We need one more super weapon in Ep 9, JJ

>we need one more super weapon in Ep 9, JJ
>what about a Death Star but a star destroyer at the same time

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To be honest this would be a neat idea if it came out on RTJ or a videogame like Empire at War

T-this isn't real, r-right?

Palpatine opens a time portal that he uses to bring through his fleet made up of starships from different eras: clone wars era, empire era, era.

Also Keri Russel dropped Rey off on Jakku after Sheev tried to kill her. Her parents were killed by sheev

It looks like starwars rebels

The details are being leaked slowly and they’re confirmed real.

Time travel is the last thing this retarded franchise needs

This is a recreation based on leaks

which makes it the most probable possibility

It already exists, OP is retarded

>Even this was stolen from the EU

It’s already confirmed true. MakingStarWars is like 99% reliable, not like that Zeroh fan fiction shit.

forgot to add the link I guess im retarded too.

these things always beg the question why they didnt built these ships earlier?

But all your old favourites will be able to appear.
Don't you want to buy Darth Maul toys or Palpatine laugh ringtones?

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I don’t know what you mean. This is the superweapon in Ep 9. It was set up in TLJ. The first order have Death Star tech.

>stolen from canon property

>he Onager-class Star Destroyer is a specialized platform for some of the Empire’s most dangerous weaponry. The arrival of its ominous silhouette in orbit heralds a bombardment by massive particle cannons, or, more rarely, a devastating pulse from superheavy composite beam turbolasers. Its deployment in more sensitive Imperial operations can be neither confirmed nor denied. What makes the Onager-class Star Destroyer unique among the Galactic Empire’s specialized collection of ships is its special battery armament. By using its this armament, this incredible ship can perform ignition attacks beyond long range, keeping its crew safe while still wreaking havoc on enemy forces.

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Nope, but this is.

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What would happen if I hyperspaced an X-Wing through these?

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It’s cringe. Just because it was EU doesn’t make it good. And we don’t need another superweapon in the movies.

>The Starhawk-class Battleship was the first capital ship commissioned by the nascent New Republic Defense Fleet after the Battle of Endor. Assembled at the Nadiri Dockyards from the salvage of captured Star Destroyers, the Concord served as the flagship for Commodore Kyrsta Agate during the capture of the infamous Kuat Drive Yards, while the Amity and the Unity joined her in time for the climactic Battle of Jakku. There, all three Starhawks bore the brunt of the battle to destroy the remnants of the Galactic Empire. As the largest ship in the Rebel fleet, the Nadiri Starhawk can stand against any opposing force, even the fearsome Super Star Destroyer.

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>why they didnt built these ships earlier?

it would be extremely painful

More like Oh Nigger am I right? LMAO!

You're a big ship.

Holdo flying a capital ship into another capital ship was like catapulting a tank at a bigger tank. An X-wing into a capital ship would be like catapulting a motorcycle at a tank.

Yes! Finally, this is what Star Wars is about! Triangular empire ships fighting against rebels!

Now that prequel trilogy, that wasn't very good... where were the rebels and the empire? A clone army and politics, can you believe it! The force is generated by bacteria in the body! Gosh, G**rge L**as wasn't a very good director... not to mention the racism!

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Plot wise would be world breaking, cannon wise they're gonna have to be pretty big to house such a cannon, troops, fighter escorts AND not burn the troops inside when it is fired unless it was a dedicated moving gun, guessing it would be fucking expensive to build and considering the cost effectiveness of the tie fighters and (following what I know of the old cannon) may not have been economically friendly to the weakened empire (especially after the death star 2 being fucked up)

Do you know what would happen to a tank hit by a motorcycle going at lightspeed?

Did you negros not see the ships in the opening scene of Revenge of the Sith doing this? This isn't fucking new.

>super weapons in SW
i'm so tired of these, and so mad these movies have the biggest budget yet only ep III and rogue one had actual big ass space battles. Rogue Squadron movie when, I would even take something top gun style.

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Why don't they just hyperspace-ram through the entire enemy fleet before anyone can do a thing?

Lightspeed is a misnomer for hyperspace. Also, the whole plot of TLJ was that they didn't have enough fuel for another jump. It was a partial jump where she exited into realspace immediately after entering hyperspace.

Looks like an Unreal weapon.

A catapult can't get a motorcycle up to lightspeed. Learn to read. Then learn to analogy.

Which is rediculous because the reason the Death Star was so big other then being a portable fortress was to harness all that energy. If they could put the gun on a destroyer they would have built them first.

The analogy is flawed because it misrepresents what actually happens.
Learn to not be a fucking idiot.

>Lightspeed is a misnomer for hyperspace.
Right, hyperspace travel is supposedly a hundred thousand times faster than light speed when already a bullet shot at lightspeed would be enough to decimate the death star.

>It was a partial jump where she exited into realspace immediately after entering hyperspace.

That's so wrong, it's embarrassing.

Star Wars' hyperspace technology is an elegant solution to the narrative requirement for a FTL propulsion system that can't be weaponized.

Ships in Star Wars never actually go faster than the speed of light while in realspace. They use a hyperdrive to "jump" into, then move through, hyperspace; a parallel dimension in which they can travel faster than light. While in hyperspace, ships do not interact with objects in realspace, so relativistic collisions are avoided.

If a ship in hyperspace passes through the gravity well of a large object like a planet, star, or sufficiently powerful artificial emitter, it is pulled back into realspace, possibly colliding with the large object *at sub-light speeds*. This is what Han Solo was referring to when he warned Luke about the importance of calculating vectors before making "the jump".

This also justifies Han's boast about the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs (a unit of distance). The Kessel Run weaves through an area of the galaxy filled with black holes, around which ships must take wide, circuitous paths in order to safely navigate. Piloting closer to the black holes reduces the distance traveled, but is incredibly dangerous as it places a greater demand on the hyperdrive.

