meme. The entire basis of our conception of fear in film hasn't changed in 46 years. You still see headlines about people fainting during horror films and it's all marketing bullshit that probably happened for unrelated medical reasons

No, it's obviously not a meme. Watch the video. And then watch the 20 minutes documentary that it's from, it's also on Youtube. If you seriously think "different times" is a meme, after seeing those, you're stupid.

there wasn't anything like it before so much that it started a whole bumper crop of other horror movies based on religion like the Omen most of which were really bad and forgotten

The lack of exposition and the gritty, almost documentary feel helps a lot.

What was the point of having that scene at the party where the drunk guy calls the German Nazi and the German starts insulting him in German

your headcannon doesn't overwrite what actually happened. same thing happened with alien in 1979

I recognize the statue, whats this from?

>The entire basis of our conception of fear in film hasn't changed in 46 years.
Sure, but the level of terror that we have been long accustomed to was disturbing when it was first introduced on the big scree. Maybe you should watch the video you were replying to. It kinda disproves your whole post. I don't know about fainting but these people are in fucking shock.

To illustrate that Burke is an asshole who had it coming.

I really enjoyed it. It was shocking to see a little girl telling her mom to eat her cunt. That kind of shit is metal.

It's much more rewarding when people are forced to leave the auditorium because they're hurting themselves from laughter.

>Why is this so fucking good?
Apparently his stone dick game is unbeatable

Rewarding to whom?

I mean if you make a horror movie, doesn't it speak for its quality when people regularly faint while watching it?

And when did people ever leave an auditorium because they "hurt themselves from laughter"? What movie? I really wanna see it

I think it's the acting and dialogues. It's not really scary, but all the characters are very well acted and you can easily empathize with them. I genuinely felt sorry for Regan and her mother and Karras was an amazing character.
But I think my favorite was Kinderman, all his scenes were great and often quite funny.

>I genuinely felt sorry for Regan and her mother and Karras was an amazing character

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The only horror cinema

>the only
The best horror kino by far is The Shining. It's actually scary

that's a film, not cinema

Haha benis :DDD

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The Shining isn't fucking scary

Not if you watch it on your second monitor while shitposting, no.

It's the best horror movie out there and a lot scarier than 90% of them. I mean it wouldn't scare me today, too, but that doesn't mean it's not scary

the exorcist is actually a movie about kid-diddling. remember which character dies while "babysitting" regan?

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Fuck you it's not scary. Neither is Jaws.

best pacing in a movie ever. thwatrical cut i mean

It's not, it's about possession. The big theme is of the film is how the scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists can't tell what happened to Regan. If it was just a metaphor for child molestation they wouldn't have such a problem.

What is, then? And fuck you, too, asshole

the imdb trivia on this film is a wild ride

I blame leftists for sexual readings of many films. Because of their obsession with sexuality they often read films very wrong and the directors just laugh at their interpretations (like Carpenter in Debra Hill on the Halloween commentary track).

they can't tell because they refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. remember, back in the 70's the contemporary concept of child abuse was still forming and the idea that a family friend would be molesting the daughter was verboten to even health professionals

>I blame leftists for sexual readings of many films
Sure, the perverts on Yea Forums that sexualize fucking EVERYTHING are totally leftist

regan's early "possession" matches sexual abuse and trauma symptoms pretty closely. her late possession is really about her now-warped sexuality. that's why most of the action takes place in a bed. a violently rocking bed? gosh what does that remind me of

Except both Blatty and Friedkin are clearly conservatives with obvious religious beliefs. Nowhere in the commentary Friedkin even mentions this reading.
It's a completely wrong reading.

This is the kind of reading popular among leftists, feminists and so on. It reminds me of feminist critic on some Criterion commentary who saw dicks in every object - candles, towars and so on. I think it was on Hitchcock's The 39 Steps.

It's all based on a supposed possession case. There's nothing more to it. And there is zero evidence that Burke ever molested Regan.

religious conservatives would be unconcerned with the sexual abuse of a minor? that's pretty rich, user

if you take a supposed possession case and you remove the supernatural element you're left with a clearly fucked up young woman. they don't start out that way so now you have to ask what exactly fucked her up

yea there weren't dumb as zoomers breaking immersion.

Religious conservatives who deeply believed in possession and never mentioned molestation in any of the media related to this film. Why are you ignoring the context? Inb4 muh death of the author nonsense.

The devil. The answer is pretty obvious.

>That's much too vulgar display of power, Karras.
My favorite line 2bh

It starts with loud noises coming from the attic. Then oujia board pointer moves itself. Then in the theatrical cut she pisses herself and says to the astronaut how they will die up there.

Are those symptoms of sexual abuse?

Some parts were rather silly. This entire scene was like something from a sitcom.
>what an excellent day for an exorcism

I would if I could, bitch.

Most people only remember 'your mother sucks cocks in hell' or 'let Jesus fuck you'.

I hate horrorshit and somehow this is the only horror movie that I like. It's well done, I guess, even though the whole detective plot goes by the side after a while.

Yeah, i guess because it's not really a horror movie. It's a movie with a horror setting. It's not scary or creepy, just a bit shocking. Shining is the superior horror movie.

The most disturbing part is the hospital scene.

It's even worse in HD.

>the hospital scene is the scariest part of The Exorcist. I just can't stand all that blood!

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uncontrolled bladder release is, yes. when she says "you'll die up there" she's really talking about herself getting molested in her bedroom. when chris is looking in the attic for the source of the noise it's because she's in denial that she's hearing burke fuck her daughter

There is literally a close up of the astronaut when she says this. Is this retarded interpretation from some YT video?

who desecrated the church in that film? was it Regan?

Oh boy, let me guess, it's from fucking Rob Ager?

>mfw I found out my grandparents converted to Catholicism because of the Exorcist

I don't know whether to be horrified that they took such a serious decision because of a stupid movie, or grateful that Friedkin managed to be so effective.

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no, it's just the logic of metaphor. it is in fact possible to talk about something without referring to it directly. in fact this happens quite often with things that are too awful or painful to mention outright. a true obscenity is that of which cannot be spoken

is that Ron Jeremy?

It's a metaphor that is constantly contradicted to mislead the viewer? Apparently the only people that can cure an abused child are catholic priests.


The reactions were exaggerated

right place right time

One of the best composed shots in cinema.

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