FACT: Leftist comedy is dead

FACT: Leftist comedy is dead.
Right wing comedy is booming.

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No they aren't and no they're aren't.

I don't know if I'd say they're getting better at comedy, but this particular video was a great redpill moment. She puts out a video where she's pretending to interview AOC and her answers are making her look stupid. Everyone understands this kind of comedy. Colbert does it, Weird Al used to do it. It's obvious that it's a joke. But then Buzzfeed and the Washington Post pretended they were exposing fake news by telling people that the video is "doctored" and they were never actually in the same room :o

You eventually realize that these people are either unfathomably stupid, or they're lying, and I don't think the people who write for The Washington Post are stupid.

Sorry snowflake but it is true


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How can you make people laugh when your ideology says:

>No body shaming
>Rape is never funny
>Racism is totes uncool
>Laughing about retards is sick
>50/50 sex representation, meaning bad female comics get to take to the stage

Whereas on the oppressive right, oddly:

>If it makes people laugh...

>He likes political comedy

Attached: lol, look at the retard.png (704x528, 473K)

right wing comedy is just looking at leftists, that's why they barely make any content

Cringe and gaypilled

Post some famous epic right wing comedy bro


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Yea Forums

Owen Benjamin, Sam Hyde, Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder and Soph (LtCorbis)

Yea Forums itself

>owen benjamin

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Paul Joseph Watson plagiarizes neo-Nazi propaganda and replaces "Jews" with code words.

None of them are funny with the exception of Sam

The Daily Shoah

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Some of those weird al interviews were pretty great

you know what im saying

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.

>Right wing comedy is booming.

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Even Sam is hit or miss, but at least he can be funny sometimes. The McInnes videos with Coppercab were good, but everything else he does is pretty boring. Never seen Crowder or Soph. Benjamin's comedy is painfully unfunny.

This is my favorite pasta

I know what you're saying.


update your channel more if you’re going to shill

This is peak right-wing comedy

I love Gavin McInnes.

Owen can be naturally funny in his delusional rantings, but only half intentionally.

/pol/ overstepped. They started shitting on things Yea Forums always enjoyed like video games, asian women, and anime.


it's a podcast you autist

Oh yes, the famous comedy rightwing is known for..
Tim Allen
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
Jeff Dunham
The list goes on

fuck off redditnigger

>Owen Benjamin
Stop posting cringe, faggot

And porn.

Right wing comedy is still shit. It’s just that leftist comedy has gone to shit, so it looks a little better than it used to be.

You can’t be funny when you’re so desperate to avoid punching down that you don’t punch at all.

only two names I recognize are people I think are cringey shitheads. Sam Hyde and Steven Crowder. Look, I'm a centrist, so when I say that they're cringey I mean it. No political agenda behind it, no forcing myself to like things because they're a part of my ideology.

Those people aren't right wing.

Norm MacDonald
Bill Burr
Louis CK
Anthony Cumia
Patrice O'Neal

because the kind of conservative that reposts retarded facebook memes everywhere would believe these interviews are real simply because the video supports what they already think about the interviewees

The american "culture wars" are tedious.

>I'm centrist
I read that as "I'm mentally handicapped"

Corbis is cringe and Benjamin, Crowder, and McInnes are boomer-tier. Sam Hyde’s funny though.

Can't name one Left Wing Comedian. All the funny people hate the Left now because they try to cancel them

That's been the case for years now. Leftists/neolibs are whiny, hand-wringing faggots, so insults/criticism mean nothing coming from them. Talking about how gay and mentally ill the Left is, on the other hand, can be extremely funny.

>Being a self-admitted centrist
Gayest thing I've read all week

How is it her fault if some absolute retard can't tell it's a joke? She has to explain it?

And furthermore I don't think that's even true. That particular interview was very widely seen on right wing media because AOC came across very poorly in it. Most people who follow CRTV had already seen the real version anyway.