Additionally, it's worth noting that the defensive shields of ships in Star Wars are robust enough to render sub-lightspeed ramming an ineffective tactic.

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>what actually happens
>Star Wars

In nu-Wars, a planet with a giant cannon can absorb a star without anything happening to its orbit, atmosphere and suface.

Everything is made just to look cool, nothing makes any sense.
This scene was considered ridiculous and the main character a Mary Sue when the game was released. Today, it would be a modest display of power in nu-Wars.

Yeah, what actually happens in the fictional story, you deceptive old woman.

why dont they just hyperspace ram it?

>Rey and Kylo have a big fight on the desert planet of Pasaana. From what I know they search the wayfinder device which unlocks Vader's legacy. The scene is like in the trailer, Rey is in the desert and Kylo is in his TIE Fighter, he flies to her and she jumps and cuts his TIE Fighters wings in half, the ship crashes and Kylo gets out of it. He ignites his lightsaber and attacks Rey. Then something happens, its called force flash fight, The background changes as they fight like the bond they had in TLJ. They end up in different place from all the saga films including:Naboo, Corusscant, Mustafar, Yavin IV, Hoth and Tatooine(they fight în Lars's home). They end up back on Pasaana and then stop because the Sith Fleet arrived. That's all I saw from this fight. There is another one to the end. This fight was around 8-9 minute long, the background changed like it changed in Rey's vision from TFA.

Imagine waiting all these years to buy Star Wars, spending billions of dollars to buy it, then not having any creative ideas for it. I’m convinced there is some shady business going on behind the scenes. That’s the only explanation for them pretending to care a lot about it but not really caring about it at all.

>The last fight is on the ruins of the second death star,there they fight the Knights of Ren and The Dark Acolyte played by Matt Smith, Matt Smith's character is not a Knight of Ren. He open a chest that frees Palpatine's spirit which posseses him. He puts his cloak and we get Ian Mcdiarmed voice. He sends the KoR to Take care of Rey and Kylo as he rebuilds the second Death Star. The Sith Fleet also fights outside with star destroyers and all against the rebels. >First Order aparently joins the fight too. We get a chase in the death star and it start rising from water all by Palpatine's command. Btw, he explain that all Rey, Snoke, etc. were orchestrated by him from the force realm to ressurect himself.
In the end Rey and Kylo kill all the KoR and they fight Palpatine. Kylo kills the host but Palpatine posseses him and they get outside as Death Star 2 rises from water, posseses Kylo fights Rey but he has moment where he gwta control back and begs Rey to kill him. Kylo dies and Palpatine too. Ben is dying but Luke force ghost appears and he saves his life.

Disney, or Fantasy Flight games stole this design from a fanon ship concept, coming from the mod Thrawns revenge: Imperial Civil War for the videogame Empire wt War.

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>Time Travel
>Yet another "I can't believe its not a Death Star" super weapon
>Fucking Rey still exists

Why is Star Wars such shit??

All they need to do is light speed a medium sized ship into it

>how do we include Naboo and Coruscant in this movie?
>Just make the background change during a fight scene for no good fucking reason



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>clone wars era, empire era
Wouldn't the clones and imperial officers feel confused AF on how the hell they ended up in that time period?

I don’t care

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Except you can't get a bullet (or anything that isn't light) to go lightspeed, so that wouldn't happen. Hyperspace is another dimension.

So, essentially, not only are they ripping off ROTJ, but they're also trying to replicate Endgame as well at the last minute? They think that they have the cred to pull off a titanic climax without any sufficient build up through the years? They actually believe audiences will just eat this shit up?

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How fast is the ship travelling upon entry?

Did you miss the 40 minutes of the movie where they talk about not having enough fuel for even one more jump? Holdo's jump was incomplete.

this looks so shit compared to expended universe ships like the

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JJ is literally ripping off Twilight Princess where Zant teleports the battle to random locations and dungeon rooms throughout the entire game.

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Looks like a Turian Hierarchy dreadnought

BASED. I fucking hate dealing with foreigners online, their sentences are always massively fucked, and the grammar makes me want to smash my face through a fucking window.

>doesn't even look similar
kys retard

Based autist

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>JJ is literally ripping off Twilight Princess where Zant teleports the battle to random locations and dungeon rooms throughout the entire game.
Yes, because Twilight Princess was the first form of fiction to ever depict a villain teleporting the hero through randomized locations to fight him.
Go back to your containment board, Yea Forumsirgin.

I’m sorry I didn’t mention Jumper Hayden.

>What about a Death Star but its a ball turret

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looks cool but doesn't look like star wars.
make it look a little bit more like a fish and round and it could make for a good Tau ship

based sheev

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>The onager, also known as hemione or Asiatic wild ass, is a species of the family Equidae native to Asia.

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could've used pic related if they hadn't thrown out the EU

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not a superweapon

isn’t this from the worst EU book ever?

Normies will eat that shit up, yes, but they'll forget about the movie once they leave the kinoplex. They won't by any merch ect. It's pretty shortsighted.

Because it's the gimmick Star Wars deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll mock it, because it can take it. Because it's not our franchise. It's a absolute shitshow. A blind imbecile. A Tard Knight.

I'm just worried they're gonna somehow fuck Palpatine's character up, too, like when Yoda had the wrong personality in TLJ. Like they're going to use cackling supervillain Palpatine from ROTS instead of the more mature, confidently evil Palpatine from Jedi.

Whatever. I hope this movie tanks and takes Disney with it

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>, it's worth noting that the defensive shields of ships in Star Wars are robust enough to render sub-lightspeed ramming an ineffective tactic.
Yet it happens all the time
Bring me a hammerhead Corvette, intensify forward fire power, etc

That's illegal so no one would do it duh

TFA says hello

post the memo

learn English first ESL fag

We need a ship with the weapons capacity of the Death Star, a Star Destroyers hull, and the legs and horns of a Tauntaun.

The First Order is already insanely powerful and has all these gigantic super-weapons and endless armies while the rest of teh galaxy combined has like 50 fighters with X-Wings

why do they need even MORE stuff?

Why do they want to rule the galaxy anyway? Just to make more big space ships?

Endor in ROTJ was pretty big, you had like 30 star destroyers + 1 SSD vs. 15 or so rebel ships

there's no yuzhan vong, so no

It's pretty sad that SW ships have gotten so ridiculous they're like twice as large as even the biggest 40k ship now. And 40k ships were made to be INTENTIONALLY stupid/ridiculous

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can I learn this stuff from wookieepedia

How does a smaller version of the empire with no clear leadership and very little industrial base create something like this

Yuuzhan Vong were a masterpiece compared to disney sequels

no one cares about that overrated shit franchise on Yea Forums you queer

Based JJ retconning TLJ like a boss

They might as well say the next super ship is 10,000 miles long and all the stormtroopers are 50 feet tall.

Because disney just wanted empire vs rebels again but ROTJ had the empire lose so now it just makes no sense and disney doesn't care enough to explain anything.

The patriarchy

40k ships are still more aesthetic at least

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What does matt Smith look like before he puts on the cloak?

My guess is the true successors to the Empire are going to fight The First Order and the Ressistence is going to try and stop both.

Based Blanche



thank god EU got fucked


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Starkiller base was much more stupid than Suncrusher

FFVIII did it before your nintendofaggot shit


imagining a really cool scenario about a ship so absurdly huge and convoluted that individual settlements, cultures, and civilizations develop within various portions of its decks over time as it is so prohibitively large

They made a tv show about that called the star lost

Force use

The fuck are you talking about

Didnt they have something like this for the mmo?

Those already exist in 40k, there are entire societies in the oversized starships and the upper decks doesn't really know how many people are on the lower decks. The Night Lords have to periodically go around and massacre lower deck serfs to keep the population in line, and the serfs see them as gods and offer up their own as sacrifices

They can just immediately leave hyperspace on purpose.

Is a stardestroyer really 80% dead space that can easily be removed in favour of a mini death star?

Already happened in Star Wars Rebels.

Because how else would they destroy the right wing if the supremacy?

So...it's just a space cruise ship?

its the only thing it needs to complete the package desu

no it wasnt, nothing is more stupid than suncrusher.

shut up and buy the toy

From where lol.

Ugh, so the leaks were true

>literally a rumor weapon from Rebel flies
It doesn't actually exist though

It's so fucking ridiculous, really. The Executor was already ludicrous, but at least that was done in the heyday of the Empire. But like points out, how the fuck could they afford building and operating a ship the size of Executor AND Starkiller Base? I will never forgive this new trilogy for not even attempting to explain this.

theres a partial scenario for that in a book ive read, where 3 generation ships in formation almost attack each other

>Those already exist in 40k

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I bet you thought that was gonna kill in your head

It's a story about good vs evil. So things and ideas that are established don't matter. Because it's just a simple story of good and evil so don't worry about any particular detail. It's a trash fairy tail for dumb babies. It's a great movie.

Seriously? If they do time travel and give an Endgame-style collaboration from all Star Wars movies, it will be called the best star wars movie by normies on day 1. They absolutely will eat it up just like Endgame even though most of the movie was mediocre

I only ask for consistency within their own universe. The Death Stars were quite a drain on the Empire, both their constructions and destructions. But the Mini-Empire has an infinite wallet and endless amount of mooks.

I bet they will use time travel and at the end of the movie it'll like the sequels didn't exist at all! Then Disney thinks they can just act like they're making sequels to ROTJ because 7-8-9 cancelled itself. I'm trying to think like a jew, it's very hard.

when and how?

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well yeah they just time travel to when they had more money or goto the future and borrow from disney

>literally just a fucking tachyon lance from stellaris

SGU was dogshit.

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It was better than Atlantis.

that doesn't make sense, either you're in this dimension or the hyperspace dimension. You're never speeding up you're entering another dimension and moving through that so if you don't have enough fuel either the transition wouldn't work or a part of the ship would end up in another dimension

No. It was a terrible bsg/voyager ripoff, the second season was still shit.

why did the empire name it after a small roman catapult

is the board game any good?

This franchise got ripped aff an' nae cunt leaves this thread till we find oot which cunt did ait

>The Sith fleet is a part of the Emperor’s contingency plan that he put in place in preparation for his possible death. Palpatine wanted to have an army at his disposal to dominate the galaxy when he is resurrected.
>Snoke (Andy Serkis) may have been searching for the fleet in the Unknown Regions, and in “Star Wars: Episode 9” it will be Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) who will be searching for it. The Supreme Leader of the First Order will be searching for a Wayfinder device to locate the fleet, but he may not be fully aware of what he will be getting into. The Emperor had no interest in sharing his power with anyone.
What is the Katana Fleet?

>Each one of the Star Destroyers in this fleet contains the technology of the Death Star that is capable of destroying an entire planet, and this fleet will be the super weapon the heroes will have to beat in the final act.
What is the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer?

Weren't people bragging that Disney Wars shed all the baggage and would be really original?

Of for god's sake

they just replaced the male crew with females they work 800% more efficent

Back to r*ddit, fag.

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>Like they're going to use cackling supervillain Palpatine from ROTS instead of the more mature, confidently evil Palpatine from Jedi.
Excuse me? The people want SHEEV, not “The Emperor”.

Just heard the rumor that not only will there be time travel in episode 9, but Rey will end up as Shmi Skywalker.
Surely Disney would not be so bold as to kill Rey off as a gangraped sex slave for sand people?

So they could protect the galaxy from the Yuz-Oh wait, no. They changed that, so you’re actually right user. It really is just to build bigger ships for no reason.

>Star wars
>Star destroyer
>Death star
I almost died of secondhand embarrassment reciting these supremely juvenile terms

That's because you're a cringy zoomer

>shills continue to pretend people care about Star Wars

Not him but I enjoyed this foolish exchange

Why did they name a base after Vader's apprentice?

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Shields were down on both those Star Destroyers. Good grief, do you people even watch these movies?

What about the GR-75 splattered across the front of Vader's shielded SD?

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It's difficult these days, they edit articles to retcon away discrepancies between the Nu-Wars nonsense and the established material

What is so bad about Sun Crusher? It looks like Star Wars, it has a precedent in the Death Star, and it’s obviously more original than the Star Killer

the forge. they didnt planned it well and not wanted to rip off some old videogame so this will go unanwsered.

How about a death destroyer? It's like the death star but it puts planets back together



It's never been answered and it never will be answered. To "enojy" Nu-Wars you literally have to turn your brain off and not think about all the plotholes and discrepancies.

I remember when they announced reshoots right after that video

It was also Luke's original surname.

>I remember when they announced reshoots right after that video


There was a story like this in the old EU.

The Emperor had a super secret automated battleship that was supposed to gather scattered garrisons and unleash hell on the Rebels in case of his death, but something went wrong and it collected mostly Gammoreans. So it ended up with pigmen brainwashed to think they're stormtroopers waging tribal wars inside it. Luke also gets a ghost girlfriend in it. It's a fun read.

Are you new?

Are you Nat?

No, i'm not your e-celeb dumb zoomernigger.

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Sounds like something Nat would say to save face.

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Who the fuck even is Nat? Why do zoomers think everyone knows your dumb zoomercore friend simulators?

>he says while in a star wars thread

>Who the fuck even is Nat?
Comprehensive review of all the "Nu-Wars" movies so far. (I assumed Nat coined the term.) Good content, btw.

someone post that webm that basically confirms it with that girl seeing multiple copies of herself

These fags said this after MSW leaked that there would be a time travel element. Fuck RLM

You need to lurk at least 3 years before posting newshit.

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literally who?

You guys know why it's called the Supremacy, right?

because the first order is actually a white supremacist organization

Das rite


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MakingStarWars. a site that has contact with a leaker inside lucasfilm who leaked the entire plot of TFA 6 months before it was released, who leaked tons of details about TLJ, and who’s now leaking details about this one. He leaked about the red sith troopers months before they were revealed and he’s been leaking a lot more details this summer.

I remember hearing that TFA had the screenplay printed with red ink on black pages to make it harder to scan and harder to leak.

they’re going to be basically brainwashed by Sheev in Ep 09. they chase after the mcmuffin that will bring them to vader’s legacy that kylo wants. it’s called the “Wayfinder”

Post the full plot leaks friwnd

that didn’t stop someone from spreading all the important plot details, like han dying and kylo being a solo. a plot outline was going around like months before release

The plot leaks are all over the place, mixed with fake ones. someone made a powerpoint presentation for the TFA leaks. hope someone does that now. bespin bulletin on instagram does a pretty good job presenting the leaks. he gets reliably info too.

The sun crusher is laughably op, can blow up subs, survive a hit from a super laser and drive through a super star destroyers bridge. They had to literally drop it in a black hole to get rid of it.

what's this?

it’s a fake

The World Between Worlds stuff in the final season.

Courtesy of MakingStarWars we have new details on the Knights of Ren. I’ve marked the second image with numbers so you know which Knight has what.
• Kind of like a visually upgrade of the 2015 designs, minor upgrades.
• There are six Knights of Ren.
• Knights 1 and 2 have really big guns, they look like something out of ‘Halo’. You can see them in TFA.
• None of the KOR had big design changes but they have better fabrics, leathers and not as much patchwork.
• Knight 3 has a staff with half a wagon wheel on it but the wheel is like the blade of an axe.
• Knight 4 has a mace but has like a cobra ornament on top but it splits into three sections and has a serrated edge to it and thickens up towards the end like a baseball bat.
• Knight 5 has been seen with two weapons. One is a wrapped staff with a blade on the end like a Pu Dao. He was also seen with a mace on the end of a wrapped staff.
• Knight 6 has an oversized butcher knife looking weapon. He also has a dagger on his belt. He has sort of a cape coming from his hat to the small of his back.
• Most of the Knights’ action takes place on the Jordan planet and the action is significant. The KOR filmed at Jordan and the Pinewood sets for Jordan.
• Not KOR related but Lando is also on the Jordan planet as Billy Dee filmed at Pinewood for that planets scenes.

This is so marvelshit that it's probably true



This is why Star Wars fans are cancer

I hope you're not implying that the Disney Wars crew can come up with even a semi-decent time travel plot.

>watching movies
where do you think you are

This picture has unlocked long forgotten childhood memories for me.


Based dark siders

The whole reason why they would need a time travel plot to fix this shit trilogy is because their decision to go full "lmao let's just do rebels vs empire again" fucked them

The only way I'd be able to enjoy Episode 9 is if they go full camp, so I'm actually hoping that this is true

In reality, the FO is the largest political party in the galaxy, and control the majority of worlds.
The “rebels” support comes ONLY from the weak center of the galaxy, which was promptly destroyed.
Snake is the party leader of the Empire-Successor States and is immensely popular amongst the common people.

This fact was edited out of the movies, but solves every single plot hole concerning the FO’s weapons, structure and so on.

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>There, all three Starhawks
>all three
The empire was a galactic organization they had tens of thousands of Star Destroyers

Imagine having your billion dollar industry designed ships look inferior to fucking Icelandic video game designs

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bravo disney

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Why are soya at disney incapable of any creativity? Too much tranny injections?

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>prequels showed the Republic as being hopelessly corrupt and inefficient
>sequel EU shows that the majority of the galaxy misses the Empire
>New Republic is so incompetent that it doesn't even maintain a proper military
Are they trying to tell us something?

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>the FO is the largest political party in the galaxy,
Except that isn't true at all, the New Republic was the top dog. The FO was basically space ISIS and only gained massive amounts of political power when they fired Starkiller Base at Hosnian Prime.

This. Now that I've heard about the time travel theory I only hope it's gonna be that. It's so stupid it sounds fun. And it would probably give a lot of fanservice, which is the only thing I want from that movie at this point.
If it turns out it's not time travel and it's just a generic conclusion to the trilogy I'm gonna be bored out of my mind

Oh fuck off with your promo shit. No one wants to listen to your podcast

If you ignore the garbage exposition and just look what the movie SHOWS you, it clearly tells us that:
1. Nobody cares that FO is winning, only Senator “Organa’s” puppets care the slightest.
2. The FO has popular support, and Snake is the president of the Successor States.
The ‘new republic’ was trying to undermine the democratically elected First Order through proxy warriors and were destroyed. No body in the galaxy objected to this fact.

What Rose tells us is supporting this. The majority of the mining system she lived on supported the first order, and elected them. She was weak, and resented her new leaders.

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So I have a question about the Empire and the First Order.

Who do they rule over? Who do they collect taxes from? How do they get the money, resource, and labor to make their ships? How does no one under them just like, pre-sabotage the ships? Do they just murder everyone who works on their big weapons? Surely someone somewhere helped build the big super Star Destroy Wing Ship or the Death Star and knows what's up? Also is absolutely no one making small fighters for the Rebels?

I just feel like everything is a facade and there's no actual coherence to anything. No one in the galaxy seems to know or care about what happened in The Force Awakens, they just go about their rich people casino life, and no one is like, fleeing to the other side of the galaxy or something.

>Executioner Star Destroyer

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I can safely say that the sequels are in fact showing that totalitarian states take better care of their citizens than ineffectual liberal democracies (just look at distant and corrupt “royalty” like holdo and leia, they have nothing to give a common man like poe)
The republic. The rebels. They are all pathetic and the sequels underline this.
The empire STILL has popular support. Palpatine never left, he’s in every Imperial Citizen’s heart.

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Mile zerorh is just a massive faggoton that needs to stop repeating a video twice a day for dem ad dollars, can’t wait for that fucker to die.

I mean yeah you can ignore basically everything shown to us in TFA and insert your headcanon in a vain attempt to cover up the plot holes and discrepancies.

But the fact remains that the FO was literally a small splinter faction of the Galactic Empire until they destroyed Hosnian Prime which was where the Galactic Senate and Capital of the New Republic was located.

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wojack is a better design than disney

>shown to us
You mean exposited to us. Exposition which was (100%, I’m sure of it) edited and doctored in post to give a more “uplifting” feeling.
What is “shown” to us is exactly what I’ve written down.
Of course we arrive at the point where we have to face the fact that Disney doesn’t even know the content of Their Own Movie, but that’s quite all right.

It doesn't matter if was exposition inserted during post. It's still in the movie so it is still fact.

>Disney doesn’t even know the content of Their Own Movie, but that’s quite all right.
This is also true, and not just about their own movies. They don't know anything about Star Wars as a whole. They've proven this time and time again.

>weak center of the galaxy
Where all the people live? The most advanced planets are in the galactic center, the outer rim is a bunch of backwater colonies.

Its actually a mix between an Star Destroyer and Trade Federation Command Ship.
To give a subjective opinion on your question, theoretically an Imperial Star Destroyer would have loads of it taken up by hangers for storing and maintaining various TIE wings, ground equipment, Space-to-Ground transport of said equipment and barracks for the troops.
Its the reason why I believe it is stupid that Victory Class SD is treated as weaker than ISD, despite it making more sense that Victory would carry the same weapons loading and it being smaller is the result of just having to only carry a bunch of TIE starfighters and a contingent of Marines instead of lobbing around AT-ATs

Imperial Star Destroyers being dedicated to Planetary Assault while Victory class dedicated to Space Combat makes more sense to me than
>bigger ship stronger

They should have given the Star Destroyers to the New Republic and actually have them be a real battlefleet, not some lesbians on underpowered frigates. It would be interesting to see the familiar "bad guy" ships that everyone likes because of their cool aesthetics be used by the "good guys".
It makes sense since logically most of their stuff would have come from imperial admirals and systems that defected or surrendered. The empire over-spent on military stuff compared to what the new republic would want, let alone be able to afford to replace.
And I know there was literally zero thought into where specifically the first order came from, but how did the first order somehow get larger fleets than the new republic? The NR had Kuat, Corellia, and all the other ship-producing planets of galactic civilisation, didn't they?


Just because a line was spoken in a movie does not make it true.
We can see in Episode I that Qui-Gon calls the federation “cowardly types” and seconds later their entire ship is destroyed and the feds in effect declare war on the jedi. Would not call it cowardly.
That the exposition is so obviously false tells me two things: That people are swallowing and regurgitating pro-republic propaganda (in-universe), and that the entire structure of the movie was vainly changed in the extensive reshoots that have taken place after every sequel.
The thing is, even if you edit and edit and add new scenes, and scramble old ones, there’s still all the framework of the old movie left.

And this old movie shows us the truth, behind all the plot holes: The FO reigns supreme, and totalitarianism wins again.
It would’ve been a lot more interesting to make this the focus, instead they tried to “balance” it like all neoliberal capitalists do.

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>a white shipped called the supremacy
>destroyed by lesbian bookstore pink haired cool wine aunt
Yes, clearly the size of the ship was the problem here.

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>The NR had Kuat, Corellia, and all the other ship-producing planets of galactic civilisation, didn't they?
The explanation is that they all were secretly working for the First Order through shell companies. Somehow.

It would not be erroneous to assume that the republic Power Base was the entirety of the “hosnian” system (it was really coruscant, with a name change, just as jakku is really Tatooine after Jabba was killed).
So, five planets (might be a little more) versus most of the rest of the galaxy.
It’s no mistake that a lot of aliens joined the rebels, and we can also assume most of the ex-empire systems (human systems) already show unwavering FO support.

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Based post

Wow, they did put time travel there.
The CW cartoon did this weird thing with personified force-deities too.

>It would not be erroneous to assume that the republic Power Base was the entirety of the “hosnian” system
It would because the rebels were countless minor systems, Coruscant has been the galactic capital for tens of thousands of years, and there is celebration on Coruscant in the ROTJ special edition so film-canon.
I don't think they even made the argument that the NR consisted only of this planetary system, just that they had their entire navy docked in the blast radius of the planets (which is absurd, because the majority of the fleet would either be patrolling the outlying systems or mustered in dockyards at or just behind the border zone.) The fact that the planet(s) aren't Coruscant actually hurts the argument that that should realistically cripple the NR, because even if they lost the majority of their central government administration infrastructure and personnel, Coruscant has the lingering infrastructure from the empire and the republic (and many tens of thousands of years at the centre of galactic politics).

The minor system don’t count for shit.
The NR was a political project from senile old neoliberals that want to continue to play “royalty” in their shitty democracy. Their entire power lies in coruscant and the neighboring systems. It’s where all the infrastructure is.
Note, that the center of my argument is that EVERY other system is probably, if not controlled, then heavily influenced by the Empire Succession Political Party.
They control all the industry, all the resources because they don’t play politics, they have the people’s love, like a real fascist party does.
Also is there any argument for Hosnia not being Coruscant? They look identical, serve the same purpose and are the center of political power.

>Note, that the center of my argument is that EVERY other system is probably, if not controlled, then heavily influenced by the Empire Succession Political Party.
But this just simply isn't true, i know you're going to deny it. But everything in Canon shows us that the First Order only started gaining massive amounts of influence and power in the Galaxy after the Starkiller base incident.

The original premise of the movie may have been what you've been saying it was but things change, and Disney decided they didn't want it that way and changed it, and we are left with the shitheap of a trilogy we have now.

>The minor system don’t count for shit.
They do because they were able to compete with the imperial fleet at Endor without factoring in the death star.
I agree the NR is overrated as a political ideal, but it's just factually not true that their power base is the former power base of the Empire. The economic power base of the galaxy is the core, which the NR controls even if the territory is not their main support base. Coruscant, Kuat, all the big planets belonged to the NR, since the FO was mostly shitty outer rim systems and apparently some massive unknown systems territory with more industry than all the centre of the galaxy and old rebel industrial base combined.
>EVERY other system is probably, if not controlled, then heavily influenced by the Empire Succession Political Party.
>They control all the industry, all the resources because they don’t play politics, they have the people’s love, like a real fascist party does.
I'm not really basing my argument off of nu-EU lore outside the movies, I'm just saying the new republic has control over the industrial powerhouses of the galaxy by virtue of it being within their territory. At least a quarter is in their old rebel powerbase where the people as a whole definitely support them, and the rest is in the imperial powerbase, where if the people don't fully support them (although they certainly would have had a period where they had political control at least in the initial years after getting the stalemate with the FO), they physically control the industry

This. Hux was ranting about the NR thinking themselves safe because they held the core and had a battlefleet, the implication being starkiller decapitated the government and pearl harbour'd the fleet. Rey also spoke in TLJ of the FO taking over the "major systems" within weeks. The major systems were in republic hands, and there are no planets in old lore more major than Coruscant and Kuat, even if they make up "Hosnia"

With all the crap that has gone down with this stupid series I don't even care anymore. At least it'd be kinda interesting and make for a big shit show from rage and backlash.

Also it could open up possibilities for more movies from all the alternate timelines created when ships and people were taken from the past.

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>time travel
>new idea

segafags still seething 20 years later

That's not how near light speed works you absolute retard.

Car going at light speed would destroy Earth.

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so you sayn we some kinna

Death Star Destroyer?

It's literally the only thing that can undo TLJ. Not "fix" but undo. You can't undo TLJ without something retarded like time travel or bringing back Palpatine. Star Wars can't ever be "fixed" that ship sailed forever ago

>make EU not canon
>just use it anyway

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Which way are they pointing?

we could've at least gotten neat designs like this but they had to fuck up even that
someone post the mandator pizza from TLJ

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>The CW cartoon did this weird thing with personified force-deities too.
That was one of George's ideas, and when he was pitching it he specifically compared it to the Dark Side cave on Dagobah. It wasn't supposed to be taken literally. Then Filoni did, and had those gods do time travel shit in Rebels.

a half ton bike going even twenty times it's regular speed would seriously fuck a tank up user

>playing r*public

>when your barracks are on the starboard side and you need to report to the port side

Charitably, it could either be:
>An unfinished imperial project found later and completed by the FO
>Or, because the FO has far fewer worlds they are forced to concentrate their resources into a mobile processing center/factory ship/flagship which will allow them to rapidly exploit newly conquered territories by not having to wait for an industrial base to be captured or reestablished

>The Sun Crusher is dumber than Starkiller Base
What the fuck am I reading? Are you fucking retarded? It has all the same problems as the Sun Crusher and none of the positives. How the fuck is the Sun Crusher worse? It's a retarded attempt to make a smart weapon. It's a small ship that can sneak in and supernova a system without being detected and is indestructible, we just have to ignore they don't make more for some reason.

Starkiller Base is a retarded attempt to make a retarded weapon. Starkiller is bigger than both Death Stars yet somehow a group with at most half the territory of the Empire maintains it, the Supremacy and a fleet outnumbering the New Republics no problem. A weapon which wipes out entire stars to fuel it's main gun...which now shoots a bunch of lifeless rocks that would have died anyway because it just ate the star. The main gun literally serves no purpose. All it does is shoot niggers that are already going to die with the star gone. The gun is pointless.

I ain't even a fan of the Sun Crusher. It's retarded but to pretend Starkiller is equally retarded, let alone less retarded, is retarded.

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>Lightspeed is a misnomer for hyperspace
they're used interchangeably in Star Wars

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user I...


>MakingStarWars. a site that has contact with a leaker inside lucasfilm
Excuse me, I think you mean Supershadow

Legends already did a way better version of this

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you are gonna be bores anyway if you want camp watch the presequels you starshitter bitch none stop but still end up seeing and giving the products you say you dislike money glad to see all it took to reverse TLJ was sheev which im sure they won't butcher like han,solo han,luke,liAUGH and finn

Sounds retarded but useful if you manage the suspension of disbelief to tolerate it's existence.

Starkiller Base requires just as much dumb shit suspension of disbelief but the weapon remains useless and redundant. The gun shoots a laser at an already dying target. Remember, the main gun is powered by eating the star. Pew pewing the planets it pointless. Anyone in a ship who can get away can see the laser coming and still escape (as seen in TFA where everyone literally sees the laser zoom across the sky in slow motion) while any nigga on the ground who will get disintegrated would have died anyway when the star explodes.

that giant fucking cowcatcher though

he probably blew up a planet with his brain once

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>How the fuck is the Sun Crusher worse?
It's a ship the size of an x-wing that's completely indestructible to the point of shrugging off the Death Star's super laser while also being capable of wiping out a solar system. Starkiller Base is a retarded attempt to make a retarded weapon. The Sun Crusher is infinitely worse.

>What's the First Order's tax policy?

He warned you faggots it was important.

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>So, essentially, not only are they ripping off ROTJ, but they're also trying to replicate Endgame as well at the last minute? They think that they have the cred to pull off a titanic climax without any sufficient build up through the years? They actually believe audiences will just eat this shit up?

Are you really surprised? Abrams is a fucking hack who LITERALLY REMADE A NEW HOPE and ripped off Star Trek 2 for Into Darkness. So of course he's going to steal from the MCU and use time travel!!!FACT!!!

Who wrote this? WHO WROTE THIS?!

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They got donations from sympathizers with-in the new republic.

Starkiller was worse. The way Suncrusher worked is by detonating a sun and more or less supernovaing the solar system. It didn't eat a sun and its mechanisms mostly relied on the star itself, dodging numerous problems the Starkiller did. It even served as perfect explanation why it was mothballed. It's overkill and super-uncontrollable. It's not a precision tool capable of killing individual planets, it's whole solar system or nothing.

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The sequels are anti-democracy. The sequel trilogy makes the the Alliance pure garbage.

Because the New Republic that the Alliance built? It refused to recognize the need of a free state to defend itself via a military force. Not even a standing army -- a military force AT ALL, standing or otherwise.

See, the prequels depicted representative democracy as a force for good easily corrupted by other interests but still the least bad form of government.

The sequels and the sequel-related EU portray representative democracy as a completely ineffectual power without even the temerity to defend itself, annihilated by fascism at the push of a button. Said fascism can then only be opposed by a militant force that operates on strictly authoritarian rules of its own, where disobeying rank makes you wrong even if you were tactically correct and any officer above your pay grade has the right to yank your chain as much as they want and still be hailed as a hero.

To be more direct with what I mean -- the sequel trilogy is NOT pro-democracy and is NOT pro-republic. Its political messaging is entirely totalitarian. The galaxy will either accept the burgeoning fascism of the First Order or whatever alternative the Resistance offers (which will, given Lucasfilm's known political leanings, likely be communist). The core message of the sequels is that democracy accomplishes NOTHING USEFUL, EVER, and violence is not the last resort of patriots defending liberalism but is simply the only true form of power or influence that will ever exist anywhere.

God star wars tech writing is horrible

Its all they got user. Literally its all They have.

Miss me?

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I think you're reading too much into it. The truth is these movies are not that well thought out. They look for ways to ratchet up tension and emotion and they dont care if it makes sense.

Is this real?

It's retarded but USEFUL. Starkiller is retarded and USELESS. The main gun doesn't serve a purpose! It's there to look cool. The Sun Crusher shrugging off turbolaser fire is bad but a squad of X wings which know nothing of the target taking out a planet size superweapon with a main gun that doesn't do anything and all the retarded writing around it >"hurr I was the janitor"
Why the fuck didn't Finn mention that before?
>"Hurr I can take us out of hyperspace during past the shield but not fast enough to hit the ground"
No Han you're senile. You can't physically pull that off in time. You're moving faster than light.

I HATE being stuck defending the fucking Sun Crusher, really I fucking do but Starkiller is just completely terrible. The Sun Crusher is some nerdy deviantart fanboy inserting his retarded fanfiction into Star Wars. Starkiller is a media company doing the same thing. The fanboy is a fucking idiot and produces cringy shit but at least he's a fucking fan of the material.

>point of shrugging off the proto-Death Star's super laser
First of all the prototype was firing at half power to reserve the energy so it could fire more shots at the republic ships. Then the beam was bent and even though the gunner compensated the fringes hit the sun crusher meaning it was not a direct it but more like the sun crusher hit from the side of the beam and the beam itself still a had good portion into the black hole even with the the gunner's compensation. So the side blast(not a direct hit) of the prototype was even less than 50% that actually hit the sun crusher. And the narrator stated that the sun crusher barely survived that blast (less than 50%) and keep in mind it was hit by the fringes.

very based.

You could just as easily pick apart the original trilogy with such a fine-toothed comb. Star wars is action-fantasy schlock, not grounded sci-fi.

yes, it is actually real

Oh I beg to fucking differ. I remember the Tof. An extra galactic race of space vikings that fly in space sailboats Tresure Planet style.

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Another thing about that pic. It's what happens when a large thing drops out of hyperspace onto something. Notice how the thing coming out of hyperspace is destroyed while the thing it crashes into is mostly unharmed? Hyperspace there was its own dimension where FTL travel was possible. What happens in hyperspace mostly stays in hyperspace. Kinda like Vegas. Hyperspace ramming does the damage it ought to but so much of it is contained in hyperspace that it's useless for harming realspace things.

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hollywood should have people like you keeping the mess coherent

Looks like a stolen Mobile Suit Gundam: CCA's concept art.

Why were the marvel star wars comics so weird?

Not that guy but the originals didn't collapse under their own weight and in-universe logic.

lmao this is why the EU Was a joke.


>a prototype DS with half power managed to severely damage the SC with a glancing shot
Not the guy who wrote it but if that's true, then it means the SC is nowhere as strong as you guys are exaggerating.

Why didn't you have sex earlier?

Do not have sex.

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Sure they did. At the very beginning of the first movie, the ruthless empire let's an escape pod go because they dont read any life signs. Like nobody would possibly think the rebels were using droids? Like the empire wouldn't have protocols here? Nothing about these movies make sense when you really get to thinking about them.

How do you feel about a giant space wasp turned into a space ship?

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Because if it malfunctioned, and everyone inside is already dead, there's no reason to waste ammo. Just because they are the side with greater resources doesn't mean they like to splurge. They looked at a pod which nobody would send a droid into, over a living person, and saw everyone in there was already dead.

That's metal as fuck.

pandorum was kinda like that

No chance. Disney always double down. They'll use time travel to wipe out the OT so they can reboot it with their shit new characters, but insist it's not a reboot.

Here's the timeline of events: Vader traces a transmission to the Tantive IV. He boards the ship and is told that the plans are not in the main computer. He assumes that they are onboard somewhere and orders his men to tear the ship apart and bring him the passengers. The droids then make their escape and the gunner decides not to fire upon them. Leia is apprehended, after which Vader says that he has traced the spies to her and that she is his only link to finding the base. Vader is then briefed again, only then being told that the plans are definitely not onboard, that no transmissions were made, but an escape pod with no lifeforms was launched.

The key thing is that Vader seems to have learned of the escape pod only after the decision is made not to shoot it. As far as he knew, the plans are still on the ship, even after they were launched. Additionally, there is zero indication that there were any droids onboard, much less that he knew about them or had plans to trace them. As far as Vader is knows, the plans are just on a floppy disk or something inside the pod, which was jettisoned onto the planet to keep it out of his hands. It is only after the Sandtroopers catch up to it that they realize the droids were involved.

I think that while the leadership of the empire is arguably evil, the average person on the ship is doing a job. Blow up the pod and now you've got hundreds of metal death chunks raining down on some innocent natives. Leave the pod be, track it, and send a couple of stormtroopers to check it out after it touches down harmlessly in the desert. They never say they don't monitor it from orbit which they must have since they clearly have no trouble finding it, just the droids that climb out since they'd be difficult to track from orbit. And even then those droids don't make it far, getting taken by jawas who were later shot by the empire and then the empire traced all the way to luke's farm.

And what exactly is your rank at whichever strategic command at whatever branch of whatever armed forces you serve under? Star Wars is not sci-fi and it never tried to be.

They have enough fuel for another jump, but they know they'll just track them again.
If they jump they'll run out of fuel right after and will be sitting ducks.
They literally explain it in the movie, which is still shite.

It's really what they should have done in ROTJ or even Force awakens.

too much like Endgame, disney wouldn't approve this

halo still has the best ships

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All I know is if I'm Vader and I'm led to believe a mcguffin I need is on a specific ship, and that ship shoots an escape pod off, that pod becomes just as valuable to me as that ship and is immediately tracked and recovered.

t. lil zoom

Bullshit Jason. No one believes you.

It's watching the movie and knowing the order of events there. Nothing more. They checked the ship itself and the passengers before learning there weren't any transmissions and that the escape pod was launched.

It's just logistics. Lasers cost money and one less laser saving money, however small the amount.

If you were Vader, you would only discover this after searching the entire ship. And Vader did order it to be tracked.

Lmao. How much money you think the evil empire might be willing to expend to secure the safety of their obscenely powerful and expensive military platform/super weapon? Maybe as much as one tracking team?

>high-ranking officers can't make bad calls
ah, so MacArthur's entire existence was just a fever dream after all

They did. Some imperials didn't even think those plans were worthwhile. The guy choked by vader thought an attack was useless no matter what tech data the rebels got.

It's not that it was just a bad call, it's that no reason was provided. If Wars was Trek and trying to do sci-fi, they would have thrown in a line about how all the fucking sand on Tatooine was fucking with their subspace sensors. Star Wars is not sci fi.

>If Wars was Trek and trying to do sci-fi, they would have thrown in a line about how all the fucking sand on Tatooine was fucking with their subspace sensors. Star Wars is not sci fi.

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he says the fucking reason; there are no living things on board, therefore there is no reason to fire at it
it's perfectly believable that it simply didn't occur to him that the rebels would just jettison the plans so important to them in an empty pod, much less on droids, and rightly so since it's a near miracle they get off the planet, which the empire has under control
bear in that clone wars being against droids isn't a thing there so he really had no particular reason to think of that